The New Symptom

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Hearing the front door open, followed by the sound of footsteps, Dr. Iplier leaned out of the sick ward, letting out a sigh of relief. Wilford looked up, licking an ice cream cone as he strolled past and headed upstairs.

Shaking his head, the doctor turned back to Dark who was holding a few plastic bags, and Anti, who was wearing a black baseball cap that read, 'I Probably Hate You'. "Where did you go?" Dr. Iplier grunted.

Dark shrugged his shoulders. "We were not far. No one-"

"Does it matter?!" Anti cut him off with a giggle. "We're back." He crossed the room and leaned in close to Dr. Iplier, snarling. "We all know neither of you are real doctors. If we want to leave, we will." He shrugged, heading upstairs.

Dark walked closer, watching Anti go before he turned back to Dr. Iplier. "No one was showing any signs of illness. Will needed to stretch his legs-"

"I AM a doctor." Dr. Iplier grunted.

Dark sighed heavily. "Yes."

Pointing to the bags Dark was caring, Dr. Iplier sighed. "Where... did you go?"

"The corner store." Dark explained. "We got snacks and some novelties. Some things that will amaze the Jims, and keep Will entertained for ten minutes."

Dr. Iplier slowly nodded. "Please, just stay here."

Dark smiled. "I am honoring your wishes for me to stay here, because I want you to help the others. If I feel it is in my best interest to leave this mad house, then I will." He stated, before heading for the stairs.

"Which is why I said please!" Dr. Iplier called after him.

Dark looked over his shoulder. "We will see.", and with that he disappeared up the stairs.

Dr. Iplier sighed, heading back into the sick ward, raising an eyebrow as he noticed Marvin sitting up and pointing across the room. Turning to look, Dr. Iplier ran to King's cot, as the man squirmed in his bed, fighting with the blankets. "King?"

Letting out a whine, King stopped fussing, looking up at him sleepily. "I'm hot."

Dr. Iplier laid a hand across the man's forehead, nodding. "Yes, you are." He sighed, helping to pull the covers off of him. "You need to rest."

"Resting is lame!" Yan cried out.

Dr. Iplier groaned. "But Senpai wants you to rest."

"So?" Yan muttered.

"So..." Dr. Iplier froze, then frowned, looking over. "Don't you want to make Senpai happy?"

Yan shrugged his shoulders. "I don't care."

Frowning, Dr. Iplier left King's side and walked to Yan's cot. "The only thing you care about is your Senpai..."

Yan tilted his head. "That sounds stupid."

Dr. Iplier nodded, slowly leaving the room. As he got to the hallway, he quickly dashed into the office, shaking Dr. Schneeplestein. "Vhat? Vhat!" The good doctor huffed.

"It's worse." Dr. Iplier whimpered.

"Vhat?" Dr. Schneeplestein sighed sleepily, rubbing his face with his hands.

"Yandereiplier doesn't care about his Senpai!" Dr. Iplier frowned.

Dr. Schneeplestein sat up, slowly putting on his glasses and glared at the other doctor. "You voke me up... for zhis?"

Dr. Iplier nodded. "Don't you get it?"

"You are a nutbar?" Dr. Schneeplestein shrugged. "I get zat."

"It's like if King didn't care about squirrels... like if the Jims didn't care about the news..." Dr. Iplier sighed, trying to figure out how to reach Schneep. "If you didn't want to be a doctor!"

Dr. Schneeplestein narrowed his eyes. "I am a doctah. Ze BEST doctah.

Dr. Iplier nodded. "And if you suddenly didn't want to be?"

Getting to his feet, Dr. Schneeplestein sighed. "Yeah... yeah. Zat vould be bad. So zhis crush, is his whole deal, yeah?"

"It's everything to him." Dr. Iplier nodded. "And now it's like... he couldn't care less."

"Apathy." Dr. Schneeplestein sighed. "Zat is a new-"

"I think it's more than that." Dr. Iplier frowned. "I don't think you understand-"

Dr. Scheneplestein pushed Dr. Iplier out of the way as he began to leave the office. "You are blowing zhis out of proportions. Easy mistake for a bumbling idiot."

Dr. Iplier glared after him, before finally following, curious to see exactly what the other doctor was up to.

Meanwhile Dark was watching as Wilford and Anti dug through the bags, the Jims filming it like it was a haul video. Grabbing a pack of mini brownies, Anti laid down on a bed, stretching out his legs as he tore open the bag with his teeth and started shoving brownies in his mouth.

Wilford glanced over at him, before looking back to the bags and pulled out a yo-yo with flashing lights. "Watch this." He grinned, as the Jims gasped excitedly, while he attempted to walk the dog.

Dark sat down, leaning his head back and sighed. He wasn't willing to admit he was feeling a little winded. That could mean he was sick, and he certainly wasn't sick. This was just a side effect of being an amalgamation of broken parts, and having Anti wear on his very last nerves. That was all.

Dr. Schneeplestein leaned down to place his stethoscope on Yandere's chest, though the man rolled out of the bed to avoid it. "Schisse!" The good doctor hissed.

"Yan..." Dr. Iplier sighed, walking around to help him up. "He just wants to listen to your heart."

Yandereiplier leaned into Dr. Iplier heavily. "I'm tired."

"I know." Dr. Iplier frowned, sitting him down on the cot. "So stay in bed."

Turning his head, Yandere glared at Dr. Schneeplestein before looking back to Dr. Iplier. "I don't like him."

Dr. Iplier shrugged. "Hey, I don't either, but he's trying to help... I think."

"Vhat is zhis insubordination in my hospital?" Dr. Schneeplestein muttered.

"You're the one who keeps calling ME an idiot!" Dr. Iplier huffed.

Yandereiplier looked between them, then sighed. "Where's Wilford?"

Dr. Schneeplestein furrowed his brow. "Vhy?"

"He likes Wilford." Dr. Iplier sighed. "They share a love of stabbing things. Yan... you can't see Wilford right now, he's not sick, and you are."

"Is Wilford his Senapi?" Dr. Schneeplestein sighed.

"Ew! No!" Yanereiplier muttered.

"Who is your Senpai?" Dr. Iplier tried.

Yandere shrugged his shoulders. "Does it matter?"

"Does anything matter?" The Host questioned.

"No." Marvin sighed.

Dr. Schneeplestein groaned, turning around. "Ze apathy is spreading..."

Dr. Iplier cringed. "Host?... Don't you mean something like... " He took a deep breath, putting on his best host impression. "And then the Host said that nothing mattered." He sighed. "Or something?"

"No." The Host responded simply.

Shaking his head, Dr. Iplier frowned, turning to Dr. Schneeplestein. "This is not just apathy! These are major personality changes. It's like..." He pointed to Marvin. "That one's a magician right? It's like if he didn't care about magic anymore!"

Marvin tilted his head. "Why would I care about magic?"

Dr. Schneeplestein stalled before looking over. "Marvin?"

"Ha!" Dr. Iplier clapped his hands. "Now you understand!"

Sighing, Dr. Schneeplestein slowly walked across the room. "Marvin, you love magic."

Marvin slowly shook his head, his mask catching against the couch. Grunting, the magician pulled the mask off and let it fall to the floor, more comfortably resting his head down again. Dr. Schneeplestein's eyes widened and he leaned down, scooping up the mask. "I am sure you did not mean to drop zhis..."

"It's uncomfortable." Marvin whined.

Dr. Schneeplestein nodded. "But it is your mask... I am sure you still vant to keep it close."

Dr. Iplier sighed, tucking Yandereiplier in, as he let Dr. Schneeplestein come to the serious implications of it all, on his own.

Marvin yawned, sleepily looking up at the doctor. "I don't need that thing."

Dr. Schneeplestein looked down at the cat mask in his hands before turning to Dr. Iplier. "Ve must check on vard three."

Dr. Iplier sighed, nodding his head. "That's a good idea." He reluctantly left Yandereiplier, heading upstairs with Dr. Schneeplestein on his heels. As they walked into the room, everyone was pretty much in the same positions that they had last seen them. "Bim, what's your favourite game show?"

"I'm contractually..." Bim yawned, shifting in the chair. "... obligated to say Hire My Ass."

Dr. Schneeplestein leaned down next to Jackieboy Man who was on the floor, still holding Marvin's mask. "You are still a hero, yeah?"

Jackieboy sighed. "Not really..."

The doctor cringed. "You do not vant to help people?"

Eyes widening, Jackieboy turned his head to stare up at him. "Of course I do! There's just not a whole lot I can do right now... I can barely stand up." He muttered.

Dr. Schneeplestein let out a relieved sigh. "I know. Ve vill fix zhis." He promised, looking up to Dr. Iplier.

"Ed, what's your goal in life?" Dr. Iplier tilted his head.

Ed shrugged his shoulders. "Heck, I dunno. Makin' money?"

Dr. Iplier sighed, smiling. "Things seem ok in here."

"What do you mean in here?" The Silver Shepherd looked up at him. "Where are things not ok?"

Jackieboy frowned. "Yeah, why do you have Marvin's mask?"

The doctors looked at each other and Dr. Iplier cleared his throat. "We're just... checking on your memories. Don't worry about it."

"Yeah, yeah." Dr. Scheneplestein stood up. "Memory issues." He looked at the mask in his hands. "Marvin... fell asleep vith zhis on. I didn't vant it to hurt his face. I'll take it back before he vakes up."

"You better." Jackieboy closed his eyes. "You know he doesn't like to be separated from it."

Dr. Schneeplestein nodded, fidgeting with the mask in his hand as he left the room, Dr. Iplier slowly following as he pulled the door closed. "At least it hasn't reached them yet."

Dr. Schneeplestein nodded, as he wandered down the stairs in a bit of a haze and disappeared into the office. Sighing, Dr. Iplier made his way back into the sick ward, giving the other doctor some time with his thoughts.

Mark was tapping his fingers on the arm of the couch and Amy sighed, watching him. "Are you alright?"

"I'm just waiting for the call from the police." He muttered in response.

Jack nodded. "Maybe we should try calling the doctors?", he offered. Mark sighed, pulling his phone out and dialed the number.


"Dr. Iplier? Any word from Dark or Will?" Mark shifted.

"Ohhh..." Dr. Iplier sighed, walking out of the sick ward so as not to disturb the patients. "Yeah. They came back... at least half an hour ago. Apparently they went to the corner store."

Mark stared at the wall in silence a moment before letting out a grunt. "Why didn't you tell us that?"

Jack glanced at Amy with a smile. "His alters have his bad habits huh?"

"What do you mean?" Amy turned to him.

"None of them can answer messages..." Jack smirked.

Mark held a hand out, with his finger pointer up to Jack who chuckled, leaning back in his seat. Dr. Iplier sighed. "I'm kind of busy here."

"Well, do you need us to come help out?" Mark asked, sitting forward, and Jack frowned, squirming in his seat.

"Is everything ok?" Jack asked but Mark just waved a hand at him.

"Uh..." Dr. Iplier looked towards the office door and sighed. "Maybe."

Mark nodded, getting up. "Alright. We'll be over in a bit." He promised as he hung up, looking to Jack. "They showed up again, but they sound kind of swamped over there..."

Jack stood up, stretching, and sighed. "We should go."

Amy looked between them. "Do you think I should come?"

Mark shook his head, leaning down and kissed the top of her head. "Stay here with the dogs. I don't think it's anything we can't handle." Jack nodded, giving her a smile and then a wave as he followed Mark out. Sighing, Mark lead Jack to the car. "I don't like dragging her into this stuff more than I have to." He glanced at Jack. "It's all kind of..."

"Crazy?" Jack shrugged.

Mark nodded, getting into the car and buckled himself in as Jack got in the passenger seat. As they pulled up to the house, Mark sighed. "Well, the place isn't on fire yet at least."

"Just wait for it." Jack grinned, getting out and stretched.

As they made their way inside, they glanced into the sick ward, seeing Dr. Iplier sitting on the edge of King's bed. "Do you remember the squirrels?"

Mark frowned slightly, stepping into the room. King sighed softly. "I remember."

"But you don't miss them?" Dr. Iplier asked, writing on his clipboard.

"Am I supposed to?" King asked.

Dr. Iplier glanced down at him, then shrugged. "I don't know."

Mark cleared his throat. "King? Are you ok?"

King shifted, looking over at Mark. "Hi."

Mark smiled, making his way to the bed side. "You feeling alright?"

Shrugging, King yawned a little before he answered. "Dr. Iplier seems worried." Shifting, he leaned forward, clawing at the blankets. "I'm cold now."

"Dr. Iplier is a little worried." Dr. Iplier muttered, as he pulled the blankets up and tucked them around King.

Mark frowned. "Why are we worried?"

"King... you wanna smear peanut butter on your face and let squirrels lick if off?" Dr. Iplier sighed.

King shifted a little. "Why do you keep asking me that?" He whined. "I already told you... it sounds messy... and I think the squirrels would bite me."

Mark's eyes widened as he looked up at the doctor. "So, we're a little worried." Dr. Iplier sighed.

King stared up at Mark. "I don't understand."

"That's... ok." Mark said, patting King's shoulder, before he looked up to the doctor again. "Is it-"

"Marvin?" Jack slowly crossed the room as Marvin looked up at him from where he was draped over the arm of the couch. "Where's your mask buddy?"

"I don't know." Marvin muttered.

Frowning, Jack shifted. "You want me to help you find it?"

Marvin shook his head. "I don't care. It was really uncomfortable."

Crouching down so he could look him in the face, Jack's frown only deepened. "I know it wasn't the most comfortable thing... but you haven't let it out of your sight the entire time I've known you. You don't care where it is at all?"

Marvin shrugged. "Not really."

Mark frowned, watching the interaction before turning back to Dr. Iplier. "How many are like this?"

Dr. Iplier motioned to the room. "Sick ward. Well... it's hard to tell with the zombie honestly, but everyone else in here."

"Where is Schneep?" Jack asked, getting up.

Dr. Iplier shifted, glancing towards the office door nervously, then back to him. "He's just... taking a little break."

Jack frowned. "Is he alright?"

"Yeah... yeah he's fine." Dr. Iplier nodded, clutching his clipboard.

Mark and Jack exchanged looks before Mark sighed. "Can we talk to him?"

Dr. Iplier cleared his throat, staring at his clipboard. "Talking to me isn't enough?" He finally came out with, looking up at them.

Mark sighed. "Doctor? What's wrong?"

Dr. Iplier sighed. "He just... needs some time."

"Is he sick?" Mark frowned.

"No." Dr. Iplier shook his head, glancing towards the office, then headed to the kitchen, motioning for Mark and Jack to follow. "He just... seemed upset after Marvin gave up his mask and said he didn't care about magic."

Jack frowned. "He doesn't care about magic?"

Dr. Iplier nodded. "I was just giving Schneep some time to collect his thoughts."

Mark nodded, glancing at Jack before looking back to the doctor. "That's alright. Why so reluctant to tell us that?"

Sighing, Dr. Iplier shrugged. "I've... never seen him rattled before. I didn't think he'd want anyone to know about it."

With a sigh, Mark placed his hand on Dr. Iplier's shoulder. "Ok. That's fine. Uh... what else has been going on around here?"

Dr. Iplier sighed. "Dark, Will and Anti are back... I haven't checked in on them in awhile. Would you guys mind?"

Mark nodded. "Yeah, we can do that."

Jack sighed. "I might check in on Schneep actually. See how he's holding up."

Swallowing hard, Dr. Iplier shook his head. "I don't think that's a good idea."

As Jack moved to respond, Mark gently tapped his arm, motioning the man towards the office as he back turned to Dr. Iplier. Nodding his head, Jack headed to the office and Mark smiled at the doctor. "It's like me coming to talk to one of you guys, remember? The only one of you guys I can't talk to is Dark, right? Because he's not supposed to trust me."

"I guess." Dr. Iplier sighed.

Nodding his head, Mark smiled. "Trust that Jack knows what he's doing." He promised, before heading upstairs. Dr. Iplier glanced back at the office, with the door now open as he made his way back into the sick ward to continue his talk with King.

Jack walked into the office, just taking in the scene at first. Dr. Schneeplestein was sitting on one of the cots, just holding Marvin's mask in his hands, staring at it. His surgical cap was sitting on the bed beside him and his glasses were hanging off his scrub pocket. "Doctor?" Jack said softly.

Looking up Dr. Schneeplestein sighed. "I don't understand vhat's vrong vith zem."

Jack nodded a little, making his way over and sat down. "I know. It's ok. I didn't expect you to figure this out over night. No one did."

The doctor frowned, brushing his thumb along the cat mask. "Vhat if... I can't figure it out at all?"

Jack took a deep breath. "I'm... not entirely sure you can." Dr. Schneeplestein looked up at him, eyes wide and Jack forced a small, awkward smile. "I mean, I wouldn't have flown everyone here if I didn't think you had a shot. You're our best hope at getting to the bottom of this... but I'm not assuming you can do it. I want to support you, but not if it's putting too much pressure on you." He put his hand on the doctor's arm, squeezing gently. "We just want you to try your best. That's all."

Dr. Schneeplestein swallowed hard. "If ve don't do somezhing... I zhink ve may lose zem."

Jack frowned. "I was hoping you wouldn't say that."

"Zhey are losing who zhey are..." Dr. Schneeplestein shook his head. "Zat could mean brain damage... or... I don't know! I have never seen anyzhing like zhis..."

Jack slowly nodded. "We... have to keep a positive attitude here." He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "You can save them." He grinned, then slowly let it fade. "And if you can't... we'll deal with it as it comes."

Dr. Schneeplestein nodded a little, looking down at the mask and then thrust it into Jack's hands. "I don't vant zhis."

"I'll hold onto it." Jack nodded, sighing as he took it. Then he took a deep breath. "How are things going with Dr. Iplier?"

"He's an idiot." Dr. Schneeplestein muttered.

Jack shook his head. "You know... he tried really hard to avoid telling us you were upset, because he didn't think you'd want us to know about it."

Dr. Schneeplestein lifted his head. "He vhat?"

Jack nodded, getting up. "He was trying to protect you... in a way he thought you wanted to be protected. Maybe if you stop calling him an idiot, he could help you."

Dr. Schneeplestein sighed. "I guess... he vas ze first one to notice ze new symptoms."

Jack smiled. "So you can give him a chance?"

Sighing, Dr. Schneeplestein stood. "I am not a child."

Throwing his hands up, Jack stepped back. "I'm not trying to treat you like one."

"I am a doctah." Dr. Schneeplestein declared.

Jack nodded his head. "So is he."

"I vill try." Dr. Schneeplestein sighed.

"Thank you." Jack gave him a smile, before stepping out of the room. "I'm gonna go help Mark check on the rowdy bunch."

Dr. Schneeplestein just nodded, and then pulled his medical cap on, before putting his glasses on. Then he slowly made his way over to look into the sick ward, watching Dr. Iplier talking with King.

When Jack found Mark, he was standing in the doorway of ward one, just watching. Dark was sitting on one of the beds, with his legs stretched out and hands folded in his lap, his aura flickering around him as he also watched. Anti was on the other side of the room, still wearing the base ball cap from earlier, with an assortment of candy bags around him, giggling as he threw candy, watching as Wilford tried to catch it in his mouth.

Meanwhile, Jim was laying on the floor, the other Jim laying across from him with the camera trained on him. "Ok... shhh..." Reporter Jim hushed the camera. "Will Jim receive many riches from the strangers who contact him by email?" Jim asked before shaking a magical eight ball. He gasped, showing it to the camera. "Signs point to yes! The magical ball of answers has spoken, Jim!"

Mark looked over at Dark, pointing to the Jims. "They don't have access to any of my information right?"

"No more than the general public does." Dark commented.

"Good." Mark nodded. "Good."

"Does Dark have access to your information?" Jack cringed.

Mark sighed, shrugging his shoulders. "Google has literally everything, and he likes Dark more than me. There's not a whole lot I can do about it."

Dark just smirked, turning his attention back to Wilford and Anti as Jack slowly nodded. Jack leaned into the room more, watching Anti. "Does he have a hat on?"

"Mhm. It says I probably hate you." Mark chuckled.

"Sounds about right." Jack nodded, then sighed. "I don't know if I like that he's getting along with Wilford."

"Yeah..." Mark nodded. "Not crazy about it."

"Would you rather they not get along?" Dark turned to them.

Mark groaned. "Hm..."

"I actually don't know." Jack sighed.

Downstairs, Dr. Iplier was still writing notes on his clipboard. "Do you remember who Mark is?"

"He's here." King shifted, looking around before he stopped, staring at Dr. Schneeplestein, who was still hovering in the doorway.

"He's upstairs." Dr. Iplier explained before looking up and saw the other doctor. "Oh. Hey."

"Can I talk vith you a moment?" Dr. Schneeplestein asked.

Nodding, Dr. Iplier got up. "We'll finish this in a little while." He promised King before following Schneep into the hall.

Dr. Schneeplestein waited until Dr. Iplier's attention was focused on him and then he cleared his throat. "I am used to working alone."

"Yeah." Dr. Iplier nodded. "And?"

Dr. Schneeplestein huffed. "I... may have been ze little bit... harsh vith you."

"May have been?" Dr. Iplier chuckled. "A little bit harsh?" He crossed his arms. "I sort of it get it when every other thing out of my mouth is about how someone is dying... but you called me an idiot when I came to you with new developments. Massive developments!"

Sighing, Dr. Schneeplestein nodded. "I... I am..." He cleared his throat. "I am sorry."

Dr. Iplier rose an eyebrow. "You don't apologize for your actions much, do you?"

"Vhy vould I?" Dr. Schneeplestein grunted.

Nodding, Dr. Iplier smiled. "I'll take it."

They both turned around as Mark and Jack made their way back down the stairs. "They're surprisingly calm up there. Anything else we can help with?"

Dr. Iplier nodded his head and made his way forward to explain what else needed to be done. Over the next few hours, Mark and Jack helped to make food and get everyone fed, then cleaned up a little before they left, promising to be back the next day.

The doctors continued to study those in the sick ward closely, as well as those in ward three, checking on the others when they could, working well into the night, until Dr. Iplier nearly collapsed and Dr. Schneeplestein had to force him to sleep.

Unfortunately, they didn't feel any closer to figuring out what was wrong.

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