Not Enough Beds

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Mark knocked on the hospital house's door before letting himself in, Jack following along behind him. "Doctors?" Mark called out, before Jack smacked his shoulder.

"Some of them are probably sleeping. It's still kind of early." Jack scolded. "And they are sick."

Mark shook his head. "Sure thing, doctor Sean."

"Uh, it's Dr. Septiceye." Jack smirked.

"You're not starting vith zhat again, are you?" Dr. Schneeplestein growled as he stepped into the hallway. "Because ve had ze talk about zhis, didn't ve Jack?"

Mark chuckled. "Called out."

Jack glared at Mark before he sighed, deciding to change the subject rather than risk setting off the good doctor. "How is everyone?"

"As good as can be expected." Dr. Schneeplestein answered vaguely. "Ve are running some tests in ze sick vard today, so if you two could take care of ze vards upstairs, zhat vould be vunderbar."

"What kind of tests?" Mark asked.

"Doctor tests." Dr. Scheneplestein muttered. Mark and Jack exchanged a skeptical look and the good doctor cleared his throat. "No more insubordination in mine hospital!"

Throwing his hands up, Jack sighed. "Alright! Alright... we were just curious."

Mark slipped past him and glanced into the sick ward, sighing as he watched Dr. Iplier testing the Host's reflexes. Shaking his head, he made his way upstairs, leaning into ward two. "How are you guys doing?" He smiled.

Google Blue turned, looking Mark over. "Satisfactory."

"We're tired, bro." Chase smiled. "But alright. Is Jack here?"

"Uh, yup." Mark glanced over his shoulder before looking back to Chase. "He'll be up in a minute."

"Cool." Chase smiled, laying his head back.

Mark nodded and sighed as he headed down the hall, opening the door to ward three. "How are you guys doing?" He asked softly.

"Pretty sure the not-so-super heroes are dead." Ed grunted.

Mark frowned, looking over Jackieboy Man and the Silver Shepherd, laying on sleeping bags on the floor, eyes closed. "What do you mean, dead?" He muttered, crouching down next to the Silver Shepherd and placed a few fingers against his neck to check for a pulse.

"Haven't moved in days." Ed grunted.

"He has a pulse." Mark let out a relieved sigh.

"What is, Ed hasn't moved in days either." Bim muttered, sitting in an arm chair in the corner of the room. "Moving... is hard."

Mark sat back a little, watching Jackieboy Man breathing for a moment before he looked over at Bim. "It's alright. You guys should be resting."

Bim groaned, closing his eyes. "Resting." He shifted a little, his breathes a little short. "You know... Dr. Iplier stopped saying we're dying." He paused, catching his breath, and Mark waited, able to tell that he wanted to say more. "Can't tell if... Dr. Schneeplestein threatened him or... or if we're really dying now."

"You're not dying." Mark sighed, though he wasn't entirely sure if he believed that. At least he was pretty good at sounding he believed what he was saying. "You're just really sick."

"Would you even care if we did die?" Bim muttered.

Ed laughed, gripping at the arms of his chair as the laughter turned to coughing. "He'll care..." He huffed. "If Will or Dark die. He ain't giving two shits when we're gone."

"Hey!" Mark snapped. "Of course I would care if you died, but you're not GOING to die. Alright?" He muttered. "I'm here right now, right Ed? I'm not WITH Will and Dark though, am I?"

Ed rolled his eyes, then sighed, closing them. Bim shifted a little. "Sorry. I'm just tired."

Mark nodded. "It's alright."

"This hospital fucking sucks." Ed grunted. "What kind of a hospital doesn't have enough beds?"

Mark looked around the room, realizing that there weren't any beds and sighed. "A make shift one. Do you guys want me to go pick up some air mattresses?"

Bim lifted his head. "Would you?"

"Yeah..." Mark got up, nodding. "Of course. Is there anything else you need?"

"Uh..." Bim groaned. "Can you get a cable so I can charge my phone?" He shifted a little. "It died yesterday."

Mark shrugged, nodding. "Yeah. I can handle that."

"Better food." Ed grunted.

Mark chuckled. "The doctors picked the menu. Fight them on that." He gave a little wave, leaning in the doorway. "I'll be back soon."

As he left the room, he stopped in at ward two again, and smiled at Jack, sitting on the floor with Jameson Jackson on one side of him, resting against him, and Chase sitting on his other side, a pad of paper between them as they played tic tac toe.

"Hey." Mark smiled, looking over the room. There was one bed in this room, and technically the Googles probably didn't need a bed. "I'm just running out the store to get some air mattresses and stuff. Do you guys need anything?"

"Air mattresses?" Chase looked up at him.

"Yeah... they haven't got beds in ward three and I think they all really need to lay down and rest." Mark shrugged. "I can get one for this room too..." He shifted. "Google, do you think you need a bed?"

"No. We can lay on the floor should we become physically incapable of remaining upright." Google explained.

Jack shifted a little. "Do you want me to come with you?"

Mark shook his head. "Spend some time here. That was the plan after all."

"Plan?" Chase shifted, looking at Jack, who shrugged.

"We just wanted to come hang out with you guys today, that's all." Jack smiled, then looked back to Mark. "Let me know how much when you get back. We'll split it?"

Mark waved his hand. "It's a couple of air mattresses, don't worry about it."

Jameson lifted his head, smiling and waved at Mark before slumping down again, resting against Jack. Offering a small smile, Mark waved back, sighing. "Uh... so does anyone in here need anything else?"

Chase shrugged, shaking his head. "Nah, bro. Thanks though."

Mark nodded and turned to leave the room. He skipped over ward one, stopping in downstairs to ask the doctors, who gave him a small list before he headed out.

"Your turn Chase." Jack pointed out and Chase sleepily placed his X, drawing a line through his set of three.

"I'm beginning to think you're letting me win, bro." Chase sighed.

Jack shook his head. "I would never."

Jameson looked over the game boards, lifting his head slightly to stare at Chase, then nodded a little, tapping his nose before pointing at the man. "See? Jamie agrees." Chase groaned.

"It is not statistically likely that Chase could win five games in a row." Google Blue added.

"Hey! I so could." Chase pouted. "I'm smart, bro!"

Google Blue titled his head. "If you say so."

Jack frowned. "Calm down Google."

Chase yawned, shifting a little. "Dude... did it just get really hot in here?"

Sighing, Jack leaned over, putting his hand on Chase's forehead. "I'm gonna grab Schneep. Just sit tight, ok?" He said softly, getting to his feet and made his way downstairs. He knocked on the wall next to the sick ward and leaned in. "I think Chase has a temperature."

Dr. Schneeplestein sighed, looking to Dr. Iplier who waved his hand, motioning for Dr. Schneeplestein to go. "I vill be back." The good doctor promised as he turned, following Jack upstairs. Chase was laying in the bed, with Jameson hovering beside it, watching him nervously. "Sit down Jameson." Dr. Schneeplestein huffed, pulling a thermometer out of his pocket and shoved it in Chase's mouth as he sat on the edge of the bed. The doctor watched the temperature getting quite high before it suddenly dropped drastically and he shook his head. "He's reached ze next phase. Perhaps ve should move him to vard three."

Chase squirmed a little in the bed, shaking his head. "Bro! Bro... I'm fine bro. So fine." He shifted, trying to get up and Jameson put a gentle hand on his shoulder, laying him down again as he shook his head.

Jack took a deep breath. "Do you really think it's going to change anything? I mean... there's already four of them cramped into ward three, and clearly they're progressing anyway. Is moving him to ward three going to protect Jameson and the Googles?"

Dr. Schneeplestein shook his head. "Ve are not completely sure... but since Chase is progressing anyvey, it's safe to say zat ze ozhers vill at some point too."

Jack nodded. "Let's just leave him in here then, alright? He's already settled here. Is that ok with you Jamie? It's still a bit of a risk I guess." Jameson nodded his head and Jack looked over the four android units before settling on Google Blue. "Googles?"

"It is satisfactory that Chase stay." Google Blue explained, speaking for the group.

"Alright." Jack nodded, sighing, then frowned as he watched Jameson's knees shake a little before he slumped down to sit on the floor. Taking the doctor's arm, Jack pulled him into the hallway. "They're getting worse."

Dr. Schneeplestein chuckled. "I vas avare. I'm the one who is here."

Jack frowned, slowly nodding. "I know." He took a deep breath, glancing over his shoulder at the closed door, then back to the doctor. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"You can stop bozhering me, so I can complete ze tests vith Dr. Iplier, yeah?" Dr. Schneeplestein huffed.

Jack groaned. "Yeah. Yeah, alright. I'm sorry. Go ahead." He hesitated a moment, watching the doctor head back down the stairs before headed back into ward two. Chase was squirming in the bed, reaching for blankets and whining. "What's wrong?"

"S-s-s-ooo c-cold." Chase whimpered, his teeth chattering.

Frowning, Jack grabbed the blankets and pulled them up over the man. "Better?"

"Th-thanks bro." Chase smiled sleepily.

Nodding his head, Jack leaned down to pat Jameson's shoulder. "Mark's gonna bring you a bed soon bud. How are you feeling?" Jameson smiled, giving a big thumbs up, then yawned, slumping back against the bed frame.

When Mark returned, Jack pulled him aside to tell him about Chase going further down hill. They'd already been discussing the possibility that the doctors didn't have the skills necessary to save the egos, especially after Dr. Schneeplestein's break down the day before. That's why their plan had become to spend as much time with the egos as they could, and keep them as comfortable as possible, just in case.

Mark swallowed hard, nodding his head. "Well... I got a bunch of air mattresses, so let's get them blown up and we can at least get them all more comfortable."

Jack sighed. "Yeah." He swallowed hard, shifting from foot to foot. "Do you really think they could... can they die?"

"I have no idea." Mark sighed. "No point dwelling on it though. We'll get them more comfortable, and we'll spend time with them. That's our plan, and it's all we've got." He shrugged.

"And believe in the doctors." Jack nodded.

"Sure." Mark mumbled, going to grab the air mattresses and drag them upstairs.

Jack looked over the boxes, nodding. "How many air pumps did you get?"

Mark's eyes widened as he looked up at him. "Air pumps?"

Clearing his throat, Jack looked over the boxes, doing a rough count. "You weren't really planning on blowing these all up, were you?"

Having not considered an air pump being useful until this very moment, Mark decided to double down. "We can do it!"

"I can't do it!" Jack laughed. "I mean... I can try to help, but I don't really have great lung capacity."

Mark pouted. "Don't be a baby."

"I have asthma!" Jack shook his head.

"Huh..." Mark leaned back, thinking. "I forgot about that. Wait! I've got it!" He jumped over the boxes, Jack dodging out of his way, and raced into ward one, Jack slowly following.

Mark grinned, looking around at the room. Wilford leaned back in a chair, staring at a knife that was stuck in the ceiling, presumably waiting for it to drop, while Anti was also watching, from the other side of the room. Dark was sitting on the bed, eyes closed, resting and the Jims were trying to untangle knots in the yoyo string. Mark clapped his hands, and then exclaimed, "We're blowing up air mattresses!".

Dark opened his eyes, staring at the man. "Come again?"

Reporter Jim gasped loudly, jumping to his feet as Camera Jim dove for the camera to turn it on. "Jim! The dead man is suggesting we coblamy some beds made of air!"

Mark groaned. "No... not that kind of blow up."

"That kind is more fun though." Anti giggled. "If things are exploding, I'm in... otherwise, I'm out."

Wilford looked over as the knife fell from the ceiling and stuck into the chair between his legs. "Ha!" He grinned, pulling it out of the chair, immediately looking up and threw it upwards again, watching it stick back into the ceiling.

"This was a mistake." Jack pointed out. "Just admit it was a mistake, and go get some air pumps."

"No! I'm handling this!" Mark declared with a grin, as Jack shook his head, leaning against the wall. "Alright, Jims... uh..." Mark took a deep breath, trying to think. "We have watery beds with no water, just air! But they don't have any air yet..."

"What?" Jack laughed.

"Air beds with no air? That's such a sad story." Reporter Jim explained, looking at the camera. "Those poor airless beds."

Mark nodded. "Right! So I need you to help me... put air in the beds."

The Jims looked at each other before back to Mark, and Reporter Jim crouched down. "We're just on location with Jim News. We're not qualified for re-airifying beds."

"It's an air mattress! Literally everyone is qualified!" Mark huffed.

"Ready to give in yet?" Jack smirked.

"Shut up!" Mark grunted, and Jack chuckled. Taking a deep breath, Mark smiled. "I'll qualify you! Alright?"

Reporter Jim turned to look at Camera Jim then slowly turned back. "I guess we could do a bit of huffy puffy."

Mark nodded, letting out a sigh of relief. "Good. Dark? Wilford? Let's go."

Dark smirked. "You think I am about to help you blow up air mattresses? Are you sure that you are not ill?"

Mark sighed. "Wilford?"

Wilford took his eyes off the ceiling knife for a moment, looking over to Mark as he pointed up to the knife. "We're in the middle of something."

"I'll take the Jims." Mark nodded, before he turned to Jack. "Can you get Anti to help?"

"I can't get Anti to stop making threats on my life." Jack pointed out.

Anti giggled, his form glitching. "Look who learned his place."

Jack opened his mouth to respond, but quickly closed it and shook his head, leaving the room. Mark shrugged, ushering the Jims out and taught them how to 'professionally' inflate air mattresses so they would help him. Jack started to help, but quickly lost his breath and decided he would be more help just going to check on those in ward two and three.

After way too much time spent inflating air mattresses, they got everyone in ward two and three settled, then spent a little time with them. Mark and Jack got everyone dinner, before they finally left for the day. Luckily, it stayed quiet enough for the doctors to complete their doctor tests before it got too late, and they both actually went to sleep at a decent time.

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