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Jack yawned, sleepily glancing out the car window, and Mark chuckled. "I could have left you sleeping."

"Nah. I'll wake up soon. I'm just not as much of a morning person as you." Jack shifted, looking over at him. "Did they say what was wrong?"

"Not really." Mark sighed. "He just seemed upset. Said that if we were coming over today, we should come as soon as possible."

Jack just nodded, rubbing his face before slumping back in his seat and watched out the window, taking in the LA scenery. When they arrived at the make-shift hospital, the guys made their way inside, looking into the the sick ward before they could hear shouting upstairs.

Groaning, Mark rolled his eyes. "It's Dark and Anti..." He muttered, heading upstairs.

"Of course it is!" Jack sighed, following him up.

As they made their way into ward one, they found the doctors standing just inside the room. Leaning in, they could see the full of what was happening. Wilford was standing on a bed with his gun trained on Anti, who was growling at him, while showing off his knife. Darkiplier's aura was flickering wildly as he glared at Anti, and the Jims seemed to be holding him back.

"Weren't they getting along?" Mark sighed.

Dr. Iplier looked over his shoulder, smiling. "Mark!" He turned, motioning Mark and Jack in. "Who? Will and Anti? Uh, well... Will still thinks they ARE getting along. Anti and Dark started fighting, and Will got excited... and started getting involved. Anti got stabbed."

Dr. Schneeplestein sighed. "He's fine zhough. He von't actually let me look at it, but from vhat I can see, it's a shallow vound." Shaking his head, he nudged the other doctor with his arm. "Stabbed is a strong vord really. He got minimally cut."

"Stabbed is more fun though." Dr. Iplier smiled.

Jack sighed. "I'm sure Anti can handle it. If he can dish it out, he can take it."

Mark nodded a little, then groaned. "Wilford, that's not playing nice!"

Wilford glanced up, taking his aim off of Anti to wave the gun around. "What do you mean? This is the game HE wanted to play!"

With the gun no longer pointed at him, Anti took the opportunity to rip Wilford's feet out from under him. "Shit." Mark grunted, making his way over, as Anti jumped on top of Wilford to attack, before letting out a high pitched scream while he backed off. "He stab you?" Mark huffed, not really feeling too bad for the glitch.

Anti just hissed at him, holding his side. Frowning, Jack walked further into the room, motioning to the glitch. "Anti, get over here and let the doctor look at you."

Dark chuckled lowly, relaxing a little, though each of the Jims still clung firmly to one of his arms. Mark sighed, holding his hands up. "I don't want to play Will. Weapons away please."

"You know... for a man who plays games for a living..." Wilford got up, to Mark's relief, tucking his bloodied knife away as he popped his jaw out to the side. "You're quite the buzz kill." He huffed, then turned back, grabbing his gun off the bed to put it away.

Mark sighed, looking over just in time to see Dark retch his arm away from Camera Jim who had lost focus on his task while watching Anti. The dark alter quickly shoved the other Jim away and began adjusting his suit. "Since when can you be held down? Especially by the Jims?" Mark asked.

Dark ignored the questions, placing his hands behind his back now that he had his appearance more together. "Will, I think Mark misspoke. He does want to play."

Wilford grinned, snapping his suspenders. "Oh ho! Guns or knives?"

"Wilford, I said no!" Mark grunted, Wilford narrowing his eyes and tapped his chin, surprised by the outburst.

On the other side of the room, Jack had somehow convinced Anti to sit on the bed and let them see his wounds. The creature was glitching intensely, twitching around with his face occasionally contorting in pain as the doctor poked at his wound. "Zhis new one is a bit deeper, but nozhing to be concerned about. Vill you stay still to let me stitch it?"

"No. It'll heal." Anti hissed, shoving the doctor back.

Jack groaned. "Is it ok without stitches?"

Dr. Schneeplestein shrugged. "Sure. Vhy not."

Jack wasn't completely satisfied with that response, but he didn't want to push either of his alters too far. Mark took a deep breath. "How badly do you guys want out of here?"

Wilford's face lit up. "Are we going out?"

Dark cracked his neck. "If we wanted out badly enough, we would be out."

"Big words!" Anti giggled. "You wanted to stay here and listen to the... doctors." He hissed.

Mark groaned, waving his hands. "Hey! I was talking! Do you guys want out badly enough to cooperate for some videos? Sean and I have been having trouble finding enough time to record and having some emergency ego videos might not be a bad idea."

Darkiplier rolled his eyes, but Wilford leaned in. "And you want us to record these... vid-ee-os?"

"Will, you know about the videos." Mark grunted. "You've been in them before."

Wilford narrowed his eyes, tilting his head and popped his jaw out to the side. Shaking his head, Mark turned to Dark. "Do we have a deal?"

"It may be acceptable." Dark muttered.

Nodding his head, Mark turned back to the doctors. "Are they ok? Can we take them to my place for the day and let them wear out some energy?"

"He's talking about us like we're fucking children." Anti snarled. "Like he's setting up a play date."

"If you didn't act like a glitchy child, we wouldn't treat you like one." Jack grunted.

Anti turned, bearing his teeth and got up, leaning uncomfortably close to Jack. "Let's shoot videos. How about we try to get a better take of me slitting your throat!"

Dr. Schneeplestein stepped forward, putting a hand on Anti's chest and pushed him back. "Yes! Take zhem! Take zhem as far avay as you vant for as long as you vant!"

Giggling, Anti leaned back, swatting the doctor's hand away. "It's almost like you don't like us, Schneep."

"Doctah!" Dr. Schneepestein grunted.

"Ok!" Mark shouted. "Let's go. Alright?" He eyed Dark a moment before he turned to Wilford. "Stay away from Amy."

Wilford smirked. "Of course..."

Shaking his head, Mark sighed, and headed downstairs, leading a trail of egos down with him. He lost track of Wilford for a moment, but noticed him already sitting in the vehicle and focused on getting the Jims in place, while Jack spent all of his energy, trying to keep Anti under control.

Mark groaned, realizing they had everyone settled in the vehicle but Darkiplier and headed back inside, only to find him standing in the doorway of the sick ward. "King looks pale." Echoed the layered voice.

"He is." Dr. Iplier nodded.

Dark glared at the doctor. "Are you going to do something?"

Dr. Iplier held his clipboard to his chest. "We're doing everything we can, Dark. We're trying our hardes-"

"Try harder." Dark snarled, before he turned. His eyes widened a moment when he noticed Mark, but he quickly relaxed and shoved the man out of his way as he headed outside.

Mark swallowed hard as he glanced into the sick ward and gave Dr. Iplier a forced smile. "You guys are doing good work here. Keep trying." Then he sighed, following Dark out.

Dr. Iplier pulled his clip board out again and stared at the picture of a dog he'd doodled before he sighed. "Maybe we aren't equipped to handle this." He mumbled.

Dr. Schneeplestein rolled his eyes. "Good. Doubt. Zat's vhat ve needed right now. Let's do nozhing zhen." He shrugged, walking over and sat down on the couch in the sick ward, which was now empty, before kicking his feet up. "Zhat's gonna clear up on it's own, right?" He huffed, pointing to Marvin who was tucked into one of the cot's.

"That's not what I meant." Dr. Iplier grunted.

"I know vhat you meant. I am ze good doctah." Dr. Schneeplestein stood again. "If you don't vant to be here, go get in a bed, because zhat's vhere ve'll all end up soon anyvey."

Dr. Iplier looked around at the cots filled with still bodies and shook his head. "We shouldn't be having this talk in here."

"Zhey're sleeping. Zhey're barely conscious vhen zhey're avake. You zhink zhey don't know how much trouble zhey're in?" Dr. Schneeplestein chuckled, then sighed. "Unless zhey don't. Some of zem barely know who zhey are."

"The doctors continued to fight..." The Host mumbled.

Dr. Iplier's eyes widened. "He's narrating again!" He gasped, rushing to the Host's cot. Dr. Schneeplestein rolled his eyes, and slowly made his way over.

"They knew time was running short..." The Host sighed, clasping his hands over his stomach. "... feeling pressure... they had never felt before. One heavily considered... forcing cocktails of drugs..."

Dr. Iplier's face contorted in confusion until he looked over at the stone cold glare Dr. Schneeplestein had. "What?" Dr. Iplier gasped.

"Ve don't know vhat it is. If ve overvhelm zhere systems maybe-" Dr. Schneeplestein started, before Dr. Iplier placed a hand over his mouth while the Host continued.

"The other wanted... to call in real doctors..." The Host babbled.

Dr. Schneeplestein ripped the other doctor's hand from his face. "Don't touch me!" He huffed before the words registered. "You vant to do vhat? Zhey von't stay and help, you idiot! Ve'll have ze place flooded viz military and secret agents in no time!"

The Host grunted. "Are you going to keep interrupting the story?"

Dr. Iplier sighed. "Does this mean you're feeling better, Host?"

"Host?" The Host questioned.

Dr. Iplier glanced at Dr. Schneeplestein before he sighed. "Yes... Host. I was asking if you're feeling better."

"It's so dark." The Host sighed.

"Host?" Dr. Iplier asked in a panic. "If you see a light, don't go into it!"

Dr. Schneeplestein rolled his eyes. "It's dark because his face is covered. Scheisse." He muttered, pulling the bloody cloth from the Host's face.

"No!" Dr. Iplier gasped, until he watched the Host's eyes slowly open.

"Oh." The Host sighed. "Now we can continue." He yawned, letting his hands fall to his sides. "Where was I?"

Dr. Iplier took a deep breath, hesitantly asking, "Author?"

"What?" The Host shifted. "I'm in the middle of a story."

Dr. Iplier's eyes widened, and Dr. Schneeplstein grunted. "I zought he vas ze Host?" He glanced around the room. "Are ve missing one?"

"No..." Dr. Iplier gasped, shaking his head. "You're the Author?" He asked the Host.

"Of course..." The Host gasped, struggling to breathe for a moment as the doctors watched. The doctors were all to used to this now, and there was very little they could do about it. When the Host's breathing finally evened out again, he groaned softly, closing his eyes. "I am the one telling the story."

Dr. Iplier patted the man's arm, then grabbed Dr. Schneeplestein by the hand and dragged him into the office. "This doesn't make any sense!" He half shouted.

Dr. Schneeplestein rose an eyebrow before he sat down at the desk. "No. It doesn't. Care to fill me in?"

"Oh..." Dr. Iplier ran a hand through his hair and slumped onto one of the cots in the room. "Before the Host... was the Host, he was the Author."

Dr. Schneeplestein slowly nodded. "His memories are regressing."

Dr. Iplier grunted. "Not just his memories though! Unless... he's never actually been blind..."

"He could have been faking. Ze Ipliers are assholes." Dr. Schneeplestein shrugged.

"Hey!" Dr. Iplier snapped.

The other doctor chuckled. "Are you saying you are not an asshole?"

Dr. Iplier squirmed a bit. "I guess not. But still..." He covered his face. "What do we do now?"

"If zhey are regressing, it may explain ze changes in personality." Dr. Schneeplestein shrugged. "Zhis is just anozher symptom. Ve keep going."

Lifting his head, Dr. Iplier sighed, staring at him. "I don't know if I can."

Dr. Schneeplestein nodded. "I zhink maybe you need ze break. Vhy don't you spend ze day taking care of vard two and vard zhree? Leave ze sick vard to me." Taking a deep breath, he got up and crossed the room, placing a hand on Dr. Iplier's shoulder. "I don't vant to do zhis vizout you. I..." Leaning his head back, Dr. Schneeplestein took a deep breath, forcing a smile as he looked down again. "I need you."

Dr. Iplier's eyes widened as he looked up at him. "Really? Aw... Henrik..."

"Do not get sappy about it!" Dr. Schneeplestein snapped. "And I never said you could call me Henrik. Dotcah Schneeplestein! Now... take a break and zhen spend some time in ze ozher vards. Do not come back to ze sick vard until you are ready. I know... is razher bleak in zhere right now." He muttered, and then promptly left the room.

As Dr. Schneeplestein continued to run tests in the sick ward, Dr. Iplier cared for the patients in the other wards, trying to find ways to reduce their symptoms, and make them more comfortable.

Mark and Jack had an eventful day as they got a collage of weird footage involving Dark, Will and Anti, while the Jims spent most of the day reporting on the news of what Chica and Henry did in their free time. They returned the egos to the hospital that night, noting that they all seemed pretty warn out.

As they got ready to leave again, Mark leaned against the wall in the hallway. "I think they're starting to feel whatever this is." He explained to the doctors. "Dark won't admit he's getting tired, he wouldn't want anyone to see that weakness... but his shell is cracking more and more, and earlier today, he was restrained by the Jims... of all people."

"Filming today took a lot of Anti." Jack frowned. "He's usually got energy to spare... filming never tires him out. Nothing tires him out... he's definitely feeling this."

"I know they're not top priority right now... but they are getting sick." Mark shifted. "I wanted you guys to know that."

"Zhey're all feeling it? Vhat about Vilford and ze... ozher ones." Dr. Scheenplstein grunted.

"Yeah, how were the Jims?" Dr. Iplier asked.

Mark shrugged. "They spent all day following the dogs around..." He glanced at Jack. "They seemed fine?"

"I don't know them that well." Jack laughed. "But I mean, they didn't seem overly tired."

"It's hard to say with them." Mark groaned. "Wilford definitely had more memory issues than normal, but with him, that can just be a bad day. He was... a lot less flirty with Amy, than I would have expected, which might mean that he's not feeling great."

Dr. Iplier nodded. "Thanks. We'll keep it in mind." He sighed, glancing at the other doctor, then back to Mark. "And thank you for taking them off our hands today."

Mark smiled. "I don't know if we actually got any footage we can use for anything, but I think they appreciated getting out of that room."

Jack yawned and Mark chuckled. "Getting sick?"

Jack's immediate response was to flip Mark off, but the doctors exchanged worried looks. "Have you been tired?" Dr. Scheenplestein questioned.

"I'm not sick!" Jack laughed.

Mark shifted, standing up straighter. "Why? Do you think we can catch this?"

"Ve... don't know vhat zhis is." Dr. Schneeplestein mumbled.

Dr. Iplier cleared his throat. "It's only effected egos... so far..."

Mark frowned. "But we COULD catch it?"

"Ve don't know if anyone... caught it." Dr. Scheneplestein struggled. "Zhis started here and in Brighton at ze same time. Maybe... you already had it."

Mark tensed, shaking his head. "What?!"

Jack cleared his throat. "What about you two? Are you sick?"

"No!" Dr. Schneeplestein grunted.

Dr. Iplier shrugged. "I've been tired." He placed a hand on the other doctor's shoulder. "You've been tired... and I saw you put your stethoscope on the wrong way yesterday. Lying won't help us."

Dr. Schneeplstein fell silent, fiddling with the stethoscope around his neck. Jack glanced at Mark. "If they all have it..."

"You think we have it." Mark grunted.

Jack shrugged. "Maybe?"

Mark shook his head. "You're too calm!"

Jack sighed. "There's no point getting upset yet. I mean... I've been tired, but... jet lag." He shrugged. "And I haven't been sleeping well, have you?"

"Of course not." Mark sighed. "I've been worried about this mess."

Jack glanced back at the doctors. "What are we watching for?"

"Besides ze fatigue? Ze next phase is fluctuating vitals." Dr. Schneeplestein stated.

Dr. Iplier nodded. "Hot and then cold flashes, hyperventilating and then not breathing, chest pain could be your heart rhythm changing..."

"If you notice anyzhing strange... you should go to ze hospital." Dr. Schneeplestein added.

Jack shifted. "You mean come to the hospital. We'd come here, right?"

The doctors looked at each and Mark frowned. "You don't want us to come here?"

Dr. Schneeplstein shifted. "You are in ze system. You can go to a different doctah. An outside opinion can help."

"And..." Dr. Iplier swallowed hard. "We're not exactly human." He motioned to the sick ward. "King's heart racing and then slowing right down... makes him uncomfortable. If your heart..." He shifted a little. "Just go to the hospital."

Mark's eyes widened. "Are you saying this could be more dangerous for us?"

"If ze fluctuations are vhat ve have seen here... it could be. But it might effect you differently. Ze changes might not be as drastic. Just... go to ze hospital if you feel anyzhing... strange." Dr. Schneeplestein sighed.

"Can Amy get this?" Mark groaned.

Dr. Iplier shrugged. "We don't know what it is, Mark. We don't have the answers."

"Let's go." Mark huffed, heading out.

Jack sighed. "Take care guys." He mumbled, before following Mark out. "They've been sick awhile... if we were going to get it-"

"It'd be when we started spending more time with them." Mark grunted.

Jack frowned. "It doesn't make sense that it's contagious. They weren't in the same-"

Mark turned to him. "Sean! Have you seen them? This isn't the flu! We could have that! Whatever it is!"

Jack shifted. "I'm scared too. But panicking isn't going to help."

Mark sat down on the steps and Jack just watched him as he made a phone call. Amy resisted for awhile, but eventually agreed that she would lie to Kathryn, say they had a fight and ask to stay with her for a bit. Of course, Kathryn accepted and told Amy she could stay as long as she needed.

Once Mark explained the plan, Jack sat down on the steps with him so they could wait while Amy packed a bag and left. They'd both agreed that Chica and Henry would be more comfortable at the house, and that they probably weren't in danger, since it was rare for humans to pass diseases to animals.

Jack sighed. "This won't be the end. We're too damn lucky to go out like this."

"What do you mean?" Mark grunted, his face in his hands.

"We made a career out of playing video games in our bedrooms." Jack smiled. "Not everyone can say that."

Mark huffed out of a half laugh. "Oh yeah. We're immortal."

Jack leaned forward, then moved Mark's hands from his face. "With feeling this time."

"What?" Mark grunted.

"Where's my asshole friend? Come on. You're Mark. You ARE immortal." Jack grinned.

Mark chuckled. "Right. Ha! I get sick all the time! My fans think I'm always sick!"

Jack shook his head. "Not what I was going for but-"

"I'll beat it with my muscles!" Mark declared, kissing his arms.

Jack burst out laughing. "What the fuck?"

"Is that not where this was going? I thought-" Mark started before his phone buzzed and he sighed as he read the text. "Amy's out. We should head back to my place. Get some rest..."

"Yeah." Jack chuckled. "Your muscles need a good night sleep so you can punch some sickness."

"Exactly." Mark smirked, getting up. He stretched, then sighed as he got in the car. As he started to drive, he gripped the steering wheel tightly. "I'm really glad you're here Sean. I don't know what I'd do if I had to go through this alone."

Jack leaned his head against the window, staring outside. "Hey, any excuse to hang out with friends."

Mark shook his head, smiling as he headed home.

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