Patient Care

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Mark made his way into the living room from his recording room and rose an eyebrow, taking in the scene. Jack was sitting on the couch, Henry curled up at his feet and Chica flopped on her back, half across his lap as he rubbed her belly. "Traitors." Mark grunted.

"Jealous?" Jack smirked, as Chica turned her head to the side, wagging her tail furiously as she watched Mark.

"They only like you because you give them treats... constantly." Mark huffed.

Jack shrugged. "You guys told me to do that!"

Mark crossed his arms, shaking his head. "Amy told you to give Henry a bunch of treats until he got used to you. I think he's used to you."

Jack glanced down at the dog curled around his feet and shrugged. "Still a bit nervous. Besides... he deserves them! He's such a good boy!"

"You're gonna make my dogs fat." Mark chuckled.

Jack gasped, covering Chica's ears. "Don't listen to him!"

Mark shook his head and walked over, picking Chica up as she squirmed, desperately trying to lick his face. Then he turned, dropping down onto the couch with her in his arms. She instantly flailed until she rolled over and launched herself off the couch, darting around the room. Henry let out a soft woof, and then jumped up to chase her.

Jack shook his head at Mark and then sighed, smiling. "So how's Amy?"

"She's upset." Mark closed his eyes, leaning his head back. "She wants to come home... she wants me to go to the doctor and get tested. She's worried. I can't say I blame her."

Jack slowly frowned, nodding. "Yeah. I get it."

"I called Dr. Iplier and let him know we weren't coming over today. He said he'll text if they desperately need us." Mark sighed, smiling slightly as Chica set her head in his lap, wagging her tail.

"Do you really think we're sick too?" Jack asked.

"I don't know." Mark muttered.

Meanwhile, at the hospital, the doctors were consumed with the sick ward, like most days, leaving the other wards to tend to themselves.

Ward three was quiet, as it often was with only Bim awake. The man was curled up on an air mattress, his suit jacket and shoes on the floor beside it, while he played Tetris on his phone. A scratching sound drew the man's attention and he dropped his phone, rolling over with a lot of effort and groaning.

Sighing, Bim watched Jackieboy who was on an air mattress a few feet away, pushing a nearby glass of water while his fingers futility gripped at air. "Hey..." Bim smiled a little and tried to get up, feeling his knees buckle under him and he fell back on his mattress.

Jackieboy weakly tilted his head to watch Bim, his brow furrowing in concern. Groaning in frustration, Bim sat up and then shifted forward onto his hands and knees and crawled over to Jackieboy. "Here." He sighed, helping to sit the other man up and held the cup of water to his lips. Jackieboy took a few drinks before turning his head slightly and Bim set the glass down, helping Jackieboy lay back.

Looking up at Bim, Jackieboy gently tugged at the mask covering part of his face. "Do you want that off?" Bim asked softly.

"What is it?" Jackieboy mumbled.

Bim frowned. "Your mask. I think you're a hero?"

Jackieboy's eyes narrowed and then he shook his head slightly. "No... I... I don't think so." He tugged at the mask again. "Can you help?"

"Yeah." Bim sighed, and pulled the mask from Jackieboy's face, then held it out to him.

"No... thank you." Jackieboy yawned, closing his eyes.

Bim laid the mask on the floor beside the glass of water and crawled back to his air mattress, collapsing onto it. He squirmed around until he was comfortable and had just picked up his phone when he heard gasping. Rolling over again, he watched as the Silver Shepherd clasped at his chest in a daze as he hyperventilated. Bim just watched sleepily until the hero suddenly stopped, his arms dropping back down at his sides. Bim counted in his head, slowly forcing himself to sit up until the breaths started again.

Groaning, Bim rolled back onto his side. "You're going to make yourself sicker, worryin'." Came a voice.

Bim tilted his head, staring at Ed, who was sitting in an arm chair. He wasn't sure when the man had woke up, but he knew he'd been sleeping in that chair at some point. "Mark got you a bed." Was all Bim responded.

"Air mattress." Ed huffed. "If this is how I die, I'm dyin' on my terms."

"We're not dying." Bim said quietly, looking back to his phone.

Ed chuckled. "Yeah. Sure."

Bim yawned. "If I'm asleep and one of the doctors come in, can you tell them Jackieboy was having some confusion?"

"I'll tell 'em where they can shove their hospital food!" Ed huffed.

"Ed. Please." Bim grunted.

Rolling his eyes, Ed leaned his head back. "Fine. I'll tell 'em... if I'm up."

"Thanks." Bim sighed, starting his game again.

Ward two was less quiet, and Google Green was malfunctioning again. "Error. Error. Multiple system failures. Error. Multiiiiipppplllll-"

Chase rolled over in the bed, watching the android as it's formed stuttered and glitched, and then he righted himself. "All systems online. Power saving mode activated."

Looking towards Google Blue, Chase sighed. "That's been happening a lot. You guys ok?"

"We are fine." Google Blue explained. "All systems are online and active. No need for concern."

"They crash more than you do." Chase pointed out. "Are you stronger?"

Google Blue was silent a moment before he replied. "Database error."

"Whatever that means." Chase sighed, flopping onto his back. After a moment, he clutched at his chest, letting out a whimper. It wasn't the first time he'd had a fluctuation in heart rate, but Jameson still jumped up from his air mattress and ran to the bedside, grabbing Chase's hand.

Chase clenched his teeth, gripping Jameson's hand tightly and whining a little. Then he suddenly relaxed, his head going slack as he seemed to space out, Jameson just continued to hold his hand while he watched.

"It will be you next." Google Red pointed out.

Jameson looked over his shoulder, frowning deeply as he turned back to watch Chase. Slowly Chase returned to normal, and turned his head to look up at Jameson smiling slightly. "Thanks bro."

Jameson's large grin returned, then he yawned a little and Chase patted his hand. "Go lay down if you need dude." Nodding his head a little, Jameson released his hold on Chase and returned to his air mattress. He laid down on his back and then looked up at Google Red, frowning, and patted a hand on his own chest, wondering when it would start to happen to him.

While ward one was certainly far from quiet, it wasn't as rowdy as it had been previously. Wilford Warfstache seemingly had completely recovered from his day of filming and was jumping up and down on one of the beds, attempting to do back flips. Anti was slumped in a corner, glitching in irritation as he watched.

Dark was seated on the other bed, keeping an eye on Wilford, but more closely watching the Jims, who were strangely still asleep on the floor. The Jims had always been the first ones up, and even the noise and chaos Wilford was causing didn't seem to be waking them.

Eventually, it bothered the dark alter enough that he got up and leaned down, shaking them. Anti's attention turned from Wilford and he giggled. "Yesterday DID make them tired."

"I guess." Dark sighed, shaking one of the Jims again.

"Demons!" The Jim shouted, jolting up before collapsing onto the floor again.

Dark rolled his eyes. "Jim." He shook the man again, his aura flaring around him. "Jim!" He growled angrily.

The Jim's eyes slowly opened. "Broken man?" He mumbled.

"What is wrong with you?" Dark grunted.

"Mother Jim says there's nothing wrong with us, and we're perfect, no matter what anyone else says." Jim stated.

Dark groaned lowly, Anti still giggling. "They're fuckin' fine, Dark."

"I will remind you that Dr. Iplier and Dr. Schneeplestein our are only salvation, and Mark and Jack are their only outside contacts." Dark uttered, looking over at the glitch, who squirmed a bit. "And we are all getting tired... which means we are getting sick."

"I'm not tired!" Anti hissed.

"Neither am I." Dark stated. "Except we both know those are lies." He muttered, shaking Jim again.

Anti glitched. "We... I'm stronger!" He hissed. "I'm not weak like those others!"

Dark chuckled. "You do not have control over this Anti. If it wants to take you..." He looked over at the creature, noting the increase in his glitching. "It will."

Wilford had finally stopped jumping and sat down on the edge of the bed. "What's all the fuss anyway? Everyone gets a case of the sniffles every now and then."

"You need to put him on a leash." Anti rolled his eyes.

Wilford flopped back in the bed so he could stare at Anti. "Sounds kinky." He winked, wiggling his mustache.

Anti shifted. "Fuck off, ya pixie stick!"

"Will." Dark sighed. "Come help move the Jims to bed."

Wilford shrugged, getting up and made his way over. As Dark and Will lifted the Jims into one of the beds, they would momentarily wake, but quickly fell back to sleep. "You seem to be feeling better."

"Of course." Wilford grinned, shrugging his shoulder as he sat down on the other bed again.

Dark sat down beside him, sighing as he let the conversation end, just watching the Jims sleeping in the other bed.

Down stairs, the doctors were consumed by the sick ward. Dr. Iplier was sitting with the Host, asking him questions to find out what all he remembered and if it was a clear cut off from before he actually became the Host.

Dr. Schneeplestein had been sitting with Marvin, testing his lung capacity, when he heard groaning. Glancing over, he noticed Robbie staring at his hands and whining loudly. Sighing, he got up and made his way over to lean against the cot. "Vhat's vrong Robbie?"

The zombie held his hands out. "Owwwwww."

"Your hand hurts?" Dr. Schneeplestein asked, gently touching his finger to the zombie's palm.

"Oww." Robbie groaned, pushing his hands towards the doctor.

"I cannot do anyzhing. I barely know vhat you're trying to tell me. If it hurts... it hurts." Dr. Schneeplestein shrugged.

Robbie held his hands in front of himself again, frowning at them. "Ok?" Dr. Schneeplestein sighed. When Robbie made no attempt to respond, the doctor got up and made his way back to Marvin.

Back at Mark's place, Mark yawned, closing his eyes a moment. "I think I might go take a nap..."

Jack squirmed a bit. "You... alright?"

"Just really tired." Mark sighed. "I'm just not sleeping well..." He slowly opened his eyes. "Right?"

"Right." Jack swallowed hard, neither saying what they both were thinking.

Mark got up, heading to his bedroom and Chica followed him, wagging her tail. Frowning, Mark watched her. "No... Chica, stay. Go see Sean."

Jack looked over at him, frowning. "I thought you decided Chica couldn't-"

"Better safe than sorry." Mark shifted. "Call her?"

"Chica! Chica here girl!" Jack called, Chica running to him, assuming he had more treats. "What if I'm-"

"I'm tired." Mark sighed. "Me." He gave Jack a look that said, this conversation is over and then went into his bedroom, closing the door.

Frowning, Jack looked down at Chica who was staring up at him expectantly, wagging her tail. "He's ok." Jack tried to comfort her, but more likely trying to comfort himself. "Just tired." He promised, wrapping his arms around her and hugged the dog close as she sniffed his shoulder, still hoping for treats.

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