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When Percy takes a shower the next morning, he tried to forget what happened last night.

Attracting Oliver Wood enough that he'd break up with his boyfriend would be a hard task, but it's not undoable. He can't explain his crush on him, what made him attracted to the burly brunet so. Maybe it's Oliver's personality, maybe it's his looks, maybe both. He can't explain it, but when he excitedly talks about his interests (Quidditch, drawing, reading fantasy books) like they're the only thing that matters in the whole world... and they're not all "cool" either, like none of his interests is interesting to some people.

Others may regard their relationship as barmy, but they are good friends. True the fact that they're roommates helped push Percy's feeling's into realisation, but even if they aren't roommates, he figured he'd still like him. Somehow. Maybe through Charlie or the twins. When Percy steps out of the shower and fully clothed, he noticed Erik, his other roommate reading a book, sporting a towel on his shoulder. He looked around to see his other roommates, Oliver and Luis, somehow nowhere to be seen. Are they going to the Great Hall at all?

"Erik," Percy calls, and Erik turned his head to face him. "Where's Oliver?" Percy looked around as he quickly added, "and Luis?"

"I honestly don't know-" Erik shrugged. "If I remember right, I saw Oliver with his broom since high morning. Y'know, Quidditch season coming up, nerves."

"But Sirius Black!" Percy exclaimed. "Does he have no regards for personal safety? He can die! He's a mass murderer!"

"Well, you can't control him, just like he can't control you-" Erik shook his head. Percy bit his bottom lip. "But if you can calm his Quidditch season nerves, please do."

"Is it Quidditch training or is he just want an excuse to snog Flint?" Percy asked with a snigger, a hint of bitterness in his tone.

"Whichever floats your story-" Erik puckered his lips. "How's your relationship with Penelope?"

"Oh?" Percy bit his bottom lip, caught off guard. "I broke up with her."

"Seriously?" Erik asked, shock and concern in his voice. Percy nodded. "Why?"

"I don't want to talk about it-" Percy shook his head.

"My regrets, mate." Percy watched Erik leaving for the bathroom, shaking his head. Percy lifts his copy of Quidditch Teams of Britain and Ireland from his drawer, opening the section about the team he roots for the most, Puddlemere United. He understood Quidditch on a basic level, having lived with Quidditch lovers. He needs to understand more.

Pages through pages he flipped the book, he found himself unable to focus as his mind drifts to Penelope, how heartbroken she seemed yesterday. Maybe Percy shouldn't have broken up with her, maybe he should've stayed beside her. But he doesn't love her anymore and she notices quite as much that if he stays, it'll only grow worse. This feeling for Oliver is undying, he might make a move if he hadn't broken up with Penelope and she'll be heartbroken because she was cheated on. It's better this way.

"What are you reading?" Percy immediately closed the book and hides it in the drawer, knowing from the sound of the voice the person who asked him is Oliver. Percy awkwardly chuckled as he sat on his bed, running his fingers through his red curls.

"Nothing-" Percy shook his head, putting his hand down on his lap. Oliver awkwardly smiled at him as Percy lets out finger guns. "Anyway, where were you? Didn't see you when I wake up."

"Quidditch training."

"All by yourself? How odd," Percy asked again, lifting an eyebrow. "Quidditch is a game consisting of a keeper, three chasers, two beaters, and a seeker. You have to at least have a chaser."

"Alright, I had Marcus helping me-" Oliver rolled his eyes. Percy raised an eyebrow again as he smirked, his hands on his chest.

"Helping in what way?" Percy chuckled. "Polishing your broom?"

"The game, of course!" Oliver exclaimed. "Percy, I didn't expect you to know this stuff!"

"Why not, it's not like I'm a saint-" Percy laughed. "I just broke up."

"No way, Clearwater?" Oliver widened his eyes. Percy nodded. "What happened? Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, Ollie," Percy assured him. "I don't want to talk about it, though."

"Of course, it must be tough-" Oliver nodded as he holds Percy's hands, oh how much Percy wants to gently squeeze it as he tried to contain his smile, hoping the blush isn't so obvious. "Let's go to the Great Hall."

"Let's go-" Percy lets Oliver be the one to pull his hands away from Percy when they've reached the Gryffindor Common Room. Percy's thoughts wondered around the fact that the Sorting Hat had considered to sort him in Hufflepuff, would he be happier if he had let the Sorting Hat sort him there? Gryffindor had been the house of the brave and courteous, yet he's a coward and selfish. But he wouldn't meet Erik and Luis, and certainly not Oliver. Maybe it's better this way.



"Would you teach me Quidditch tonight?" Percy requested, keeping his gaze down as to not see Oliver's reaction. "You know, it's our last year. You always love being on air and I'm just so afraid of falling. I want to have a little fun, just a little."

"Sure." Percy hears the excitement in Oliver's voice and can't help but smile as he tried to contain the damn butterflies fluttering in his stomach. "I'll be sure to keep you safe, don't worry. You'll be ok."

When they were out of the Gryffindor common room, they were no longer holding hands as Oliver ran up, seeing Marcus on the other side of the tower. Percy smiled sadly as he watched Marcus spun around by Oliver, both giggling like mad as they kissed. He wishes he's in Marcus' position right now, being the one spun by him and everything.

"I love you."

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