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Percy sneaked out to the Quidditch field, holding a broom, lead by Oliver. Percy felt like spewing his guts out from nervousness at the thought of being so close to his crush, but he made it this far and he can't back down. Besides, he'd done a similar thing with his ex, this shouldn't be too hard. He just hoped that the twins, Ron, or Ginny don't sell him out and tell Oliver that sometimes he plays Quidditch as a chaser at the Burrow.

"I'll hold you, no need to get so worried-" Oliver pats Percy's shoulders and Percy smiled, trying not to blush. Luckily the lights aren't that bright as to spotlight him, it's not so obvious.


"So mound on the broom-" Percy nodded as he complied, suddenly feeling a hand on his waist. Percy got his breath caught on his throat but tried to swallow it down, calming his breathing.

"Nervous?" Oliver chuckled. Percy nodded, going along with whatever Oliver believed in. If it'll lead him getting closer with the burly brunet. "Just relax, you got me to navigate the broom if anything goes wrong."

"I trust you-" Percy nodded, hoping every deity above that his voice isn't cracking with how flustered he is. He can hear a hard kick on the ground and though he feels himself relax, he forced himself to tense up as he gripped on the body of the broom in front of him hard, tensing his shoulders.

"Relax-" Percy hears Oliver say from behind. Percy lets out a small nod, even though he is relaxed and he does know the importance of being relaxed on a broom. "The broom can sense your fear. If you don't ease up, that's where accidents happen."

"It's just-" Percy shook his head, exasperated as he looked down. "Heights."

"Look up but don't let go." Percy nodded at Oliver's suggestion and looked up from the grass to the sky in front of him, smiling at the beauty. He feels himself relax, letting his shoulders relax.

"Lean your body to the left, Perce." Percy hears Oliver commanded and nodded, leaning his body as to make a turn, avoiding crashing on one of the Quidditch poles. Percy laughed as he felt Oliver's body lightly bumping his, enjoying the gust of wind and the thrill of flying he'd not felt since the school year began.

"Pull the broom upwards." Percy hears Oliver instructed, noting his voice sounding so close behind him. Percy nodded shortly as he pulled the broom, going upwards. He can feel his body suddenly being hugged and feel his heart race.

"You're doing beautifully." Percy heard Oliver admired in his ear and he found himself having to swallow the urge to confess that he's the Weasley team chaser and this isn't all new to him. "I think that's it for today, I can teach you Quidditch tomorrow."

"That's a great idea." Despite wanting to moan and protest at the idea of ending their current date, Percy knew it can be used as their next date and complied. "Push the broom down- but not too steep!"

"Alright." Percy slowly and calmly pushed the broom down, feeling Oliver's hand on his shoulders. Percy's breath got caught on his throat as he lost focus and ended up pushing the broom too low, causing both Percy and Oliver to fall from the broom. Percy felt the hard ground underneath his body, an arm landing on his back, causing him to hit the ground again. Oliver's laugh sounds like music to his ears as he gets off the thinner bespectacled redhead. Percy turned his body to see Oliver already standing up, extending a hand for him to hold, a loopy grin etched on his face.

"You did great, Weasley," Oliver complimented. Percy takes Oliver's hand, Oliver helping him stand up. "You did great, are you sure it's your first time?"

"Yeah," Percy lied as he nodded, panting.

"Let's go inside-" Oliver lifts the broom, heading inside the castle, the redhead following him. Percy cracked his knuckles in an attempt to contain his excitement, the rush feels so nice he needs more.

"Do you think we can sneak to the kitchens?" Percy proposed. Percy heard a hum from Oliver and continued his train of thoughts. "I wouldn't mind eating something."

"That's a great idea," Oliver said, putting down the school broom in the designated place before following Percy to the castle, grins etched on their faces.

Maybe this wouldn't be so hard, Percy thought. Oliver hadn't mind when he asked to be taught flying and Quidditch lessons at night, and he didn't mind going to the kitchens afterwards. Oliver had asked to copy Percy's notes and/or essays and Percy let him, also had given him extra lessons. Maybe Oliver likes him too, somewhere in him. Percy just need to somehow make Oliver break up with Marcus.

Guilt rises in Percy's innards as he realised what he was doing. He's meddling in someone else's relationship, a relationship that has been going on since the start of last year's second term. If Oliver really is interested in him and would break up with Marcus beforehand, that'll be great, but what will be Marcus' reaction? Marcus Flint had been seen playing dirty in Quidditch games, who knows what sort of pain he can inflict on Percy if he steals his boyfriend.

But yet again, Percy hadn't thought about Penelope's reaction to Percy's wish to break up with her. Not because of her habits, not because she's too ignorant, but because he's in love with someone else. Such a genius, isn't he? That basically says to her 'I don't think you're good enough for me and I found someone else who will replace you better' no wonder she had looked so heartbroken the last night they're together. She hadn't talked or look at him in the eye in their Prefect - Head Boy/Girl meeting today.

"Master Wheezy! Master Wood!" A house-elf greeted them. "Come, sit!"

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