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Penelope sits behind a closed window sill of the high astronomy tower, her hands brushed over the window.

This is where it all happened. This is where the story of Penelope and Percy began- and ended. It's ironic isn't it, that it's all in the same room? Penelope felt a trickling sensation from her eyes as she watched from the windows that Percy is riding on a broom, playing Quidditch with Oliver. It should be her, it should be her in Oliver's place. She watches the grin in Percy's freckled face as Oliver makes him happy- it still should be her in his place and makes him happy.

Penelope felt so betrayed when Percy said he wants someone else. Is she not enough for him? What does Oliver have that she doesn't have? Bravery? Wit? Charm? Abilities? Penelope shook her head as she tried to forget her last thought, she would not like to think about Percy and Oliver in bed together whilst she was still with him. With how close Percy and Oliver seemed to be, it seemed plausible that Percy lied that night.

But the fact that Percy is already in love with Oliver before they broke up feels like a betrayal to her. Is she not good enough? What did she do wrong? Why did his eyes sway from her to him? Should she dye her hair brown? Should she be more into Quidditch? Penelope could almost laugh at that, Percy had never been a Quidditch fan. Maybe this won't last long and Percy would soon be bored with the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain who knows nothing about him.

Maybe he'll come back to her.

"You are in emotional pain." Penelope quickly turned her head to see the Grey Lady, frowning. She floats closer in her direction. "May I know what's wrong?"

"You won't understand-" Penelope shook her head as she wiped her tears she never realised was falling.

"Dear, I've been here longer than you have-" Helena smiled as she sat next to Penelope, still floating. "I'll understand. I'm Helena Ravenclaw, in case you forgot."

"I don't forget, Helena-" Penelope shook her head. "I am one of the Prefects in your house, Penelope. I'm bound to know you from the first year."

"As we are, Ravenclaw to Ravenclaw-" Helena nodded, her hands on her lap. "You know we value wisdom and rationality above others. To be wise and rational, you need to be able to see the picture before you clearly. Now, what fogs your sight?"

"I just-" Penelope sighed, resting her head on the window still. "I still love him."

"Why did you let him go?"

"I didn't want to-" Penelope slowly shook her head. "He asked for it, said he's in love with someone else. I know I should let him go, but I don't know how. My heart still longs for him."

"It is a long process- to move on." Penelope smiled softly at the ghost. "But you will reach it, someday. I bet if you ask him about it, he'd say that he still misses you."

"But look at him-" Penelope sighed, staring at the couple as Oliver threw back the Quaffle Percy threw at him. "He seems so happy. How can he miss me?" Penelope's eyes swayed as she gazed at Oliver. "He looks handsome and strong and kind and genuine, I hate that he makes Percy laugh. I love that Percy looks so happy but I hate that he's not happy with me."

"Shouldn't you be wiser than that?" Helena asked. Penelope didn't say anything as she had a questioning look in her eyes. "You don't only feel one emotion at a time, and depending on how skilled you are, you can conceal it. Maybe he is happy with someone else- but a part of him still misses you. Maybe the former overpowers the latter, causing him to not want to return, but he still misses you nonetheless."

"That's not enough-" Penelope shook her head. "I miss being his everything. I miss being beside him, being the one he confides in. I know every secret of his, every anguish and dreams, and he knows mine. We knew each other so well and I miss that feeling-" Penelope shook her head. "Maybe I miss being his nothing instead. We were casual friends before we were anything else, and it's not too painful to lose a casual friend."

"You don't need to figure which feeling is which, because they feel almost the same-" Helena frowned. "You just need to know that he's still a boy trying to find his happy ending. You should go and try to find your happy ending elsewhere, too."

"But I know where my happy ending is-" Penelope's head turned back to the window, staring as Percy is starting to return with Oliver. "He's where my happy ending is."

"Are you sure?" Helena asked. Penelope didn't say anything, so Helena did. "What's the reason you love him in the first place, if I may ask?"

"I don't know-" Penelope shrugged, shaking her head. "How he managed to get twelve OWLs when none of us can, how he cares about the younger ones, how lit up his eyes gets as he explains his dreams and his steps to reach them, how even though he enforces rules and such, he'll occasionally let a few rule-breaker slide."

"He sounds like a terrific guy."

"I know," Penelope sighed. "And it's really hard to see him this happy with someone else when he was this happy with me."

"I hope the best for you two-" Helena began to stand up, leaving Penelope behind, before she turned her back on Penelope again. "By the way, congratulations."

"Congratulations on what?" Penelope asked. "The fact that I got an O on my latest essay?"

"Well, that too-" Helena raised a brow. "But that's not what I'm saying."

"What are you saying?" Helena gave a haunting smile that ran chills to Penelope's spine.

"You'll figure it out."

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