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As Percy watched Penelope returned, still in the alleyway, he realises he is still holding the bulb. He can feel his breath caught in his throat, how can Penelope not want to talk about this when it mostly involves her life? Percy throws away the bulb, leaving the alleyway. If she doesn't want to think about it, why should he? Reaching the Hog's Head inn, Percy sat one of the empty seats on the bar (but isn't it always?).

"Hello-" Percy called the man. "Uhh, can I have some Hog's Head Brew?"

"Twelve sickles and a knut." Percy takes out the money from his pocket, placing it on the table. The man takes it and gives him the mug, in which Percy takes a few gulps like he's never drunk anything before.

"You're supposed to still be in Hogwarts, aren't you?" The man asked. Percy can only give a sharp sideways glare, not answering the question. "What happened?"

"Who are you?" Percy asked, not letting his guard down just yet.

"Aberforth Dumbledore, but I won't tell-" Aberforth shook his head. Percy takes another gulp of his drink, still frowning.

"If you promise so."

"So, let's start from the beginning-" Aberforth shrugged. "What's your name?"

"I'm Percy Weasley." Aberforth lifts his brow, hearing the last name.

"So, what's on your mind?" Aberforth asked. "Did you drop out or something? Failed your test? Your girlfriend cheated on you?"

"My ex is pregnant but I'm already close with someone else," Percy blabbed, laying his head on his fist as he shook his head. "And if she doesn't want to talk about it, fine! She can handle it alone!"

"Do you want to let her handle it alone, though?"

Percy didn't answer, only leaning his head to his hand as he sighed. "I don't know if I do, but I'm not sure if I don't."

"You don't have to decide now-" Aberforth shook his head. "But you're pretty much running with time."

"It's just-" Percy shook his head. "I fell in love with this boy and I broke up with her so I can be with him, but she insisted on- y'know- and because I felt guilty for dumping her for another person, I complied. But I forgot all about protection." Percy takes a deep breath in, containing his sobs. "And I'm damned! I'll be expelled, I'll be disowned, he'll never like me!"

"Well, I can't say about the disown part or the crushing on someone else part-" Aberforth shook his head. "But I can promise that both you and your ex won't be expelled, if you decide to help her."


"Albus has let pregnant students stay in Hogwarts before," Aberforth informed. "They have the same fear as you, but he let them stay. Tell me, what year are you both in?"

"Seventh," Percy answered before finishing the glass, wiping his tears. "We're both in seventh year."

"Then by the time of the baby's birth, you'll possibly be out of school and more financially stable," Aberforth said, filling the glass again. Percy nods, taking another gulp of the mug like his life had depended on it. "Do you have plans?"

"I got twelve OWLs, hopefully I'll get a high-paying job in the Ministry," Percy answered. Aberforth nodded. "If our parents disown us, I guess we can be roommates and take shifts in taking care of the baby."

"See? You got this-" Aberforth softly tapped Percy's shoulders to offer him support, the latter drinking from his glass.

"But I'm a Head Boy and she's a Prefect-" Percy shook his head. "Will we lose our positions?"

"Not you. In fact, Albus will pay you as Head Boy and give you a list of extra jobs you can do to fund her and the baby-" Aberforth pointed at him. "But for your ex, to prevent exhaustion, yes. She'll lose her Prefect badge. What about telling your parents?"

"I don't know-" Percy shook his head, his fist on his chin. "I don't know."

"You can send them a letter." Percy rolled his eyes, thinking of how awkward the letter would be. "Or explain to them in person."

"How do you suggest I do that?"

"You can tell Albus first, you'll eventually have to, right?" Percy frowned as his fingers ran along the lip of the glass. "Let him arrange a meeting with your parents. He is the headmaster, you are his responsibility."

"But Pen- my ex's parents," Percy stumbled on his words. "They're both muggles. She's a muggleborn, they can't go to Hogwarts."

"Trust me, your ex is not the first pregnant muggleborn student," Aberforth denied. "It's true muggles can't see Hogwarts, but they can see Hogsmeade. I'll let them have a private room here to talk about this little setback."

"Thank you-" Percy smiled at Aberforth,  his drink long finished. "You told me Professor Dumbledore would pay me, but what for? Isn't St Mungo's free?"

"Well, yes-" Aberforth raised a brow. "I'm talking about the maternity clothes, prenatal vitamins, the crib, baby clothes, babies need a lot of things."

"What vitamins?" Percy wondered. "Can't she wear her school uniform? Why does she need a change of clothes?"

"You have absolutely no idea on this, do you?" Aberforth chuckled lowly. When he sees that Percy frowned, he stopped. "Yes, your ex would need extra vitamins for the baby to grow properly whilst she's pregnant."


"And as for the clothes, she'd get bigger the nearer she gets to the due date. You do know that, don't you?" Aberforth asked. Percy only pressed his lips together.

"Can't say I do."

"It's not only you who as a soon-to-be teen parent doesn't know anything-" Aberforth offers him a glass. Percy can only stare at him questioningly. "Hangover cure, on the house."

Percy accepts the drink wholeheartedly, immediately feeling the effects as he can think clearer as he dawned on the glass. "I know a closer passageway to Hogwarts, you'll appreciate going through that. Come with me."

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