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"Percy, we need to talk."

Percy looked up from his book, seeing Penelope standing beside him. Percy only lifts his right brow, shaking his head slightly.

"You sold me out to Flint," Percy hissed, making sure to keep his voice low as to not make a scene in the library. Penelope bit her bottom lip as she looked down. "How could you do this to me? I thought we can be friends again."

"I did-" Penelope nodded. "But you need a slap and realise that he's someone else's. Oliver is taken, you can't have everything to yourself."

"What are you here for?" Percy asked, trying to change the subject. "Are you here to gloat about your morals or is there something else?"

"I think I'm pregnant," Penelope confessed. Percy widened his eyes in shock. "I've been feeling all the symptoms, I don't know."

"Have you made sure?" Percy asked. "Are you sure it's mine?"

"I haven't, I was hoping you'd come with me to Healer's Hut in Hogsmeade-" Penelope cracked her knuckles. "And if I am, I'm sure it's yours. Remember our last night? You forgot to put on protection and I forgot to insist. You're my only."

"Let's go," Percy said as he stood up, shutting the book and returning it to the shelf.

"But Sirius Black?"

"We'll do this quickly," Percy assured as he, together with Penelope, left the library.

Percy can feel his heart racing as he think over and over again what Penelope said. He's achieved 12 OWLs and it's his NEWTs year, he aspired to be the Minister of Magic, nowhere in his plans includes a baby. And he's not together with the mother. He'd be expected to marry her and he can't get close to Oliver anymore. They both soon stop in front of the intersection between the two towers.

"I'm going to my dorm and pay for the test, it's around two galleons if I remember right-" Percy hugged Penelope, the blonde would've melted in that hug if the circumstances had been different.

"Thank you," Penelope whispered,  kissing his fingers before letting him go, watching as Percy heads for the Gryffindor tower.

"Heya Perce! You look like you just seen a ghost or something." Percy turned his head to see Fred, snickering as he sits next to George and Lee. Percy didn't say anything as he only raced up his dorm, glad that no one is in dorm. He closed the door tightly, rushing for his trunk.

What will his family say about this? The twins, Ron, and Ginny will tease him relentlessly about this, whilst Bill and Charlie will give him the judgmental look. His mother would cry about this and he can't predict about his father's reaction. He'd been so much like him, he'd looked up to him. He's going to be so disappointed and that's something Percy isn't prepared to see. Percy grabbed the three galleons from his trunk before leaving the dorm and the common room, seeing Penelope waiting outside.

"Ready to go?" Percy asked. Penelope nodded stiffly as she held Percy's hands, leaving the intersection.

"Percy," Penelope whispered. "What if I am pregnant? What do we do?"

"We'll find a way," Percy promised. "I got twelve OWLs and I aspired to get the same amount of NEWTs, I'm trying to get into the Ministry, it should be easy that I got the qualifications necessary."

"What about our parents?" Percy sighed, feeling queasy.

"I guess we have no choice but to tell them." Percy opened the passageway for Penelope to enter through, Percy trailing behind her. As they leave through Honeydukes, neither said anything as Percy takes off his Gryffindor tie and Head Boy badge before pocketing them, Penelope following and taking off her Ravenclaw tie and Prefect badge.

"Let's go." Percy takes a step forward, knowing that Penelope will follow close behind. Percy knew that whatever is her result later- pregnant or not- he will never see her the same again. Percy prayed that she isn't, maybe he can't not be in an awkward situation with her anymore but at least his future career won't be fucked.

The couple enters the Healer's Hut, looking around. Percy knew what they need, Luis had a pregnancy scare and told him all about it. Hopefully, this is also a pregnancy scare and both of them can go back to their mundane lives. There's a bulb with a vial of potion, costing a galleon, eleven sickles, and twenty five knuts. Percy went for the cashier, barely saying any word as he pays for the bulb.

"Thank you for coming, come again next time!" Percy lets out a thin smile as he muttered a 'thank you', taking the paper bag before returning to Penelope, leaving the store.

"Should we do it-"

"Here," Percy cuts Penelope, rushing to the alleyway nearby. "It's a simple procedure and we don't need to humiliate ourselves if it's just a scare."

"Alright, what do I do?" Percy pulled Penelope's arm, pulling her sleeve back to expose her pale skin. Percy flips the bulb and placed it on her arm, watching as a red thread flows up to the top of the bulb. Once the lip of the bulb turned blue, he turned the bulb over and pouring the potion into it before closing the bulb, softly mixing it.

"What does it say?"

"It'll stay red if I'm not pregnant-" Penelope reads the note. "And transparent if I am."

"Alright," he said as he kept mixing, noticing that the liquid slowly turned lighter in colour until it turns transparent.

"Well-" Penelope sighed. "That's confirmed."


"Don't touch me!" Penelope cuts Percy. Percy backed away as he takes a deep breath in. Penelope touched her lower stomach. "I don't want to talk to you."

"We have to!" Percy exclaimed. "You're pregnant with my child, what do we do now?"

"I thought you'd have the answer, Minister!" Penelope insulted. Percy only stood still as he said nothing. "Don't talk to me."

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