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Descending from the stairs, Penelope was on her way returning to her dorm. What she just witnessed in the Astronomy tower was nothing she'd expect. True she'd seen Percy flirting with Wood often, she never expected him to succeed in being his secret boyfriend. But yet again, she does notice Flint being more snap-ish at Wood lately and Flint once did give Wood the silent treatment.

Maybe the Slytherin Quidditch Captain knew about the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain's secret affair with the Head Boy.

She glanced to the side as she walked past a Slytherin, one she recognises as Adrian Pucey. Knowing it's past curfew, her Prefect instincts kicked in as she knew what to do.

"Pucey, this is past curfew," Penelope said. "I suggest you return to your common room right now unless you call either Gryffindor or Ravenclaw your house."

"Petrificus totalus!" Pucey caught Penelope before she fell, Penelope's eyes looking around to see who had cast the spell, knowing it wasn't Pucey as he wasn't holding his wand.

"Terence, help me!" Pucey seethed through his teeth. "She's one heavy bitch, no wonder Weasel-nerd dumped the fatty."

"You're a wizard, Adrian." From the corner of her eyes, Penelope saw another guy, Terence Higgs walked closer to her, pocketing his wand. "Just levitate her clothes, she'll come with."

"I caught the mudblood!"

"And I cast the body-bind curse!"

"I can't reach my wand, I'm holding her!"

"Fine!" Higgs hissed, casting the levitation charm on Penelope's clothes. In an instant, Penelope felt like she was flying, her body facing upwards as to not see where they are going.

Penelope supposed she's somewhere near the Slytherin Common Room, judging from how many flight of stairs they took. Penelope can only wonder as neither Pucey nor Higgs seem to stop near the Slytherin Common Room when they're already in front of the door, instead they continued on the journey. Questions rang through the muggleborn's head, but being under the body-bind curse, she found it rather difficult to open her mouth or even use her voice.

All she can do is wait until the end reveals itself, now.

Higgs dropped Penelope gently and undid the body-bind curse, letting Penelope stand on her own. "I'll have you reported to Professor Snape, attacking a prefect like that! How dare you! I'll take ten points-"

"Look around, Mudblood."

Penelope looked back as she hears a new voice, revealing it to be Marcus Flint and Lucian Bole. Looking around, Penelope realised she doesn't recognise this particular area. It was an unusual place as it was infested with rats and bats. Penelope lets out a shriek as a rat ran closer to her, shooing it away. "What is this place?"

"The rarely ever known Hogwarts passage," Flint dutifully answered. "A lot of Slytherins knew the other passageway, the main one in the dungeons, but almost no one, even other Slytherins, knew this one. As you see, it's rather... unpleasant."

"I can see-" Penelope cringed as she eyes the bats hanging above. "You don't think about cleaning it?"

"Let it stay this way, so it remains unlikable to the majority of the Hogwarts population," Flint denied. "Now, I have a few questions for you."

"I don't think I'll like where this is going."

"You're aware that your ex-boyfriend is seducing my boyfriend, aren't you?"

"More than aware."

"How far has it gone?"

"I-" Penelope's words stopped as she noticed a green light growing behind her, making her face back. "That's an unforgivable curse!"

"That's not the Killing Curse. If it is, you'd been dead by now," Pucey denied, shoving his wand in his pocket.

"I still would like to know!" Penelope demanded. "I'm a Prefect, you can't just kidnap me, question me and attack me with a spell I don't even know what it does or what it's for!"

"Obliviate!" Bole took his wand out, immediately casting on the blonde. A white light shone by the tip of Bole's wand, and as Penelope wasn't facing that particular Slytherin, she was unprepared to dodge the spell. Faint images were transferred from Penelope's mind to Bole's wand, causing the blonde to pass out afterwards. Flint caught the unconscious girl, struggling to get her up.

"Lucian, help me and return her to Hogwarts grounds!" Marcus hissed. Lucian rolled his eyes as he casts the levitation charm on Penelope's clothes, causing Penelope to be levitated once again, before letting her lay on the floor near the Slytherin Common Room.

"Alright, what's her diagnosis?" Marcus asked once Lucian has returned to the passageway.

"Well, let's see-" Adrian made a plus-shaped motion with his wand, seeing the same green light coming out of his wand. Jumbled glowing white shapes start to appear from his wand before it starts to form comprehensible letters.

Name: Penelope Christina Clearwater
Age: 17 years old
Sex: female
Date of birth: 31 October, 1975
Blood status: muggleborn
Nationality: British
Congenital condition: none
Genetic condition: family history of hearing loss
Current condition: tenth week of pregnancy

Marcus raised a brow as he read the whole diagnosis. Tenth week of pregnancy? Penelope hadn't date anyone else but that slut who stole his boyfriend, this would be perfect to humiliate him. Maybe Percy is a coward who, when he hears news of his ex's pregnancy, broke up with her like the piece of shit he is and seduced his boyfriend to make up the emptiness and create the illusion of him being a brave man.

"Thanks," Marcus sighed as the letters disappeared. "I couldn't have done it alone."

"Slytherins don't leave a dude behind-" Lucian's fist lightly bumped Marcus's bicep, earning a smile of gratitude from the bucktoothed guy.

"I just don't get it-" Terence shook his head. "Why would Wood cheat on you with Weasley? Weasley is nowhere like you! You treated him like a king and this is how he repays you? I'd obliterate him if I had the chance!"

"What do you think this is?"

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