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They practically ignored each other for the next week.

Percy isn't going to start a conversation with Penelope. If she needs him, he's not hiding from her. But he's not starting. In the meantime, he continued to read the Charms textbook on his bed focusing to excel the quiz set on three days later, trying his damn best to empty his mind and focus on the book in front of him,  not the crises of his miserable life.

Percy knew that if he were to have a child with Penelope, they can't keep on being childish and ignore each other. Both Percy and Penelope would have to maintain a civil relationship with each other for the sake of the baby. If the possible future Oliver showed him was accurate, his firstborn would be a bespectacled freckled curly-haired blonde, and he would have two more.

Percy heard footsteps going up the door, pulling him awake from his head. He guesses that it's either Oliver, Luis, or Erik, looking up just in time the door opened to reveal Luis. "Hey-"

"Is it true?" Luis went straight to the question, standing still after closing the door. Percy's gaze returned to his book.

"Is what true?"

"What they say," Luis continued. "That Oliver's cheating on Marcus Flint with you?"

"Who told you?" Percy asked, his eyes glancing at Luis, though his book is not dropped.

"Here and there, everyone knows," Luis answered. "You're in big trouble if that's true. Everyone knows Marcus Flint is not to be messed with."

"So what if it is?" Percy smirked, closing the book. He knew how much his roommate hates cheaters, being the product of one. "What if Oliver did cheat on him with me?"

"Perce, you know you can't do that-"

"Says who?" Percy asked. "If Oliver's interested in me- well, nothing can stop love. Nothing should stop love."

"I agree on that part-" Luis nods his head. "But Oliver is dating someone else, Percy. You're meddling in someone else's relationship."

"Oliver's unhappy in that relationship, don't you know?" Percy interrupted. Luis bit his lip. "He's my boyfriend, I asked him out the other day and he accepted. I keep pushing so he'll admit it to Flint but the coward kept making excuses. He's the coward here for not admitting it to Flint."

"Stay out of their relationship," Luis growled, pushing Percy out of his bed.

"What, you're Flint's Igor now?" Percy asked, flipping his red curls back as he stands up. "That's it?"

"Perce, I'm your friend-"

"Since when?" Percy retorted. "Sure, we cracked jokes together and we played games together but that's where it ends, doesn't it? Isn't it you who help the twins sneak their joke products here, to my belongings specifically?"

"Yes," Luis admitted. "Look, I'm sorry, ok? But that's not the focus of this conversation. Everyone knows about you and Oliver now and you better be careful."

"What can that brute do, anyway?" Percy huffed, rolling his eyes. When Luis was about to answer, Percy cuts him first. "He may be stronger physically but I know more spells than he does."

"Yes, but that's not why I'm defending him and I know you know it," Luis shook his head. "Look, your business is your business and all but is it so hard to get your own boyfriend? Do you have to steal someone else's?"

"Luis, shut up," Percy grit his teeth. "Why do you care so much, anyway? Why don't you just stay away from this? Oliver and Marcus aren't even married yet. I know you're a product of cheaters but it's not that serious."

"Just don't-" Luis shook his head. "Don't even."

"And what if I still dare?" Percy asked, raising a brow as he cocked his head.

"Do whatever you want, I don't care anymore-" Luis bellowed, getting on his bed. Percy rolled his eyes as he pocketed his wand before standing up, immediately leaving the dorm without another word. Has the news spread that quickly? Does everyone know already? He's going to kill Penelope later, he doesn't care if she's carrying his child.

As Percy walked closer to the common room, he saw that all eyes fell on him. Instead of just ignoring him like usual, he saw some wide-eyed people as they try to hide their sudden interest in something else. As Percy walked down to the common room, he saw one of his year mates, Selena Winters, standing up.

"Perce, I gotta say, you got some gall in you," Percy heard Selena say to him. "Good luck getting out of this dorm without Flint tearing you to shards, you'll need it."

"Do you know where's Oliver?"

"Quidditch field, where else?" Selena answered. "It's the weekend and it's a bright day outside, not that it ever stops him from training the Quidditch team to dust if it's raining. I pity them, to be honest."

"I'll tell them your concern-" Percy chuckled as he tapped Selena's arm before leaving the common room, heading for the door.

As Percy ran through the halls, only one thing occupies his mind. Why can't Penelope mind her own fucking business and shut her hole? He wonders if his siblings have heard about this. They teased him like mad when Ginny revealed she caught him snogging Penelope, what would their reaction be if they hear this rumour? They would berate him for behaving like a saint when he's a slut, he's sure he'll be called that. And when the news of Penelope's pregnancy leaks also, he's dead. No one will take him seriously, now. Not that anyone did, though.

As Percy reached the Quidditch field, he saw that Angelina Johnson, Katie Bell, and Alicia Spinnet ganging up on Oliver as they berate him together, Fred and George were just staring at them until Percy arrived, causing them to stare at Percy, eyes wide as saucers, whilst Harry still stared at the commotion with shock in his eyes. Percy cursed inwardly.

"Ow, Ange!"

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