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"Percy," Fred called. Percy looked down as he faced Fred, dread rising in his innards. "Is it true?"


"You're messing with death!" George exclaimed. "I'm not helping you, Bighead Boy."

"I'm not asking, anyway-" Percy grit his teeth. "You never helped me before, you only made my life a living hell. Why do you assume I need it now?"


"Just shut up," Percy hissed as he walked closer to Oliver's direction to get the girls off his back.

"If we lose the next game because of Flint, we're blaming you." Percy stopped in his tracks, hearing Fred's words. Percy turned back in the direction of the twins, giving one solid punch on Fred's face, even though the nerd knew the punch barely hurt. The noise in the background seemed to die as all eyes rest on the three brothers.

"Don't remind me about Flint, I'm not afraid of hexing that tyrant to next term," Percy growled lowly, taking out his wand and pointing it at Fred. "And neither you too!"

"Percy!" George exclaimed, fear in his voice as he pushed his twin from the tip of Percy's wand. "We're your brothers!"

"Doesn't seem to stop you from making my life a living hell."

"What's wrong with you?"

"He's alright, he's just stressed," Oliver interrupted, giving a suspicious chuckle as he pushed himself past Angelina, Katie, and Alicia, giving Percy a side hug. "Poor chap needs a little break."

"No, Wood. If the four-eyed cretin wants a fight, let's go!" Fred stood up, pulling Percy by his tie, separating him from Oliver and pushed him off, causing him to lose his balance.

"We really should end this."

"Shut it, Harry!" George interrupted, getting his wand out. "Come on, Bighead Boy!"

"Harry's right, we should end this," Oliver inputted.

"Oh come on, Wood! Your boyfriend's a big boy, a little fight won't hurt him!" Katie interrupted, pulling his shoulders to make him face her. "Yours is with us!"

"Why do you care so much about my love life?" Percy growled at his twin brothers. "I never meddled in yours!"

"Imagine how disappointed Mum would be if she knows how her son is a rent boy," Fred huffed. "What's next? Sleeping your way up the Ministry?"

"Oscausi!" Percy casts on Fred, causing skin to appear in place of Fred's lips, rendering him mute. Fred screamed wordlessly, shoving him the middle finger. Percy felt his robes pulled by George who threw a punch on his face.

"You son of a bitch!" George cursed as he kept punching his older brother in the face, causing Percy's nose to break. As George was about to land another punch, Percy stopped his hand from landing to his face, twisting it and kicking him by his knees in the direction of Fred, causing George to fall on Fred.

"Incarcerous!" Percy casts, causing a long chord to appear from the tip of his wand to Fred's and George's direction, tying them together. Percy then casts a healing charm on himself with ease feeling a burning sensation on his nose, lips, and cheekbones before he felt a chilling sensation, then nothing. It seemed that his injuries were a tad worse than a broken nose.

"Fuck you."

"Silencio!" Percy casts, his wand directed at George. George's lips moved but no sounds came out of it, causing the boy in question to glare daggers at his brother who did this to him, who is smirking. "You're always together, you shouldn't mind this."

Percy stood up and turned his head to see all eyes staring at him, pointing his wand at Angelina who was holding Oliver, gaining a gasp from the caramel-skinned girl. "Let him go."

"Fine-" Angelina pushed Oliver in Percy's direction. "But don't expect this to stop anytime soon."

"Come on, Oliver!"

"Wait!" All heads turn as a new voice from the group, showing Harry. As all eyes are currently on him, Harry squirmed in obvious discomfort. "I think everyone knew-"

"Get on with it."

"About Percy and Penelope Clearwater," Harry continued, blinking nervously. Both Percy and Oliver widened their eyes as they can feel their stomachs churn.

"They broke up so this redheaded rent boy," Alicia emphasised 'rent boy', "can seduce the brunet gigolo, we know."

"It's not that," Harry denied. Percy kept pulling Oliver's hand as they left the field slowly as to not be heard. "I heard from Colin who heard from Luna Lovegood who heard from Cho Chang who heard from Rosa Chavéz that Penelope Clearwater is pregnant."

"But Penelope hadn't been dating anyone other than Percy, whom he dumped about four months ago," Katie mentioned, then widened her eyes as her mouth grew wide open also. And from the looks of it, she's not alone. Percy felt suffocated as he can feel the entire Quidditch team staring at him like he had done the worst sin there ever is.


"Expelliarmus!" Angelina casts, causing Percy to be thrown off a few metres back. Oliver shot a fearful look at Angelina before running to help Percy, Alicia and Harry also ran towards Fred and George to undo the spells Percy did on them together. "You coward!"

"It's not what you think!"

"I bet it is!" Percy heard Fred yell from behind. "I bet Mum would take your hand off the Weasley clock when she hears of this!"


"He came to Penelope wanting to break up with her in person," Oliver answered, covering for an obviously anxious Percy. Percy gave Oliver a thankful look, taking a couple of deep breaths to calm himself down. "She insisted for one last night and he complied, but he forgot to use protection and she forgot to remind him. He did not leave her because she was pregnant."

"When are you going to tell Mum?" George asked.


"Too busy shagging up your new boyfriend to think about your child?" Fred scoffed. "Bighead Boy turns to be a bigger hypocrite than we thought, right George?"

"Shut up!"

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