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"We're leaving!"

Percy grabbed Oliver's hand tightly, so tightly he had yelped. But the yelp did nothing as Percy, being the stubborn boy he is, wouldn't slow down nor show any signs of letting go of his death grip, instead going faster and causing pain to Oliver's arm, finally only releasing him when they're in an abandoned classroom, closing the door and conjuring tables to stack up against the door to ensure it stays locked.

"What the hell?!"

"Why can't you control your team?!" Percy barked, giving him a slap on his face. "You're their captain, they listen to you!"

"As if I could!" Oliver defended himself, rubbing his reddening cheek. "I didn't even know how did they know! You know I value your privacy as much as you value mine!"

"Then why didn't you just go away?" Percy pushed Oliver to the wall behind him. "Why must you escalate the situation?! I only knew because Luis told me!"

"Just calm down-"

"Calm down!" Percy laughed as he sobbed, tears welling up his eyes as he tried to hit Oliver again but missed. "Not only they now know about this affair, but also about me getting Penelope pregnant!" Percy weakly rested his head on Oliver's shoulders, his palms covering his eyes. "This is a huge mess, I'm so fucked."

"Hey-" Oliver tried to give Percy a soft hug but the taller boy pushed him back harshly. "Take a deep breath, try to calm down."

"Calm down?" Percy scoffed, laughing through his tears. "This is not the time to calm down! You outed me! To my brothers I hate the most!"

"Can you just listen to me for one bloody second?!" Oliver screamed out of frustration. Percy stopped moving, though Oliver can still hear the sound of his sobbing. "I didn't know that they know, it's the weekend and I just wanted to train my team when suddenly Angelina, Katie, and Alicia started to beat the shit out of me!"

"I haven't told them that I'm queer!" Percy panicked. "And the fact that my brothers know about the pregnancy, they'll owl my parents!"

"I know they'll be shocked, but your family will forgive you."

"You don't have a family, you don't have a say," Percy retorted, taking deep shaky breaths. Percy crouched down as he wiped his tears, taking a few deep breaths in. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

"Want a hug?" Oliver offered, minding his hands to not touch Percy yet.

"I can't-" Percy shook his head, wiping his tears with his hand. "I need to-"

"You need to calm down first," Oliver interrupted, firm hands on either side of Percy's shoulders as he nodded, taking a couple of deep breaths in. "Good. Need me to accompany you to Penelope?" When he realised Percy was making no noise nor movement, he lifts Percy's hands to find the fingers curled. Oliver tried to uncurl and kiss them, still hearing nothing from his boyfriend.

"Let's go." The walk was very silent, neither boys wanting to say anything at all. Oliver kept subtly casting worried looks at Percy, who tried his best to ignore the brunet.

"If only the bitch had shut her damn mouth-" Percy shook his head as he stopped on his tracks, standing in front of the intersection between Ravenclaw tower and Gryffindor tower.

"One way or another, you would have to admit it anyway," Oliver said in a pitiful attempt to soothe his still-enraged boyfriend. "And technically, she didn't spill this one."

"Oh yeah, you did!" Percy sarcastically grinned at Oliver, which got the latter to pucker his lips in fear. "Oh, but you didn't know! They just suddenly attacked you unprompted!"

"Percy, I'm telling you the truth-"

"Can you go?" Percy interrupted, looking down as to avoid eye contact with Oliver. "We'll talk about this later, just go. I have two problems to solve and now I'm going to solve the one that doesn't involve you. Go solve your own problem with Marcus, let's see if you'll do better."

"Fine," Oliver sighed, starting to descend the stairs that connect the hallways between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor tower. But as he goes a few steps away, Oliver stopped and turned his heels to face his redheaded boyfriend. "I love you."

Oliver lingered for a moment, waiting for Percy to say the same. When he realises how still Percy stood and how he still refuses to turn and face him, Oliver continued on his walk down the stairs, guilt in his heart for having outed his boyfriend.

Turning his head to find the stairs empty, Percy waited in front of the Ravenclaw tower door until his eyes spot any Ravenclaw student who was about to enter, never mind that he can enter himself since the 'password' is just a riddle. Once again Oliver had caught him unaware with his words, but it's not the time to be a lovesick fool. By the corner of his eyes, he spots a young girl with wavy, dirty blonde hair and a blue-and-bronze tie. He sees the girl skipping closer to the door and rushed into her direction, recognising her as the daughter of his neighbour with eccentric beliefs.

"Hello, Luna."

"Hello, Percy," Luna answered, her voice sweet and dreamy, twirling her cork necklace. "What can I do for you?"

"Can you ask Penelope Clearwater from the seventh year to come here?" Percy requested. "It's quite urgent."

"Sure!" Luna smiled at Percy, turning to her common room. Whilst waiting for her to come out, Percy cracked his knuckles as he took deep breaths to calm himself down. Telling Professor Dumbledore about the pregnancy whilst being upset won't do anyone good.

"Percy." Percy heard his name being called by such a familiar voice that at this point, he doesn't need to turn around to make sure. "Loony said we need to talk?"

"It's Luna and not Loony-"

"Ok, Luna, I'm sorry," Penelope sarcastically apologised, rolling her eyes. "What do you want?"

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