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"Oliver, I need to leave."

Percy ran to his dorm to find Oliver already inside, sitting on his bed, his back facing him. Percy slowly closed the door and walked closer, seeing Oliver holding a copy of the photographs, Percy sharply inhaled as he sat next to Oliver.

"Didn't I tell you this will happen?" Oliver whispered, not moving at all."I know you wouldn't do it with him, not this soon. I know he forced you to get back at me. If we stay, attacks like this will keep on happening. We need to go now, we can't wait until Christmas break."

"But Penelope-"

"We'll bring her with us-" Oliver cuts, a firm look in his eyes. "Like you said. We'll alert her today and we'll go tonight."

"Are you sure the IPM won't alert Hogwarts?" Percy shook his head, biting his bottom lip. "We'll be screwed then."

"We'll do it a different way," Oliver answered. "We'll go to the homeless shelter I'm from, they have a floo-connected fireplace. We can use it to go to America."

"What'll we do there?"

"We can decide afterwards-" Oliver finally turned his head to face Percy, observing the redhead's bruises before letting his chin rest on Percy's shoulders, hugging his body softly. He noticed how Percy tensed before relaxing himself. "We should go."

"Alright-" Percy nodded, letting Oliver lead the way as they leave their dorm together. Through his peripheral vision, he can see more of the students holding their copies of the photographs and he can hear them talking about it.

"Percy!" Percy turned his body, hearing his youngest brother call for him. As he turned his back he saw that Ron was accompanied by their only sister, Ginny. Percy said nothing, only raising a brow. "Wait!"

"What do you want?"

"Look at this-" Ron showed him a copy of one of the photographs- the one where Percy choked on Marcus' dick. It's obvious that he look tortured. "I don't want to be involved in your love life but-"

"But what?"

"Did he hurt you?" Ginny finished for Ron, noticing how uncomfortable he got.

"Why do you want to know?"

"Percy, you're our family-" Ginny exhaled. "Why would we not?"

"I appreciate your concern-" Percy forced a smile to form for his youngest siblings, ruffling Ron's hair. "Just let me handle it on my own, ok?"

Percy turned his back on his siblings, starting to leave Gryffindor tower with Oliver behind him. Standing before the Ravenclaw tower, they wait in front of the teak door with a bronze eagle knocker. Percy looked around, knocking with the knocker waiting for the eagle to come to life.

"What is the truth?"

"The truth is whatever one believes in," Percy answered. The blue door then opens by itself, letting Percy and Oliver enter with ease. Percy's eyes searched through the common room, seeing a bunch of Ravenclaws giving him an unfriendly look, only for Percy to ignore as he found Penelope sitting in the corner alone, reading a book.


"Professor Flitwick gave me this," Penelope interrupted, leaning to her chair, closing her book. As Percy glances at the cover of the book, he sees that the title is Expecting Better. "Along with other pregnancy and parenting books."

"Can we go somewhere else?" Percy whispered, leaning closer to Penelope's ears to make sure no one eavesdrops on them. "We- I need to talk to you."

"Follow me-" Penelope nodded, standing up before she starts to walk deeper into the Eagle's nest, both Percy and Oliver following. Penelope opened a starry navy blue curtain to a room, which Percy and Oliver entered before Penelope closed the curtain. With his wand, Percy casts a 'muffliato' around the room. "What is it?"

"We can't stay here, we only have tonight." Penelope raised a brow but didn't say anything yet. "Many factors come to mind. Oliver, where's the photograph?"

"Here-" Oliver gave Penelope his copy of the photograph- the one where Marcus had Percy's stomach facing the wall, forcing Percy anal. Penelope took a sharp breath.

"This was taken this morning-" Percy explained. "You heard the howler I got?"


"I went to the bathroom afterwards," Percy nodded, noting how his voice starts to break down and takes a deep breath in. "Marcus Flint entered and forced my clothes off, had his friends take pictures. Turns out, it was their plan all along. They print them and sent them to everyone."

"I'm sorry."

"You know how my parents forced us to get married the other day," Percy continued, changing the subject. "Our wedding date is at Christmas, not so far away from now. But I still want to be with Oliver."

"Oliver's coming?"

"Nothing binds me to England-" Oliver shook his head. "I have no family nor friends other than Percy, I'm the target of Marcus' wrath and I want to still be with Percy."

"And nothing binds you to England too," Percy reminded, trying to convince Penelope. "Your parents disowned you. You can go anywhere."

"You want me to come with you?" Penelope asked. Watching Percy nodded as he held her hands, Penelope asks again. "Why?"

"I'll be completely honest, I'm more interested in our baby," Percy answered, pressing his lips together as he softly squeezed her fingers. "Your parents disowned you, you deserve a second chance and you might find it there."

"Where would we go?"

"Maybe we should go to New York?" Percy suggested. "It's where MACUSA is, we can work on our nationality."

"Massachusetts?" Oliver inputted. When both Percy and Penelope had a questioning look in their eyes as they faced him, Oliver continues. "That's where Ilvermony is."

"If we go to Ilvermony, should we register with our real names?" Penelope asked. "We are almost done with our education. If we use a cover-up name, we might have to start over."

"I mean, we're legally adults," Percy answered. "Our parents can't hold us back, we don't need their signatures on papers."


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