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"Maybe I should cut the pleasantries and go straight to the point, shouldn't I?" Albus started, glancing at Penelope's parents, James and Christina Clearwater, then at Arthur and Molly. Percy saw his parents' questioning looks and had to look away. "Ms Clearwater, Mr Weasley, should you do the honours or should I?"

For a moment, neither parties made any reaction, which solidified the answer. "Very well. It seemed that Ms Clearwater is carrying Mr Weasley's child."


"Percy!" Percy heard his name being called but he doesn't turn his face. "Is it true?"

Percy doesn't answer, still looking away, but as the phrase always says, sometimes actions speak louder than words. He can hear his father take a deep breath in, seeing through his peripheral vision of him sitting up straight. "What will happen to my son's education? Will you expel him?"

"No to both of them," Albus explained. "For Mr Weasley, seeing as he's a Head Boy, he will be paid to do his Head Boy duties alongside other extra duties to fund for Ms Clearwater's pre-natal needs. For Ms Clearwater, though she wouldn't be expelled, she would no longer need to serve as a Prefect to prevent exhaustion."

"What will happen next of course will be the decision of both parties, in which I believe privacy would be highly appreciated. Please, let me excuse myself-" Albus nodded as he stood up, walking to the door before closing it. Percy watched as Penelope's face paled, watching the door longingly.

"Penelope Christina Clearwater," Christina called with a level tone, so flat it gave Percy chills. Slowly, Penelope turned to face her mother. Christina took off her white gold bracelet with sapphire jewels and her white gold necklace with sapphire amulet, as well as diamond earrings before giving them to Penelope.

"You'll need them more than I do," Christina curled Penelope's hand around them, not giving anymore looks at her daughter as she stood up and left, James following her like Penelope had been a fire that'll burn them both. Penelope can only look down as she pocketed the jewelleries, half-expecting this sort of reaction.

"Percy, can you see the impact of the damage you've done?" Percy pressed his lips as he heard his mother's voice, still avoiding her gaze. "Look at what you've done!"

"Percival Ignatius Weasley, look at your mother when she speaks to you!" Percy flinched, hearing his normally genial father bark his full name. Percy slowly turned his body to face his parents and look up, revealing to be a big mistake as his mother immediately landed a big slap on his face, so strong it causes Percy's body to turn alongside his face.


"I want you to be at the Burrow for Christmas-" Molly pointed at Percy, then at Penelope. "Both of you. I expect you to do the right thing and marry her."

"M-marry her?"

"You're already on your way to build a family, right?" Molly eyed Penelope's still-small belly.

"I can't!"

"Then you should've thought about it before you slept with her!" Molly twisted Percy's ear. "What are you going to do now, back away?"


"Then do the right thing and marry her!" Percy closed his eyes, shaking his head as he pressed his lips together.

"I'm already dating someone else," Percy revealed, eyes closed. He doesn't want to see his parents' reaction, and from the sound of it, he can conclude that they weren't happy. "I was about to break up with Penelope when she requested for one last night. I complied but I forgot to use protection," Percy opened his eyes, his voice breaking as tears start forming in his eyes. "I'm so sorry."

"What will happen to the child if you don't marry?"

"We'll co-parent it together," Percy answered, shaking his head. "We haven't truly made a plan yet, but we will. I promise, we'll find a solution and you don't have to think about anything."

"No, you'll marry her," Molly decided, folding her arms to her chest. "Break up with your current girlfriend, you need to learn that some actions do have responsibilities."

"I am willing to step up and not run away!"

"Then you'll do as I say!" Percy felt another hard smack onto his face, feeling himself shrinking into his seat even more. "This isn't about you, Percival. It's about the baby."

"Father!" Percy looked at his dad, hoping for some back up. "Help me!"

"I'm sorry, but your mother's right-" Arthur shook his head. Percy gaped, not believing what he's hearing. "If you don't want this outcome, then you shouldn't have done it in the first place. But it has happened and you need to be responsible. Girl's lost her parents' support already, she only has yours."

"And I will," Percy promised. "I will be responsible for the baby. I'll fulfil everything the baby needs."

"We'll be the talk of everyone else, are you not ashamed?" Molly asked. Percy looked down, guilt rising as he remembered his aunts and uncles.

"Do you think the Ministry would employ an irresponsible applicant?" Arthur asked, knowing those specific words will shut Percy up. "How will you feed the baby if you can't even get a job?"

Percy sighed defeatedly, ruffling his hair. "When's my wedding?"

"Christmas, and there won't be that many attendees," Molly answered. "Just us, a priest, and your siblings."

"But Christmas is next month!" Percy exclaimed. "Mother, that's so quick!"

"Do you think we like this decision, Percy?!" Molly yelled, shaking her head. "Not at all! But it's a crucial decision!"

When Percy didn't say anything, Molly did. "I know it's hard but it's needed. You'll send me some of the money you earn, your father and I will arrange your wedding."

Percy nodded numbly. Molly stood up, followed by Arthur before urging both Percy and Penelope to stand up too. Molly gave Percy a hug, one for the first time in his life, he didn't reciprocate.

"I love you."

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