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Slowly parting, Oliver descended from the stairs, intending to apologise to Marcus. He needs to be brave and own up to his mistakes, and admit what he'd done. The rumours helped, but he knew this is inevitable. Percy kept pushing for him to admit about them to Marcus and Marcus confronted him about him and Percy way before they were outed.

Ignoring the looks from the other students as he passed by, ignoring the whispers from the other students as he passed by, he eventually reached the door to Slytherin Common Room. He knew he was too late, but he has to apologise. If he knew Marcus as well as he does, then Marcus wouldn't bother talking to him at all, but trying wouldn't kill.

Seeing the first Slytherin to come in, he immediately rushed close. He identified her as Gemma Farley, one of the Slytherin prefects.

"Hey, Farley!" Oliver called. Gemma stopped, smiling politely at him. "How are you?"

"I'm good, thanks," Gemma answered. "And you?"

"Likewise-" Oliver nodded. "Can I ask you a favour?"

"What is it?" Oliver took a deep breath, fidgeting as he bit his bottom lip.

"Can you get Marcus Flint?" Oliver requested. "I need to talk to him."

"Sure thing-" Gemma nodded before walking near a damp stone. Oliver backed away, waiting as Gemma entered the Slytherin Common Room. Oliver's palms are emitting cold sweat, he's like a sinner in church, and technically, he is a sinner. He always felt awful having to lie to Marcus, saying the truth now feels even worse.

The door soon opened up to reveal Marcus with his three mates, Adrian Pucey, Terence Higgs, and Lucian Bole. Oliver took a step back as he swallowed his saliva, keeping his head up.

"I'm so sorry," Oliver started, feeling butterflies in his guts. "I went too far."

"'Too far'?" Marcus chuckled dryly, folding his arms. "'Too far' can't even begin to start with. I knew it, I wasn't the only one. Tell me the details- what did you do? Did he give you gifts grander than mine? Was the sex better?"

"We're over-" Oliver licked his lips, eyes wandering to the threatening faces of Marcus' friends.

"Come here-" Marcus extended his arm, playing his fingers. Oliver nodded as he slowly walked forth, hands touching. Marcus grabbed Oliver's hand and pulled him close, so close that each other's chest hit the other hard, causing the latter to moan in pain. Roughly, Marcus kissed Oliver, his tongue exploring Oliver's mouth.

"It was fun while it lasted-" Marcus nodded as they pulled apart. "Don't you want a gift, Livi?"


"A simple 'yes' or 'no' would suffice, Darling-" Marcus smirked as he cut him. "Do you want a gift?"


"But they've already prepared you a gift-" Marcus chuckled as he pushed Oliver in Adrian's direction, Adrian immediately hugging him to make sure he doesn't go. Oliver exhaled as he tried to resist, his hands going through his pockets trying to find his wand.

"Looking for this?" Marcus grinned as he showed a wand, a wand Oliver recognises as his. Marcus threw Oliver's to the floor and kicked it so far away, no one may reach it. "Boys, what punishment do you think is appropriate for this cheater?"

"What if we just beat him?" Lucian suggested. "Get this over with. He's alone, there's four of us."

"I agree-" Marcus nodded. "The real pain will come tomorrow morning, this is just a simulation."

"What're you gonna do?" Oliver asked, backing away. "What will happen tomorrow morning?"

"You'll see-" Marcus nods, his hand choking Oliver and lifts him off the ground. Oliver made out choking noises as he tried to free himself off Marcus' hold, scratching his hand and kicking around. Marcus snarled as he dropped Oliver, watching as Oliver takes several deep breaths in.

"You know what to do," Marcus said, backing away. Oliver looked up to see Adrian, Terence, and Lucian getting closer, Adrian landing a hard kick to Oliver's body. It didn't stop there, for the three boys started kicking Oliver mercilessly.

Sounds of groaning and slapped flesh filled the hallways, Marcus watching the scene with a hint of sadness in his heart as his boyfriend kept screaming at his assailants to stop. Not being able to watch his boyfriend being beaten up anymore, Marcus rests his hands on Terence's and Lucian's shoulders, pushing them back. Marcus only glanced at Adrian, and soon he followed the others.

"Hold him down," Marcus commanded. Terence hurried to Oliver's arms and pulled them up, Lucian does the same as he held down Oliver's legs. Marcus crouched down to see Oliver's face black and blue.

"Does it hurt?" Marcus chuckled. Oliver said nothing, only staring at his boyfriend with such pain in his eyes. "Don't give me that look. You did this to yourself."

"We're done," Oliver rasped out weakly. Marcus shook his head, letting out a chuckle.

"No," Marcus denied. "We're not. I forgive you, am I not the kindest boyfriend?"

"I don't forgive you," Oliver spat, anger rising from his innards. "I don't want you." Marcus' jaws tighten as he tightened his fist, landing a solid punch to Oliver's face, causing his nose to break.

"I'm not the cheater here, you are," Marcus snarled. "But I forgive you wholeheartedly. You're all mine. I'll stay with you every day, I'll make you think of me every day, like old times."

"Like hell."

"You didn't care about me when you were with Weasel-nerd, or should I call him Weasel-slut?" Marcus shook his head, blinking furious tears that are coming off his face. "I'm stuck in your hell!"

"I'm sorry!"

"Shut up!" Marcus punched Oliver's face again, causing his lip to split open. Seeing blood coming out from his lip and how crooked his nose is, Marcus felt like throwing up as he realised they're his doing. But this isn't the time to get sentimental.

"I'm in hell and it's time I drag you with me!"

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