Busted Up

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Gets a bit heated at the end [ s h r u g ]
This chapter is written in the future after the events of the strike with consideration that Davey is being written as an 18 year old and Jack as a 19 year old! (I like to think Davey kept working as a News Boy on the weekends just to see Jack 👀)

Davey silently made his way along the streets of New York, aiming towards his house, which was several blocks away.
It'd been a rough day of selling which meant he was left alone to the dead of night to complete his sales. Les had gone home several hours earlier when Davey had sent him back with Jack.
His face grew warm and a gentle smile graced his features as he thought about the other.
It still took him by surprise sometimes when he realized that that boy was his and Davey was Jack's in turn.
This thought specifically turned his smile into a grin, adding a swing in his arms and a kick to his step. Maybe...if he was lucky, Jack would have waited for him at his house- it was a fat chance with a capital F, but nothing was going to stop Davey from hoping.

They could spend the night on the rooftop or the fire escape, just sharing jokes and laughs and...perhaps stealing a few kisses here and there. Who knew.

Davey shook his head and had to remind himself that it had been much a time since Jack would have dropped Les off and it would be unreasonable for him to think the other stayed that long.
The curly haired brunette could now see his home in the distance, the lights still on despite how late it was. His folks were staying up for him, just as he'd hoped they would. He looked forward to at least greeting them, if not Jack, and anyhow, he could pester Les about what Jack said on their walk home tonight. Les was always able to inform him, or more so complain, about how Jack would never shut up about Davey. Which made Davey fall even harder for the other boy, seeing as how he typically didn't voice his affections towards Davey very often or in public...but when he did...Davey hung on to every word.

The walking boy became so enveloped in his thoughts he didn't notice the shadowy figure leaning against the lamppost ahead of him into he ran right into it, sending him stumbling a few feet back, "S-Sorry-" he murmured out before recognizing the silhouette.

A Delancy.

Davey's mouth went dry as the other began to slowly approach him.

"I-I don't want any trouble." Davey fretted.

"Too bad, because I do." The stocky boy across from him growled, cracking his knuckles menacingly, though only a few popped.

"P-Please." Davey squeaked as he ran into the railing of a staircase that led up to a house a few down from his.

"I was hoping to find ya' around here...I wasn't too happy with our last fight." He seethed.

Davey recalled their last run in. It hadn't gone well for he or any of his family...Jack had been there to refuse him then- and a good thing too, Davey has no idea how to swing a punch.
He still didn't.

Oscar smirked before diving forward and tackling Davey to the ground.

Davey yelped in surprise but used his back feet to kick Oscar over his head before he scrambled to his feet, running for his house.
He panted as he scrambled up the fire escape, hearing the snarls of Oscar, who quickly pursued him. He had almost made it to his floor when the boy behind him grabbed him by the ankle and yanked him down, causing Davey's chin and elbows to slam onto the rough metal and bloody them up.

Oscar then threw Davey onto his back so they met eye to eye, "I want you to remember this next time you pick or me or my brodda, got it?"

Pinned, all Davey could do was glare, slightly with fear.

Oscar lifted a fist, "Boyfriend ain't here to save you now!"

"He's not my-"

"Actually, he is here." Jack's slim figure grilled the railings of the escape before throwing his legs over Davey and kicking Oscar square in the nose before releasing the handles and falling on top of him, "I want you to remember this face next time you mess with me or my-" He hesitated, "m-my- Davey!"

"Yours, huh?" Oscar sneered, "You've really got poor taste in-" He didn't finish his sentence as Jack delivered a punch to Oscar's windpipe.
It made the other make gagging noises and wheeze as Jack let off.

Oscar staggered for his feet, clutching his throat in absolute pain with round eyes, that were only able to glare at Jack before he staggered down the fire escape, jogging off down the street until his figure was consumed by the dark of the night and allies.

Jack took a moment to catch his breath from his rage before spitting off the side of the escape.

"G-Gross." Davey winced as he sat up, blood dripping from his chin and onto his pants, spiking them.

"That's just business." Jack snorted before turning to Davey, crouching in front of him with a concerned look, "Dave...are you okay?" He reached forward, turning his wrist to gently wipe away the blood from the boy's chin.

Davey winced and pulled away, "Y-Yeah, I'm fine- why are you here? I thought you would have left already."

"I was about to go lookin' for ya'- then I heard this loud thump out here and figured I should check it out."

"That was...really stupid of you." Davey sighed.

"A thank you would suffice." Jack rolled his eyes before he felt Davey take his right hand and offer a small smile.

"Thanks." Davey sighed before wincing again at the pain in his chin.

"We should go get you cleaned up, come on." Jack helped Davey up.


After an hour of washing Davey's face and elbows off, with his parents fretting and threatening to call the police before Sarah talked them down from it, clearly seeing the panic between Jack and Davey at the suggestion, they were finally left alone to Davey's room. It was to the left of the kitchen and had a window that looked down into the alley beside their house. A small twin-sized bed and a dresser was all he kept there. Davey claimed it was all he needed- "And if you could just sit beside my dresser all the time, nice and pretty like, I truly would have everything I want in this room."

"Oh come on, what about food and water?" Jack blushed.

"I think you're a priority over that." Davey grinned.

"Well, your survival is a priority of mine," Jack murmured as he sat down at the foot of Davey's bed, the boy currently relaxing under his sheets, shirt hung on the edge of his bed from where he'd discarded it to allow Jack to tend to his wounds.
His mother had offered, but Jack reasoned that he'd been in enough fights to know how to take care of these kinds of things...little Davey's parents knowing that it was just an excuse to touch the other- not in any sexual manor, just lovingly. Lovingly helping him.

"I'd say your wounds look better but you was prettt quick to cover up." He leaned forward with a smirk.

Davey rolled his eyes, "You don't need to see any of this."

"What is I want to?" Jack cocked an eyebrow suggestively.

"Th-Then you're being foolish." Davey stuttered.

Jack reaches for the hem of the blanket that Davey was using to cover up, "I don't think I agree with that."

Davey tightened the grip on the blanket, "J-Jack really, it's had enough you already had to see-"

"What? The full extent to the stud that is my boyfriend? How is that bad?" Jack grinned.

"You're just saying that because we're together." Davey rolled his eyes.

"I'm saying that, because I only got a preview, Dave. Nobody likes a tease." Jack purred.

Davey's face turned a scarlet red, "J-Jack, really." He tried to sound serious, "I'm nothing to gawk at."

Jack scoffed and leaned back, "Nothing to gawk at? Dave, I could gawk at ya' all day, clothes or not, and I'd still want to gawk some more!"

"Oh geez." Davey covered his face with a hand.

"Look, I'll respect your wishes if you don't want me perusing.." Jack bit his lip before sighing, "But just understand, Dave, I'm entirely crazy about you and I'm hoping one of these days," He leaned forward to whisper in his lover's ear, "I don't just get to see under your shirt, but I gets to feel it too."

Davey felt like melting right there and then. And he kind of did. But first he pulled the covers aside to make a spot for Jack, "Take your shoes and your vest off and I'll...we can cuddle, but you-"

Jack had kicked his shoes off immediately and shouldered his vest away in a frenzied panic before diving for Davey, wrapping his arms around the boy's bare torso and clothed legs.

Davey squeaked at this action.

"How far does cuddling go?" Jack purred.

Davey was silent before quietly guiding Jack's hand from his torso to his chest.

"I can work with that." Jack smirked, "And anyhow..." His voice lowered, "One thing good about Oscar busting you up.." He moved his lips to Davey's shoulder, planting a kiss there before deepening it and sucking gently, making the boy before him shutter and let out a small noise as Jack left of a mark, "Nobody's going to be able to tell if your body bein' black and blue is Oscar's fault or not."

"I-In that case-" Davey hesitantly lowered the sheet from where it rested at his chest, exposing his upper body, willing himself to feel less self conscious as Jack sat up to move on top of him, looming over with a loving smile.

"I'm the only one who'll ever leave bruises on ya Dave and it'll never, ever be ill willed." Jack leaned down and began to mark Davey's neck.

"I-I don't care what will it is, just keep going." Davey whispered and Jack chuckled, leaning up to press an innocent kiss to Davey's cheek.

"As long as you're with me, nobody's goin' to hurt ya'. Not even your own brain tellin' that this right here," Jack motioned to Davey's body, "Isn't...isn't...Davey..." Jack whined, feeling from Davey's shoulders to his waist, "Fuck.."

"Jack you're not even-" Davey bit his lip as Jack swooped down to his collar bone, leaving multiple marks there.

Jack hummed against his most recent mark, "Please God, Davey, never wear a shirt again."

"Jack." Davey couldn't help but laugh in amusement.

"How's bought we-" Jack bunched his shirt up and off his shoulders before tossing it aside, "-instead of having me sittin' by the dresser, we have half our clothes there instead?"

"I-" Davey looked away with red features, "Can't say I'd object to that."

"Thank ya' god."


And you can't tell me the following day the Newsies didn't beat the living shit out of Oscar when Davey shows up with bruises all over his neck and he can't move his upper body.
Jack just allows them to rip Oscar to shreds with a knowing smile while Davy can't stop blushing.

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