Swap's Day

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Credit to @thestoryweneededtowrite on tumblr

"You call it what-" Davey furrowed his brow in confusion as he looked at Les from where they sat at the breakfast table, whispering as nobody else was up yet in these early hours of the morning. Their father may usually be up with them, but without work, he hadn't a reason to. This left Les and Davey to make breakfast for themselves in the morning just before they headed off to the housing lodge.

"It's not just me- Jack told me 'bout it! They call it Hat Swaps Day."

"But it's Valentine's Day." Davey sniffed, unamused as he poked his single egg with a fork, getting a small bit of its white edge and dipping it lightly in the yolk.

"Exactly!" Les rolled his eyes, standing up from his chair at the breakfast table.

"Sh! You'll wake Sarah and the others." Davey hissed in a warning.

"Oh- sorry." Les whispered, sitting back down quietly.

"What do you mean exactly?" Davey cocked an eyebrow, swallowing another mouthful of egg.

"Well, Blink and Mush started it a few years back-"

"Course they did." Davey sighed with a shake of his head before his brother continued.

"- and you swap hats with your valentine!" Les paused, "Well, with the person you like- like-like that is." Les grinned before slumping back, "Either that or you give it to 'em if they don't have a hat. Sees cos if you want a girl- Dave?" Les looked at his brother's red features.

"And they- they just- we're all boys!" Davey argued.

"And?" Les frowned in confusion.

"You're too young to understand." Davey groaned and leaned against his hand.

"I can understand just fine that boys can like boys! I can understand just fine the way you look at Jac-" Les was shut up as Davey shoved the rest of his egg in the boy's mouth, ignoring the foul feel of the yolk spilling onto his hand.

Les gratefully ate the egg now in his mouth but with the bitterness of confusion as Davey took his hand away to wipe it on a napkin next to his now empty plate. He gripped the napkin tightly and stared down at it with intent, "D-Dont repeat that."

"About Jac-"

"YES!" Davey flushed as he stood up before carding a hand through his hair and heading towards the door, "Come on, let's go."

"You should just tell him!" Les shrugged as he got up as well, following his brother to the door.

"What?" Davey looked down at the younger boy like he was crazy before shaking his head and reaching for their caps, "No, defiantly not happening."

"Why not?" Les whined as Davey ruffled the hat onto his head.

"Because things like that don't work out for people like me." Davey frowned.

"People like you?" Les furrowed his brow in frustration and confusion at his brother's words.

Davey fixed his hat onto his head before he kneeled down and placed his hands on his brother's shoulders, looking him in the eye, "Boys aren't supposed to like boys."

"That's not true!" Les whined.

"It shouldn't be true, but it is. Guys like me, don't get guys like Jack- it's not in the cards." Davey sighed as he stood up.

"So you're not going to give him your hat?" Les frowned as they began out the front door, Davey shutting and locking it tightly behind them, pausing with a red face.

"No, my hat's staying on my head today." Davey promised, leaving Les with a frown and a begrudging acceptance.


Les hadn't been kidding, when Davey arrived at the gates, lining up for his papers, he found that more than a few pairs of Newsies had exchanged caps. He was surprised it hadn't been a small exchange between one or two newsies. But no, here he was, half of the lodging house boys wearing different caps today. He felt his heart twist with envy and fear as he couldn't find Jack in the crowd. He hated the fact that it would bother him if Jack had another newsie's hat on. Would it be Crutchie's? Or Race's? Maybe Spot's?
Who was he kidding, face and Spot were as gay as you could get without outing yourself.

There cane the familiar hoot and holler as Jack made an appearance from the lodging house, crowded by a few boys as he got in line.
Davey watched with interest as he tried to get a clear look at the other.
To his surprise- Jack was wearing no hat at all.
Both confusion and jealousy them nipped are Davey's heart. Had he given the hat to someone else? Were they wearing it?
He began to scan the other newsies for the light gray cap without luck.
Moments later, Crutchie emerged from the lodging house- gray cap.
It made Davey's blood boil until...no, Jack's cap didn't have a hole in the back, and it wasn't that shade.
Relief washed over Davey until he felt someone tug his sleeve. He looked down at Les who pointed to the Delancys, glaring at him as he was now first in line.

"U-Um- a hundred papers, please." Davey slapped a few coins down.

He was handed two stacks and struggled to carry them over a few feet to distribute one stack to Les, who slipped them into his satchel which then hung dangerously close to the ground.

"Need help there muscles?"

Davey almost squeaked as Jack poked one of his arms, clearly lacking the muscular structure that Jack had built over years of hauling around paper. It wasn't to say that Davey didn't have muscles, he was just lagging behind in comparison to Jack. Why he noticed this was- well, fairly obvious to him.

"Are you going to sell with us today, Jack?" Les beamed happily.

"Well, we ain't business partners for nuthin ain't we?" Jack cracked a grin.

"You already got your papers?" Davey questioned.

"I's been up for hours, 'course I do." Jack slapped the paper bag on his hip, "Are we ready or what?" He grinned.

"Yep! Let's go!" Les rushes out the gate.

"Les-!" Davey sighed as the boy hurtled out of sight.

"They've got insane energy them young ones." Jack lifted his eyebrows in surprise.

"Yeah." Davey cleared his throat awkwardly.

"So, you've got any plans today?" Jack hummed as they followed back behind Les, who was already hustling an old married couple a block away.

"Me?" Davey laughed shyly, "What, like for Valentine's Day?"

"Yeah, like that." Jack nodded, trying to hide the blush on his face by glancing away from Davey.

"N-Not really." Davey shook his head.

"No or not really?" Jack smirked.

"No." Davey sighed, clutching tightly the strap of his bag.

"Davey doesn't have a girl of his own, eh?" Jack elbowed him in the shoulder, making him flinch slightly with a shrug. This made Jack frown in guilt and regret as he saw how bothered the boy seemed by the question. He gently put his arm on Davey's shoulder and they stopped a moment, "Hey, I don't got nobody either, and I'm getting along just fine. You's will too." He reached up and ruffled Davy's hat atop his head.

Davy couldn't help but smile and let out a brief laugh, "Yeah, alright."

"Now come on." Jack threw a hand around Davy's waist, making the other twitch from the contact, "There ain't nothin' more romantic than papes."

"R-Romantic?" Davey stuttered, looking up at Jack.

Jack seemed to realize how he'd worded that- along with touching Davey's waist- and quickly let his hand fall to his pocket, "For them lovers, Dave." He nodded to the groups of couples walking down the street.

"O-Oh- yeah!" Davey chuckled, "Yeah, of course, I- yeah."

Jack looked at him skeptically before shrugging, nodding over to a young couple, "Now here's what we do, we sell it like love advice."

"Advice?" Davey laughed.

Jack nodded, "Sure as day. We say somethin' like-" He took a step forward as he pulled a paper out, "Top ten tips to getting that girl o' your dreams! Step right up, one dime per pape!" Several men rushed up to Jack, red-faced as they grumbled about the price but handed a dime over to him. Instantly selling at least six papers. When he was done, Jack turned to wink at Davey cockily, who simply rolled his eyes.

Jack approached Davey with a smirk and a nod, "Now you."

Davey frowned, "I-I don't think Romance is really my game."

"Sure it is! Think of a sappy headline!" Jack slapped Davey on the back, pushing him towards a crowd of people watching a man juggling pink and white balls in theme for the day. He swallowed sharply, "M-Man confesses love to woman d-during baseball game!" He hollered, waving the paper.

There were a few awkward glances and pitiful looks but no buyers.

"U-Um-" Davey stuttered, still not accustomed to lying, "L-Love poems! In the papes! Get em f-for your girl! Read 'em and she's sure to fall for ya!"

A few men- and women..glanced over at Davey as the jugular got off the raised platform at the center of the block.

"Show us!" Jack called from the lamppost he leaned against the edge of the crowd.

The crowd seemed to murmur in agreement before shouting "Yeah, boy!" "Show us them poems!" "Read em!"

Davey took a second to shoot a hard glare at Jack before stumbling onto the raised platform, clearing his throat, "U-Um-" He glanced at Jack who gave him a wink and a thumbs up. He looked to the expectant crowd. He had to come up with a love poem. On the spot. How could he do this. Why was he doing this?
This was completely and utterly...Jack..
That was it.
The idea made Davey's heart flip and his stomach spin as he cleared his throat again, "H-Here's one-" He looked down at the paragraphs before him, willing them to turn to words he could use, only to find himself seeing nothing on the page, and everything of Jack in his mind, "M-My Dearest Love, it must be true...for as long as stars shine...I will love you...your glistening eyes...deeper than any sea... for on this day of lovers, I hope your choice to be me." Davey gained some confidence with some murmurs of approval, "From your...magnificent hair," He laughed breathlessly for a moment at the image of Jack's untamed curls, "To your witty smile." His dimples were etched into Davey's mind, "I hope you don't mind...if I stay for awhile." He awkwardly shifted the newspaper in his hand, "If it isn't far too much to ask to be mine...I hope that you might...be my Valentine." He looked up silently at an awed crowd who then cheered and began fishing around for coins.

Davey's eyes widened and he quickly kneeled down with his papers, exchanging nearly all of them for pennies and nickels. He earned compliments for his delivery- apparently sounding very authentic...coincidentally. This further fueled Davey's confidence until came the last person, at the very end of the line, with as smug as ever a look on his face.

"Not bad, Dave." Jack chuckled as he swung himself up to sit beside the boy, the crowd having dispersed to their own daily routes now.
Jack drummed his fingers along the wood stand, "You made that up just now?"

"Mhm." Davey smiled.

"Who's the lucky gal?" Jack wiggled his eyes brows.

"Wh-What?" Davey stuttered.

"Well, that clearly came from somewhere!" Jack chuckled.

"It was just words!" Dave gripped the wood stand beneath him.

"And emotions." Jack pointed out.

"It was nothing." Dave sighed.

"Suit yourself. What now?" Jack sighed, looking around the block.

Davey felt the confidence slowly flickering out of his stomach. He needed to take advantage of it now- just for one simple question, "Why aren't you wearing your hat today?"

Jack lifted his eyebrow in surprise before nodding, "Very observinant' I see."

"Something like that." Davey breathed out.

Jack sighed, "Well, the boys have this tradition of H-"

"Hat Swap Day?" Davey looked at Jack with a cocked eyebrow.

"You know?" Jack lifted his eyebrows in surprise.

"Les told me." Davey shrugged.

"Ah.." Jack looked down at his feet.

"You don't participate?" Davey frowned curiously.

"Somethin' like that." Jack scratched the back of his leg.

"No, or somethin' like that?" Davey mocked with a smirk.

"Ohoho! Getting cocky, Davey-Boy?" Jack nudged his shoulder to Davey's.

"Maybe." Davey chuckled.

Jack hummed and leaned back, "I didn't want any of the fellas thinkin' they could swap hats with me."

"Why not?" Davey inquired with a curious look.

"'Cause...I sees them as brothers and...person I'm after isn't part of the Newsies lodge."

Davey felt his heart twisty and break. Jack liked someone- and it wasn't a Newsie- he was a Newsie...which meant...oh.. "Oh...um...I'm sorry.."

"What're you apologizing for? It ain't your fault." Jack smiled gently as he put an arm around Davey.

Davey stared at his feet, and then the two papes to his right, he hopped off the edge of the platform and took the papers before gently taking his hat off and placing them on top of the papers, "Y-You can have the extra two. I've sold my share for the day. I'll see you later to split the funds. M-Make sure Les is taken care of till then." He briskly made his way away from Jack. He trusted he'd watch after Les.

"Wait- Davy, you left your-"

"I know." Davey forced the words out as he sped up into a quick jog.

"Davey-!" He heard Jack call from behind, only prompting him to run versus jog.


It took Davey several minutes to dart around alleys until he felt safe enough to rest in one of them, panting and catching his breath until it became shallow and quiet enough that he could now hear his thoughts.
They screamed at him.
Begged him to take back what he'd just done.
He gave his hat to Jack- sort of- he'd implied it and-
What was he doing?
Jack liked somebody, had just confessed to liking somebody and...Davy...
Well, Davy had returned the confession. Just...not in the same way.
And now Jack would ignore him.
Their funds would drop because of it and- then Davey's family would be disappointed in him. Les would be disappointed in him.
He began to shuffle as he brought his knees to his chest until the sniffles turned to quiet sobs.
How could he have done this?
Jeopardized everything just for a stupid crush that would amount to nothing.
In the moment, it seemed the best option...he needed it off his chest and after he'd shared that poem, his hormones were all wack and-

"Dave..?" A hushed voice came from the entrance of the alley.

Davey felt his heart plummet into his stomach and he quickly began to scratch at his eyes to keep the tears away. He stayed quiet.

"Dave, I can see you back there." Jack's voice was hushed as he approached Davey.

"I-I'm alright, just taking a break." Davey croaked.

"You don't sound alright." Jack slipped into the shaded part of the alley, looking down at a curled in Davey who wouldn't meet him eye.

"Well, I am." Davey snapped.

Jack flinched but cleared his throat, "Dave...is your hat...was you giving it to me because...well, because today-"

"No, I was giving it to you because it was too heavy for me to wear." Davey sniffed cynically before sighing, "I'm sorry, th-that was mean- it's just- I-I didn't mean to- or- I wasn't planning to- not right then not- not like that-"

"But you...you were plannin' to?" Jack asked hopefully.

"I-" Dave glanced up to see not only that Jack was smiling but that- "Y-You're wearing my hat." He whispered.

"Well, you did give it to me." Jack responded just above a whisper as he blushed shyly.

"What about the non-newsie?" Davey responded obliviously.

"The who?" Jack frowned.

"The person you like."

Jack blinked a few times before laughing, "I said he wasn't a parta the lodge not the Newsies!"

Davey blushed profusely, "O-Oh-" He paused, "He?"

Jack paused, "For someone so clever- You're really not getting this, are ya' Davey?"

Davey shrugged. It wasn't completely a lie...he just didn't want to get his hopes up without some kind of confirmati-

"I'm crazy about ya', Dave." Jack murmured, reaching down to taken Davey's hands and give them an affectionate squeeze.

"R-Really?" Davey breathed out with a small smile.

"For sure." Jack smiled in return.

"Jack- I- um-"

"We should prolly go fetch my hat from my bunk- don't want your head gettin' cold." Jack ruffled Davey's well-kept hair.

"O-Okay." Davey allowed Jack to pull him to his feet. Ending up only an inch away from him face, "Um-" He whispered.

Jack awkwardly looked from Davey's eyes to his lips and the other boy gave him a quick nod.
Jack then pressed a quick and innocent kiss to Davey's lips before pulling away.

They looked at each other a moment before Davey grinned and Jack chuckled.

"Come on, we should-" Jack was interrupted as Davy grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him into a deeper kiss.

Jack swiped at air as he searched for a place to rest his hands before deciding on Davey's hips. They stayed like this until they pulled back breathlessly.

"Best- to take this back to the lodge- won't nobody bother us there." Jack breathed, "A shame I'll probably only have your hat on for a second before things come off."

"Yeah-" Davey went red, "wait what-"


I can't write enough of these boys

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