Jess's home! Chapter 1

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An here are the ages

Jessica/Aphmau: 8
Adam/Sky: 11
Ross: 8
Max: 9
Red: 9
Barney: 10
Jinbop: 9 and a half
Ty/Deadlox: 10

Ships in this book are: RedNey, MithMau!!!,SkyLox and whatever Jin and Ross's ship name is!!

Hope you like the story!

Max pov

"Shut the heck up Jess!" I say rather lodly "Max are you MAD!!?" She asked giggeling "ADAM WHY DID YOU SHOW HER THE FRIKING MOVIE ITS 14+!!!!!" I scream as I push him so he falls over "The same reason you know! You know? You dont know? Oh well i do know!" He awnser "THATS IT IM LEAVING HAVE FUN WITH ADAM JESS SEE YOU NEVER!!!!!!!" I scream at her and walk out of her house. And run home, Jess was the only one that didnt know that nickname! I run too my room, and cry then my mom comes in my room "Oh Max what happend!" She asks hugging me. "Nothing moamma" I awnser. "Sweete is it Adam again?" I shake my head as a no "Ty?" I Shake my head again. "Barney or Red?" "No" Ross or Jin?" "No......" "It wasent Jess was it?" I nod my head yes "oh im sorry Max!" "C-can I be s-s-ick tomorow?" "Max.... Im sorry but im not home tomorow." I nod my head and fall asleep in moamma's arms.

Jess pov

"IM LEAVIG HAVE FUN WITH ADAM JESS SE YOU NEVER!!!!!!!" Max screamed at me, and i saw tears fill his eyes, as he left. I hear Adam laughing behind me. I sitt down and play with the brim of my shirt....."A-Adam?" What?" "Ma-ax ha-ve n-never bee-en a-angry wit-h m-me be-fore!" I stuttering "O-oh, I didnt know that Jess! Im sorry!" "He said he didnt wanna see me again ever!" I say tears in my eyes, Max is the best friend i have ever had! And we met in kindergarden! I scream and cry as my moamma comes home she runs up the stairs and see me crying as Adam tryed to comford me "what happened?!" Moamma askes "Max got angry with her!" "Ok, Sky can you leave" "Yes ma'm" Adam awnsers. "Oh dear why did he get angry with you?" "A-Adam said i should call him mad Max and i did A-nd-" I started to sob before i was done "Ok Jessica, its ok moamma will fiks it!" Moamma pulled out her phone and called someone and said "Hey, Jessica wont calm down so could you bring him?..... oh thank you see ya"

Max pov

"Max wake wake" "Ok fine!" I stand up from bed and go to moamma "what?!" Moamma take me on her shoulders "Com'on Max lets go!" She said as i laugh "we soon arive at Jess's house "why we here? I ask. Moamma liftes me off of her shoulders and sat me down and dings the doorbell. Jessicas mom opens the door "Max?" "Yeah?" "Come with me" i follow Jess's mom to her room "Max plis help her calm down, we have tryed everything but nothing helps plis help her!" She opens the door and I see Jess on her bed crying "whats wrong Jess?" I ask as i got in her bed. Jess hugges me and repits "im so sorry..... Max forgive me pliz....Max......" "Jess its fine, i forgive you!" I awnser as i hugg back. I gues we were both really tired cuz we both fell asleep, cuddeling.

Max's moamma pov

"We shuld check on'm" I say
"We should indeed" Sylvana awnsers
We walk up the stairs and look in too Jessica's room to see them cuddeling on the bed. I snap a quick photo "they are so cute" i whisper "gues he's gonna stay the night!" Sylvana awnsers "yep, you already have some of his clothes right?" "I sure do!" I wave goodbye to Sylvana and go home, i swer that our house is like Jess's second home! And Jess's home is like Max's second home!

Words: 685

This is important in the story!

Thanks for reading btw and dont forget to : vote, coment and banana (but only if you want 2 tho)


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