What's happenig to my face?! Chapter 2

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An here are the ages

Jessica/Aphmau: 8
Adam/Sky: 11
Ross: 8
Max: 9
Red: 9
Barney: 10
Jinbop: 9 and a half
Ty/Deadlox: 10

Ships in this book are: RedNey, MithMau!!!,SkyLox and whatever Jin and Ross's ship name is!!

Enjoi the story!
(Copy and paste, remember)

Jess pov

I wake up with my head on Max's chest and my arm on his torso. His hands were on my waste and back and his head was in my hair. I feel somthing weird happening to my face..... it feels cinda warm? And why is my heart pounding?! I get out of Max's arms and take some new clothes on, dear god moamma didn't forget! I go out of my room and see moamma making brekfast. "Hey moamma" i say "hi sweetheart, can you wake Max so he wont be late for school?" Moamma asks "okie" i awnser. I walk back up the stairs and in too my room "MAX!!!!" I scream at him "what" he groanes "Moamma made brekfast" i say "fine" he gets out of bed and take the clothes moamma found for him. I go back to moamma. She has the toast with jam and waffles with syrup "Jess just start to eat Max will come soon" "okie doke" after Max is done moamma drives us to school "Bye" "bye" Max and i awnser at the same time.

Ross pov

Im talking to Adam about some stuff when i see Jess and Max go out of a car "Adam it looks like Max isnt mad with her ennymore!" I say. Adam looks twords them "hm youre right" Adam say "sup Max?" I awnser "nothin much, how about ya? Thinkin about Jin?~" Max asks me "pfff N-no i-m n-ot!" I say "sure~" we all laugh then i see the bully of the school hitting two boys "Adam look!" I say. He looks at the bullys "we have to save them!" Adam said "but first Max are you mad Max or sad Max cuz he was the one who came up with calling you mad Max and sad Max!" I say and point at Barney "that little" Max said and rund sthrait to get him.

Max pov

I cant belive Barney did that. I punch him straight in the jaw. "Whats the heks Max?!" He screams at me "why'd you do that?" Asked Ty "the same reason youre bulling these guys! NOW LEAVE AND DONT TELL ON ME!!!" I scream at them as they run away.

Jess pov

I feel my face get warm again when Adam said: Jess do you have a crush?~" "No Adam i dont" i say back "then why you blushing?~" "whats 'blushing'? I ask "its when your face turns red and warm you could say blood rush but we short it with blush!" Adam awnser "Ok?" I say cumfused

     -/(Time skip after school)\-

"Moamma?" "Yes?" "Can you explane the word blush?" "Blushing, the physiological occurrence of temporary redness of the face as an emotional response" (copy and paste!) "Ok" i say back "Does blushing meen youre in love?" "Kinda yeah?" Ohhh god i cant be in love with Max no no! What do i do?! How do i stop this feeling?! Max is my best friend! "Jess?" "Yeah?" Max's mom is here to pick you up! So you and Max can play!" "Comming!" I run down to see Max's mom she lifts me up "come Jess max is wainting!" She said and i giggled.

Words: 585
I am sick! And i hate it! But ill uptate tomorrow! C ya!

-Silver or Sylvia

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