Is That a Problem?

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It was Bakugou's turn to blush now and Kirishima just laughed, leading them toward the bumper cars. They played a few games, their competitive nature showing and won a couple of prizes for each other.

They had eaten too much shitty food but were enjoying themselves. It was getting toward the end of the night when Kirishima wanted to be a little more cuddly but he wasn't sure how Bakugou would react so he hadn't done anything yet.

Bakugou wanted to hold Kirishima's hand so he reached down and threaded their fingers together. He was sick of the stolen kisses and brief touches that currently signified their relationship.

He wanted Kirishima's hand in his, to show the world that he was his. He really hoped Kirishima would be ok with it, he wasn't sure how he would handle that kind of rejection after such a nice night.

Sure, he was difficult to get along with but that wasn't accidental, he had constructed his outward appearance specifically to deter people. He'd had no use for friendships.

It was becoming clear to him now though that his attitude may have an effect on how Kirishima was seen and he would never forgive himself if he was to dim Kirishima's light.

He was a fucking red beacon in an otherwise grey picture.

He must have been scowling particularly hard, lost in thought, because Kirishima turned to him and asked, "Ah Katsuki, you know we're in public right? Is this ok?" Gesturing to their clasped hands.

Kirishima's face had a tentative smile, this was the first time Bakugou had initiated any public affection and they were at a fair! Where any one of their friends could see.

"Yeah. It's good," Bakugou replied.

But Kirishima's smile faltered just a bit at Bakugou's lack of enthusiasm. Maybe he wasn't comfortable with people knowing they were a thing.

Bakugou saw Kirishima's face fall and knew he had said the wrong thing. It seemed he was good at that. He let out a breath and continued. "I'm sick of hiding. Can we just be us? If people find out, they find out. Hell, I want them to know you're mine, Kiri. I know I don't deserve you but I will try my damn hardest to show them I'm not bad for you."

Bakugou's voice was thick with emotion and his speech caught Kirishima off guard. He stared at him for a few moments before he reached out to wrap him in an embrace "You're perfect for me," he said against his ear.

The two stood like this, amongst the busy crowd, for a few minutes just holding each other. It was exactly what they both needed.

When they pulled away, still grasping each other's hands, it was like all the tension of the day had slipped away and they were left with a new kind of warmth.

Kirishima leaned in to give Bakugou a brief kiss, not paying attention to their surroundings. Their brief kiss was cut even shorter by an excited, high pitched squeal.

"Eeeeeeeeeeee what the hell is going on! I am not seeing this! Kaminari! Am I seeing this?!"

Ashido was standing not three metres away grasping Kaminari's upper arm while staring wide eyed at them.

"Well I guess it's not a secret anymore," Kirishima chuckled, peeking at Bakugou's expression to judge how he would handle the situation.

To his disbelief, and delight, Bakugou was smirking to himself.

"Sparky already knows, Racoon Eyes," Bakugou called out as he took Kirishima's hand and turned his back on the onlookers.

Ashido's head snapped to Kaminari, incredulous "You what?!" Her outraged cries faded as they quickly navigated their way through the crowd.

"I give it three minutes before the entire class knows. Let's at least have some privacy while that shitstorm happens," Bakugou offered as he bought two tickets for the Ferris wheel.

Kirishima raised his eyebrows in question at him.

"What? It was the best I could think of. The Ferris wheel takes fucking ages to go round so everyone will know by the time we're done" Bakugou explained defensively.

Kirishima continued to stare at him, amusement starting to change his features.

"What, Red?" he grunted.

"Well it's kinda romantic isn't it?" Kirishima smirked walking ahead to board their seats.

Bakugou scoffed as he took his seat on Kirishima's right, "Is that a problem?"

Kirishima chuckled and rest his head on Bakugou's shoulder as the wheel started to turn. "This is nice," he sighed contentedly. "I've had a really good time tonight. And I'm glad everyone will know now. I didn't like keeping you a secret."

Bakugou turned to him. "Yeah it is nice. I didn't realise you wanted to tell people. Why didn't you say anything?"

"I guess I thought you knew. I'll try to be more open. I know it's hard for you to pick up some things if I don't tell you."

Bakugou should have felt angry, or at the least uncomfortable, that someone was pointing out one of his flaws so casually. If it had been anyone else he probably would have but he knew Kirishima's honesty came from a place of love.

His eyes widened at his own thoughts. He needed to concentrate on something else and the Ferris wheel still had three quarters of its cycle to go. "Kiss me," he commanded lightly.

Kirishima sat up and turned as Bakugou swivelled around and rested his left hand on his thigh. Kirishima leaned over and placed a sweet kiss on his lips and pulled back.

Bakugou grunted, "I didn't mean like that and you know it."

Kirishima put his hand on Bakugou's thigh, looked at him innocently and slowly bit his lip.

"Fuckkk," Bakugou ground out. "You honestly don't know how good you look when you do that."

Kirishima's tongue came out to flick over where he had just bitten his lip, slowly, seductively.

Bakugou groaned and adjusted his jeans, not even hiding the fact that he was getting hard.

Kirishima's eyes flared as he followed Bakugou's movements. His gaze rested on the bulge of Bakugou's dick for a second before he nervously swallowed, leaned in and kissed him again. This time it was slow, burning and full of sensation. They were both worked up and panting.

Bakugou's hand found its way to Kirishima's chest and was gripping his shirt when Kirishima slowly started to run his hand up the inside of Bakugou's thigh. He broke their kiss to whisper, "Tell me to stop."

Bakugou slowly raised his eyebrows remembering the last time he had said that. "We both know I won't," he replied in a voice that sounded like someone had sandpapered his throat.

Kirishima swallowed thickly. "Okay," he rasped as he continued to drag his hand higher.

Bakugou's breathing was coming quicker as Kirishima's fingers were only an inch away from his dick.

Kirishima had caught his lip between his teeth again without realising. His fingers grazed the hard ridge of Katsuki's dick and he felt the boy's breath hiss between his teeth.

Kirishima worked up the courage to lay his hand flat on Bakugou's dick and felt him pulse beneath his fingers, he squeezed lightly and took his hand back.

Bakugou moaned and recaptured his lips with his own. They made out passionately until the wheel came to a stop.

They were at the bottom.

It was time to get off.

"Do you think we can get out of here before anyone sees us?" Bakugou asked as they made their way toward the exit, hand in hand.

"We can definitely try," Kirishima laughed, his face still flushed and voice hoarse.

"I wish we were going back to the dorms instead of home tonight. I don't want our night to be over so soon," Bakugou said in a rough voice.

"Me too. But I promised my mum I'd come home for the weekend. Maybe you could come over tomorrow?" Kirishima asked.

"I want to but I have a stupid family thing tomorrow. Come on, I'll walk you home."

They shared a sweet goodnight kiss on Kirishima's doorstep, both of them a little hesitant to deepen it in case it went into the dangerous territory from earlier.

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