Only If it's a Date

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Kirishima was in a state of bliss, he and Bakugou had been officially dating for a week and every night he got to sleep next to him, snuggled together.

Bakugou had replaced his mattress a few days ago but neither of them had brought up the idea of sleeping in their own beds.

None of their classmates had noticed and the only person on their floor was Shoji who mostly kept to himself anyway so it wasn't like he would say anything even if he did figure it out.

They hadn't talked about telling people about their relationship yet and it was starting to gnaw at Kirishima, just a little.

It wasn't like he wanted to yell it for all the world to hear but he felt untruthful keeping things from his friends. Bakugou hadn't said he didn't want people to know but he also never took Kirishima's hand in public or anything like that either.

Kirishima bit his lip nervously, pondering the best way to bring it up with his boyfriend.

Bakugou was starting to get a little worried. He knew Kirishima had only told Kaminari about how they were a thing but he hadn't said anything about wanting to tell anyone else.

So Bakugou had just assumed he didn't want people to know. He was starting to get sick of it though. He liked doing what he wanted when he felt like it and if he wanted to take his boyfriend's hand in public then he should be able to, damn it!

The Musutafu fair was on that weekend and Bakugou wanted to ask Kirishima to go. He wanted to take his boyfriend on a date and do cute shit and eat shitty food but he knew most of the class was also planning on going. So they would have to go as friends.

He scrubbed his hand through his hair. His restful mood gave way to annoyance as he struggled with not being in control of the situation.

During class Bakugou's gaze slid to Kirishima countless times. The red head seemed lost in thought most times, his lip caught between his teeth.

That image was driving Bakugou insane, he loved when Kiri bit his lip and he just wanted to kiss him. Hell, he couldn't concentrate properly because of it.

As they made their way to the cafeteria for lunch, Bakugou grabbed Kirishima's arm and pulled him around the corner of the building, out of sight from anyone in the walkway. He pushed  him back against the wall and put his hands flat to the brick on either  side of Kirishima's head.

"Do you have any idea what you've been doing  to me?" Kirishima just stared at him, wide eyed. They were face to face, with Bakugou's hands framing his head, only a couple of inches apart. 

Bakugou was breathing heavy. "Every time I've looked at you, you've been biting your damned lip. Do you have any idea what that does to me?" Bakugou growled.

Kirishima exaggeratedly bit his lip as he watched Bakugou's jaw tighten, focused on his lips.

"You're such a fucking tease," Bakugou scoffed before he took Kirishima's face in his hands and kissed him hard and fast. They made out frantically before Bakugou pulled back, remembering where they were.

Kirishima calmed his breath enough to stutter out, "I uh, I've been meaning to ask you something, you know I gnaw on my lip when I'm nervous."

Bakugou hesitantly asked, "What's wrong?" 

"No no, it's nothing like that," Kirishima rushed out, "I just wanted to ask you if wanted to go to the fair with me? I know it's tomorrow so it's a little late notice but I thought it might be nice. We don't have to go if you don't want and we can go as friends if you're uncomfortable with it being a date or anything..."

"Stop. Yes I'll go with you. But only if it's a date," Bakugou cut off his nervous ramble.

Kirishima gave him a relieved smile.

As they entered the cafeteria they were beckoned over to Kaminari's table where he sat with Sero and Ashido. The two made their way over and sat.

"You guys look a little flushed. Is everything ok?" Mina inquired.

"Oh, ah, no, we're fine. Ahh we were just talking about the fair. Are you guys going?" Kirishima cleverly turned the subject back to something she would focus on instead of their dishevelled appearance due to what they had been doing a few minutes before.

"Yeah of course. We're actually going together and I think Hagakure and Jiro are coming with us. Isn't that right Kami?" Mina exclaimed, their appearance all but forgotten.

"Oh cool, maybe we'll see you there!" Kirishima excitedly returned.

Kirishima was having too much trouble deciding what to wear. Half his room was covered in clothing. "Hey Ma? Do you know where my red and black check shirt is?"

"Yes sweetie, it's in your wardrobe, behind your Crimson Riot onesie. I ironed it this morning" his mother's response came.

He found the shirt and tied it around his waist over his white tee shirt. He'd paired it with black skinny leg jeans that had rips at the knees and his black combat boots. He threw on his denim jacket on the way out of his bedroom.

His mother saw him enter and beamed. "Oh Eijirou, you look so handsome. I haven't seen you this excited in a while, I'm just so happy for you." She came over and bussed his cheek. "You have a good time won't you sweetie."

Bakugou's breath caught in his throat as he took in the sight of Kirishima. He looked so damn good. Nothing like his usual sense of style dictated. He was looking the other way as Bakugou approached, giving him time to appreciate how well his jeans hugged his legs and how he filled out his jacket. He looked a little grungy and really fucking hot.

Kirishima turned and saw Bakugou walking his way. He wore dark blue jeans, rolled to show his ankles with black slip on shoes and a black tee shirt covered with a forest green shirt that was left unbuttoned. He looked really good. He was so handsome.


"Hey. Should we head in? Maybe hit some games and get something to eat?" Kirishima suggested.

"Yeah, sounds fine. You look good," Bakugou said in a low voice. He pulled Kirishima closer and whispered in his ear, "Real fucking good."

Kirishima blushed furiously. "Thanks, you do too." he pretended to give Bakugou a once over then leaned a little closer, "Your ass looks hot in those jeans."

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