Do You Think Quirk Sex is a Thing?

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The next morning found Kaminari banging on Kirishima's dorm door. The early wake up on a Friday morning was the least his bro deserved. The bleary eyed red head opened the door and looked at him in confusion before letting him in.

Kirishima went to sit back on his bed with a yawn. "You okay, bro," he asked when Kaminari gave him an accusatory look.

"Dude," he started, arms crossed over his chest, "You absolutely can not, and I am so serious right now, give someone a glow in the dark condom without warning them."

Kirishima's mouth opened and closed before he burst out laughing, hand going to his stomach and he flopped back on the bed and covered his face with his hands. "You... oh god."

Kaminari huffed and sat on the bed next to him, shoving his friend's legs aside. "Yeah, man. Shinsou was real pleased to see his dick looking like a damn light saber."

Kirishima snorted at the imagery and peaked around his hands. "Did you laugh?"

"Of course I laughed!" Kaminari scoffed. "Then I thought about you and Blasty having freaking glow dicks. Man, I never thought I'd be thinking of you when I was about to suck dick for the first time."

When Kirishima had stopped laughing he sat up and asked, "So how'd it go?"

Not expecting that question, Kaminari choked on his words.

"Like that, huh?" Kirishima asked with another laugh.

"Dude. Stop. I am so mad at you right now." But his own laughter let Kirishima know he was off the hook.

Kirishima grinned at him. "For what it's worth, I didn't mean to give you a glowing one. I must have just grabbed the wrong one. Kats won't let me use them." He scratched at the back of his neck. "At least it was memorable," he offered with a shrug.

"You can say that again," Kaminari muttered with a roll of his eyes but he couldn't keep the smile off his face.

That night after dinner Kaminari and Shinsou were squeezed together on Mina's bed, wrapped under a hot pink blanket with the rest of the squad strewn out around them.

Jirou had joined them as she did from time to time. Shinsou liked her music taste and she gave great comebacks, especially to Bakugou, so he liked when she did join them.

Their conversation had drifted around a little and lulled into quiet when Shinsou was broken out of his thoughts.

"Okay but like, do you think quirk sex is a thing?" Only Mina could ask that so simply.

Kaminari nearly choked on his drink and he felt Shinsou start to silently laugh next to him.

"Fucking hell," muttered Bakugou.

"What? Haven't you ever thought about it? Well maybe not you two," Mina said as she looked between Bakugou and Kirishima, "No offence but your quirks aren't exactly kinky."

"Yeah, no one wants their dick touched by explodohands. No offence, dude," Kaminari teased.

Bakugou raised a threatening hand but Kirishima just reached out and wrapped his own around it and pulled it into his lap. Shinsou couldn't help but notice the soft look Bakugou gave the red head.

"None taken," Kirishima said through a laugh, "We can't all have indecent quirks like tape arms."

Sero snorted. "It's not just me. There's plenty of indecent quirks in our class."

They all paused for a few seconds, considering the possibilities.

Kaminari caught the side eye Kirishima directed his way and pointedly kept his gaze away from his boyfriend.

"Who's would be the best though?" Mina asked.

"Depends what you're into." Everyone's eyes darted to Shinsou. None of them had expected him to answer.

He shrugged. "What? Todoroki's quirk would be kind of wasted if you didn't have a temperate kink."

"Fuckin half and half bastard," Bakugou muttered.

"What about the cute shy guy from your work study, Kiri?" Mina asked.

Kirishima nodded. "Yeah, Amajiki! So many possibilities for him and Mirio."

They went silent again, lost in thought until Kaminari burst out with, "Oh my god imagine you're getting freaky with Tokoyami and Dark Shadow just pops out to say hi."

When the laughter died down, Jirou said, "I think we're forgetting our very own Shinsou here."

Kaminari froze and he saw Kirishima's eyes go wide. Shinsou just turned to her with mild curiosity.

"I mean, he can sound like anyone so turn the lights off and there you go."

Shinsou grunted a laugh. "I'll try not to be offended that you think no one could have sex with me with the lights on."

Jirou shook her head with a smile. "That's not what I meant. But lights off is always better."

The group broke into an argument about whether the lights should be on or off for sex and Kaminari pointedly stayed out of it.

Kirishima thankfully clamped his lips together to stop from talking about lights and sex and glowing condoms.

When they got back to Kaminari's room shortly after, Shinsou did his best impression of Mina. "So, like, do you think quirk sex is a thing?"

Kaminari snickered at that tone coming from his usually stoic boyfriend. "I didn't know you had that voice in you. You don't even need your persona chords."

Shinsou smirked at him.

"She's right though, imagine all the kinky shit we could get up to."

Shinsou huffed a laugh, "I am not using that in the bedroom. But you say that like we haven't already done 'kinky shit'."

Kaminari flopped back onto his bed with a laugh. "True."

Kaminari felt the bed dip down as Shinsou sat on the bed next to him. "Remember when I came too when I gave you a handjob?"

Kaminair nodded with a giddy smile.

Shinsou chewed on his lip for a second before saying, "I might have come because you accidentally sent shocks into my shoulders."

"Holy shit."


"Kinky shit indeed," Kaminari said quietly.

"And there's the little matter of how much you like my quirk," Shinsou teased and watched in satisfaction as a rosy tint climbed it's way up Kaminari's face. "I remember it having some interesting side effects."

Kaminari's blush deepened and he dropped his arms over his eyes. "Stooop, it's so embarrassing," he whined.

Shinsou chuckled. "Denks?"


"Take your hands away from your face." Kaminari felt Shinsou's voice inside his head and the familiar calming sensation followed by heat pooling in his stomach as his arms lifted from his face.

Then as quickly as he'd taken control, Shinsou left him again. Kaminari groaned and rolled onto his stomach in an attempt to not let his boyfriend see the interesting side effect. He peeked at him from the side of his pillow and realised Shinsou knew exactly what he was doing by the coy smile on his face.

"We have a lot to unpack here," Kaminari grunted.

Shinsou huffed a laugh and stood up when he checked the time, "We do but I need to get back to my room before lights out. I've been out a few too many times already."

Kaminari rolled onto his side to look at him properly. "Yeah, okay but if you think you're leaving without kissing me goodnight, I'm going to zap you."

Kaminari felt his breath of laughter across his lips as he leaned down to kiss him. "Maybe I'll like it."

Kaminari made a sound caught between a groan and a laugh before he pressed their lips together. "Night, Tosh."

Shinsou winked at him as he pulled away. "Night, kitten."

Quirk sex was definitely a thing they were definitely having one day.

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