You Bring Out the Best in Me NSFW

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After the fastest shower of Kaminari's life, he let himself into his boyfriend's room and sprawled back on the empty bed to wait for him.

He took out his phone to let him know he was there but instead of a text, he snapped a picture instead. He'd quickly thrown on a button up shirt but had only bothered with two of the buttons, just enough to keep him decent as he made his way between the dorms.

He popped free both buttons and let it hang open, making sure some bare skin could be seen in the picture. He held his phone away enough to make sure Shinsou knew it was his pillow he was laying against and tossed his phone aside to wait.

He nearly jumped when the door slammed open a minute later. Kaminari was glad he was lying down because he was pretty sure his legs would have given out at the look on Shinsou's face. That intense look was back in his eyes and it set Kaminari's skin tingling.

As soon as the door closed Kaminari found himself pushed back into the soft blankets as Shinsou crawled over him on the bed.

"You," Shinsou said as he leaned down to drag his lips down Kaminari's throat, "are such a fucking tease."

Kaminari shivered. Those words on Shinsou's lips were absolutely sinful. "What can I say? You bring out the best in me."

Shinsou huffed a laugh against his skin while his hands came up to push the loose shirt from the blond's shoulders. Kaminari sat up long enough to tug his arms free before his hands wound their way into Shinsou's hair to direct their lips together.

What started out slow and torturous didn't take long to turn desperate.

Shinsou's hands hadn't stopped exploring, softly squeezing and caressing at the dips and lines of his body. Kaminari slid his hands down Shinsou's sides to the hem of his shirt and teased underneath, feeling his way up the smooth skin.

Shinsou sat back and tugged his shirt over his head and Kaminari made an aborted sound in his throat as he reached up to touch.

Shinsou quickly gripped both Kaminari's wrists in his hands, stopping the movement and Kaminari went to protest before they were pressed into the pillow above his head.

Kaminari felt his body shudder and a sound almost like a whimper left his lips as he stared up at his boyfriend.

"So you did like that," Shinsou mused, not quite a question, voice deep and dark from above him. "I'll have to remember that," he said as he let go and leaned down again to resume their kiss.

When Kaminari broke away he chewed on his cheek for a second before the words just came hurling out.

"Tosh? Can I, I wanna blow you." Well, no one ever said tact was his strong suit. "Is that okay?"

Shinsou had never been more thankful for his boyfriend's lack of filter. There was something so damn hot about saying exactly what you wanted. He had to swallow twice before he could get a response out and even then it wasn't much. "Fuck. Yeah, yeah okay."

Shinsou flipped their positions on the small bed and Kaminari made his way down Shinsou's body sucking and kissing every inch he could. When he got to the hem of his pants he traced his finger along the elastic, asking.

He moved back to give Shinsou room and pretended not to notice the tremble in his boyfriend's fingers when he undid the drawstring on his pants.

Kaminari wrapped his fingers around the elastic and looked up at him from under his lashes. "Ready?"

Shinsou could only nod, not trusting his voice to come out right and lifted his hips enough for Kaminari to drag his pants and underwear down.

With one last reassuring breath, Shinsou kicked off his pants entirely and propped himself up against his pillows.

Kaminari felt a spark jump across his fingers at the sight of his boyfriend laid out for him. Shinsou must have seen it judging by the look on his face. Kaminari cleared his throat. "So the reason I had a condom is so I don't hurt you. My quirk won't get through the latex."

"You've been planning this?"


Kaminari grinned. "Only for like, a week."

"You really are something, Denks," Shinsou scoffed.

Kaminari hopped up to grab the condom from his desk and opened it before crawling between Shinsou's legs. He'd never put one of these things on before but he had a general idea of how it went.

When he almost put it on inside out, Shinsou took his from his shaky hands and smoothly rolled it on.

Kaminari quirked a questioning brow at him but the lazy shrug Shinsou gave him had his cheeks turning pink.

Would he be able to do this with Shinsou looking at him like that? What if he did something wrong?

Shinsou could see him hesitating and asked, "Do you want to turn the light off? If it's more comfortable, turn it off."

Kaminari nodded before he stood on shaky legs and walked the three steps to the desk. He was really, actually about to do this! He flicked off the desk lamp, quickly throwing the room into darkness.

"Denki?" He heard Shinsou call from behind him in an indiscernible voice.

Kaminari turned around and froze.

"Why the shit is my dick glowing?"

Kaminari couldn't respond through his laughter. "Ki- Kiri- Kiri gave it to me!" Another giggle burst out. "Holy shit, do they have sex with glowing condoms!?" Kaminari keeled over with laughter.

With an amused sigh, Shinsou reached out and turned on the overhead light while Kaminari tried, and mostly failed, to stifle his laughter.

"We're doing this with the light on or not at all."

Kaminari nodded and another soft giggle left his lips. It seemed to have fixed his nerves though, breaking the tension.

He settled back between Shinsou's legs and took a settling breath before he kissed everywhere except his cock until Shinsou was groaning in frustration under him.

Finally, tentative fingers brushed down the length of Shinsou's cock and had him stifling the noise that threatened to break free with his fist.

It was only then that Kaminari realised he had no idea what he was doing or what Shinsou would like. He cautiously wrapped his hand around him and dragged his fist upwards and when Shinsou's thighs flexed he did it again, setting a slow exploring pace with his hand.

He carefully flicked his tongue out and ran it over the tip. Shinsou's hips stuttered and the stifled noise he made gave him the encouragement he needed to fully wrap his lips around him.

Shinsou couldn't handle the sight as well as the feeling so he let his eyes drop closed as warm heat wrapped around him and he let out a shuddering breath.

Kaminari must have been doing something right so he bobbed his head a couple of times, getting the feel for what he was doing. He sucked lightly and stroked the lower half with his hand earning him more encouraging noises.

There was no way Shinsou could do this for long, the tight suction Kaminari was using would see him finishing all too soon. "Denki," he gasped, "fuck kitten, you're so good."

Shinsou's voice was raw and shot through with gravel and Kaminari felt incredibly powerful being able to render him to this.

His fingers hadn't lost their tremble as Shinsou weaved a hand into Kaminari's hair, not to direct but just to feel.

He continued the same rhythm until his jaw started to ache and he wondered why no one had ever told him that this hurt.

Kaminari was suddenly glad he hadn't left the light off. He looked up at Shinsou and was sure he'd never seen anything more arousing. Shinsou's eyes were shut tight and his head pressed back into the pillow. A flush had crept it's way up his chest and stained his cheeks pink.

It was as if Shinsou could feel him staring and his eyes opened, meeting Kaminari's. Shinsou wasn't prepared for the sight before him. Glazed golden eyes looked back at him through the hair that had fallen in his face. His cheeks flushed pink and his lips stretch obscenely around him when he tried to smile.

The combination of Kaminari's disheveled look and the movement of his hot mouth was more than he could take. He sucked in one last breath and held it.

Kaminari could feel Shinsou's thighs trembling while the muscles in his stomach tensed and clenched.

The fingers in Kaminari's hair flexed while Shinsou's other hand fisted the blanket under him and his back bowed.

With one last suck, Shinsou came with a shuddering groan, trembling as tremors wracked his body.

Kaminari slowed to a stop and held him in his mouth until he stopped twitching. Only then did he roll to the side and lay down next to Shinsou as his boyfriend recovered.

Shinsou looked across at him and Kaminari would always remember his flushed cheeks and well mussed hair and that he was the cause of it.

"That was," Shinsou drew in another deep breath. "Wow."

Kaminari couldn't help the little giggle he let out as he snuggled in close. Why had he been nervous about doing that? "Yeah, I know. We should do that again."

"Without a glow in the dark condom, please."

Kaminari just burst out laughing again.

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