You Can Really Use That Thing

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"Whatcha thinking about?"

Shinsou blinked out of his rather profound realisation at the sound of Kaminari's voice.


Kaminari blushed lightly and Shinsou would always love that he could do that to him.

"Good thoughts, I hope," Kaminari teased with a flutter of his eyelashes.

Shinsou rolled his eyes at his nonsense but couldn't hide his smile. "Never."

He checked the time and found that he really needed to get some studying done before he left for his evening training session. But seemed that the universe was against him because his pen ran out of ink. He asked if he could borrow one from his boyfriend.

Kaminari tossed him his pencil case with a distracted, "Have at it."

Kaminari heard Shinsou rummage through his things and pause. He looked up to see what the problem was and froze when he saw what Shinsou had.

Shinsou was holding the condom Kirishima had given him between his fingers with an amused look on his face, brows quirked and one corner of his mouth curving up. "Have some extra curricular activities planned, did you?"

Shinsou's gaze travelled over him and Kaminari felt the hairs on his arms stand on end. He was sure his face couldn't get any redder and he tried for a response. "I, umm, it's not what you think," he stumbled out and it didn't sound the least bit convincing to his own ears.

"It isn't?" Shinsou hummed and gave him that infuriating smile.

"No! Well, I mean it could be," Kaminari joked.

Shinsou huffed a laugh and tossed the condom on top of the desk where it landed under his lamp. He was about to reply when his phone sounded with his alarm.

He usually trained three times a week with Aizawa but the underground hero was busy tonight so he was supposed to train on his own.

That didn't sound like the most appealing idea so he asked Kaminari if he wanted to join him.

Kaminari readily agreed.

"The rules were no quirks but I need to practise with my capture weapon a lot more so I might do that," Shinsou said as they entered the empty locker room.

"Did you only invite me here to use as target practise?" Kaminari joked.

Shinsou hummed. "I didn't, but now that you've suggested it, I think that's a great idea."

Kaminari shoved at his shoulder. "It wasn't a suggestion."

"I'm only teasing," Shinsou said as he dropped his bag onto the bench.

His discovery of the condom in Kaminari's pencil case was still hot on his mind. And more so, what it meant that he had one so readily available. So he couldn't help the tease that rolled off his tongue, "Though there is something enticing about the idea of having you pinned under me."

Kaminari gulped and his cheeks flushed. He quickly turned away to scramble into his training clothes.

Satisfied with Kaminari's flustered response, Shinsou started to unbutton his own school shirt.

Kaminari's breath skipped out of him when he turned back to see a shirtless Shinsou. He'd never actually seen him without a shirt on in the light. Last time his room had been dark. It was definitely a sight he wanted to see more of.

He let his eyes shamelessly explore his back while Shinsou changed. His skin was smooth and pale and stretched across his broad, well muscled shoulders and tapered into a tight waist.

He wanted to run his hands over him and feel his muscles quiver under his touch. He couldn't quite control the soft groan that slipped past his lips.

Shinsou turned at the sound, the hint of a smile pulling up the side of his lips. "Are you done staring," he asked as he pulled his training shirt down over his head.

Kaminari grinned back at him. "Are you done putting on a show?"

"If you keep looking at me like that, we won't get any training done."

Kaminari cocked his head to one side, "You say that like it's a bad thing."

This boy would be the death of him, Shinsou thought, not for the first time.

Kaminari's back hit the wall with a thump and his shoulder gave a dull throb. Shinsou moved a lot quicker than he expected and he had already caught him a couple of times.

Luckily, Kaminari was agile and quick but he realised how outmatched he was without his quirk.

Kaminari's arms were pinned above his head, back to the wall by the scarf as he watched Shinsou advance.

"Is that the best you can do?" Kaminari taunted and it was entirely the wrong thing to say because Shinsou's capture weapon tightened on his wrists.

Kaminari took an audible breath in and the throbbing in his shoulder wasn't nearly as obvious as the throb an entirely different part of his body gave.

Shinsou heard Kaminari's breath catch and his eyes darkened as he stepped closer to him.

He retracted his scarf and, as Kaminari went to drop his arms, reached up and wrapped his hand around the blond's wrists, keeping them firmly pinned.

"You can-" Kaminari's throat bobbed as he swallowed -"really use that thing."

Shinsou hitched his brow all the way up at the unintentional innuendo and a teasing smirk crossed his face but he dropped Kaminari's wrists.

Kaminari rubbed his wrists where he could still feel the tingle of Shinsou's warm hand and cleared his throat, he liked that a little too much.

As Kaminari pushed his knees into the mat on either side of Shinsou's hips, finally pinning him down, he let a warning spark jump from his hand. He knew he'd said no quirks but he just couldn't help it. Shinsou seemed fascinated by his quirk.

When he didn't protest, he traced his finger over Shinsou's chest letting just enough electricity escape for him to feel a strong tingle where his finger touched.

Shinsou's breathing had turned harsh and he was glad he could blame it on the exercise. Did Kaminari know how affected he was by his electricity?

When his finger inched closer to his nipple, Shinsou knew there was no way he didn't know what he was doing. He froze, wondering how far he was going to push.

Kaminari's fingertip ran over his nipple and Shinsou violently bucked his hips up, displacing the blond so he landed face down on the floor next to him.

Kaminari's body shook with laughter as he rolled over to face him.

Shinsou dropped his arms over his face. "You're not playing fair," he groaned.

Kaminari laughed, breathless. "Who said anything about fair?"

Kaminari pushed up into a sitting position as Shinsou uncovered his eyes. The air became charged when they looked at each other and they both went to speak at the same time.



Kaminari huffed a laugh and gestured for Shinsou to speak.

"Do you want to come back to my room?"

"Yeah, god yes."

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