More Than Just Your Perfect Face

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Kaminari let his eyes wander to the group of girls giggling and looking their way. The phrase giggling gaggle of girls popped into his head and he wondered if he could say that three times fast when he realised they were looking directly his way. Right at him.

Kaminari elbowed Shinsou to get his attention as he puffed his chest out. They had been studying together in the A common room even though they weren't working on the same thing. Shinsou had found he actually enjoyed working alongside Kaminari. He often left their homework sessions with a warm feeling in his chest. It was much better than studying alone.

Shinsou scoffed as one of the girls from his class broke away from the group. Yanagi maybe? Shinsou hadn't really bothered to keep track. She was definitely coming towards them so Shinsou hunched back into the common room couch and brought his workbook up to cover his face in an attempt to make himself as unobtrusive as possible.

"Hi, Kaminari, right?" Yanagi asked quietly.

Kaminari stood and closed the few steps between them. "Yeah, that's me. Of course a pretty girl like you knows who I am."

Shinsou tried to stop the scoff that bubbled up his throat but he failed and he heard Kaminari cough indignantly and he sunk impossibly deeper into the couch.

Yanagi lowered her voice and Shinsou strained to hear but he couldn't make out the words.

"I noticed that you're well aquatinted with Shinsou and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind passing along my number to him," Yanagi said and he noticed for the first time, a folded up piece of paper dangling from her outstretched hand.

Kaminari stared blankly back at her for a second before he recovered, "You can give it to him yourself, you know."

"I know I could, but I'm too verbose and it only gets worse when I'm nervous. You seem really nice so I was hoping maybe you could just give it to him instead," Yanagi said hopefully, obviously cutting herself off from saying more.

"Oh honey, I'm as loquacious as Charles Dickens but sure, I'll give it to him."

Shinsou still couldn't hear so he risked a peek over his homework at them.

Kaminari grinned at her and replied in the same low voice that Shinsou couldn't hear as he reached to take a folded piece of paper from her hand. Shinsou felt an uncomfortable twist in his stomach at the sight.

"Um, I don't know who that is but thank you," Yanagi said as she turned away with a light, nearly indiscernible blush on her pale cheeks.

Shinsou gave up the pretence of pretending not to be listening and raised his eyebrows in questions at the blond as he turned back to face him. "So..?"

"Are you serious!" Kaminari huffed as he folded himself into a sitting position on the opposite couch.

"You got her number didn't you?" Shinsou asked in confusion.

"Yeah," Kaminari replied as he looked up at Shinsou. "Yeah, so I could give it to you!"

Shinsou's eyes rounded. He didn't even know what to say. He almost felt sorry for him. He caught the folded piece of paper Kaminari threw at him and stuffed it in his pocket.

"Shinsou! Help meee. How do you get all the girls to like you? It has to be more than just your perfect face," Kaminari whined.

Shinsou felt his cheeks heat at the casual praise and tried to hide his face behind his homework again as he scribbled an answer on his sheet.

Kaminari smirked at him, hopeless mood already forgotten apparently, "You're cute when you blush, you know."

Shinsou threw his pen at him and Kaminari, who had become accustomed to Shinsou's tendency to throw things at him, dodged it, laughing.

Kaminari turned to Shinsou with a dramatic sigh. "What am I doing wrong? I've tried all my best lines and still nothing," he said.

"Have you tried being friends with any of them? Maybe if they got to know you before you tried you're ridiculous lines, they might like you," Shinsou suggested as he put his papers aside.

"I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said about me." Kaminari beamed.

Shinsou sighed. "Actually, don't do that. If they get to know you, they'll realise you're pretty annoying."

"You think I'm pretty?" Kaminari cooed without missing a beat as he batted his eyelashes at him.

Eventually, Shinsou had come to realise that Kaminari was all talk. If someone flirted back, he would blush and stutter. For someone who shamelessly flirted with everyone, he was far too easy to fluster, and it was becoming Shinsou's favourite thing to do. It served him right.

Shinsou gazed at him steadily and the teasing in his eyes slowly changed to something else. Something that almost made Kaminari shiver as he ran his eyes down to the blond's feet and back again before he lifted one shoulder and dropped it.

Shinsou shrugged and it so wasn't the response Kaminari expected that it made him choke on his words and Shinsou had to fight the smile off his face. He was doing that a lot lately.

It was unfair really, just how easily Kaminari blushed when someone flirted back. But it did make him look pretty so Shinsou didn't even feel bad.

Kaminari still hadn't responded so he took the opportunity to jab him again. "You, speechless? Well that's new."

Kaminari recovered quickly that time and grinned, "Just put something in my mouth and I'll shut up."

It was Shinsou's turn to blush again and Kaminari backtracked furiously when he caught on to why he was blushing. "That's not what I meant!" He waved his hands around in a fluster, "Ugh, and they say my mind's always in the gutter!"

Shinsou rolled his eyes but felt the threat of a smile tugging at his lips and managed to keep it to just one dimple making itself known. Kaminari undoubtedly saw it though if his answering grin and shake of his head was any indication.

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