Why Have a Huge Bed if You Can't Share It?

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As they finished up their studying for the night, which consisted of more chatting than actual questions from their worksheet, Kaminari realised that it had started raining.

"I should probably head bac-" Shinsou's words were interrupted by a roll of thunder and he shuddered as the rain redoubled it's efforts and pelted against the window, "-before it gets any worse."

"Dude, you can't walk back in this! It's bucketing down!" Kaminari said as he looked out the window. There was a brief flash of lightning that illuminated the room and Kaminari felt the energy tingle over his skin.

He turned his head back to Shinsou suddenly, "Wait, didn't you say you left your ID card in your room? You'll be stuck outside until someone lets you in and I don't think anyone'll even hear you over this noise."

"Yeah, you're right but I don't want to get in trouble from D- Aizawa if he finds out I was here after curfew."

Kaminari shrugged from where he sat on the far side of the bed, "If your ID card is still in your room then it's like you never left your dorm in the first place. You're technically not even here."

Shinsou figured the blond did have a point. And he didn't want to walk back to the B dorms in that weather. Considering his luck, he'd end up catching a cold.

"Okay. Have you got an extra blanket?"

"What for?" The words were out of Kaminari's mouth before he had time to consider them.

Shinsou looked back at him hard from where he stood in the centre of the room and motioned with his eyes between the floor and the bed.

"Man, I'm not gonna make you sleep on the floor! What's the point of having a huge bed if you can't share it with someone?" Kaminari joked as he gave him a suggestive, exaggerated once over.

"You're gross," Shinsou uttered but still climbed onto the bed next to him, shaking off the shiver that ran through him.

"So, uh, what do you wanna do? Or are you tired?" Kaminari asked, suddenly a little unsure.

Shinsou gave him a look, the look, and Kaminari laughed. "Sorry, man, I forgot that perpetually tired is your jam."

Shinsou scoffed and reached for his laptop. "Do you like old, cheesy horror movies?" He queried as he went through his media folder.

Kaminari couldn't hide his amusement and lifted an eyebrow. "Of course you would like them," he teased. "Shinsou, my darling, you are a cliche."

Shinsou made a sound of protest in his throat at the comment but couldn't help the little feeling of something in his stomach that his words caused. Something that felt suspiciously like affection.

Kaminari usually wasn't one for movies, especially subtitled ones; he could only sit still for so long and he only had so much attention to split, but Shinsou assured him that apart from some questionable scenes, it was iconic when it first came out.

"Yeah, okay, but I won't apologise for jumping into your lap when I get scared."

Shinsou let out a grunt of laughter before he settled the laptop on his legs and pressed play.

It was something about a book that reawakened the dead and it was so bad that it was kinda good. But in all honesty, Kaminari hadn't been paying a whole lot of attention to the film.

He'd scooted closer to Shinsou so he could see better and as their arms pressed together, he looked at him out the corner of his eye. His gaze was trained on the screen and a serene kind of calmness had washed over him. Kaminari wondered if it was because he was enjoying the movie but deep down, he hoped it was because he was enjoying his company.

The end credits rolled and Shinsou nudged the warm weight pressed against his shoulder. He turned his head to see Kaminari's face pressed against his shoulder and was that... yep, Kaminari had made a wet spot on Shinsou's shirt.

Shinsou nudged him again. "Hey, Drooly, time for bed."

Kaminari let out an indignant, sleepy grumble and his eyes fluttered open. He lift his head off Shinsou's shoulder and wiped at his mouth. He looked at the damp spot on Shinsou's shoulder and smiled sheepishly at him.

Shinsou sat forward to stretch and Kaminari snuggled down into the bed. The word cute popped into Shinsou's head at the sight and he shook his head as he closed his laptop and set it on the floor before settling down into the bed.

"Night, Tosh. Sweet dreams," Kaminari said softly.

"Night, Denks," Shinsou said into the dark while the storm still faintly rattled the windows. 

Shinsou was surprised to wake up to a soft light. It had taken him a long time to settle into his new room so he didn't think he'd get much sleep in an unfamiliar bed, but to his surprise, he work to the see the dawn light peeking through the window and onto Kaminari's sleep softened face. They hadn't somehow ended up wrapped around each other in the night but it was a nice sight to wake up to.

Objectively, Shinsou knew Kaminari was attractive, all lithe and graceful with his sharp angles and charming smile, who wouldn't think so? But as he lay there looking across at the sleeping boy, he realised his opinion was starting to become subjective too which was something very new. It was getting harder to ignore the way Kaminari looked, especially now they were spending so much time together.

Shinsou quietly got up and collected his things to go back to his own room but he must have woken Kaminari as he heard a sleep-thick voice say, "Come over again tonight? We should be able to finish our stuff."

"Yeah, okay. I'll see you after class," Shinsou whispered back as Kaminari already looked to be going back to sleep.

"I'll miss you," Kaminari mumbled.

Shinsou couldn't even find it in himself to roll his eyes. Only Kaminari could make him all stupid soft.

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