1. The Terrific entry of the Betting Queen...

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Life is a daring adventure to be experienced...

Be bold...
Be adventurous...
Be different...
Be daring...
Be practical...
Be unique...
Be yourself...

I'm courageous and has the confident to do anything... I'm not proud of myself... I just believe myself...


It's  a bright sunny morning... Sun starts to rise slowly to wake up all the inhabitants of the earth...

A mighty mansion with the name "Arora mansion" is standing majestically in the posh area of the big city.... But ahead of the richness, the inhabitants of the house are down to earth in nature and are way too good in heart....

A pretty lady, of early 40s, who is decked up in a beautiful saree is doing her  morning pooja sincerely and is praying for the well being of her family... The queen of the biggest empire, Priya Ram Arora is standing there with her eyes closed and is worshipping god devotedly ....

She finishes off her prayers and did aarthi to the idol... She keeps the pooja taali and moves towards the kitchen, to  prepare the morning tea for her husband Ram Arora,  who is way too busy in his morning newspaper and reading the business articles very sincerely...

Priya places the tea in the teapot and carries the tray to the living hall... She is highly irked, as her husband is way too buried in the newspaper and is not at all interested to look at her too... She tries to draw his attention, but it went in futile...

Priya shouts angrily: Ram, here is your tea... Just throw away that good for nothing, newspaper... Do hell with those business stuffs.... It's important to see what is happening in the house too... 

Ram: Arrey, what happened now??? Why are you showing tantrums and fuming  in morning itself and scaring me with your angry avatar... Priya baby, don't make me freak out by saying that you are having mood swings and got pregnant and all...

Priya fumes and hits Ram with the cusion... But, Ram is laughing hardly and pulls Priya near by him... He chuckles and gave a quick peck in her cheeks...

Priya: Youuuu... Shameless, Ram Arora... After these many years, you want to have one more baby haan... Don't you feel any kind of shame to question me like this...

Ram shooks his head in negative: 😂😂😂😂😂... Nooooo, sweet heart... If you are ready, I'm also okay with that... How about trying it now itself, darling... Even Pragya beta will be pleased to have a sibling...

Priya fumes: Shut up, Ram... Don't irritate me... Stop your so called romance... Can't you be serious for sometime and listen to what I say...

Ram: Alright, alright... Shoot out.. What's the matter... Is Anything to be seriously discussed, Priya???? Don't beat around the bush... Say to me directly....

Priya: Ram .. You are not all taking anything seriously and you didn't bother to see, what's going on in this house... Day by day, things are getting out of control and I'm passing every day thinking what's going to happen....

I don't know, what to say Ram??? I'm much worried and bothered about our Pragya... She is not at all listening to me and is hell adamant to do, whatever she wish for... I don't know, what kind of trouble this Pragya gonna bring up too...

Ram: Arrey Priya... You are stressing too much and thinking of unwanted things... Our Princess is way too bold and she can handle any situation very wisely ... She is my darling and she won't pull up any stupid stunts...

Priya: No, Ram... Nothing is going on fine with Pragya...

Ram gasps in shock: What are you saying, Priya??? Is anything wrong with her??? Is she alright??? Don't scare me, Priya... What happened to my princess??

Priya: Huh... Don't annoy me Ram, by your so called care... Your princess is all fit and fine... She is very much fine and we should feel sorry for the people coming in her way, as she will make their condition only to get worsen and will show a live demo of what is hell in earth itself ...

She is becoming out of control and doing only, whatever she is wishing to do... She is not at all thinking of the consequences.... Why is she going to care for all that... She is your pet na..  You are pampering her too much, Ram...

Now a days, you are giving too much freedom to her... She is taking over advantage, misusing the love we are showering on her and is forgetting the fact that she is a girl... She is always doing crazy things for winning those silly bets with her friends...

I don't like this a bit at all too... I hope this doesn't bring her any trouble... Please Ram... Do something... It's freaking me and I'm worrying, what all stunts this girl gonna pull up too....

Ram: Priya... Just calm down dear... Don't worry and don't stress yourself... Relax and drink this tea... I will have a word with our Princess... She will listen to me... Smile now, at least... Good girl..

Both drank their tea and are chit chatting about some random stuffs... All of a sudden, Ram sits way too closely near Priya and talks in a husky voice...

Ram: Priya... You are my sweet wife na... My cute darling ... You have to fulfill your husband's wish, today ... Aww.... So sweet of you, dear.... Now like a good girl, go and prepare my favourite Aloo paratha...

Priya yells angrily: Rammmmmm... 😤😤😤😤😤... You and your stupid Aloo paratha... I'm fed up of your craze on aloo paratha... I'm not going to prepare it for you....

Ram pouts and pleads Priya to make it for him... While Priya is way too stubborn not to prepare Aloo Paratha for him, as doctor has warned Ram not to eat it, as he is having cholesterol issues...


After sometime,

Priya irritatingly climbs up the stairs as Pragya didn't bothered to wake up to go to her college... She is scolding her for her carelessness and stepped into Pragya's room to wake up her daughter for college...

Priya admires her daughter Pragya, who is no less than an angel and she is sleeping peacefully like a small baby... She caress her head lovingly and kisses her forehead....

Priya may seem to be a strict mother and unlike her husband Ram, she never pampers Pragya and never called her as Princess too... Yet Priya loves her daughter dearly, as Pragya came as a blessing to them, after Seven years of their married life ..

Ram never hurts his daughter, even with words too... But, Priya is little strict, as she is over protective towards her daughter and she doesn't want anyone to pinpoint anything bad against their daughter... Moreover, Priya badly wants Pragya to act mature and responsible, as she is going to rule the biggest empire, after them...

Priya: Pragya beta... Wake up... It's getting late for college....

Pragya: 10 more minutes... Mom...

Priya: No no... Wake up... How many 10 minutes you want haan... You  told me that you have to move earlier to college... Then don't blame me that I didn't wake up...

Pragya startles and jumps up quickly, throwing her duvet... Her eye balls popped out from it's socket, after seeing the time...

Pragya : Oh, shit... I've completely forgotten... Stupid Pragya... Hell with your sleep... Oh god, I need to rush up and reach on time... If not, I will lose for sure...

Mom... Please don't start your lectures now... Let's postpone the session to evening, okay... Let me hurry up now...

Without hearing Priya, Pragya gulped her bed coffee in a go and barged into her bathroom, as she is not interested to hear her mom's words on cleanliness and to drink coffee only, after brushing her teeth... After taking a quick shower, Pragya got dressed up and comes down in a hurry...

Pragya: Mom, It's getting late for me... Is my breakfast ready??? No, Aloo paratha right?? Oh no, today also the same boring Aloo Paratha... Yeeks... I don't want to put on weight... Pragya wanna look hot and dashing always...

Priya glares at Pragya, while Pragya shruggs her shoulder with a disinterested look... Ram gestures Priya to calm down...

Priya : Don't blame me, Pragya... It's your dad... He is troubling me and didn't allowed me to cook anything else... He even threatened the cook too...

Pragya: Dad... What's all these haan... Too bad... From tommorow onwards, no aloo paratha in this house... It's my order... Got it...

Ram: Oh my poor heart .. You have killed me, Princess.. But I will do anything for my princess happiness... Can I have it today, atleast... Please..

Pragya: Dad... Why are you not at all understanding... I'm very much concerned about your health... Okay okay, don't whine like a baby... Only today..  Mom just give me juice alone... I've to move within two minutes...

After gulping her juice in a go, she proceeds to her college in her dashing bike... She looks up at the clock and sets the timer in her mobile.. She gets a message to start her bike right now...


The famous XYZ college of the city has opened it's gate for a new day... The terror gang of the college, (Bulbul, Aaliya and Tanu) are waiting nervously for the arrival of their leader or simply the betting queen, Pragya to reach on time......

Aliya: What's the time now?? I'm getting tensed... Stupid Tanu, I asked you to say the time ... Stop biting your nails and answer me, idiot...

Tanu: Can't you see your watch, Aalu... Already I'm freaking out and praying to God... Don't irritate me and distract my prayers....

Aliya: Oh God... I'm already nervous and this Tanu is eating my head and is blabbering like a parrot...

Bulbul: Arrey, don't worry girls... She will reach on time... We have two more minutes left..  I'm confident... She will surely win the bet for sure...

A group of girls are smirking amd watching the trio in a teasing way, as they were confident  that Pragya can't reach college within Ten minutes, as their college is little far away from her house and it will take at least Half an hour to reach there, inspite of the heavy morning traffic....

The girls were pretty sure that Pragya is going to lose the bet and they badly want to prove that Pragya can't be a winner always... As the second tickled, a winning smile creeps up in their faces uncontrollably....

But before one second left for the ten minutes to end, a heavy thunderous sound of a roaring bike, hits their ear drums and their faces loses all it's colours... They hungs their head down as Pragya gets down from her bike dashingly like a tigress...

The terror trio jumps up happily and spueals to the top of their lungs... They shared a group hug and shouts in chorus: Hey losers... Look over there...  Our darling, Pragya has arrived on time..  Yippee!!!! We won....

Pragya smirks and nears them... She looks at the losing girls, with a teasing smile in her face....

Pragya : What's up girls... Don't look up the sky..  I know the silly joke, already... Now, you all would have known, who is Pragya right??? Never dare to mess up with me.. 

If you guys stay away from us, It's well and good for you all...  Is that clear???? I can do anything for winning a bet and friendship... Don't dare to show your faces in front of me... Haan, if any one complaints against us.. Then, I can't guarantee you will breathe the next day... 

The opposite gang girls gasps in shock and ran away from there, as if saving their dear life... Pragya bursts out into laughter and  moves towards her gang...

Bulbul: Nothing happens to you na... You are fine, right... I was scared inwardly, till you reach here..

Pragya: No bulz darling... I'm completely fine...

Aliya: Pragya dear, we got back our  breathe atlast...  Hey girl, Clear my doubt first..  How is it possible for you to always win in the bet??? I think you are taking too many risks....

Pragya: See, sweet heart... If you accept a challenge, win it at any cost... Taking risk and all is like eating rusk for me...

Tanu: But Pragu baby..  These girls are always messing up with us and are giving complaints against us... They are giving trouble to us indiretly  too... We have to teach them a good lesson...

Pragya: Arrey, Tanu... Leave them... They won't even show their faces to us and they won't cross our paths any more... It's not needed to focus on the  losers... Come on girls, it's time... Let's move to the class..

Pragya, Bulbul, Tanu and Aaliya are best buddies and the famous terror gang of XYZ girls college... They used to play pranks and accept any bets, if they are challenged.... Pragya is their gang leader and is famously called as the betting Queen...

Most of the time, professors used to get annoyed with their behaviour... But the  terror gang is way too good at studies, sports and extra curriculars..  Moreover, they are the daughters of the trustees of the college... So, no one dare to speak or complain against them ...

The girls were entering their classroom happily, not at all aware that a big storm gonna hit all their lives very soon and change their fate...


Hope, you all liked the intro of our betting queen...

Next part, will be our rockstar's intro...

What destiny has in stores for them???

What is the bet that's going to change Pragya's life???

Will they meet each other???

How our rockstar is going to fell for her eyes???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

Hit the 🌟 button and pen down your comments....

Bidding adieu,



Will be


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