2. The Charming And Dashing entry of the Rockstar....

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It's a fine sunny morning... As usual the sun starts to rise slowly and is hell adamant to wake up all the inhabitants of the earth...  People started to wake up with their usual complaints and soon the city started to come back to it's life, with the usual noisy, hustle bustles ..

Some people are sincerely jogging in the early morning, to keep themselves fit and fine...... The newspaper boys and milk vendors are roaming in the streets, doing their regular works... Some started to go to their early morning jobs and some are returning from their night jobs too... Some kids even started to their schools too.. 


 A small house adored with a beautiful garden is still in the deep slumber and not at all bothering to begin the day .... An elderly lady of late 50s, wakes up from her sleep and decides to do her morning pooja, after freshening up...

The two dashing and handsome youngmen of the house, who have covered their faces fully with a duvet, are in their deep slumber..  Alarm starts to buzz continuously to wake them up...

A strong muscular hand stopped the alarm clock and twists the body to get rid of his sleepy mode... The hardworking , sincere and dedicated Purab Khanna, leaves the bed and goes to freshen up, to begin his day in a healthy and brisk manner...

After sometime, he gets ready to go for jogging... He shooks his head and raises his brow, with an unbelievable look, as his brother (cousin), Abhi is still sleeping and is not at all bothered to open his eyes or cut the alarm too... Purab switched off the alarm and decides to wake him up.....

Purab: Abhi... Utiyae na.. It's time to wake up, man... Don't be a lazy goose, Abhi... My sweet brother na... Go and freshen up and come soon... We shall go for jogging...

Abhi without showing his face: Oh no... Puru bhai.. I wanna sleep, some more time...  Don't compell me to wake up now..  Don't you know that I hate this so called crappy jogging.... Yucckkkk.... It's a worthless thing to do in early morning, Purab bhai...

Purab in a stern voice: Abhiii... Don't behave like a grumpy kid... Wake up... Jogging is a best exercise man... How can my young champ can be fit and fine without doing jogging haan...

Come on, Abhi... Wake up... Let's go out  and feel some morning fresh air and begin our day chirpily...

Abhi: Huf... Puru bhai... You are unbelievable... Not only your boring jogging, workouts can also make us fit and fine too... I don't want to show off to the outside world that I'm jogging, to make myself look healthy...

I will do it in my room, so that no one knows the secret of my  muscular body.. Look at my arms and muscles... The best na... You too doing this boring jogging ... 😂😂😂😂... But accept that Abhi is muscular and fit than you...

Purab: You and your silly philosophies... Sounding odd...

Abhi: Puru bhai... Abhi is always different and unique.. I hate jogging..  I hate going to gyms.. But I like to do heavy workouts, only in my room, without any trainers or showing off to anyone... I don't like anyone drooling on my physique...

Purab: Achha... Then why are you working out this much haan??? Whom are you going to show off???

Abhi: You know na, I like to be friendly with girls... But Abhi is a very good boy, who will stay in his limits alwYd..  I will show off only to the girl, who makes me feel weak and stole my heart in a single look.. 

Only my love of life can drool over my body and  one and only she has all the right to do so... All these heavy workouts are done to impress my love only...

Purab: Oohoo... You are trying  to become romantic haan..  Not bad... Who is that , Abhi?? Who stole your heart haan??? Can't wait to know, who is going to be my little shali..  Say her name na...

Abhi: Puru bhai... Hold on to your horses... I have not yet, find out my lady love till now.. If I find her, I will surely inform you ..

Purab: Oh... Is it so??? Interesting... I'm feeling proud of you, Abhi..  I used to worry a lot about you..  Now I'm so happy... You are going to be a good lover and best husband for sure... I'm confident that the girl is going to be a  lucky one to get you...

Abhi: (blushing) Enough..  enough.. Bhai...  Now praising me too much and you are wasting your time in talking to me... Go... Go... Go for your jogging... Let me continue my sleep, Please...

Purab: Don't divert me and change the topic, Abhi... Answer my questions... I won't scold you, Abhi.... Say the truth...Who is your lover???

Abhi: No... No bhai.. You are mistaken... If any such thing happens, I will surely tell you... There's time for everything... Let me finish off my studies first...

Purab smiles amd wishes for Abhi's happiness... He switched off the night lamp and goes out to do jogging.. Abhi giggles and continues his sleep some more time, till he starts his morning workouts...

After sometime,

Abhi pulled off his duvet and got up from his bed.... He opens the curtains of his room and opens the window, to feel some fresh air... He adores the nature with a smile in his face and moves to freshen up....

Abhishek Prem Mehra or simply Abhi is a handsome, hot and muscular man of early 20s, who is in his final year of studies in the famous XYZ boys college... He is the leader of the dashing Rocking gang and has three good friends namely Vihaan or Vikki, Arjun or Ajju, Nikhil or Nikku...

He is tall man of 6 feet and has a well toned s**y physique... He has a killer smile, which makes the girls to go gaga for him... He is not of the usual fair complexed guy as that of the cinema heroes... He is of the colour of the typical Indian guy, but can give a tough fit to the famous heroes, with his handsome look...

A jolly go, fun loving guy, who doesn't have any seerious ambitions in his life... He has a very beautiful and soulful voice and can sing very brilliantly... He is fondly called as Rockstar, by his friends and fellow students...

Abhi loves to ride bikes and he is just a crazy guy, who does many adventurous stunts using his bike... He is a muti talented guy, who is good in sports and extra curricular activities.... But he is a confused soul, who doesn't know, what profession, he gonna take up seriously, after completing his studies...


After returning from jogging, Purab freshen up and got ready to go for  office... He comes down to the dining hall to have his breakfast and has a brief discussion with dadi, about the household expenses and all... Slowly, Purab opens up the news of his chit chat with Abhi in the morning to dadi...

Dadi: Purab... Are your sure... Abhi has not fallen for anyone, right...

Purab: Yes dadi... He is eagerly waiting for his love of life...

Dadi: I hope all his dreams comes true.. I always wish someone to come in Abhi's life to make him a responsible person... I'm worried about Abhi a lot.. 

I know you are trying really hard to make him to understand the situations and realities of life... But Abhi being stubborn and naughty is always easy going... He is not worrying  for anything and is not taking life seriously...

He even not thinking of what he gonna do after completing his studies too... At least, he has to decide na what profession, he gonna concentrate... He keeps on saying to me that, he won't go and work in offices and all... I'm really worried a lot, Purab beta....

Purab: Don't worry dadi... Something in me is telling  that some miracle is going to happen in Abhi's life, that too very soon... I'm damn sure, Abhi will succeed brillaintly in his career...

Dadi: Hope something good happens soon ...

Just then Abhi who finishes off his workout, comes down to have his breakfast...

Abhi: What's going on here?? A serious discussion in morning itself haan... What's it dadi and Puru bhai??? Did you two planning any conspiracy against me...

Dadi: Nothing serious, Abhi..  Just talking about purab's office matters only...

Abhi: What's up puru bhai??? Any problem in your office??? Tell me na... Is anyone troubling you there???

Purab: Arrey.. Nothing like that... Just simply discussing about random stuffs... Don't worry... All is fine in my office.... Have your breakfast... When is your college reopening, Abhi???

Abhi:  Tommorrow, bhai... Just a day left to end all my happiness... Huh... I'm getting fed up with this boring college life... I badly want it to end soon... Only god has to show mercy on me and help me to pass out, without any arrears...

Purab: Hello... For that, you have to concentrate well on your studies... It's going to be your last semester, Abhi... Focus on your studies properly, atleast from now on wards...

Abhi: Oh my god... Don't spoil my mood by talking about studies, now itself bhai.... Talk about fun, entertainment, happiness enjoyment...

Don't talk about work, life, commitments, job, dedication, sincerity, hard-working, blah blah and all... I simply hate all these words...

Dadi: Badmaash... Focus on your studies, properly... We are saying only for your betterment and bright future na....

Abhi(murmurs): No money is invloved na... So, you people are always giving free advices... Just a dramatic family... Irritating in morning itself....

Dadi and Purab glares at Abhi angrily... Abhi raises his both hands, as if surrending to them...

Abhi: okay, okay... I surrender... I will try my level best to focus on my studies... Happy now... Don't kill me with your looks... Leave me today alone...

I'm going out now..  We will continue our discussions later.... Sit and discuss about how to give advices to me okay...

Abhi winks and shows his tongue out to Purab and dadi... He ran away picking up his bike keys quickly, before Purab hits his back and Dadi twists his ears... Abhi starts the bike and moves out, whistling happily.... He feels that some positive vibes are surrounding him, all of a sudden....

Soon, Abhi life is going to get changed and lots of ups and downs are going to happen....  The unexpected shocks are going to hit Abhi soon....

Time has to answer, whether it's going to make Abhi to face a downfall or open up a new world to him and make him to shine brightly like a big star....


How is Abhigya going to meet???

What destiny has in stores for them???

Will Pragya wins Abhi's heart???

Will she help to get Abhi succeeded in achieving his dreams???

Will Abhi truly get his love of life in Pragya???

Keep guessing and Stay tuned...

Expecting your votes and comments, if you like this part.. 


Yours buddy,

Crazy Mahiz

Signing off....

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