3. Best friends - Never let's you to do, stupid things alone...

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Challenges and Bets makes our life interesting and winning them, gives a meaning to our life...

Life is nothing, but a daring and thrilling, adventurous ride...

I'm strong, as I know my weakness...
I'm fearless, as I know my strength..
I'm beautiful, as I know my flaws..
I'm wise, as I learn from my mistakes...


Abhi escapes from the beatings of Dadi and Purab and ran away from the house, as quickly as he can, in his classy, sports bike... He feels like a roaring tiger, whenever he drives his bike and he looks like a mighty emperor in his roaring bike...

Abhi heart and soul lies in the terrific bike racing... He just go gaga for bikes and the roaring sound of the bikes are like his second heart beat... He loves doing adventurous stunts with his bike... Though Purab and Dadi always have fear of Abhi's craziness for bike, it's Purab who got the bike for him, as Abhi likes it a lot...

Purab always insists Abhi to cut down the speed alone... Purab just hates Abhi attending the dangerous Bike races... However, Abhi escapes easily from Purab and make sure that neither dadi nor Purab is aware of his adventurous stunts....

Whenever Purab finds it out, Abhi comes up with all kinds of lie and he easily put the blame on his Rockers gang and he will make them to get nice scolding from Purab and will escape very smartly...  But, Purab is not aware that Abhi's gang mates or his besties are his partners in crime...

Vihaan/Vicky, Arjun/Ajju and Nikhil/ Nikki are  Abhi's best buddies ... They are the daring and naughty pranksters of the college... They are partners in crime always and they pull up all kind of crazy stunts, to tease everyone...

Like the terror gang of Pragya, they are also dare to accept bets and they are called as the popular " Team Rockers" ... They all are doing final year in ABC College and Abhi is their team leader...

They are the dashing and handsome, heart throbs of ABC college.... Girls fall for this  four handsome hunks and a big gang of fan worshipping girls, chases this gang always and the four will be surrounded a big battalion of girls...

The Rockers gang happily accepts and adores the fan followers and they also used to flirt with the girls... But they always stay in their limits and never did they misbehaved or ill treated any girls...

They rejected all the love proposals and never dated anyone... But they acts like a knight of shining armor to protect the damsels in distress and will rip the skins of those boys, who tortures any girls and troubles the girls in the name of love...

In one side, the team Rockers are way too popular and most of the students loves them a lot... On the contrary, they are the out going (getting punishments from the professors often and are thrown out of the class room) students and they meet the principal often....

But, they never gives up and do many daring acts and irritates the professors a lot... Though they are average students, they are very good in sports and extra curricular activitiess...

Abhi is the famous Rockstar of the college, as he is good in singing and a rocking Performer in the stage... He is best in sports and other extracurricular activities...

Vicky plays drums very well and good in cricket... Arjun is the captain of the college cricket and he is good in dancing... Nikhil is also a good dancer & good in playing football....

The Rockers gang is retained and forgiven for their mistakes, only because of their talents... As they bring many laurels to the college, they have never been dismissed or suspended for their odd behaviours, but they get general warnings often...


Abhi made a call to his friends and ask them to come and meet him in their secret place... Abhi reaches the spot, in his new sports bike...

The trio Arjun, Vihaan and Nikhil have reached the place, ahead of Abhi and are chit chatting something... They smiles happily on seeing Abhi's new bike...

Vihaan:  Hey dude... Nice bike, man... It's breath takingly, awesome...

Abhi: Hi guys... Missed you all so much ... (They hi-fi ed and shared a group  hug)... My bike is looking hot, right... Believe it or not, It's Puru bhai's gift to me...

Nikhil: Medical miracle, man... Puru bhai got this... Unbelievable...

Abhi: Haan haan... I too didn't believed it at all... Anyways, Bhai showed some mercy on me and got this finally... So,What's up dudes??? Any plans...

Arjun: Haan Abhi...  Tommorrow, college is going to start na.. Our fun and freedom will be snatched for sure.. Already, all are getting nice advices from our family... Grrr .. I hate this life... Aaarghhh... 😥😥😥😥

Nikhil: Chill up, bro... Don't act smart okay... We all know you, quite well... Why are you acting, as if you gonna study Ajju???

You don't care about college and studies... You are there only for playing cricket & to show off to your darling Aalu, by saying that you are the captain of our college cricket team na ...

Abhi: Who is this Aalu, Arjun??? What's the secret buddy??? Come on , spit it out...

Vihaan: Hey Ajju, this is unfair ... You haven't shared anything with us... Is only, Nikhil your friend???

Arjun: Guys, guys... Relax... There is no secret to hide and all... You all are my best buddies & all are same to me ... How can you think like that Vicky...

Abhi: Don't divert the topic man... Come on, Ajju... Say about your Aalu...

Arjun: (blushing) Actually Abhi... Aalu is ... Sorry, Aaliya is my neighbour.. She is a very sweet and bold girl... I like her very much...

She is not interested to speak to me.. I took a mission to impress her & I got succeeded, after a lot of struggle... We became friends intially and we have started to date too...

She became my girl friend and we got comfortable with each other... I proposed her & she accepted my love... Our parents too accepted our bonding... But they asked us, not to reveal about our love to anyone...

They asked us to be in our limits, till we complete our studies... They decided to marry us, after we settle in our lives... That's it bros... My secret love story...

When I was speaking to Aalu, this Nikki overheared and is blackmailing and threatening me saying that you guys won't accept this... So, I was worried & hesitant to inform about my love for Aalu....

Vihaan: Wow... Ajju & Aalu.. Too cute, love story man.. By the way, why we won't accept your relationship haan???

Arjun: Seriously, you have no problem... Thanks Vicky... This Nikki scared me a lot...

Arjun hugs Vihaan and turn towards Abhi, expecting his reaction.. Abhi just smirks and didn't say anything to Arjun...

Arjun nervously asks : Abhi, what's your say on this??? Do you have any problem, as I'm loving Aalu...

Abhi: My sweet Ajju... Don't show your puppy face, man... We all are happy for you... It's a quite  interesting love story man.... The charming and flirty Arjun is impressed by a girl & is in love with her.... Hmm... Good good...

Arjun: Oh my god... Thank you so much Abhi.. You all accepted my love... Thank you... Thank you... I'm so so happy...

Abhi: Hey Ajju... Don't squeal like a kid... Be happy always ...

Vihaab: Alright guys.. Enough of Arjun's love story... ... It's our last day of freedom... Any plans, Abhi??

Nikhil: Yeah Abhi .... We will be strucked up in college from tommorrow... Our family will torture us with their lectures on importance of studies, life and blah blah blah...

Abhi: Nikki... Don't sulk like this.. Let's do something adventorous & daring... But we can do that only at night... We have to sneak out without our families knowledge... What say???

Vihaan: Awesome plan, bro... What we are going to do haan??

Nikhil: Wow... I'm way too excited... Don't give suspense and all...

Arjun:  oohooo... Yes, yes... I guessed it... Is it the night bike racing, Abhi??? We were discussing about that only na, two days back... Are you going to ride, Abhi???

Abhi: Yup... You guessed it right... We are going to rock today...

Vihaan: Whatever be the case, you have to win, Abhi... Prove to everyone that Abhi is the best always and know one has born to win you....

Nikhil: Yes of course, Abhi will win it for sure and we can do party after that...

They all smiled and chit chat for sometime... They made some quick plans and how to sneak out from their houses...


Pragya enters the  college dashingly in a cool and s**y attire.. All the girls are awestruck by seeing Pragya... She is breath takingly gorgeous and even the girls drool at her beautiful look...

She is way too elegant and glowing like a diva... All are mesmerised by looking at Pragya, who enters the college, like a Royal Queen, in her daring bike..

The terror gang hi-fied each other...

Aaliya: Pragz, darling.. You are way too hot, today....

Tanu: Aww... S**y doll... I like your attire so much ...

Bulbul (giggles): No one can stay near our Pragya's beauty... Her eyes are too hot... I can't resist myself.. Damn that eyes... It's killing me...

Pragya (blushes): Don't make me to go red like a tomato... Girls... Hold on... You three are flirting with me, as if you three are boys... Don't want to hear such comments from you all... It's reserved only for my soulmate....

My love should say all these dialogues and he should be mesmerised by my eyes... Believe it or not, I want my man to fall for my eyes and he should love me  for my eyes and not looking at my beauty...

Tanu: Pragz, baby.... You are an unique piece.. Always having different philosophical thoughts and doing different things from others...

Aaliya: Yes, sweet heart.. You are our inspiration, Pragz & we all become daring and bold, only because of you..

Pragya: Hold on... Hold on.. Don't keep a big barrel of ice, on my head...

Bulbul: Hey babes... What plans today??? It's too boring na...

Pragya: Why not, we do something daring??? Any bets, guys???

Tanu pouts: Not yet.. No one has the guts to challenge us and all are getting freaked out, hearing our names too...

Aaliya: Why not, we take a challenging act, Pragz???

Pragya: What's that, Aalu???

Aaliya: I heard from my boy friend, Arjun that tonight there is going to be a bike racing event.. Why not you take it a try, pragz?????

Bulbul: But it will be at late night & if it's for boys only means, what can we do....

Tanu: Haan.. How can our Pragz participate in that???

Pragya: Wow.. Interesting one, Aalu..  I like this...  We are going for race tonight and I'm going to win it for sure...

Aaliya: But... The problem is....

Pragya: No buts and ifs, Aalu... No one is going to find out that I'm a girl... Don't say about me to your boy friend... Inform him that your classmate's brother is going to participate... Ask him to register my name as "The daring Prag"...

Problem solved girls... Let me see, who gonna win this Pragya... Let's set a big example to the boys that a girl is fast in racing against them... Let's show the spirit of women power... Aalu... Do as I say, Okay...

Aaliya: Done...👍👍👍👍
Command received, your highness... Will do, as you say???

The terror gang also makes plans to come out at night... They proceed to the class, after discussing how to escape from their parents...


Given a long update... Next part will be Abhi and Pragya's first meeting in the daring bike race...

Can they face each other???

Who is going to win the race????

Is it going to be Abhi or Pragya???

Will they fall in love with each other???

What's their eyes gonna do??? Eyelock or Jealousy or Hatred or Love???

Keep guessing..

Stay tuned....

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Have a good day

Lovingly yours



Will be


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