11. The awaiting challenge, which gonna change the fate...

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Love is not what you say .. Love is what you do...

Life is a biggest adventurous game... Love is the prize, we get out of it...

You came suddenly in my life... My life becomes so colourful and beautiful...


Abhi and Pragya had a great time together and they find a good friend in each other... They were not in a state to understand that they are the ones, whom the have fall in love with....

The duo were completely engrossed in their talks and they didn't notice that the time is tickling quickly... They were chatting and laughing happily and pulling each other's legs, as if they were friends from childhood....

Though their hearts are melting in each other's presence and they gets attracted to the other, they termed that as friendship... Their fate is giggling on seeing their stupidity, as they are missing a golden chance....

Abhi and Pragya are highly irritated and they both turn their faces with clear annoyance .... Both bites their lips and made a sheepish smile, as they spot Purab standing there and eyeing at them dangerously....

Purab: Are you two angry on me, haan??? Why you two are annoyed this much, as if I've interrupted your romantic date...

Abhi grits his teeth angrily: Bhaiiiii... This is unfair... You interrupted our discussion and is irritating us, now ... How rude of you to term our friendly bonding as romantic date???

Pragya: Haan jiju... We were busily discussing about the song lyrics... You spoiled it... Too bad, jiju... Let me complain you to my Disha di...

Purab: Ho god... You two have gone completely crazy .. Pragya is  a perfect match for you, Abhi... Everyone is waiting for you... But you two were too much busy and not even hearing our calls and not attending our phone calls too...

Abhi and Pragya made a goofy smile, as they have put their mobiles in silent mode...

Purab: The dinner is ready... Exchange your numbers and talk, as much as you can... You two can meet, whenever you two want... No one is going to stop you... Now, shall we go and have the dinner???

Well... You two have five minutes to settle on the dining table... If not, Priya aunty and Dadi will do the honours...

Both horrifies and nods their heads and goes along with Purab, who showed a big thumbs up to everyone... In the dining table too, Abhi and Pragya are chit chatting continuously, not minding anyone's presence too... The elders felt really happy on seeing the duo's bonding..


Days were passing way too quickly....

Arjun / Aaliya, Vihaan / Bulbul, Nikhil/ Tanu are enjoying their love life happily... They often meet and goes outings, whenever they find time... But the friends made sure that they all go together....

The terror girls couldn't hide anything from Pragya and they informs about their love, happily to her... On the other hand, Vihaan and Nikhil too informs Abhi about their love life....

On the contrary, Abhi does not share his feelings for his fuggy to anyone and he vows to find his love, on his own.... The daring Pragya is also determined to find his man and she is very adamant not reveal her identity and she decides to test whether her man, loves her wholeheartedly or not....


As Purab and Disha's engagement are nearing and only a week is left for the function, preparations were going on in full swing.... All were busy with the shopping, catering and decoration arrangements and so on...

Ram , Priya and Dadi made sure that Abhi and Pragya also joins Purab amd Disha in shopping... They want Abhi and Pragya to gel up together and understand each other more....

But Abhi and Pragya speaks only as that of friends and nothing more than that... The poor souls are trying hard to find thier love, with all their might.... But they are not realising that their love is infront of them only...

Both Abhi and Pragya termed the attraction and admiration as friendship and they restricted their feelings, stubbornly... They not looking into each other eyes properly too.... Fate is laughing at them by saying that if they look at their eyes, all their problems and longingness will be solved...


It is a quite common day in XYZ girls college... The terror gang is happily having their lunch in canteen... They are discussing about their special moments and chit chatting happily... Pragya is pulling their legs, teasing them and making them to blush uncontrollably...

Pragya: Oh my God!!!! Girls... You three are blushing... Aww... So pinky pinky.... My my holy God... I'm getting crazy on seeing you three... Think of my three bhais condition now... Ahem Ahem... Too hot hey na....

Girls... Tell me... You three will do like this to get kiss from my Bhais na... Aaliya... You are the senior... You start first... Answer my question.... How many romantic kisses you got till now???

Aaliya: Pragz... This is too much... I'm not a calculator like this stupid Tanu to count the kisses...

Tanu: Hoye... I've lost the count already, because of your lectures... I think, Bulz only keeping the trackings properly...

Bulbul: You two be na... Always trapping me to this Pragz... Pragz darling... Poor me... My Vihaan is such a baby... It's very hard to get kiss from him...

Pragya: Ohhhh... My poor Bulz... Take some extra classes to Vihaan bhai... Make him to learn everything, before marriage... Hey Aalu and Tanu... Don't laugh, girls... I'm damn sure that this Bulz is going to out beat you two and get pregnant first...

The four friends were laughing and teasing each other continuously and having their foods... After finishing the food, they got their juices and sipping it slowly.... Suddenly , the voices in the opposite table got their attention...

(Convo in opposite table) You know what... Pragya is always considering herself to be the best...
She is boasting that she is a crowned betting queen...

She is dreaming that she can win any challenges and never she will lose any bet, in her life... She is believing that she can do any kind of daring acts ... But stupid girl doesn't know that she is in a worthless dream land....

She doesn't know that there are some challenges, which is impossible for the modern, stylish Tom boyish Pragya to do.. Is it possible for her to do something girly??

😂😂😂😂... First, I have a doubt, whether she is a girl or a boy... Is it possible for her to dress up neatly and elegantly, like a typical girl??? No right....

Can she wear a dress like a nerdy, innocent girl?? Can she cover her body fully??? Can she travel in the crowded bus in the peak hours of the day???

Can she do this bet without her stupid friends ??? I'm damn sure that it's impossible for Pragya to win any challenge, without her friends... Simply boasting and always talking nonsense... Disgusting girl..

The terror gang is hell angry on hearing the convo and they are in the verge to kill the opposite table girls... They knew that the girls are heartless bi****s, who self praise about them and insult and ill treat others..

Pragya signals and asks her team to keep quiet and they hear all their conversations, silently... Pragya gestures her team to calm down and assured them that she will handle the issue, in her own style....

With a teasing smirk, Pragya stands up and moves casually towards them... She bangs the table hardly and got their attention... All their eye balls popped out from their sockets, as they didn't expected Pragya at all...

The girls have not noticed Pragya and her team sitting opposite to them, as they are little bit far away from them... The girls were sweating a lot and trembling in fear, seeing the deadly glare of Pragya ...

Pragya drags a chair and sits in it like a royal empress... She keep her legs criss crossed on the table and started to shake it casually .. She whistles and looks at them with a dangerous smirk....

The girls gulped their saliva hard and they were struggling hard even to breathe too... Adding more to their fear, Bulbul, Aaliya and Tanu comes there and stands near Pragya, eyeing at them dangerously...

Bulbul: You nasty b*****s.... How dare you to talk like this?? Let me cut those yucky tongues and throw it to the crows....

Aaliya: How rude of you all... You guys have the guts to talk like that haan.. Idiots... You all are mere ashes infront of us... Don't show your attitude to us....

Tanu: Did you have any class to stand in front of us .. Don't consider yourselves to be high, to challenge our Pragya.... She will collapse and murder your egos for sure....

Bulbul: Is it possible for any of you to challenge Pragya, directly??? Do you all have guts for that??? Don't back bite, you bl***y b****s...

Aaliya: You have to cross us, before nearing our Pragya...

Tanu: You guys cannot even stand near us and win us...

Bulbul: But you want to challenge our Pragya, haan.. Great comedy of the year ... Come on girls... Let's laugh for this humourless comedy...

Aaliya: Shut your bloody mouths and run from here...

Tanu: If not, tomorrow we will mourn for your studies and you all can say a big good bye to your future life...

The girls started to tremble in fear, hearing the trio and the silence of Pragya brings a shrill in their veins... They quickly takes their note books, utters sorry and about to run to save their lives.... But they halts their steps, as Pragya roared in anger...

Pragya: Stopppppp.... Stay there...
I'm ready to accept your bets....

Bulbul: Nonsense...

Aaliya: This is quite rubbish...

Tanu: Haan Pragz... Why to accept such a silly bet???

Pragya: Whether it is silly or simple or girly or daring.... A bet is a bet... I will accept and do whatever they challenged...

If I win, be ready to face my wrath and accept the punishment, I'm going to give to you all.... If you guys win, you can do whatever you want...

But it's impossible to win this Pragya.. Be ready, girls... We are doing it tommorrow... None of my besties are going to come with me...

Anyone of you is going to join me in the bus... But that person should stay away from me and can watch me closely, whether I'm doing it properly or not...

One more thing... No one should inform to anyone that I'm only doing that... No information about me should be leaked out at any cost... Even if it's a deadly situation too, the information should be confidential....

If I find out that if any of the informations get leaked, I will make sure that your parents will not be able to find you all... Got it...

Let's meet tomorrow, girls... Your challenges are accepted by this Daring Betting Queen, Pragya... Let me show you what this Pragya is capable of....

Pragya smirks and gestured them to go... The girls got horrified and runs from there, cursing their ill fate and stupidity...

Bulbul: Is it necessary pragz???

Pragya: Don't you think Bulz, I will win this silly challenge, easily...

Aaliya: But???

Pragya: No buts and ifs... Do it, if you are challenged...

Aaliya, Tanu and Bulbul ( in chorus):

All the best, Pragz darling... You are going to rock.... We are eagerly waiting to see your new look... Behenji Pragya gonna make the boys in the bus to gaga for sure....

They all laughed happily and shared a group hug... As the bell rings, they moved to their classes...


Pragya made a clear picture and mentally prepares herself about the things, she is going to do to win the challenge... She hopes that if destiny and fate are good for her, she will win the bet...

But her inner feelings says that this bet is going to change her destiny and she is going to get what she is longing and craving for.... Her heart keeps on saying that you are going to find and meet your love..

Pragya giggles at her thoughts and drifted to sleep, dreaming about the mask dance, she shared with her magical eyed man, Abhi...


So, what's going to happen next???

Will it be possible for Pragya to win the challenge???

How is it possible for the crazy Bike rider Abhi to travel in the bus, that too in the same day, same time, same route and in the same bus ??

Will Abhi and Pragya meet in the bus???

If they meet means, will they reveal their identity???

Will destiny help them to unite???

Is there are any of your crazy's spicy irritating twists or your Mahii's shocking and unexpected twists???

Keep guessing and stay tuned....


See you all soon ..

Yours Buddy,


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