21. I'm standing like a cat in the wall... Is my heart betraying me???

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I'm standing like a cat in the wall... I'm in a biggest confusion... I don't know, why my heart is betraying me like this...

My heart is oscillating between friendship, desire and love... Whatever I'm doing is completely wrong... My life is in a biggest mess... I'm going to complicate everything...

I just want to drown in your magical eyes, which makes me to live my life peacefully....


It's a fine morning... Abhi jelled up his hair and got ready, after freshening up... Purab asked him to come soon to have breakfast, as Dadi is waiting for them....

Abhi decides not to hide anything from his family.... After making a mental note on how to inform this matter to Purab and Dadi, Abhi walks out of the room, with a forced smile in his face....

Dadi and Purab are keenly observing the nervousness and tension in Abhi.... They had their breakfast quietly and keeps on staring at Abhi, which indicates Abhi to spit the matter to them... Taking a deep breath, Abhi sips the water and coughs to gain their attention....

Abhi: Well.. Purab bhai and Dadi... I need to talk with you... I have decided to choose my career... I think this is best for me and I hope that this decision of mine will make me grow successful in all my endeavours...

Purab: Finally, you have decided... Well and Good... Is it bike racing, Abhi???

Abhi shook his head negatively, making a sad pout, which makes Dadi and Purab to chuckle lightly...

Dadi: Purab Beta... I think Abhi beta has decided to become a cricketer or foot ball player, isn't it???

Abhi: No Dadi... I don't know how to say it to you ... I'm not opting to choose the sports line...

Purab: Oh... Then what else, Abhi... Are you going for any 9 to 5 job or planning to start any business...

Abhi makes an oops reaction, as if he wants his family to find out his passion and dreams on their own...

Purab: Oh.. Come on, Abhi... Stop showing tantrums like a little boy... Just spit out...

Abhi: Uff... You two can't even guess it... It's so sad that you have no vague idea that I'm a singer and I pen down lyrics and compose music too... More than that I'm a Rockstar in my college music band...

Purab: As if we don't know... But it's just a hobby only na... Don't say that you are very serious and going to focus in music line...

Abhi nods his head affirmatively and looks at the duo with much hope that they need to say yes to his wishes... He badly wants to know what his Dadi and Puru bhai feels... But there's a pin drop silence and no response from them... Abhi is not in a mentality to stay quiet and he loses his patience completely....

Abhi: Dadiiiiiii...... Bhaiiiiiii.... Please say something.... I'm impatient... Your silence is a deadly torture to me... Why you both are staying quiet??? Don't you believe me and my capabilities...

Are you both thinking that I will fail in my dreams or you both are feeling that I'm wasting my life in choosing music as my profession???? Please... Answer me...

Dadi and Purab starts to laugh hardly... Abhi couldn't understand what's happening over there...

Dadi: Abhi beta... Don't show your puppy face... We always believe, trust and support you....

Abhi: Really!!!!!!!!

Purab: Haaan.... Haaan... It's for real only ... My dear , Abhi.... We know very well that you are going to grow as a biggest, sensational and famous Rockstar... But??????

Abhi: But.....????

Purab: You are a number one dumbo in this whole world... Mr. ABHISHEK PREM MEHRA... You are veryyyyyy veryyyyy late... We expected you to ask us this quite earlier... Even I thought that you will choose music as a major in your college studies too...

But being a biggest dumbo, you failed to choose your studies too... You are in a biggest confusion and even didn't know what exactly is your dream too... But you are a fool and wasted your time on running behind sports and bike racing....

You are a born singer, Abhi... I'm so proud of you always and your talents makes me in awe... I know very well that you are going to Rock the floor with a bang and gonna become a trend setter and viral sensation in the music industry...

Abhi: Oh my goodness... Thanks a lot Puru bhai... Didn't expected this from you two... Love you two so much...

But what you said is correct, Bhai... I'm a biggest dumbo only... How stupid of me... I didn't know exactly what is my passion too???? Until, my fu.... ( Abhi bites his lips and stops the talks abruptly)

Purab: Who is that , Abhi??? I think that someone has instilled this thoughts on you and made you to realize that you are born to entertain the people with your music...

Abhi: Yes, bhai... It's that... Vo... Vo... It's Pragya... Haan... Pragya only... She always says that you are going to be the Rockstar one day.... She motivated and encouraged me a lot.... She is my biggest support ... So, I've decided it...

Abhi let's out a deep sigh, as he got escaped by saying Pragya's name, hiding his Fuggy'sname... Dadi and Purab smiles brightly knowing that it's Pragya, who changed Abhi's mind set...

Dadi: Abhi beta... I have a wish...

Abhi: Just order me, Dadi...

Dadi: Abhi beta... Can you wait for 10 more days, before chasing your dreams... Your Purab Bhai's wedding is there na.. So only... It will be quite hard for him to do all the works alone...

Purab: Dadi... It's not needed... Let him focus on his career... I can manage it...

Abhi: Dadi... I'm going to focus on my career after bhai's wedding only... No worries... I'm little bit selfish too in this matter... Having one more person to support me is a wonderful feeling....

Purab: One more person... Who is that, Abhi??? Is it a he or a she???

Abhi: Too bad, Bhai... In 10 days, you are going to get married... But you have forgotten Disha bhabhi completely na.. Wait... Wait... Let me call her and say that you have forgotten that Disha bhabhi will be in our house, after 10 days...

Purab: Abhiiiii.... Please... Nooooooo.... Don't do anything like that... Disha will kill me, if she knows that I have forget her.. Just work tension, Abhi... That's why...

"How dare you, Purab... You are going to die now".... A heavy yell from the door step gains their attention... There stood Disha fuming in anger to kill Purab anytime... Her anger reaches it's peak, as her sister Pragya, who came along with her starts to tease her a lot...

Purab horrifies and gulps the lump formed in his throat... Abhi rolls in laughter and hi -fies with Pragya and pours a lot of diesel to Disha's anger... Dadi chuckles and moves to her room, while Purab's puppy face didn't melted Disha at all...

Purab: Sweet heart... My Dishooo Baby.. I'm so sorry...

Disha: Do hell with your sorry, Purab... You are always forgetting me and you never cared about me... I'm not at all important to you... I'm only after you , all the time and thinking madly about you...

But... You are hopeless, Purab... Never you loved me, like I love you... Don't ever come near me... Don't talk to me... Let's break up and put an end to all these....

Purab gasps in shock and drags Disha inside his room... After lots of consoling, cooing, wooing, cajoling and romancing, Disha forgives Purab and smiles brightly...

As decided earlier, Purab and Disha moves to the boutique to check on the wedding outfit and have a look on the fittings.... Abhi and Pragya too joins them.... It has become a habit for Disha and Purab to take Abhi and Pragya along with them, as they want the duo to have some personal time, so that Abhi and Pragya can jel up so easily....


After an exhausting shopping, they return back to their respective houses... Abhi comes to his room and lays in the bed, completely worn out and tired.... Suddenly, a soft touch made him to open his eyes....

Abhi couldn't believe his eyes at all... Abhi is sitting like a drunken man, mesmerised by the eyes, which he is madly in love in with and is longing for a long time... It's a dream come true for Abhi to see his love of life, his Fuggy in his room....

Abhi gulps hard and scans his Fuggy's beauty from top to bottom... She is looking smokingly hot in the saree and her smile makes him to feel dizzy... He couldn't even blink his eyes and is staring at her with full of love and desire...

Abhi feels so bad as his Fuggy is not at all looking at him.. He is hell angry as she is cooing and playing with the Rockstar doll, instead of him... With so much possessiveness, he pulls her abruptly and she falls on him, losing her control...

Abhi: Fuggy...

Fuggy: Hmmm..

Abhi: Why are you holding the Rockstar doll??? I didn't like that... Your rockstar is here na.. Throw off that good for nothing doll...

Fuggy: Aww... My Rockstar is getting jealous...

Abhi: Ofcourse... I only have the rights on my fuggy....

Abhi holds her waist tightly and pulls her closer.... He traces the curves in her lips and fans his breathe in her lips, making her to feel goosebumps all around her body... He gently smooches her lips with his and is in a mood to make it last longer...

But, Abhi's mood got spoiled, as he feels a sudden vibration in his body... He jerks up and sits in the bed.... He is sweating profusely, as his fuggy is no where to be found...

Abhi pats his head and smiles widely that he is dreaming about his fuggy.... As he is in a happy mood, he picks up the call, without seeing the caller ID which shows Mogambo is on line....

Mogambo: Hello, Hottie... Dreaming about me... I know, still you are thinking about my sensual kiss.. Just give me a hint that you love me and want me... I am ready to surrender my heart, body and soul, at this instant itself...

Abhi: Stop your fl***y mouth... I will kill you, if you talk again rubbishly... Don't day dream... You will never get me... I'm only for my Fuggy.... If you come before me, that will be your last day...

Mogambo: Woha... Dont lie to me, darling... I know what effects I have on you...You will hold me and kiss me uncontrollably, after knowing who I am??

I'm sure we will become couples, soon... Love you , my s**y darling.... Expecting for your positive reply... Have a sensual and hot dream, thinking about me...

Abhi fumes in anger and cuts the call...
Even though, his mind and his heart are against Mogambo, but something in him is saying to him repeatedly that Mogambo is your girl...

Abhi is in a complete dilemma.... He brushed off his thoughts, but his mind is completely blocked out and confusing him so much... He wants to pour out his frustrations to some one... He immediately calls Pragya, who is his stress buster and mind reliever always ...

Pragya: Hello... Abhi... What happened??? You were so tired and feeling sleepy, on our way itself... I thought you are sound asleep, as of now... Abhi.. Are you, okay???

Pragya panics on hearing Abhi's muffled sobs and she hears he is crying uncontrollably...

Pragya: Abhi... Abhi... What happened buddy??? Tell me... Why are you crying??? Abhi say something na...

Abhi: Pragya... 😭😭😭😭.. I'm so sorry... I'm completely uncontrollable, now a days... I couldn't understand, why I have become like this...

I want to love my Fuggy only and never I want any other girl in my life... But my heart, my mind and my body are against me and are starting to betray the trust, which my Fuggy has on me...

Pragya: What's bothering you, Abhi???

Abhi: You very well know that I love my Fuggy so much and I will die without her...

Pragya: Abhiiii.... Don't talk like a fool...

Abhi: Hear me fully, Pragya... I'm friendly with you and I like you so much as a friend... Sometimes, I feel that how will it be, if you are my Fuggy....

Pragya is dumbstruck on hearing Abhi.... She couldn't believe what Abhi is saying to her.... Her eyes starts to well up, uncontrollably...

Abhi: I have told you about Mogambo na... Eventhough I hate her, but something in me is telling me that she is pretending to me, as that of a bad girl and testing me... Who knows... May be, she can be my Fuggy too...

I don't know... But something is bothering me... Please don't mistake me.. My heart is betraying me by saying that how it will be - you, my friend Pragya, the irritating Mogambo and my love Fuggy are of same....

If it happens in real, I'm the most lucky and blessed person in this whole world ... Because I can feel the unconditional love on me from you three.... Sorry.... If I'm wrong.... Pragya.... You there..... Pragya..."

The line gets cut abruptly.... Abhi mentally cursed himself for pouring his heart out to Pragya... He cries hardly.... He didn't want to lose his friend Pragya at any cost.... He calls Pragya again and again.. But to his misery, Pragya's mobile is switched off....



What's going to happen next????

Will Abhi be able to maintain his Friendly bonding with Pragya???

Will Abhi realize that his instincts are true only ???

Will Abhi be able to achieve his dreams???

What's going to be Pragya's next move???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

Until we meet next time.....

Yours cliffy buddy,


Signing off....


Will be


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