Epilogue: The depth of your love has changed me, forever...

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Finally....  Going to close the curtains down for my First ever story on Watty....


Thanks to all those readers, who have rendered their marvellous support for this Re-edited and Modified version...

To be true, I felt as if I'm writing a new story, with the way you all have rendered your love and support in the form of your votes and comments... It means a lot to me...


Are you all ready to read the long Epilogue of this story??? I hope you all will like it....


Take my hand, my heart and my soul with you, forever... They are meant only for you...

You are my heart's epic adventure and my soul's glorious victory....

A flower can't bloom without a sunshine... Likewise, I can't live my life, without your love and care...


The night is quite dark and only a dim light from the moon is making the earth to have some kind of visibility too.... The environment is completely scary and the persons, who have fear of darkness and ghosts will freak out for sure....

Not minding about anything, people are roaring, chirping, hooting, clapping and shouting in high decibels, as they want to enjoy every second of it, as happy as they can... Smoke is filling the air and no one cares that it's polluting the atmosphere too...

The shreiking sound of the engines are echoing the whole place and the racers are twisting their bikes and riding in high speed... The bike racers, who have hidden behind those helmets, are focusing their attention only towards the finishing line and are eager to win the match at any cost...

No one is ready to give up and all wants to prove that they are the best bike racer in that city... As the winning trophy is shared by Rockstar Abhi and The Daring Prag for the past two years, this time the race is quite tough, as everybody wishes to see only one winner....

The sponsors have increased the prize money, number of laps and the area to be covered for winning the race is also extended... Moreover, the match committee has put forth a condition to the racers that if there's a tie at the end, another race will be conducted to decide the winner....


While the race is going on in full swing, there comes a peculiar sound from the audience side, which are of the voices of small babies... Instead of cheering their favourite racer, three men are seated over there, along with their baby boys of 3-4 months....

When the light flashed on their faces, the clear view of those men can be seen... They are none other than the Rocking Boys Arjun, Vihaan and Nikhil... They are baby sitting their sons and feeding them, the (processed breast milk) milks from the bottles....

Leaving their sons with their poor husbands, the Terror girls Aaliya, Bulbul and Tanu are jumping in joy and cheering up for their bestie Pragya, The Daring Prag, who is out smarting all the boys and coming up ahead of them...

As proper instructions were already given to their husbands, the girls were enjoying the race happily... They were pretty sure that their babies won't disturb them at all, as their husbands will take proper care of their babies...

Their short knee length dresses are hiking up and showing off their curves in a dangerous way, as if they are some s**y cheerleaders, who are pleased to entertain the audiences... The girls are not in a mood to care about their dresses and their attention are fixed only on the race...

But the poor husbands are looking horrified and rolling their eyes here and there, as they don't want any men to look at their wives in a lusty way, as the newbie moms  are glowing and sizzling in those skimpy wears....


The bikes are roaring with a thunderous engine sounds and making a gigantic smoke, as if rockets are barged to attack a target ... The race is going on in a ferocious way, as the finishing line is just few metres apart...

The lub tub sounds of everyone's heart beats are clearly heard, ahead of those roaring sound from the bikes... All gulped hard and felt a panick attack, when two bikes are giving a tough fight to each other...

All murmurs " Not again " little audibly and the match committee discussed quickly and decides that they need to conduct another race, if there's a tie... But unexpectedly, a dashing bike touches the finishing line first, just a second ahead of the runner up....

Everyone shouts in happiness, as they have find out the real winner, after a wait of two long years... The winning bike moves few steps forward and comes to a halt, followed by the runner up... The winner is huffing and panting and is struggling hard even to breathe too...

The runner up took off his helmet immediately and rushes towards the winner... His eyes are tearing up, as he is not able to see the winner in a pathetic state, who is completely exhausted and worn out....

Rockstar Abhishek Prem Mehra, who stood second in the race, for the first time ever, didn't even mind that he has lost the race and has been declared as the runner up.... Instead, he is bothered about his wife Pragya, who is struggling hard to relax, after winning the bike race....

Abhi quickly removes Pragya's helmet and pats her cheeks... He wipes of the sweat in her face... He took the water bottle, opens it hurriedly, pours some in his hands and splashes some water in her face...

Seeing that she is cooling down, he gently holds her shoulder and makes her to lean on his chest... He places the water bottle near her mouth and asks her to drink it....

Pragya is calming down, when the liquid enters her body in a slow phase... She gains some sort of energy, after drinking some water... But she is completely exhausted and leans towards Abhi's shoulders... He caress her head gently and kisses her forehead....

Abhi: Sweet heart... How are you feeling, now??? Are you alright??? No discomforts and no pains, right... Baby.... Say something...

Huh... I don't want to waste any more time... It's better we rush up to the hospital and meet the doctor... I can't take any more risk....

Pragya: Abhi... No...  I'm fine... Relax... I'm completely alright... Just don't create any fuss... I'm not moving anywhere, without collecting my trophy....

Abhi: You are getting too adamant, darling... You are not at all listening to me... How can you be so irresponsible...

Interrupting Abhi's arguments, the terror girls comes in between and pulls Pragya from Abhi's embrace... The girls hugged Pragya tightly and congratulated her for winning the match, as well as the bet they made with her...

Abhi: Hey Girls... Be gentle... Why are you hugging my Fuggy like this??? Can't you people handle her in a softer way... You all are squeezing even my babies too...

Tanu: Abhi bhai... This is too much...

Aaliya: Haan bhai... How can we hurt our Pragz???

Bulbul: Don't forget, bhai... We also have babies... We will take of your wife and the babies in her belly too...

Abhi: Woha... Joke of the millennium... You three don't have the right to talk about your babies, as if you three care for them.... Always applying makeup, wearing these kind of skimpy dresses, partying and encouraging your buddy to do some stupid stunts, right...

Pragya: Abhiii... I will kill you.. Don't talk like this, Abhi... You have no right to ill treat my friends...

Abhi: Wah... Wah... Greatest friends of yours... Without looking after their babies, they are encouraging you to do all kind of odd stunts... You four are hopeless and don't care about anything at all...

My poor friends are baby sitting day and night and they carry the babies with them, wherever they go.. But these three don't even care that they have to look after their babies, atleast once...

And finally, you... The great betting queen is still behaving like a baby and involving in all kinds of odd doings, just for that good for nothing bet... Hey na...

Pragya: Don't you know that I will never lose any bet... It's my prestige issue, Abhi... The Betting Queen can't lose a bet or back off by saying any kind of lame excuses...

Abhi: Oh!!! You can't back off saying excuses haan... Madam ji... Try to be mature and responsible... No one in this whole earth will accept a bet, to win a ferocious bike race, when the due date is nearby...

Just 2 days only left, Fuggy... All are scared to hell and praying hardly that you should deliver the babies without any complications... But... You...

You are so adamant to come here and win this race, as these stupid girls have challenged you na... What you got by doing all these, Fuggy.... Just for this small applause, you are taking too much risk...

Pragya: The risk is worth a million, Abhi... Finally, I did it... Oohhooo... I've won my rival, Abhishek Prem Mehra, who always ties up with me in the race... Isn't it a big achievement, my dear hubby???

Abhi; Correction, wifey.... You have won the race, as my babies are inside you.... This is the last warning, Pragya... If you pull up any stunts, I will inform everything to Priya Maa...

Pragya: Abhi... You are my sweet and darling husband na... Don't involve your sasuma in this... She will torture me with her non stop advices...

Abhi: If you don't want any such scenes to happen, obey me properly... Enough of all these... Let these good for nothing girls and their baby sitters will collect our trophies... We will move to our home...

Pragya: Abhi... Please... Let's be here... We will move off, as soon as the presentation ceremony gets over....

Abhi: No ways... If Dadi, Puru bhai, Disha bhabhi, Ram papa or priya Maa come to know that we are not in home, they will rip us into pieces.... Already they are scolding me too much saying  that I'm over pampering you and encouraging all your silly doings....

Before Abhi say No to her, Pragya makes a seductive smile and eyes Abhi with full of love... Not letting Abhi to react, Pragya pulls Abhi closer and slams her lips with his... The Terror Girls gasped in shock and hides their faces with a blushy hint in their cheeks...

Pragya slowly moves away from Abhi and asked him to give permission to be there for some more time... Abhi nods his head as yes unknowingly, making Pragya to giggle in joy...

Aaliya, Bulbul and Tanu watched Pragya, unbelievably and they said to Abhi that Pragya is having an upper hand and Abhi is surrending to Pragya very easily...

Abhi (sighs): It's all my fate... If I've married one girl, I would be the one to dominate... But I've got married to the three different characteristic girl...

I don't know what version will come and attack me... Now one more version is added in the list, after she got pregnant... Huff... Poor me... Can't handle her mood swings at all...

Pragya (cries aloud) : So, I became a trouble to you and you are accusing me, as if I'm attacking you... 😭😭😭😭... You have stopped loving me, Abhi...

Abhi: Shhh... Baby... Don't cry, sweetie... Just for fun, darling... I love you so much...

Pragya pouts and hits on Abhi's stomach, while he pulls her closer in his embrace and kisses her nose... Just then Abhi notices that Pragya's face is changing, all of a sudden...

Making Abhi to get a panick attack, Pragya screams aloud in severe pain, which is an indication that her labour pain has started... Abhi lifts Pragya in his arms and rushes towards his car... The girls called their husbands to come to the parking lot...

As Abhi is in full of tension, Vihaan takes his car keys and asked Abhi to sit in the back seat along with Pragya... Arjun takes a car and asked the girls to get in, so that they can drop him off in their houses...

Eventhough the girls protested to go to the hospital, Nikhil explains them that it's not good to have babies in the hospital... Nikhil calls Abhi and Pragya's families, informed the happenings and asked them to come to the City Hospital...

In the meantime, the girls called the gynaecologist and asked her to arrange the labour room soon, as Pragya's water too broke... Abhi is crying silently and is looking at Pragya's eyes intently, which is like giving a challenging task to her...

Pragya gave a lifeless smile and shows thumbs up to Abhi, as if accepting the bet that she will return back to him, hale and healthy along with their babies... Abhi holds Pragya's hand in an assuring way, which indicates that everything will be fine soon....


After a wait of couple of hours, Pragya screams for the final time squeezing Abhi's hands hardly, who is beside her in the labour room, encouraging her to push their first baby... A meek sound of a baby's cry hit their ears and both smiled in happiness....

Before Pragya gather some energy, she feels another contraction and she screams aloud again, making their second baby to come out with a loud crying sound... Abhi let's out a relieved breath and kisses Pragya's forehead...

All the hospital formalities lined up and the nurses advised Abhi to go out, as they need to do the cleaning works... Abhi too moves out happily to inform the happy news to their awaiting family members...

Abhi is just wondering whether everything is happening in real or is he dreaming off all these happenings... But the little wonders in the baby cribs made him to realize that it's real only...

Pragya admires her husband Abhi, who is not able to move his eyes away from their babies... With jealousy Pragya pinches on his thighs, while he chuckles and hugs her tightly in his embrace...

Both Abhi and Pragya admires their symbols of love with full of joy and happiness... They thanked God for making them to fall for their eyes and join in a beautiful relationship...

While Abhi is kissing on Pragya's hairs and having an eye on their babies movements, Pragya leans to Abhi's shoulder and remembers the happenings, when they have  went for the adventurous trip, after their dramatic reunion....

⏪⏪⏪⏪ 🔙🔙🔙🔙🔙

Pragya fumes in anger, when she wakes up the next morning... She can't tolerate as her plans to seduce Abhi had been flopped... Her blood boils as Abhi had outsmarted and made her to sleep...

Pragya: Abhi.. You are a  big cheat...

Abhi: Hey, what have I done???

Pragya: You turned me on completely yesterday night, but without making love to me, you made me to sleep na...

Abhi: Just for this simple thing, you are shouting.... Cool baby... Just 5 more days ... We will do it, as much as we want...

Pragya: Abhi... This is not done...

Abhi: Ahaan...

Pragya: Can, we do it now??? Just a Quickie will be enough...

Abhi: Pragya darling... You may be desperate to lose your V-card to me... But, I'm so stubborn to do my first ever love making, only to my wife, in the suhagraat only... Is that clear????

Pragya: So, you mean to say that I'm not your wife... Isn't it...

Abhi : Uff..  You are my wife only, Fuggy... But officially, we didn't tied the knots and weren't declared are husband and wife... Sweet heart... I don't want our togetherness to happen in this dangerous place...

All I want is a romantic set up... In our cozy bedroom... The bed is to be beautifully decorated with flower petals... The room is to be completely scented with auromatic candles and the lights to be dimmed to set a romantic ambience...

You are decked up beautifully in your bridal lehenga, sitting in the centre of the bed, with full of nervousness and tension... Your face hidden behind the veil... The way you blush, when I unveil your face...

The smell of your mehendi clad hands... The tingling sound of your bangles... The fragrance from your sweet body... The slow whispers of you, when I hold your hand...

Oh my God!!! What am I saying... (Hides his face with a heavy blush, as he is explaining the happenings of their suhagraat in a husky voice...)

Pragya: Ahem Ahem... Not bad, Rockstar... I'm so impressed with your hot and sensual explanations... Alright, I don't want to spoil your beautiful dream at all... But I demand a kiss from you, right now...

Abhi: Why one, sweetie??? I will give you, as many you want...

The room starts to get hot, as the duo are involving in a kissy kissy game, which lasted for few hours....


As soon as Abhi and Pragya returns back, the elders prohibited them from meeting, anymore and they were not allowed to talk even in their mobiles too...  The wedding rituals too started in full swing and it's quite hectic for Abhi to have a glimpse of his love...

Abhi misses Pragya very badly and he is craving to meet her... He pulled up all kinds of stunts, but nothing worked out, as all are observing his moves like a watch dog...

A night before their  wedding, Abhi is walking here and there, as sleep is far away from his eyes... Just one day is left to have his Fuggy in his embrace... But Abhi is so impatient, as the distance is killing him a lot...

Abhi gasps in shock, as he hears a big thud sound from the balcony... When Abhi opens it up to see who is the unwanted intruder at this odd night, he is shocked to hell...

Abhi never expected that Pragya will sneak inside his bedroom, by jumping through the balcony, like a thief... He is blinking his eyes in shock and he didn't picked up Pragya, who is writhing in pain...

Pragya: Abhi... Pick me up man... Aah... It's paining...

Abhi: Fuggy... You are here...

Pragya: Then who else, idiot??? Take me in your arms... Give me a kiss and continue your questions later...

Like a obedient student, Abhi does as Pragya said... Both were kissing senselessly, as they missed each other terribly....

Pragya: I missed you so much, Abhi...

Abhi: Just this night alone na... Tommorrow, you gonna be mine and you will be here with me.. Better you move to home, before anyone sees you...

Pragya: No...  I'm not going anywhere... I'm going to sleep with you only.. Don't ask me to go...

Abhi: What's this baby... This is not done... What will all think, if they find you sleeping here, before marriage???

Pragya: Let them think, whatever they want... I badly want to have a proper sleep, as I'm damn tired with all the wedding rituals... But sadly,  I'm not able to sleep without you... So, what I'm going to do is, hug and sleep with my Abhi..

Before Abhi protests, Pragya pulls Abhi towards her to the bed... She hugs him tightly and drifted to a deep slumber, in few minutes... Abhi smiles and kisses her forehead with full of love...

After making sure that Pragya is sound asleep, Abhi picks her up in his arms and moved towards his car... He ignites the engine and drives off to the Arora mansion, after making a call to Priya....

Priya is standing at the door step and she smiles on seeing Abhi, who is carrying Pragya, as if she is a small baby...

Priya: Abhi Beta... Is she troubling you???

Abhi : No maa... She is my life ... Whatever Pragya is doing is a way of showing her love to me... She is a grown up kid, Maa... Don't scold her, after she wakes up...

Please don't mistake her, Maa... She is missing me a lot and that's why she turns up in my house... She slept off in few minutes, after she reach there...

Priya: Beta.. No need of such explanations... I'm so happy... My Pragya has got a gem of person like you, as her husband...

Abhi chuckles and moves towards Pragya's room, while Priya prays hardly that the duo should lead a happy life and stay together forever...


At the auspicious time, Abhi ties up the mangalsutra in Pragya's neck and filled her maang with Kumkum... He took the vows with her and they were declared as Husband and Wife , with the blessings of everyone....

The hot and sizzling couple's marriage becomes the sensational topic and wishes flows through all networking sites... Their photos are flooded in every nook and corner and all adored their chemistry a lot...

As expected, Pragya is not a shy wife at all... The three Versions - Pragya, Mogambo and Fuggy demanded different kinds of love from Abhi.. The romantic hero in Abhi has to be super alert to outbeat this three versions and if not, he has to face all kinds of sweet tortures for not romancing properly....


One such day,

Abhi decides to tease his wife, who is in full romantic mood....

Abhi: Darling...

Pragya: Hmm..

Abhi: Baby, what I have decided is that we have to work really very hard to make our baby to come soon... So, we are going to make one baby, tonight... No... No... We will make two okay...

Pragya: Two???? You mean to say twins???

Abhi : Yeah...

Pragya: Okay... I'm ready...

Abhi: Whaat... You are saying ready, as if we are going to get a candy in a shop... You don't have any problem at all...

Pragya: No problem for me... I love babies and I will be happy, if we have twins... I think you are wasting the time, unnecessarily... Are you going to start or shall I start to seduce you???

Abhi:  If I'm seduced by my wife, I will be more happy... So, it's my pleasure if you start it, baby...

The romantic couple keenly works hard in their mission to get two babies... As expected, Pragya got pregnant very soon and they were super happy when the doctor said that they are going to have twins...

Abhi pampered Pragya so much and fulfilled all her cravings... Only Abhi is able to bear Pragya's mood swings and she becomes an adamant kid, when the time passes....

Pragya smiles brightly remembering all the lovely happenings of their life... She admires her husband Abhi with full of love and caress the heads of their daughters Abhigya and Abhinaya....


Six years later,

The lonely road in the porsche area of the city is jerking up, as six kids are riding up their bicycles in full speed... The four boys and the two girls in their cycles are moving off quickly, as if they are involved in a big race.... They are moving very fast and it's very hard to find out, who will come first....

They near a gate of a big mansion, which is the finishing line for their race... The two girls touched the gate first and they shouts happily that they have won the race...  The boys pouts sadly, as this is happening always....

Making the boys more sad, three ladies rushes there, with a happy smile in their faces... The boys literally cried when Aaliya, Tanu and Bulbul hugged the girls and congratulated them....

The  four boys - Pranav ( son of Purab and Disha), Virat ( son of Vihaan and Bulbul), Aarav ( son of Arjun and Aaliya), Nitin ( son of Nikhil and Tanu)  are fuming in anger and move towards their fathers, who are chillaxing in the backyard..

Virat, Aarav and Nitin complained about their mothers and are screaming aloud, as why their moms are always fond of Abhigya and Abhinaya... They were so angry because their moms are not consoling them for their loses, instead they are so happy, as the girls have won the race....

Not minding the dramas their boys are making, Aaliya, Tanu and Bulbul are congratulating Abhigya and Abhinaya, as the girls have proved once again that they are the daughters of the great bike racers, Abhi and Pragya...

Disha comes out from the mansion, carrying a big tray with milk shakes, tea and cookies for everyone...  She hands over the milk shakes to the kids and fills the glasses with tea for the men...

Purab sips his tea and eyes at his son Pranav, who is showing cold shoulders to his mother Disha, who least care about him and is taking care of Abhigya and Abhinaya...

As the four couples have only boys, all are fond of Abhigya and Abhinaya so much and they were treated like Princess.... The boys too likes the girls a lot, but they showed off , as if they are not liking the girls...

Other than Pranav, who is a big brother to Abhigya and Abhinaya, the other three always have a fight, as they want the girls attention only towards them...

After a lot of consoling, the kids cooled off and drank their milkshakes... All wonders where is Abhi and Pragya, who were no where to be found...

Vihaan: Puru Bhai... Where is Abhi??? He called us all, but he didn't mind to come and see us too.... Even Pragya is not here...

Purab: Vicky, Abhi is pampering his kid... So, it will take time for him to come out...

All in chorus: Kid??? Abhigya and Abhinaya are here only na...

Disha: Abhi is pampering his first baby... His darling, wife... The adamant betting Queen, Pragya... She is not at all having food and is protesting from morning...

So, Abhi is in a mission to feed her... Abhi is running behind her and begging her to have food... But none of his attempts works in front of the Daring Prag....

All chuckles and sips their teas, as it's the usual happenings in the Mehra Mansion...


While this is going on, the atmosphere in the dining room of the Mehras is in a pathetic state...  Abhi is pleading and running behind Pragya, but she pays no heed to his words...

Pragya: Dadi... Dad... Mom... I don't want this, Rockstar... I want only my Abhi..... It's final and I'm not going to have food before he says yes to my demands...

I'm going to do a hunger strike, till he cancels the concert and promise to be with me... I don't want to hear any of your excuses...

Abhi: Please darling... Have some food... I  will come back in two days... It's an important concert and I can't back off, as the fans will be highly disappointed...

You only gave approval for this event and don't forget that you have invested a huge sum of money for this concert... Please baby, try to understand the situation...

Pragya: I'm the producer na... I'm only saying..  Cancel the concert and be with me...

Ram: Princess... It involves Abhi's dignity and our Company's reputation.... Try to understand, beta...

Priya: Uff... Instead of stopping her, you two are begging in front of her... All because of you two only... This Pragya is doing too much as her Father and Husband are over pampering her...

Stop obeying to her always... Don't try to please and fulfill all of her demands... Pragya, don't be silly and you are not a baby.... You have two grown up kids and you are going to a mother of your third baby....

Dadi: Priya... Don't scold, Pragya... Nothing is wrong, as Pragya wants her husband to be by her side always... It's natural for a pregnant woman... Abhi... Do as Pragya, wished for...

Pragya: Dadi... You only like me... All are very bad... No one is understanding me... 😭😭😭😭

Abhi: My sweet baby... Please, don't cry..... It's not good for you and our baby's health...

Just then, Abhigya and Abhinaya storms inside the house to inform their victory to their parents... They wonder why their mumma is crying like this...

When the girls questioned what's going on, Abhi explains them that Pragya is doing a hunger strike, till he cancels the concerts... Abhi makes the girls to understand that it's impossible to do so...

Abhigya: This is such a simple matter, Papa... We are there na... We will handle it very easily... My sweet Papa... You are going to do the concert and no backing off, saying unwanted reasons...

Abhinaya: Haan Papa... Pack your things for your travel... We will look after our mom.. You don't bother about her... It's our duty to feed her and take care of her, in your absence...

Abhigya: Mom... Never dare to cry again ... Just open your mouth and have food...

Abhinaya: Papa... Come on... Take the plate and feed, Mom... Will give only 5 minutes.... Mom, you should finish off the food on or before five minutes.... An open challenge to you, Mom...

All giggles on seeing the smartness of the little Abhigya and Abhinaya, who are ordering their parents, just like that... The great Betting Queen Pragya, who makes everyone to run behind her, gets tongue tied only before her girls, Abhigya and Abhinaya...

Pragya: Abhi... I'm wondering whether I'm a mom to this two devils... They are acting like my saasuma... They are dancing on my head, Abhi and showing too much attitude to me... This is not fair...

Abhi (smiles) : You are obeying only to them... By the way, they are the great Betting Queen, the Daring Prag's blood na... So, it's natural to have this kind of attitude...

Pragya pouts, while the girls said one minute is over... Pragya horrifies and quickly had the food Abhi has fed her, as she doesn't want to lose in the bet... After all, no one can out beat the betting Queen, in any challening bet...


Few months later....

A new morning sun creeps in and welcomes and showers the beautiful, warm, shining rays for a new beginning and wishing the people in the earth, a happy morning....

All the houses are busy with their usual morning chores.... The clinging bell sound of the cycles, which the newspaper guys are riding, are breaking off the silence and they are alerting the housemates that they had put  the newspapers to read...

A girl, who is dressed up elegantly in a simple anarkali, comes out to take the newspaper, with a heart taking smile in her face... She picks up the newspaper in her hands and moves towards the balcony to read it, along with her morning coffee...

She opens the newspaper and a wide smile formed in her lips.. She gleams in joy and is twirling in happiness on seeing the news.... She thanks the god for making her happy and also  for her favourite couple's happiness....

The newspaper reads...

Our Handsome Hunk, Everyone's favourite , our Rockstar ABHI is blessed with a baby again....

It's a boy.... The Junior Rockstar ABHEER is born...

The girl's eyes are fixed on the happy family of Abhi and Pragya, along with their kids Abhigya, Abhinaya and the new born junior rockstar Abheer....

The girl takes off her mobile and types down the long epilogue of her story " I fell for your Eyes"... A lone tear escapes from the eyes of the crazy girl Mahii, who with a heavy heart is writing the end note, as she is going to end the beautiful love journey of Abhi and Pragya, who fell for each other's eyes....


How is the epilogue guys???.

Given a long epilogue... Words used: 5550+

Thanks to everyone who have read, voted , added this story in your library and reading list and commented on this story....

Thanks to all the new readers, who have given a marvellous support for this modified version...

Thanks once again for all your love and support....

It's the final time buddies....

Vote.... Vote.... Vote....

Pen down your views and comments, atleast now, for the final time in this story....

To the new readers: Are you feeling that you are going to miss the Daring Prag...

The season 2 of " I fell for Your Eyes" is there, to meet the much more bolder Pragya...

The Season 2 is named as " Can We Love???"

It's a bold love story of Abhi and Pragya, who are poweful in their professions... It's a completed story and you can have a look, if you are interested....

Planning to come up with the Season 3 of this story, if all goes well...

Until then,

It's me,

Yours buddy,


Winding up

With a heavy heart....

Meet you all in my other stories...



The  Final ENDING....

Way to a new beginning....

Keep smiling....


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