Bonus Chapter: Romantic Outing... Rockstar Vs Betting Queen...

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️ Read the shot with your own risk...

Contains some mature scenes...

As it's the romantic outing, some scenes or dialogues are there, which may not be suitable to your age...

Strictly no bashing is allowed...


My love for you is a beautiful and an endless journey... It's starts with forever and ends at Never...

There is no limitations... No depths... No reasons... No time limits... No boundaries for true love...

I never knew what's meant by love, till I met you... You are the sunshine of my life and you rule my world..


It's quite late in the evening and the chirping sound of the insects fills the place... The dense forest is looking like a haunted place and it brings an eerie and dangerous feeling, as if any wild animal or a poisonous reptile or a ghost can attack, if anyone passes by too...

But breaking off the odd surroundings, the romantic and passionate moaning of a boy and a girl is filling the air... The tree house in the top of that dangerous place is shaking without any control, as the couples inside are drowning in their love, not minding about anything...

The engaged couples Abhi and Pragya, who have a week's time for marriage, are doing some kind of wierd rehearsals and they want to show their dominance towards the other... No one is giving up and is hell adamant to win it to prove their love is greater....

"Abhi... Umm... Ab... Abhi...  This is not fair, man... We decided already na... I'm the one to lead this time...  No... No.. Abhi...

You are cheating me... You are dominating me and is not letting me to do anything... I... Ab... Abhi... Ummm...

Pragya moans uncontrollably as the tingling sensation is shaking her whole body... Abhi is giggling and teasing her to his heart felt content, as if he is taking revenge for her earlier doings....

Pragya tries all her might to dominate Abhi but he didn't allow her to lead, by any means .. Both fights for dominance, but unknown to them, their bodies and their hormones are reacting uncontrollably...

After the dramatic reunion, Abhi and Pragya did all kinds of stunts and begged the elders to give them some alone time, so that they can enjoy and spend some quality time as lovers... They badly wants to have a private day out, before the wedding rituals starts in full swing...

But the elders are not at all pleased with their idea... They advised them to plan everything and go anywhere, after their marriage... Abhi and Pragya can't accept their defeat so easily and they come up with all kind of reasons to get permission from them...

The duo argued to the elders that they want to spend atleast a day, properly as lovers...
Finally, after lot of dramas and naggings , Abhi and Pragya got the green signal, as they wished... But the betting Queen Pragya has demanded Abhi that she will choose the place and take care of all the arrangements....


Abhi freaks out and gasped in utmost shock on  seeing the place of Pragya's choice... Never and ever, Abhi has expected and dreamt that their romantic day out will be in a place like this.. 

Abhi shook his head in disbelief and thought it as a very bad location, which is risky and dangerous for their lives... But he doesn't have the guts to say this to Pragya, after seeing the happiness in her face.....

Pragya: Finally... We came... Abhi, look over there... Pragya's choice is awesome na... No one can choose such a kind of location... That's the talent of this Betting Queen....

Abhi: Haan haan... No one in this whole world can choose like you... (Talks in a fearful tone...)

Pragya: I'm so excited... I've planned a lot to do, Abhi... Only You and Me... 24 hours of our Private time...

Abhi: Darling... You are completely mistaken... Who said to you that we are alone here... All kinds of dangerous animals, poisonous insects and even ghosts can be living here... They can come here, anytime and attack us for sure...

Pragya: Oh God... Why are you scared like this,  Abhi... It's completely safe... We are going to be in the top... Nothing can step inside, ahead of the protection...

Abhi: Huh... You are saying and I'm trusting you a lot... God only has to save us... It's too scary, darling... I'm praying hardly that we should reach our home, hale and healthy... To be true, I don't want to die as a virgin...

Pragya: That's only bothering you, haan... I can help you in this matter easily, Abhi... If it's okay for you, if you lose your virginity???

Abhi: Whaatttt... Are you planning to make me as a meal to the animals??? This is a very bad idea, Fuggy...

Pragya (giggles) : Nah... Nah... Scary cat... I didn't say like that... I asked you whether you are ready to lose your V- card ...

That means... Can I have the honour to take off your virginity and in return, you can get mine.... We can have a passionate and romantic love making, before our marriage, Abhi....

Abhi: Hoye... What are you talking haan...  No... No... Don't take a step forward.... Move back... I promised to our elders that we won't cross our limits...

It's against our traditions and customs, Fuggy .... Strictly No love making before marriage and it's a sin to do so... Is that clear, My seducing Mogambo...

Pragya: Huh... You are unbelievable, Abhi... In what kind of century you are living haan... This is quite common, now a days...

Abhi: In whatever era we are, some things are to be done, minding our family's reputation, dignity and social customs... We have to abide by all these... It's wrong to break the trust our elders have on us...

Pragya: Come on, Abhi... We need some kind of thrill in our life... A big Rockstar like you should try some bold, adventurous and daring things....

Dont be shy, Abhi... Be a man and make love to me.... No one can find out what we have done too... Why are you fearing as if someone gonna say this to our elders....

Abhi: This is not done, Fuggy... You are trying to instigate me and trying to pollute my mind... I'm like this only and don't ever talk about losing virginity before marriage and all...

If you have planned to do this only, then we can move off from here... I'm not going to encourage you silly ideas...  Is that clear... Decide whether we are going to be here or moving to our homes...

Pragya: Alright... Don't get angry... You are hopeless, Abhi... You and  your stupid philosophies...  God... Give some brain to this dumbo head and give some sort of romantic ideas in his mind...

Abhi rolls his eyes, while Pragya makes a tongue out and gets inside the tree house... They stuffed their belongings in the wooden cupboard there... They unpacked the food stuffs from their back pack and arranged it neatly in the table over there...

They eat some food and chit chat happily... They made a call to their family and informed them that they have reached safely... After informing them, they switched off their mobiles, as they don't want anyone to interrupt their privacy...

They get changed in their swimwear and moved towards the beautiful falls, which is located in the centre of the forest... Abhi and Pragya played like kids and enjoyed the moments happily....

After spending a long time in swimming and playing in the water, they decided to move to the tree house, after changing their soiled clothes... Abhi moves towards the back of a tree, got dressed up in a sleeveless shirt and matching tracks...

When Abhi comes out, he is utterly shocked as Pragya is still standing there in her drenched swimwear...  The thin fabric is hugging her body way too closely and revealing all her curves in a dangerous way...

Abhi stammers on seeing Pragya like this and he takes a deep breath to control his hormonal urges... He looks at Pragya quizzily, as why she is still in her wet clothes...

Abhi: Fuggy.. It's getting late na... Go and change your dress, darling... We need to move, before it gets dark....

Pragya: I ... I have forgot to bring my dress, Abhi...

Abhi: Whaattt.... How can you forget this simple thing too, Fuggy... God... How long you will stay in this wet clothes...

Stupid girl... Are you planning to get sick??? All will kill me, even if you sneeze too... It will take 15 minutes to reach there...

Pragya: Abhi... Relax... Nothing will happen to me... I can manage... Come, let's  proceed....

Abhi: Nothing doing... I can't let you to stay in your wet clothes anymore and without changing, you are not taking a step ahead...

Not hearing Pragya's protests, Abhi quickly removes his shirt and thrusts it harshly in Pragya's hands ...

Abhi: No more arguments... Go and change... Hurry up... It's getting late...

Pragya stomps her feet angrily and moves towards the tree, where Abhi has pointed his hands... In anger, Pragya throws her wet dress on Abhi's face... Abhi chuckles and picked up the clothes...

After dumping the wet clothes in the covers he brought, Abhi feels overwhelmed as his love is going to wear his dress... Abhi makes a whistling sound on seeing Pragya, who comes up in Abhi's shirt, which reaches only above her knees....

But inwardly, Abhi is trying very hard to control himself, as Pragya is seducing him a lot... To make it more tough for Abhi, Pragya walks in front, swaying her hips in an erotic and sensual way...

Abhi takes deep breathes and keeps on saying some holy mantras to divert his attention from Pragya... Suddenly, Pragya falls down in the land and screams aloud... Abhi horrifies and rushes towards her....

Abhi: Oh god... Fuggy... Are you alright???

Pragya: Abhi... Aahhhh... My leg got sprained... Aah... It's paining a lot... Aah....😭😭😭😭

Abhi consoles Pragya and wipes her tears... He gently scoops Pragya in his arms and walks towards the tree house... It's a deadly torture for Abhi as Pragya is in full naughty mood....

Pragya let's her hot breath tickles Abhi's ears ... She slowly nuzzles his neck and inhales his manly scent... Before Abhi can stop her, she gave a sensual bite in his neck, marking him as hers......

Abhi groans uncontrollably as Pragya leans sligtly and brushed her lips on Abhi's lips... She gently massages the dual pairs and winks at Abhi in a seductive way...

Abhi: Naughty girl... Don't play with my feelings... I can't walk properly, darling... Be a good girl or we both will fall in the ground...

Pragya who is in full mood to tease Abhi is sensually smooching Abhi and whispers sweet notings in his ears... Taking a hard time of one hour, they got back to the tree house....


Later that night....

Pragya lays her head in Abhi's lap and pulls his collars towards her...

Pragya: Abhi... I don't want to  sleep, too early... Let's have some fun...

Abhi: Haan haan... But no naughty and any kind of daring and adventurous things...

Pragya: Oh hello... No one is dying here to romance with you... I thought of watching a a horror in my I-Pad...

Abhi (screams aloud in shock): Nooooo... I hate horror movies...

Pragya: Abhi, you have only two choice... One is to watch horror movie or make love to me... Choose what you want... You can't blackmail me, as it's impossible to move out in this dark night...

Abhi: Pragya... This is unfair... I warn you, Fuggy...

Pragya:  Dare to warn me ... Don't forget my hottie... I can seduce you very easily... Shall I do that or you are ready to watch movie with me???

Abhi reluctantly agrees to watch a horror movie with Pragya... Pragya excitedly jumps and gave a quick kiss in Abhi's cheeks... She thrusts her I-Pod in Abhi's hands and asked him to charge it for some time...

She runs happily inside the restroom to change into her night wear... Abhi's breath gets uneven when he spots Pragya, who is wearing a short, sleeveless crop top and high waist shorts, which is revealing all her assets dangerously....

Not minding the intense gaze and uncomfortable feeling of Abhi, Pragya dims the lights and sets the mood to watch the horror movie.... She slumps her body in the couch, leans on to Abhi's shoulders and starts the movie....

Abhi, who is scared to watch horror movies,  is not at all in a mood to have a glimpse of it too...  Instead he moves his gaze towards Pragya, who is looking too hot and alluring in her skimpy night wear...

Abhi scans Pragya from top to bottom and is shamelessly drooling on her... He gives a wonderful feast to his eyes... Hedidn't even know that Pragya is giggling as her plan to seduce Abhi is working out, as she expected...


Abhi jerked up from his drooling session, as Pragya screams aloud ghost in high decibels... Abhi trembles in fear and hugs Pragya tightly, as if ghost has come to kill him....

Abhi is shivering in fear but his hands are roaming shamelessly in Pragya's back and his lips are smooching in the most intimate parts of her body... The closeness and the heat radiating from Pragya's body is making him to forget the ghosts too....

Suddenly, Pragya laughs aloud irking Abhi to the core ..

Pragya (laughs):  You are impossible, Abhi....

Abhi:  Why are you laughing, haan???? Didn't I said to you that I hate horror movies... You scared me to hell...

Who on earth will watch a horror movie in the middle of the jungle, at a dark night... After doing all these, you are teasing me by laughing... Too too bad...

Pragya:  Rockstar... Too much of lies are not good for health.... By the way, close your mouth, man... The whole place is drenched with the gallons of water you are pouring out... Eating me by your eyes itself, haan...

Taking like a sage, as if you are not interested in love making... But your actions are completely reverse, Rockstar... You are drooling, hugging, kissing and touching me intimately like a romantic hero...

Look at the screen, Abhi... Is it anyway, looks like a ghost movie???

Abhi sheepishly smiles, after knowing that Pragya is watching only a comedy movie... He is quite embarrassed of his doings, as Pragya has got him red handed....

Pragya: Ahem... Ahem... Rockstar... No one is born to win this Betting Queen... As I said, I have seduced you... Oohoo... You have to accept your failure, baby....

Abhi: Are you teasing me??? Wait... Let me show you what is to mess up with Rockstar Abhi....

Pragya pushes Abhi and runs around... Abhi chases her to give a nice punishment to her...  Pragya runs off very fast, making it hard for Abhi to reach her... But, Abhi tricks her quite easily and they fall on the bed with a heavy thud, making the bed to make a creak sound...

Without control, Abhi falls exactly on Pragya's lips... Before Abhi could move off from her, Pragya pulls him and initiated the kiss.... But later on, Abhi dominated the kiss...

Abhi is carried on with the intimacy and his hormones are going crazy... He didn't let Pragya to lead him at all... Pragya protests to get dominance, but Abhi doesn't allow her to do so...


After some time,

Abhi: Darling... Time to sleep....

Pragya: It's unfair, Abhi... You have turned me on completely and asking me to sleep, haan... Please, Abhi... Why not we proceed further...

Abhi: Nah... Nah... We got carried on with the flow... But As  I said earlier, we are not supposed to cross our limits... We will do everything in our suhagraat, as you wished... 

I promise, sweetie... You are the one to lead and I will do whatever you wish for in our big night... Now be a good girl and sleep, darling...

Abhi kisses Pragya's forehead and makes her to sleep in his broad chest.... Abhi admires Pragya's sleeping form with full of love... He gently removes the hair starnds, which are disturbing her sleep..

Abhi pecks softly in Pragya's lips and hugs her possessively in his embrace...
Abhishek Prem Mehra, who is used to his bestie Pragya's care and affection is experiencing the love of his Fuggy and the seducing acts of his Mogambo for the first time in reality...

Abhi smiles happily remembering the day's happenings... Abhi feels he is so lucky to get a girl like Pragya in his life... He vows to keep her happy always and dreams about his marriage and future life with Pragya...



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Will be back soon with a long epilogue....


Catch me soon with your votes...

Yours buddy,


Winding up...


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