32. ( Last chapter) Pragya, Mogambo or Fuggy - Who Abhi gonna end up with???

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When you love someone truly, their happiness comes first in your priority list always... You won't leave them and will forgive them, even if they did a big mistake too...

True love doesn't need words at all... It's based on trust and understanding...

Alright... You did a mistake... Let's do one thing... You have to leave your surname and take my name as your surname from now on... I will give sweet tortures to you and gonna love you madly for betraying me...


Abhi is completely busy and is working hard for the launch of his new album and the upcoming concert... As it's the last chance to open up his love on his Fuggy, Abhi eagerly looks forward for the concert day, where he has planned to reveal his heart, in front of a massive crowd...

However, Abhi is bothered that how is family and Pragya's family gonna react, when he spills out the truth... He is so concerned that his decision shouldn't make anyone in his family to suffer and he is so worried that it shouldn't affect the relationship of him with the Aroras...

Abhi is so guilty that he gonna make Pragya to suffer a lot... He is not at all happy, as he gonna push Pragya in an awkward situation and gonna bring a big question mark in her life... He curses himself for messing up everything and complicating the situations....

On the other hand, Abhi and Pragya's wedding is the hot topic everywhere... Media is giving back to back updates of the people's favourite Rockstar's grand wedding with his bestie (  co -owner of Abhigya music beats and producer of Abhi's shows) Pragya Arora...

The fans are so delighted and are awaiting for the big day...The most happy news for Abhi's fans is that Abhi's 25th concert and 5th album is going to be launched, a week before Abhi and Pragya's wedding, as a sort of  his wedding treat to his fans...

Everyone in Aroras and Mehras are quite busy and making the arrangements for the wedding to take place in a grand scale... As it's Ram Arora's only daughter's wedding, he wants everything to be the best and he has spent a large amount to make his daughter's big day to be a happier one...


Meanwhile, Ram discussed something with his wife Priya, Abhi's Dadi and Purab and made sure that Abhi and Pragya shouldn't meet in this time period... They made Abhi to believe that it's a custom and tradition followed in their family...

A warning is given to Pragya, not to talk with Abhi evn in mobile too... Not only Pragya, even Mogambo or Fuggy should not have any contact with Abhi... Abhi, who can manage anything in Mogambo and Fuggy's absence, is not able to do anything, as he misses Pragya terribly...

Pragya attends the meetings under Ram's supervision and hardly Abhi and Pragya can even see other other, when everyone are around... Ram didn't allowed Abhi and Pragya to talk in private and didn't allowed them to sit together too...

Abhi longs for Pragya's presence beside him and he curses the customs, which separated him from Pragya... Abhi finds it so difficult  and he comes up with wierd reasons to talk and meet Pragya.. But none allowed Abhi to get a chance and it's hard for Abhi to have a glimpse of Pragya too...


As days moves on, Abhi becomes completely restless and he doesn't know what to do... His heart, soul and mind are arguing and confusing him a lot... He is pushed up in an awkward situation, as he is in a need to choose, whom he gonna marry....

Abhi is super confused whether he is going to end with Pragya (his supportive and caring friend) to whom he is engaged or is it with his secret admirer or his energy booster Mogambo (who is ready to do anything for him) Or to his love of life Fuggy, who loves him dearly...

Abhi couldn't decide anything and he has no answers to his queries... But his heart keeps on saying him that he is going to be a lucky person and he will get all the happiness, he deserves...

On the other hand, Pragya becomes sad, dull and gloomy... Pragya misses Abhi a lot and it's hard for her to pass even a single second too... Rather, she is hell nervous and tensed as the days are nearing...

Pragya's only relief is that her buddies Aaliya, Tanu and Bulbul are with her, who consoled her and asked her to cheer up... They keeps on saying her that nothing wrong will happen...

But in reality, the terror girls are worried  and feeling sad on seeing Pragya like this... They are praying to god that Abhi should forgive her and accept her wholeheartedly...


The most awaiting D day comes up, like the usual days... Abhi got dressed up in his green room and is waiting for the announcements... He badly wants to meet Pragya, who is  his moral support and he wants her beside her, as he is going to do a very big thing in the stage...

Abhi couldn't hold his tears and he wished to share his pain with someone, who can understand his feelings... Just then, a gentle pat on his back made Abhi to come out from his trance...

Abhi cries aloud and hugs his brother Purab tightly... Purab is startled and he is hell shocked to see Abhi like that... He caress his head gently and pats Abhi's back...

Purab: What happened, Abhi??? What makes you to cry like this...

Abhi: Nothing, Puru bhai... Just got carried away...

Purab: Abhi... Don't say lie to me... I know pretty well about my little brother... Tell me, what's bothering you..

Abhi: Bhai... I'm upto do a very big thing... I... I'm not doing anything against our family, bhai.... I respect everyone so much and love all of you dearly...

It's that, I have to do it or else my soul will be ripped into pieces.... I don't know, what's going to happen, after I open up 😭😭😭😭😭.... I'm gonna mess up everything, bhai.... 😭😭😭😭😭...

Purab understands what Abhi is going through and he knows very well that Abhi gonna open up that he loves his Fuggy a lot... Purab wipes Abhi's tears and asked him to calm down...

Purab: Abhi... Abhi... Listen... Don't cry... Do whatever, your heart says... Don't worry... All will support you... Have faith in god... You are going to get the biggest happiness in your life....

Abhi, who is in a foul mood, didn't understand what Purab is saying too... Just then Vihaan, Nikhil and Arjun comes up there... On seeing Purab's gestures, they didn't questioned Abhi anything... They cheers him up and sets his face to hide the tear marks...

Before going to the stage, Abhi badly wishes to see Ram, Priya and Dadi and ask for their forgiveness too... Abhi is so stubborn not to move without meeting them and on his insistence, Purab brings them to the green room...

Abhi: I respect you all so much... Dadi... You are the one, who brought me up and takes care of me, all these years... Ram Papa and  Priya aunty... You two are the best thing happened in my life...

I got back my parents in your form and you two always treated me like your own son... The love you have showered on me is uncomparable ...

I'm going to do a biggest thing ... I'm not having any intention to hurt you all... But, I'm helpless... Please forgive me, if any of my actions or my behaviours, hurt you by any means...

Ram, Priya and Dadi understood what Abhi is going to do .. They too consoled him and cheered him by saying that whatever Abhi do, they will support him and won't mistake him at all...

Abhi's heart is filled with mixed emotions... He is not in a mood to perform in the stage... But he has to do it, as he didn't want to disappoint his fans... Moreover, it's going to decide about the future life of Abhi...

Abhi is completely nervous but his heart keeps on saying him that something unexpected, something good, something big is going to happen, which is going to change his life completely...


When it's time, the host welcomed the audience, who are gathered up there and announced that the performances will start in few minutes... As the producer of the show, Pragya is invited in the stage and aksed to share few words with the fans of Abhi...

Pragya: It's a warm feeling to meet you all and I'm happy to welcome you all to the grand evening, which is going to be our Rockstar Abhi's 25th live in concert...

We are happy to announce that our Rockstar's 5th album is also going to be launched... Thanks for all your love and support... Keep supporting... You guys are the best....

So... It's time now... Shall we welcome our Rockstar... Come on, everyone... Let's do it for our Rockstar and call him on the stage... Hip... Hip. . Hurray..."

The entire place is echoed with Abhi's name and the whistles and claps overflows to welcome Rockstar Abhi... Abhi made a dashing entry with his guitar and his eyes are completely glued on the smiling face of Pragya...

Abhi gave a nervous smile on seeing Pragya and his heart roared like a thunder... Sighing deeply, he moved towards her and side hugged her... Pragya too reciprocates it but it is clearly visible to Abhi that Pragya is faking to be happy and he can sense that something is bothering her...

But Abhi couldn't talk anything with Pragya, as she steps down from the stage, letting way for the performance to start... Abhi diverts his gaze from Pragya and focuses his attention towards the audience....

As it is his 25th concert, Abhi made the  concert's theme as dedication... Abhi started off his first dedication to his lovable  fans, followed by his dedication to his sweet family and to his supportive friends, who stood as a pillar of support to him...

Before starting the last performance of that evening, Abhi with much tension and nervousness got the mike from the host, to address the audience....

Abhi: This is a very special dedication for the most important persons in my life .. Three sweet girls are ruling my world... They are the sole reason for the birth and growth of this Rockstar Abhi...

This Rockstar is made , encouraged and pushed to achieve this height only because of them... I will reveal who they are after my performance... This is for you three...

Abhi strings his guitar and starts to do a medly performance of many songs which potrays Love, Friendship, Trust, Understanding, Desire, Longingness,  Affection, Feelings, Emotions and Pain....

The performance ends with the loud cry of Abhi, who falls on his knees with a big thud... The entire place is completely silent and no one responds to the performance... Abhi is completely puzzled and thinks, if he has done anything wrong...

His face curved to a big smile when the entire audience stands up from their place and give a standing ovation to his performance... Abhi accepts it happily and takes the mike again in his hands...

Abhi: Thank you everyone for all your love... This Rockstar is nothing without you... This is the most important day of my life... I'm going to take a very important decision ... I know it's going to hurt everyone in my family...

I wholeheartedly apologize to everyone... I'm so sorry that I'm a going to lose the most precious thing which has happened in my life... No one in this world will be a fool like me to get rid of his angel...

But I'm in a helpless situation and I'm going to leave her hands abruptly... I'm going to lose my darling Pragya... My bestie... My wellwisher .. My support system.. My everything...

Pragya... I'm so sorry .. I'm not lucky to have you as my wife... I couldn't cheat you, Pragya... You are my bestie... "

Before Abhi speaks anything further, Pragya runs to the stage and hugs Abhi and cries her heartout... Abhi pats her back and asked her to calm down...

Abhi: Sweetie... Please, don't cry... Still I didn't complete, what I wish to talk... Listen to me fully...

Pragya: Abhi... No... Don't talk anything .. You don't feel sorry for anything... You are a very good soul, Abhi... But I'm the one who destroyed all your happiness and hurted you many times....😭😭😭😭

Abhi... I wanna say something important to you... I'm going to confess and reveal a big truth to you .. Please forgive me  Abhi... I wholeheartedly apologize for all my doings, Abhi... 😭😭😭😭😭....

I didn't do anything on purpose... But circumstaces forced me to do so... Sorry Abhi.... 😭😭😭😭...

Pragy cries and runs from there... Before Abhi follows her, a background video plays and the voice in the video makes Abhi to halt his steps, as it's of Mogambo's....

Mogambo: My handsome Rockstar... I told you already na... I will come for you and make you as mine... I have been with you all the time but you didn't identify me...

Sorry... If my words or behaviours hurt you... I will reveal who I'm, when this video ends...

Before Abhi can react to it, the second voice comes up, which is none other than the voice of his love of life, the Daring Prag, Fuggy, whom Abhi is missing all these months...

Fuggy: Abhi... This is your Daring Prag or your love, yours Fuggy... I don't know whether I deserve to say I'm yours... I know you are still loving me and going to hurt everyone in the family for my sake...

But sorry to say Abhi... You are the one, who is not aware of who I'm... I'm with you all the time, but you didn't find me... You searched me everywhere, but I was only next to you...

Please forgive me for not calling you and not revealing who I'm to you... I'm helpless.... Sorry again...

Abhi is hell shocked as the final clip started off with Pragya, who is standing there with teary eyes... Abhi is startled and his head starts to spin, as he can't take that anymore... His legs gives up and he falls in the ground..

Pragya,: I know, Abhi... You will be shocked to see me here... I'm the one, Abhi, who deceived you, who betrayed you, who cheated on you, who played very badly with all your emotions and feelings...

I'm the one who acted to you Abhi... 😭😭😭... Yes Abhi... There is No Mogambo or Fuggy, as you think... Only this Pragya is real...

All are no one, other than me... Yes, I'm the one Abhi... Fuggy and Mogambo are the different versions of this one and only Betting Queen, Pragya Arora ... I faked to you as three different persons, Abhi... I didn't do this to hurt you...

Please accept my sincere apologies, Abhi... Keep smiling... Your biggest problem is solved and you no need stay guilty as you are fond of three girls... You can live a peaceful life, here after....

I'm going far away from you, Abhi ..I don't deserve you at all... I did this only to see you in great heights... You succeeded as a Rockstar... That's enough for me.... I love you so much Abhi and I will be in love with you, till my last breath..."

The video finishes off and the lights were turned on... Everyone present there are crying on seeing the love of Pragya on Abhi... Abhi is in complete shock and he is not at all reacting to anything... But his eyes are overflowing with blood tears ...

The whole family along with Abhi and Pragya's friends comes up there and consoled Abhi... But Abhi didn't uttered a word and is crying, as if he has lost everything...

Ram: Forgive us all, beta.... Pragya is not only at fault here... She has said everything to all of us .. I'm the one, who stopped her from revealing anything to you, as I want to know to what extreme you two can go to get your love..

Dadi: Pragya loves you truly Abhi... She deserves happiness and please forgive her beta... She does everything only for you, Abhi...

Pragya beta has suffered a lot ... She suppressed all her feelings and acted, as if nothing has happened.... We all know your happiness lies only on Pragya... Can you imagine a life without Pragya???

Abhi shook his head negatively and is mumbling something under his breath... Purab rushes up and holds Abhi in his embrace to calm him down...

Purab: Abhi...

Abhi: How can you all do this to me??? How is it possible for you all to hide this big truth from me??? No one even stood by my side and none reacted after seeing my pains and tears too right...

All hungs their heads down, as no one supported Abhi...

Abhi: Feeling guilty haan... Let me talk to you all, later... First I need to settle my scores with that stupid girl... Where is she???

How dare is that... What am I supposed to call her??? Pragya, Mogambo or Fuggy??? Whatever... I'm not going to leave her easily....

She has to answer me... Is she thinking that she can run away from me before explaining me everything... Stupid girl... I will kill her...

When Abhi gets up to go in full rage, Purab with shivering hands over his bike keys... When Abhi questioned him, Purab said that he has seen Pragya's bike was there...

Abhi knows pretty well that Pragya will be in the place, where they first meet... Just then, Arjun informs him that a bike race is going to take place in half an hour and he also added that the previous winners (Abhi & Daring Prag) names are pre-registered by the sponsors already...


The dark silent night is startled with the roaring sounds of the bikes, which are aggressively running in full speed to prove that they are the best... Many people are cheering and hooting and are shouting their favourite racer's name...

Not bothering about anything, the bike racers are focusing to reach the finishing line... Startling and shocking everyone again, as that of the previous year, this time too the winning lines are touched by the two bikes in unison...

Abhi, who is one among the winners, parks his bike before the bike of his co-winner and removes his helmet... With a dangerous smirk in his face, Abhi walks forward not minding the roaring sound of that bike...

Abhi comes closer and abruptly pulls the helmet from the person's head... Before the person could react, Abhi switches off the bike, lifts her up in his arms and eyes at her dangerously...

Abhi: So... You did it again ,haan... How dare you to tie again with me... That's so unfair... There should be only one winner... Why not we have a bet, Daring Prag... Naah naah... The Betting Queen, hey na...

Pragya: Bet??? Huh... Are you challenging me???

Abhi: Ofcourse... I'm challenging the great, terror, Betting Queen , Miss. Pragya Arora - my bestie, my Daring Prag, my love of life Fuggy or my secret admirer Mogambo only...

Pragya (sighs): Abhi...  I accept, I'm at fault and I don't deserve your forgiveness... But don't ever dare to challenge me... I will never lose in a bet...

If you want, punish me for my mistakes... But don't challenge me, as I will do anything to win a bet... I won't consider or won't give up, when a challenge is put forth before me...

Abhi: Ahaan... That's so interesting.... I wanna see what you are capable of... I've heard that you have never lost in a bet ... But I'm damn sure that you can't win in this for sure....

If you can, win me... I'm challenging the Betting Queen.... You can't do it.... Better you accept that you have lost it to me....

Pragya: Woha... Nothing is impossible for me... I can do anything to win a bet... Tell me... What I have to do???

Abhi pulls Pragya very closer and even air has to struggle hard to pass between them... Theirs lips are brushed a little, sending shivers in both their bodies...

Abhi: My challenge is that... Hug me... Kiss me... Seduce me... Love me... Make me as yours, in all means.... Be with me... Marry me...

Be as my support always... Hold my hand, till our last breathe... Be the mother of our kids and rule my heart, body and soul, as my Queen...

I want my bestie Pragya to be my side, whenever I'm in need of support and I want her to pamper me as that of her baby...  The sweet Mumma has to coo her cry baby Rockstar, when I'm in foul mood...

I want my Fuggy to love me madly, crazily and endlessly... I want my Mogambo to ravish me, seduce me, kindle all my hormones and make me to lose all my control, when she is near me...

Can you do it, Betting Queen??? I know, you can't do it... You are a big loser.... You can't win me...  The Great Betting Queen is not able to win over the challenge...

Pragya: Abhi, you are teasing me.... I... How can I do this Abhi... You are supposed to get angry on me and not to flirt and propose me like this.... Tell me, what's the real bet, Abhi??

Abhi: Hoye... This is the bet... You can't do this right..

Pragya: Ab... Abhi... Don't play with me... This... This can't be happening... Noooo.... 😭😭😭😭😭...  You... How can you still love me, Abhi???

Abhi looks at her intently and cups her face gently... He brushes his lips with hers and pours out all the love he has on her... The slow kiss turned into a wild and passionate kiss, interlinking the two souls, who passed a big hurdle to unite.....

They parted after a long time to regain their breath... Abhi hugs her possessively in his embrace, while Pragya buries her face in his chest...

Pragya: Abhi... I love you so much... Words can't explain the love I have on you... I didn't imagined that you will forgive me so easily...

Abhi: When did I said, I've forgiven you...

Pragya: Whaattt...

Abhi: I've not forgiven you... I'm gonna torchure you with my love... You teased me, seduced me, evoked all my feelings and badly played with my desires na... Get ready to enjoy my seducing touches and lovely torchures in our bed, darling... 😉😉😉😉

Pragya (with a blushy smile): I'm ready... But... Beware... You can't win me... I'm gonna dominate you... I can easily win over you...

Abhi: I too wish the same only...

Abhi lifts her face and kisses her uncontrollably, not minding that they are in the racing track and everyone can see them too... They were startled and parted apart, hearing the heavy cough sounds... The Aroras, Mehras along with Abhi and Pragya's friends are standing there with a happy smile in their faces...

Vihaan: Hello, love birds... Hold on... Still one week is left for your wedding..  So, Abhi... Atlast you found out your Fuggy and Mogambo na... A long wait of one year has come to an end...

Abhi: Not at all, Vicky... I know it's her, when the day I met Pragya in my house... Do you all think that only Pragya and you people know acting... I'm a great actor, ahead of you all...

I faked to Pragya and to you all, as if I don't know anything about her... A contact lens and two mimicking voices.... Seriously, I'm not so dumb as you all think... I just played along with Pragya to find out what all she can do for me...

Poor all... You people can't even figure out that I'm acting and all were feeling sorry for me... Wow... Good job, Abhi.... Keep it up my boy... You fooled everyone....

Abhi smiles and pats himself and pulls his collar to appreciate his victorious acting.. Pragya gave a death glare towards Abhi and grits her teeth in full rage...

Abhi gasps in shock on seeing a roaring tigress is ready to attack her... Abhi runs as fast as he could, but Pragya chases him, hardly...  A stone makes Abhi to skid and he falls in the ground... Pragya too loses her balance and falls on Abhi...

The two pair of eyes, which are madly in love, interlocks again and are melting completely in love...


Hold on peeps... I hope you all would have liked the ending...  A happy and positive ending...

Wait... Wait...  Still, A bonus chapter and an Epilogue is left to complete the story....

Cast your votes and pen down your comments....

See you all...

Yours buddy,


Winding up...



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