31. I'm feeling guilty for hurting you...

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Your eyes stole the words, which I wish to say to you...

You are the reason I'm breathing till now... But many a times, you took my breath away....

You make my life colourful... You make me smile, when I have no reasons too... When everything in my life goes wrong, you are there to make everything to turn good for me...


Abhi and Pragya bids adieu and moves out from the house.. As they have decided not to take the flight to reach their destination, Ram has ordered them to go in the car... But Ram strictly warned them that only the driver will drive the car and Abhi and Pragya are not supposed to take the driver seat,  any a time...

None of their arguments were heared by the elders and the duo had agreed to it reluctantly... But little did they know that it's a trick planned by the elders to make Abhi and Pragya to spend some quality time with each other...

Pragya: Abhi... I'm so excited... I've dreamt a lot about this trip...

Abhi: Same pinch, darling... A break after a long time... One full week... Going to enjoy it thoroughly... We have to rock and have lots of fun...

Pragya: Sure sure...

Abhi and Pragya enjoyed every minute of their trip in a fruitful way... They chit chat for a long time, hear songs, sings aloud happily, played some games in between and pull each others legs by making teasing comments...  They laughed crazily, fight like enemies, argued like siblings and pranked like friends...

The car comes to an abrupt halt, whenever they pass by a road side seller... From pani puri, ice creams, tea, coffee, chat items and their lists goes on endlessly... They didn't mind whether it's clean and hygenic too....

The duo just steps into any road side Dhaba and eat whatever they wish for... Abhi being a celebrity is recognised by many and he happily signs autographs and took selfies with the people over there... They didn't mind for any parparazzi as Abhi and Pragya are engaged already and their wedding dates were announced too....

Few hours later, their energy were drained out and tiredness took over them... Abhi and Pragya drifted to a deep sleep... Unknown to them, they are cuddling too close to each other and they slept peacefully, without bothering about anything...

The driver who saw the duo chuckles lightly and he drives very slowly, as he didn't want to disturb their sleep... After all, he is a loyal servant of Ram Arora and he prays that Pragya should smile happily like this forever....


After sometime, Abhi falls on Pragya's lap unknowingly... Due to the road bump, Pragya's head too buries completely in Abhi's face... When the driver puts the break, as there is a hump in the road, they jerks up from their sleep...

Before they realize what's going on, their lips brushed each other lips unknowingly...
It's a terrible shock for Abhi and Pragya, as they didn't expected this at all... Eventhough it's for few seconds, it triggered many emotions between them...

Pragya: Sorry Abhi.. I didn't meant to...

Abhi: Darling... Relax... It's just an accidental peck.... Don't get panic at all... Come on... Chill up, sweetie....

Pragya fakes a smile and acted as if she is hurted and feeling sorry for whatever has happened between them... But inwardly Pragya is dancing in happiness, as it's the first kiss she got as Pragya....

Abhi: By the way Pragya... It's a sweet and cute kiss... I like it a lot... But I'm so sad as it lasted only for a mere seconds.... Shall we try it one more time , darling...

Pragya:😊😊😊😊 Naughty Abhi... Again you started na...

Abhi: Ahem ahem... Someone is blushing... Come on... I won't feel sad, if you kiss me...

Pragya beats on Abhi's shoulders and they bursted into laughter... On their way, they halted to have food in the highway restaurant... The driver moves to fill the petrol, while Abhi and Pragya steps inside the restaurant....

Abhi orders some food for them and is waiting for Pragya to come up, after freshening up... Abhi's mobile starts to buzz with the name Mogambo flashing on the screen... With much irritation, Abhi picks up the call...

Abhi: Listen... I've no time to hear your craps... I'm in a good mood... Don't try to spoil my happiness... Better you cut the call and don't disturb  me for few days....

Mogambo: Rockstar... Cool cool... Let me enlighten your mood with my kissess... But I'm bit upset on you, as you have let someone to touch what's mine...

Abhi: What are you blabbering???

Mogambo: Go and wipe your lips, Rockstar... It's awkward to see someone's lipstick in your lips... Don't let this to happen again...

Abhi:  Don't try to lecture me and you have no right to order me...

Mogambo: I've every right on you... You are mine... I know, where you are going too... I will come and prove you that only I have every right on you...

Abhi gets mad on Mogambo and cuts the call abruptly... He puts his mobile on silent mode and gulps the water in a go, to calm him down... He fakes a smile, as Pragya comes over there....

Pragya: What happened, Abhi?? Why am I sensing that you are in foul mood????

Abhi: Nothing, darling... Little bit tired... Come let's have our food... It's getting late na...

They had their food quietly and started their trip again... Finally, they reached the hill station and gets down from the car... They spots their friends Arjun, Nikhil, Vihaan, Aaliya, Tanu and Bulbul are glaring at them angrily....

Arjun: Finally, the great Rockstar and Pragya Madam have arrived... (in a mocking tone)

Vihaan: What made you two to take this much time haan....

Aaliya: You both took one and half days to reach here...

Nikhil: Just 4 hours needed to reach here...

Bulbul: What where you doing for a long time??? Don't say that you were coming by walk...

Abhigya stammers and thinks to say some lies but they failed miserably seeing the furious 12 eyes gawking at them like the eagle... They don't find any apt reasons to shut their mouths and get rid of their anger...

Pragya suddenly screams: aaah... Aah.... Mummy.. aaahhhhh... My my my... Aaahhhh...

Tanu: Pragya... What happened dear???

Pragya: You all are so mean and heartless... We postponed all our works and came here for your wedding... But you guys are hell adamant to punish us...

Can't you guys welcome us by giving juice and food ... But you all are ready to attack us with your unwanted questions... Aah... Mummy... 😭😭😭😭😭....  I'm sure, I'm gonna die out of hunger...

Bulbul : Don't bluff, Pragya... Don't try to say that your fiance, the great Rockstar Abhi did not get anything for you to eat...

Pragya: Who??? He... He is a number one kanjoos and he didn't even spend a single penny to feed me... He didn't even get me a single drop of water too... Poor me is starving for more than 40 hours.... 😭😭😭

Abhi: Whaatttt....  You liar...  We are late, only because of you... You stopped many times to have whatever you see in the roadside ... All through our drive, your mouth is munching all the time and hardly you let your belly and mouth to take rest...

How dare you to say that I let you to starve...Cheater rock... Don't run... Wait... I'm not going to leave you easily...

All laughs hardly on seeing Abhi and Pragya, who are fighting like small kids... They prayed to God to keep them happy and  together like this always....


The grand wedding of Arjun/Aaliya,
Vihaan/Bulbul, Nikhil/ Tanu are going to take place in a couple of days... They were so determined to get married together and with much difficulty they got permission from their parents too....

It's a theme wedding, arranged way too stylishly in a classy resort, in a snow filled hilly area... Every rituals were undertaken as per their customs and traditions...

During the time of sangeet, Abhi made a rocking performance along with his gang... The girls too danced graciously and made the boys to drool on them...

When it's time for the couples dance, Abhi searches for Pragya to join him... But he is hell shocked as someone dragged him to a secluded dark corner suddenly... He is dumb struck by the seductive touch and kiss....

By the perfume smell itself, Abhi understands clearly that it's Mogambo, who has forcefully kissed him... Abhi pushes her away but she bites him hardly in his lips for doing so....

Mogambo: Sorry Rockstar... I'm mad on you... A small punishment for your doings... Ask that Pragya to stay out of you or else I will go to any extreme to get you...

Abhi is highly irritated on hearing Mogambo's talks... He is hell furious as Mogambo has kissed him again and vanished from there, when the lights were turned on....


The next day evening, all got ready for the wedding... Arjun/Nikhil/Vihaan are looking dashing in their wedding sherwanis while Aaliya/Tanu/Bulbul are glowing in their bridal lehengas....

At the auspicious time, the couples took the saath pheras around the holy fire and the boys married their lovable girls by tying the mangalsutra around their neck and filling their maang with kumkum...

Abhi imagines his wedding with his Fuggy... Eventhough he is happy on seeing his friend's wedding, he is little bit jealous on them, as he is left out alone... He couldn't control his tears, as his Fuggy has not even contacted him all these months....

Abhi doesn't know where he failed... He is not able to tolerate this rejection at all and he badly want to put an end to the hide and seek drama played by his Fuggy... However, his heart and mind keeps on telling him that thinking of his Fuggy, he is betraying Pragya and is rejecting Mogambo's mad love on him...

Abhi brushed aside his thoughts and fakes a smile in his face on seeing Pragya, who is smiling happily... Pragya is not able to control her blushy face, as she imagines her wedding with Abhi...

She feels elated as only a couple of months are there for them to get married... But  suddenly reality shakes Pragya very badly... She panicks and thinks that how will Abhi gonna react when he finds out her hidden identities...

A lot of questions bombarded in her head and she doesn't have answer for anything... Pragya's breath hitched and her legs starts to shiver in fear... She is pooled up in sweat and her whole body went numb all of a sudden...

Abhi, who is watching Pragya all the time, realizes that something is wrong with her... He rushes towards her and holds the unconscious Pragya in his strong hands... He quietly takes her to the room, as he doesn't want any unwanted disturbances in the wedding....

Abhi places Pragya carefully in the bed and pats her cheeks... He wipes her face with a wet towel and rubs her hands and legs... Not bothering Abhi much, Pragya gains her conscious in few minutes....

Abhi: Sweetie... What happened??? You scared me a lot... Shall we meet the doctor....

Pragya: Nothing, Abhi... I'm absolutely fine... It's too crowded na... I felt suffocated and lost my conscious, suddenly... Moreover, I didn't eat properly in the lunch time....

Abhi can clearly see that Pragya is saying a big lie to him... He clearly visualizes that some sort of sadness is there in her eyes...

Abhi: Don't say lie to me, darling... Why are you looking very sad...

Pragya: Nothing, Abhi... I'm very happy today... Our Friends got married... Their true love got succeeded... Hope, you too will get married to your Fuggy like this...

Abhi: I know, what are you going through... Sorry, Pragya... I know I'm the reason for all your sorrows... I hate myself... I'm the one who is hurting you always...

Pragya: Don't blabber like this Abhi...

Abhi: It's the truth... We are engaged and the wedding date too were announced... I didn't behaved like a fiance to you... Instead of considering you as my Wife and soulmate, I'm still longing only for my Fuggy... 😭😭😭😭

I'm going to cheat you and I'm going to hurt everyone in our family... I'm going to break the trust everyone has on me... I'm the reason for everything... My love on my Fuggy gonna hurt you all...

Pragya: Uffo... Again this cry baby Rockstar started... Leave my baby Buddy Abhi for heavens sake... Come on baby... Mumma will make you to sleep...

Abhi smiles and places his head on Pragya's lap, which only can give some peace to his broken heart... Unknowingly, Abhi drifted to sleep... Pragya caress his head and kisses on his forehead... She keeps her head on Abhi's head and slept off...


After the post wedding functions and spending their time happily for one week, Abhi and Pragya returned back... They got busy in their works again...

Abhi focused completely in his career and gave back to back hits... He launches his 4th album and conducts many rocking concerts in between... He is flying to many places and is entertaining the audience in full swing....

Time runs off way too quickly.... The Aroras along with Vermas and Mehras are gearing up for the grand wedding of Abhi and Pragya ... Medias were giving hot news now and then to entertain the Rockstar's fans and the wedding of Abhi and Pragya are the buzzing topic in the social media...

All the arrangements were going on in full swing and a grand stage is being set up for the wedding and other functions... Abhi insisted that he want to launch his 5th album and conduct his 25th concert, a week before their wedding....

Abhi knew very well that it's his last attempt to search for his Fuggy and he badly believes that she will come back to him, as promised by her... Eventhough Abhi is feeling guilty for doing so, he doesn't have any choice left, as he can't imagine a life without his Fuggy...

Abhi tries to mask all his emotions and acted pretty well that he is happy... But inwardly he is dying without his Fuggy, who is ruling his mind... He feels sad for Pragya, who stood by his side always...

On the other side, Pragya too become very dull and sad... Her nervousness and fear are increasing, day by day... All consoled her by saying that Abhi will surely understand her and forgive her for doing so....

Everyone prays to god that Abhi and Pragya, who loves each other unconditionally, should unite in their lives... But they are not aware of the shocking twist which is awaiting for them...



What's going to happen next???

How will Pragya reveal her identity???

Will Abhi forgive Pragya after knowing the truth???

Will Abhigya unites and have a happy married life???

Will it's going to be an arranged marriage between Abhi/Pragya or love marriage of Abhi/Fuggy or forced marriage of Abhi/Mogambo or something else???

To know more, stay tuned...

Silent readers, expecting to see your votes and comments...

Just one chapter, a bonus chapter and an epilogue left to end this story... Hope to get all your support as always...

Meet you all soon...


Yours buddy,


Winding up...

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