30. Rockstar is back with a bang...

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Dreaming of you, keeps me away from sleep... Being with you, keeps me alive...

It's your love which makes my mornings, worth to wake up for...

You are like a blue crayon in my colour box... I will never get enough of colouring the blue sky, which goes on and on...


Rockstar Abhi faces a huge downfall as his second album failed very badly in the box office and it was criticised by experts as a mere crap... But unexpectedly, the songs were loved and adored by all the loyal fans of Abhi and the songs became a viral and sensational hit in the social media...

Abhi felt quite relieved after knowing about
these and he tried to focus his attention towards his upcoming concerts... With the help and guidance of his team, Abhi put forth all his hardwork to prove that he is the best and is capable and worthy to be called as a Rockstar...

However, Abhi couldn't control his disappointment as his love of life, Fuggy and the irritating secret caller, Mogambo didn't talked to him after that... But Pragya's presence besides him makes Abhi to come out easily from everything and he feels so lucky to get a friend like Pragya...


Time runs way too quickly... It's the important day in Rockstar Abhi's life, as he gets dressed up for the do or die concert of his music career... He is quite nervous and sweating a lot, ahead of the chillness of the room....

Abhi couldn't understand why he is reacting like this... He misses his Fuggy a lot... Least case, Abhi wishes to get a small note or a wish or a greeting card or an encouraging gift or an unexpected meet or a thrilling kiss from his Fuggy....

Abhi made a bitter smile, as his Fuggy has disowned him and is not ready to make him happy at all.. His mind screams and argues  that he misses not only his Fuggy but also Mogambo too... Abhi was bothered why Mogambo is also playing with his emotions and not at all call him...

Though Mogambo is irritating Abhi always, he really misses her blabberings, lovey dovey talks and her encouraging words.... Something is there in her seducing voice which melts Abhi very easily...

Abhi mentally scolds himself for thinking about Mogambo and curses his stupidity for missing her... He keeps on telling himself that he loves and misses only his Fuggy and not that Mogambo at all ... But his heart and mind are really in a big battle and confuses him more...

In an attempt to change Abhi's mood, his mobile starts to ring aloud... Abhi jumps up in excitement on seeing the caller ID and he picks it up quickly...

Abhi: Too much busy haan....??? Now only you find time to call me... Didn't expected this from you...

Mogambo: Really....  Is it you my S**y Rockstar... It's unbelievable man... Woha... So, You missed me a lot... Not bad... Not bad...

I know I've some effect on you... Accept it, Rockstar... Your are getting addicted to me and you can't sleep without hearing my voice...

Abhi: Hoye... Don't think too much okay...

Mogambo: Don't over act, Rockstar... I know you missed me ahead of that Fuggy.... You missed my kisses na, hottie... Here have it.... 😘😘😘😘 ( Kisses so sensually, making Abhi to get mad...

Abhi: Stop it... You have started to irritate me again...

Mogambo: Have some romantic sense, man... Aww... Now, I got it... So... That Fuggy has cheated you right... She is not worth for you... Just say, I love you... I will come and fall on your feet...

Abhi: This is what I like in you... Your over confidence... But cut down your stupid craps... It's annoying me too much...

My Fuggy is my true love and I know very well that she won't cheat me... Whatever happens, she will be with me always...

Mogambo: You are wasting your time, unnecessarily.. You don't know about that Fuggy's true colours... Look... I too love you truly, deeply and madly.... You are going to be only mine and never I will let that Fuggy to snatch you away from me...

Abhi: (Laughs aloud) Day dream as much as you can... Thanks a lot for calling me.. Your over confidence and funny talks always makes me stress free and it will indirectly boost my confidence level...

Mogambo: This is too much, Rockstar... But I like it, when you say that I'm your stress reliever and confidence booster... Love you , Rockstar.... You will rock the floor... All the best....

Abhi smiles and cuts the call... Just then, Pragya enters inside the green room with a wide smile in her face... Abhi's heart skipped it's beat on seeing Pragya, who is looking like an angel descending down from the heaven...

Pragya blushes on seeing Abhi's intense gaze on her.... Her heart screams to hug and kiss Abhi senselessly and shower him with her love... But she can't do so, as she is Pragya, Abhi's bestie and not his Fuggy or Mogambo... She sighs and moves near Abhi who is completely lost after seeing her...

Pragya: Abhi... Close your water falls...

Abhi: Oh my gorgeous lady... You are killing me with your looks...  Three beautiful girls are after me.... That much charm I have right... Aww... Abhi, your a lucky man...

Pragya: Yeww... This is so gross... But I'm so happy to see you getting back to form... So much glow in your face... Hey... Did Fuggy got in touch with you??? Show me the letter, Abhi...

Hearing Fuggy's name, Abhi's smile fades... He shook his head in negative and a lone tear escapes from his eyes... Pragya mentally curses herself for spoiling Abhi's mood... She quickly thinks to make Abhi to get back to normal again...

Pragya: Then, I'm sure got your hot kiss from Mogambo....

Abhi: Whaattttt ???

Pragya: Don't lie to me, Abhi... You were looking at your mobile, smiling and blushing, when I came in... I know, only Mogambo can do the magic...

Abhi: Darling... It's that... Vo... Vo.. Mogambo called me... But, Nothing like you think... ( Controls very hard to hide his blushy cheeks)

Pragya (smirks) : Oh... Oh... Okay... Okay...

Pragya makes a teasing smile while Abhi bends his head down in embarrasement, as Pragya had caught him red handed...


Abhi enters the stage with full of confidence and strings his guitar, making the audience to go in awe... The stage is set on fire with Abhi's mesmerising voice and breath taking performance....

Everyone enjoys the Rockstar's performance and are clapping and hooting happily.... Pragya started to cry in happiness, as Abhi proved it again that he is a true musician... She is so happy that Abhi is back with a bang and rocking the floor with full of confidence....

The performance ends with a happy note.. The entire place is echoed with the thunderous claps and the name Abhi has become the trend again... The news started to flood everywhere....

"Rockstar Abhi is back with a bang.... He sets the stage on fire.... Abhi is the best always..."

After the successful concert, Abhi becomes busy again... His fans following increases rapidly and Abhi becomes a mantra among the girls... Abhi does many ad films and became the brand ambassador for many top brands too... Rockstar Abhi slowly reaches a big height and becomes the Youth Icon.....


Months passes by....

One fine day, Pragya rushes quickly into the grand villa of Abhi, which he got recently... She runs and hugs dadi and got her blessings...

Dadi: Too busy na, Pragya beta... You are not coming here often...

Pragya: Sorry dadi... What shall I do??? It's because of that stupid Rockstar... He is the one to be blamed... Who asked him to sign all those stupid deals???

Abhi is really boiling my nerves, Dadi... He keeps on doing everything,  which I dislikes the most... Now a days, Abhi is not at all listening to me, Dadi... He is doing whatever he wishes... Not at all consulting anything to me...

"Liar..." The thunderous voice of Abhi echoes the place... Pragya gave a sheepish smile on seeing Abhi, who is glaring at her angrily...

Abhi: Care to explain, cheater cock... What were you telling to Dadi haan....

Pragya: That... That.... Vo.. Vo... See Dadi... Abhi is threatening me... (Makes a fake cry)

Abhi: Drama Queen... Am I threatening you... You are becoming too much naughty and saying lies often... How dare you...

You are instigating Dadi against me and making me to look like a cheat na... Pragya.... Don't run... I won't leave you easily... I will kill you for sure...

Pragya: Noooo... Don't chase me... You can't get me... Dadi... Please save me... This stupid Rockstar will really kill me....

Dadi: Don't bring me between you two... You two will fight for a minute and then you both will patch up in a moment, as if nothing has happened...

We will surely became fools, if we come between you two... I'm not going to fall in your traps....

Pragya: Smart Dadi... Aww... Love you so much, Dadi... Abhi, it's getting late... Quick.... You are not ready yet...

Abhi: Just 10 minutes, darling... I will freshen up and come...

Pragya: Hurry up, Abhi... If we are late by a minute too, they will kill us for sure...

Abhi rushes to get ready... Dadi caress Pragya's head gently...

Dadi: Pragya Beta... Are you really happy???

Pragya: Haan... Why are you asking like this Dadi??? Pragya is super happy...

Dadi: Don't lie to me, beta... I know you are facing a big storm inside... You are acting and faking that you are happy for Abhi's sake only na...

Pragya: No Dadi... It's not like that...

Dadi: I can clearly see it in your eyes beta... Just few months, beta... Your problems will come to an end... True love never fails... Don't worry.... All will be fine soon....

Pragya: I'm so scared Dadi, as the D day is nearing... I don't know how Abhi gonna react, after knowing the truth.. I can't tolerate if Abhi feels that I've cheated him...

Dadi: You are not cheating, Abhi.... You are like Abhi's shadow, his heart beat, his soulmate and his everything... No one will curse their own heart and soul...

Don't worry beta... I know very well about Abhi... He will surely understand you ... Come soon to this house as Abhi's wife...

Don't forget this old lady at that time... I can't wait for a long ... I wanna see my great grand son soon.... (Pragya blushes and closes her face)

Keep smiling beta... You are our little Princess... The glow and shine of our house... If Abhi didn't forgive you or if he gets angry on you, I will beat him with my stick....

Pragya chuckles and nods her head happily.... Their talks gets interrupted as Abhi comes down...

Abhi: What's going on here, My lovely ladies..

Pragya:  Just some casual talks.. By the way dadi, where is Puru jiju and Disha di??? They are not picking up my calls too...

Dadi: I completely forget to inform you, beta... They have gone for an urgent meeting...
Mr. Verma called today morning and asked Purab and Disha to come to XYZ city, as some important deals are to be signed... They will return back after one week only....

Pragya: Oh my God .. Then, how can you stay alone, Dadi... Abhi... How can we leave Dadi alone???  Shall we take Dadi also with us???

" I will take care..." A manly voice puts an end to their worries... Pragya's lips curved to a big smile on hearing the voice.. She runs quickly, hugs him tightly and showers him with kisses ..

Abhi smiles on seeing the duo, whose way of showing affection always makes his heart to feel warm.... Abhi too moves near him and hugs tightly, as he misses him terribly...

Abhi: Papa... Missed you so much... Too busy na... Always flying here and there....

Pragya: Abhi... Now a days, he has no time for his Princess too..

Pragya pouts like a kid... Ram Arora laughs aloud on hearing Abhi and Pragya's complaints...

Ram: Sorry, baby doll... Sorry, Abhi beta...

Abhi: Why are working too much in this age, Papa???? You are not at all caring for your health... Priya aunty is complaining that you are taking unwanted stress...

Ram: Till your wedding, I've to do all these... After that, I will hand over everything to you two and will take complete rest...

Okay kidoos... It's getting late... Don't delay... Go soon....

Pragya: Dad... How can we go, as Dadi is alone...

Ram: Don't worry, Princess... I came here to discuss something with Daljeet ji... Priya is also on the way... Just got to know from Verma Bhai that Purab and Disha are not here... We will take Daljeet ji with us...

Enjoy your trip happily.... Take snaps and send to us often... You two are so busy these days and don't have enough time to relax too.... Now time for some fun and enjoyment...

Stop thinking about your works... Leave everything to me... I will take care... Be happy and make this trip a memorable one....

Abhi and Pragya hugs Ram and Dadi and starts their beautiful trip happily.... They were not aware of the twists and turns awaiting for them....



Where are Abhi and Pragya heading towards???

Will Abhi be able to find Pragya's secret????

What will be Abhi's reaction after knowing the truth???

To know more stay tuned....

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We are moving towards the climax of this story... Expecting your support as always....

Bidding adieu

Yours Buddy,



Will be



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