29. The bitter reality is that Truth always sucks...

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It's so horrible and unacceptable, as Truth always sucks and threatens us like a deadly weapon...

I just can't believe that I'm being neglected for my loss... Never I have expected that my love will leave me thinking that I'm worthless...

I'm in a condition to prove to the world that I'm the best..  But it's so difficult for me, as my heart is not at all listening to what my mind says...


The evening sun rays are slowly closing down, as the sun which had showered the earth with it's glorious sun rays, is getting tired and is badly in need of rest... Letting the moon to take it's place, the sun bids adieu to the earth, announcing that the night is about to start up...

But not bothering about the shine in the moon light, the famous XYZ restaurant is shining brightly with colourful, glittering lights and the soft music played over there is adding up to the ambience and glory of that place...

The private area, which is in a secluded corner, is reserved for 7 people to spend their time, without any disturbances... As it is completely sound proof, none can hear from outside, what's going on there too...

The four seats (The chair in the centre and the adjacent 3 seats) were occupied by 4 girls, who are grieving in a big misery... Their faces clearly shows that they are in so much pain....

The girl sitting in the centre is not at all hearing any of their consoling words and is buring her face completely in the table...
The three girls are not able to see their buddy like this and they shake her hardly...

The girl slowly lifts her head up, which clearly shows that it's none other than the Daring Betting Queen Pragya... Pragya is crying aloud, while her besties Aaliya, Tanu and Bulbul doesn't know what makes Pragya to cry like this...

Tanu: Baby... Please... Stop crying ... I can't see your crying face... What happened my doll??? Please dear... Don't cry... I too will cry, if you didn't stop crying... 😭😭😭😭😭

Aliya: Stop it Tanu... Don't make our Pragz to cry more... Look, how she is crying... We have to console her... But we are making her to cry even more... 😭😭😭😭😭

Bulbul: You two idiots...  Tanu... Aaliya... Instead of asking what had happened and the reasons for her broken state, you two are crying and making Pragz to feel vulnerable... Stupid girls... 😭😭😭😭😭

Tanu: Bulz... Atleast, we are okay... Look at  your face .... What are you doing haan?? Ahead of us, you are only crying more...

The sad thing is that the whole terror gang is crying like lost kids... As Pragya is their true friend, the girls can't see her like that... The bold, daring, strong, confident and the attitude filled Pragya, who stand for them and supported them always, is weak today and the girls feels so helpless at that time...

The girls who is need of some help felt relieved as their loves of lives, Arjun, Nikhil and Vihaan are coming over there... But it's a terrible shock for the boys to see the girls in a pathetic and crying state....

The boys jerks up and halts in their steps, as they wonders why the girls are crying like this... None has any idea and they even wonders why Pragya has asked them to come and meet her, without Abhi's knowledge...

Understanding something big is going on, the boys let out a deep sigh and moves towards the girls... They coughed hardly to bring the girls back from their crying world....

The girls wipes their tears quickly and makes a lifeless smile and gestures the boys to have their seats... But Pragya is not paying heed to anyone or anything and is still crying aloud...

Tanu: Baby... Don't cry... Nikhil, Arjun and Vihaan are here...

Bulbul: Enough,, darling.... Don't show your vulnerability to anyone... Come on, cheer up...

Aaliya gets up from her seat and walks towards Pragya... Aaliya holds Pragya in her embrace and pats her back to calm her down... Aaliya caress her hair gently while Pragya buries her face in her tummy...

Aaliya: Shhh... Sweet heart.. No more... You are our sweet doll na... Shh... It's okay.. Leave it, darling..  We will face anything...

Tanu: Baby doll... Where is our Daring Prag, our team leader, our beloved Betting Queen, who is always bold and can face any challenges with guts and will power...

Bulbul: Enough girls... Don't pamper her.. She won't listen to us... Only this will work out... I'm challenging the betting Queen... If you are bold enough, come out from your misery and stop your tears, Pragya....

Pragya wipes her tears and fakes a smile....

Aaliya: That's like my darling... Only challenge and bets are shutting you haan...

Tanu: Even Abhi bhai can't do this right... Poor bhai... Strucked between the three versions of our Pragya... Abhi bhai is having a tough time to handle Fuggy, Mogambo and Pragya...

The girls werr blabbering, unknowingly and they have spitted out all the truth, completely forgetting the fact that Nikhil, Arjun and Vihaan are also there....

The boys are hell shocked on listening to their conversations and they just can't digest their talks.... They clearly understood that Pragya is Abhi's Fuggy and Mogambo...

Vihaan: What's going on here, Pragya??? Are we hearing it right...

Nikhil: So, you are the Betting Queen, the gang leader of this trio right... The Daring Prag or our bestie Abhi's Fuggy... Isn't it...

Arjun: Care to explain us clearly... Don't try to bluff anymore... Dare to do so, we will ask Abhi to come here and settle the scores...

Pragya: Have your seat guys..  I have called you all to tell an important matter only... I will open up everything to you...

But before that I need an assurance and promise from you all... You have to stand by my side and support me, however hard the situation may be... Unless and Until I open up, Abhi shouldn't know anything about these...  

Vihaan: It's impossible... We are not traitors.. We won't hide anything from Abhi.. Is that clear... You cheated our bestie Abhi and demanding us all to cheat him right... Never and ever....

Pragya fumes in anger and hits the table harshly, startling the boys... She gulps the water in a go, as she doesn't want to behave harshly with the boys and is trying to control her anger...

Pragya: Enough guys.. Without knowing anything,  don't spit venoms on me... Before drawing into your imaginary conclusions, listen to what I'm going to say..

Vihaan, Nikhil and Arjun, who knows only the soft side of Pragya, are shocked to see Pragya's other side and her bold voice and attitude startles them a lot...

Pragya: Just tell me, one thing... Are you guys are truly Abhi's besties...

Arjun: Mind your words, Pragya... You know all of us and how can you have a doubt on our friendship... We all have thrown away all those classy jobs, just to support Abhi only...

Pragya: Relax, Arjun... I will never forget how much you guys are supporting Abhi and won't even question about that any a time...

But, I want to know whether you three know what is meant by true friendship... Look over here.. Your loves of lives, my besties are the true and perfect examples of friendship....

They are always there for me... They can do anything for me and for my happiness... They can go to any extreme to protect me...

You guys didn't even know that we four are besties from childhood... They know all my secrets.... Eventhough you all have tried very hard, you couldn't get a single word from them...

Till you guys come here, you guys have never had a doubt that I'm the Daring Prag, Mogambo and the Betting Queen... My besties are my pillar of support and they can do anything for my happiness....

Now tell me... Are you guys, Abhi's real besties???

The boys in chorus: Of course... we are... We can do anything for Abhi and his happiness means a lot to us... But we didn't expected that our lovers will hide such a big truth from us... How you three can do like this... 

Pragya: They made a promise to me and they won't even spit a single word too, even if they are threatened too... Don't think wrongly about them...

Don't think they have cheated on you... It's that they can't open up the truth to you, as they are tied up in a promise, they have given to me... Hope you guys understand what I'm saying...

Thank God!!! Well... Vihaan, Nikhil, Arjun.... As your friend, I'm asking a promise from you... If you guys want to make Abhi to get the happiness he deserves, promise me... I will open up everything before you...

The boys, with no other choice left, promised Pragya... The boys are startled to hear the hidden truth from Pragya...

Pragya: Moreover, guys .. The important thing is that I can't handle everything alone, as it's really hard for me...

It's high time... So, I've revealed everything to my Parents.... Today morning, I've met Dadi, Purab jiju and Disha di and said everything to them too...

All shouts in shock, as they didn't expected such a kind of move from Pragya at all...

Pragya: Yeah, I told them everything and they have understood why I did like that... All promised to support me...

Nikhil: So, Problems solved na... Only Abhi is unaware of all these... Let's open up the matter to Abhi slowly and we can make Abhi to understand...

Pragya: No, Nikhil... We can't do anything like that... The actual problem is going to start now only... I've given up my word to my parents and I'm going to face the biggest challenge of my life...

I don't know how I'm going to do... Earlier, I'm the one to suffer and face everything alone... But now...

Arjun : Now??? Who else??? What's the big challenge, Pragya???

Pragya :  Except Abhi, all are going to be part of this tricky betting game... The biggest challenge is that we all should hide everything from Abhi, till the last concert of Abhi, which is going to take place before our marriage...

No one should say anything to Abhi...
Whatever happens and however tough the situation too,  I'm the one to reveal myself to Abhi and no one else... But there's a biggest twist in this too...

My parents have put forth a condition, which I need to obey... This is going to be the biggest struggle for me... I'm pretty sure that it's going to hurt my Abhi for sure... 😭😭😭😭... But, I need to do this, as it's a punishment for my doings...

Vihaan : What's that, Pragya???

Pragya: My dad wants to test whether I'm loving my Abhi truly or not.. He wants to know how much I and Abhi are loving each other... He ordered me to hide from Abhi...

Arjun: Means... We couldn't get you... Already Fuggy and Mogambo are hidden from Abhi's sight na...

Pragya: Yeah... Dad wants Abhi's Fuggy, the Daring Prag, shouldn't contact Abhi, till he says... Fuggy shouldn't send any gifts, wishes or meet Abhi secretly... Simply saying, Fuggy has to abandon Abhi...

All their eyes popped out in shock on hearing Pragya ..

Pragya: Dad also restricted that Mogambo can call Abhi, only when he allows... Only Pragya - Abhi's bestie/ fiance / co partner in business is allowed to be in touch with Abhi...

Bulbul: Oh God!! Why is Ram uncle doing like this... This gonna make a big mess...

Vihaan: Pragya... Abhi is already broken beyond repair..  The loss has shook him very badly... This is not at all a good move...

Nikhil: Abhi can't tolerate if Fuggy or Mogambo didn't contact him... Abhi will surely collapse and he will feel bad that Fuggy and Mogambo has disowned him...

Pragya: I am also feeling the same only guys... Dad is so stubborn in this matter, as he wanna test Abhi's love on his Fuggy... Dad wants to know whether Abhi loves Fuggy truly, eventhough she didn't contacting him too...

Dad asked me to do so, because he wants to test me too, as how long I can wait for my Abhi and how I'm going to support my friend Abhi, hiding my love, emotions, pain and feelings from him....

All are shocked and sits like a dead body.... They can't react easily, as it's going to be very hard for both Abhi and Pragya...

Arjun: Oh god... Poor Abhi... How he is going to bear all these... Pragya... Is it possible for you to do these...

Pragya: A hard check to prove my love and determination, Arjun... But if you all support me, I can pass through this hurdle easily...

Tanu: Baby... I have a doubt...

Aaliya/ Bulbul: Haan.. We too want to know... What will Abhi bhai do when he comes to know that you are Fuggy and Mogambo????

How will Abhi bhai react after that.. Will he forgive you?? We are scared that he shouldn't reject you and cancel the wedding...

Pragya: Only god knows the answer... But one thing guys... 😭😭😭😭😭... If Abhi rejects me, this Pragya is no more....

Boys: Don't worry, Pragya... True love never fails... Abhi will understand your situation and forgive you for sure... He can't be angry on you or reject you, as you are his life..

Pragya explains everyone, how they need to behave here after..  After discussing everything,  Pragya excuses and leaves earlier, letting the three love birds to spend some quality time...


Abhi is passing the days very hardly, as he is desperately waiting for his Fuggy to call him once ...... If Pragya is not there, Abhi couldn't have come out easily from his flop....

But Abhi can't digest as he is being disowned  by his Fuggy abruptly... He is hell angry on the irritating Mogambo too, as she didn't contacted him after that... Feeling so vulnerable, Abhi's eyes pooled up in tears..

Pragya, who comes to meet Abhi, rushes towards him and wipes his tears...

Pragya: Abhi... What happened??? Why are you crying??? Why have you disconnected my calls??? Why are you not coming to the studio too???? Dad is asking for you...

Abhi: I'm not going to come, anywhere... I'm sorry, Pragya.. I won't do anything, here after... I'm worthless and I don't want to waste your money, anymore...

Pragya: Abhiiiii.... Stop blabbering, man... Get up... Go and freshen up... We need to go to the studio...

Abhi: Please, darling... Don't force me... I'm not in a mood... I've decided that no more music in my life, as there is no meaning in living this life....

Pragya: What nonsense are you talking, Abhi??? Don't talk like a stupid... Tell me, what's bothering you...

Abhi cries: 😭😭😭😭 Pragya... My Fuggy had not even contacted me once, after the flop... I think, she is not liking this failure at all.. Even that irritating Mogambo too had not called me...

Pragya: Ahaan... Now I understand, what's bothering you... The Rockstar is crying and feeling bad, as he is missing his Mogambo's hot kisses, her sensual and intimate talks na... Oh boy... This is not fair yaar...

Abhi:  Stupid Pragya... You are projecting me like a pervert...

Pragya: Oh hello... When you are feeling for your Fuggy, why are you bringing Mogambo out of nowhere...

Abhi: Sorry..  My mistake... It came out in a flow...

Pragya: Abhi... It's okay... Think always, before you speak.. You don't know what's going on with Fuggy.. We don't know what problem she is facing too... Don't you trust your love...

Abhi: I trust my Fuggy a lot...

Pragya: Then, wait for her... Stop crying and get ready... It's getting late... Come on my baby boy...

Abhi: No ways, Mumma.... I'm gonna sleep on my Mumma's lap... You sing lullaby for me ...

Pragya: Abhi... I will kill you... Be serious... We need to work hard, Abhi... Dad is thinking to conduct some concerts, before we start our new album works...

A meeting is scheduled in a couple of hours... We will discuss everything there... In the meantime, we will do something to bring out your Fuggy and if you want, we can look for Mogambo too...

Abhi: As you wish sweetie... I'm gonna hear my Mumma's words only from now on...

Before Pragya barges on him angrily, Abhi rushes to get ready... When Abhi comes out with a bright smile, Pragya's lost to blink her eyes too... She composes herself so quickly, before Abhi questions her about that....

Pragya: Wow... My charming Abhi is back...

Abhi: Ahaan..  Anything for my sweet and loving mumma...

Pragya: Aww... My cute baby... Love you loads...

Abhi: Hoye... This Rockstar is handsome, hot and s**y... Yuck...  Don't call me as cute..

Pragya: So you don't have problem, if I call you as baby na... All of you hear me... The Rockstar is my little baby... Let's tweet this happy news and your fans will be happy to know that you are a cute, crying baby of mine...

Abhi: Naughty girl... If you do so, I will kill you...

Abhi chases Pragya and holds her in his embrace with a bright smile in his face...

Abhi: Thanks a lot darling... If you are not with me, I would have collapsed for sure... You are the one making me happy always and bringing me out easily from my trauma...

Pragya: Uffff... Baby... Don't be too much, senti... Rockstar Abhi has to be bold enough to face everything... All will be fine soon..

Pragya drags Abhi quickly to the studio, as she wants Abhi to forget everything and move forward to achieve his goals...



What's going to happen next???

Will the Rockstar Abhi be back with a bang????

Will Pragya be able to save herself from Abhi's wrath and win the challenging bet???

Will Abhi and Pragya unites?? Will Abhi reject her by saying that he broke the trust he has on her???

To know more stay tuned....

Drop down your votes, without fail.... Silent readers, do cast your votes and pen down your comments, as we are nearing the ending of this story....

See you all soon....

Yours cliffy buddy,


Logging off....




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