28. I'm agreeing for the bet.. It's my life's biggest challenge...

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She is a blessed angel, who's heart is so pure... But I'm so unlucky, as I can't make her as mine...

It's so wonderful to get a supportive and understanding friend... But it's pricks so badly that I'm the one who is going to hurt her, for my selfish needs...

I did a big mistake... Eventhough I have reasons for doing so, it's really hard to forgive me for my doings...


Abhi, who is being welcomed grandly and appreciated as the Rockstar has undoubtedly become the talk of the town... He got a huge fan follow and he holds a big place in the hearts of the youth, especially girls...

As Abhi was quite busy with his concerts, ad shoots and interviews, he didn't bother to think about his next album... But Pragya insists Abhi to work on it, as it's high time since his first album was released...

Abhi puts his heart and soul and worked really very hard to make the new album to succeed globally and also to break many records... Abhi badly wants to prove to the whole world that his success is not by mere luck, but it's out of his hardwork, sincerity and dedication towards music....

But startling everyone and making Abhi's heart to broke into trillion pieces, the new album got a big blow and it was being labelled by the critics as mere crap and horrible... Abhi can't even digest it a bit too and he feels very bad that he failed not only in his career, but also made the Aroras to face a huge loss...


Once the news hits their ears, the Aroras rushed to the Mehra's house... Dadi who received them is looking so sad, while Purab and Disha are silently crying by saying that Abhi is not opening the door for a long time...

After consoling everyone and giving a promise and hope that she will bring Abhi out in a normal mood, Pragya moves forward and makes a gentle tap in the room door, informing that it's Pragya on the door...

Pragya gasped in shock, as Abhi pulled her into the room suddenly and cried his heart out... It took a lot of time for Pragya to convince and console Abhi... Pragya had a hard time to make Abhi to smile and made him to realize that Failure is a stepping stone towards a Big Success...

But Pragya is shocked to the core, when Abhi out no where asked her , why she didn't come first in his life and why she is not interested to love him... She couldn't utter anything as Abhi promised her that he can do anything for her happiness...

Abhi also added that he can marry her too, if she wishes, forgetting the love he has on his Fuggy... For a second, Pragya couldn't believe what Abhi is saying too...

But seeing the determined face of Abhi, Pragya is completely blank... She couldn't respond to Abhi, who is ready and willing to do anything for her...

She looks at Abhi, who wholeheartedly said that he can forget his love and bury his feelings too, as she is more important to him than anyone else... Pragya's heart is bleeding in pain, yet she composed herself quickly and hugged Abhi tightly...

Pragya cups Abhi's face lovingly and gave a loving kiss in his forehead, which is exactly like a mother kissing his grieving son, as if telling him that she will protect him, by all means...

All of a sudden, Abhi screams aloud, when Pragya gave a harsh pinch in his thighs...

Abhi: Aaahhhhh... Why did you pinch me???

Pragya: Just want to check, whether you are dreaming or talking in real...

Abhi: This is too much, darling... I'm talking seriously and waiting for your reply... But you are playing with me, as if it's not a big matter to you... Be serious , sweetie...

Pragya: Serious... Really... So, do you expect me also to cry like you...

Abhi: Whatttt... I couldn't get you...

Pragya: Hello cry baby... Your brain is okay only na... Your nuts didn't get loosened right...

Abhi: Hoye... Don't divert the topic... Just answer my question.. Yes or No... Open up what's in your heart... Your buddy Abhi can go to any extreme to make you happy...

Pragya holds Abhi's hands and leans towards his shoulder... Abhi caress her hairs gently and gave a peck on her hairs, which is a simple gesture of him to show his affection towards her...

Pragya: Abhi..  Will you do anything for me...

Abhi: Yes... I will.. I'm going to do, whatever you wish for... Just order me, darling... Your Abhi will do it for you...

Pragya: Promise me, Abhi... You can't back off, if you promise me...

Without thinking a second, Abhi holds Pragya's hand and gave her the promise that he will do anything, she wish for...

Pragya: Thanks a lot for trusting me and caring for me this much... What I want is that you have to hold this Pragya's hand life long, only as a friend... Irrespective of any situations, I want my Buddy Abhi to stand by my side always...

Whatever happens, don't ever think to cheat on your love... Don't give up on your love for anyone or for any reasons...

Whether it's Fuggy or Mogambo, I'm okay with it... Eventhough you love Fuggy, I know you have a huge crush on Mogambo too... Whoever you choose in the end , is only going to be your wife.... Is that clear...

Abhi without saying anything hugged Pragya in his embrace... He feels so blessed to have a friend like Pragya, who understands all his feelings... Both were pooled up in varied emotions and stood silent, hugging each other tightly...

Abhi didn't even bothered when Pragya suggested that he has a choice to choose between Fuggy and Mogambo... Left in deep thoughts, he didn't noticed the change in Pragya's voice and the pain in her words....


After composing themselves, Abhi and Pragya walks hand in hand and comes out to have a word with their family, who are awaiting eagerly for them... The whole family let out a relieved breath on seeing the smiling faces of Abhi and Pragya...

Ram: Abhi beta, you are alright na... Don't worry, Beta...  We will sort out all the problems... I'm feeling happy that you are back to normal...

Abhi: Yes uncle... Oops.. Sorry papa...
I'm fine now...  Believe it or not, even if I want to fake to be sad too, it's impossible for me to do so... No one can cry or feel sad, when this  naughty little Pragya with us...

Pragya really knows very well to change our mood... Unbelievable... She and her crazy tantrums... Ufff... Only Pragya knows to handle me and she can easily bring smile in my face....

Dadi: Abhi beta....  Be happy like this always... We all tried a lot to console you... But you didn't even bother to hear us too... What did Pragya do to make you happy???

Priya: I know very well that she would have definitely done something mischievious for sure... Pragya is a naughty brat...

Purab / Disha: Tell us, Abhi... What our naughty Pragya did???

Pragya giggles hardly showing some actions, while Abhi gave a deadly glare towards her....

Abhi:  This naughty Pragya is saying that I'm a baby, who is crying as if someone has snatched my lollipop... She is teasing this Rockstar Abhi by calling me as a Cry Baby...

Pragya: Haan baby... Come to your mumma...  Do you want your feeding bottle🍼🍼🍼🍼 , baby???? Shall I put you in cradle to sleep??? No need... Come and sleep in mumma's lap...

Come on Baby... Mumma will sing a nice lullaby for you.... Jujjju ju ju ju juuuu..... Aww... My cry baby is a good baby na... No piss piss in my lap... Let's put diaper on you first and then you can sleep...

Pragya is teasing Abhi and is running in the whole house to escape from Abhi's clutches... Abhi got hold of her easily and twists her hand from the back...

Abhi: One more time, you will tease me as baby, I will kill you....

Pragya: Baby... Don't kill mumma... You are a very bad baby... No baby will kill his Mumma... (Fakes tears and wipes it in Abhi's shirt itself)

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂😂 Dramaqueen.... You are unbelievable ...

Abhi hits in her back lightly, while all smiles seeing the bond between Abhi and Pragya...

Abhi: Papa... Tell me one thing...  How this girl is like this??? I think you two had a tough time to handle her for sure...

Priya: Haan beta... She is an unique piece... No one can predict what she will do too... I always have a fear on seeing her Unbelievable activities and each day with her is like facing a big war.... I always pray that she shouldn't pull up any stunts and got into any trouble...

But now... Pragya is  completely changed... After you came in her life, Pragya has become so mature and is not doing any such stupid activities...

Thank God... Now only,  I'm completely relieved... You won't believe me beta, if I say how she used to be... Pragya has a peculiar nickname too... She is always called as BE...

Pragya's breath hitched as she understands that her mom is about to say that Pragya is the famous Betting Queen in her college... She screams aloud quickly, interrupting and putting an end to Abhi and her mom Priya's conversation about her...

Pragya: Maa... Aah... Aaaah... ( Screams aloud in a crying voice, as if she is in terrible pain) aah.... My stomach is paining... Aah....

I'm very hungry....  Dadiiii.... No one is here to give me food... What I'm going to do???? 😭😭😭😭... Oh God...

No one is feeding my little tummy... I'm going to die out of hunger.... Anyone show some mercy on me... 😭😭😭😭.... Poor little tummy of mine is crying... Give me food... Aaahhhh. . 

 All laughs on hearing Pragya's childish complaints... They believed that Pragya is doing all these to ease out the situation... They all proceed to have food, as none had eat anything till now...

But Abhi was left out in deep thoughts and he wonders why Pragya has interrupted the talks suddenly and why she didn't allowed Priya to say about her...

Abhi felt something fishy about her behaviours and he is so curious to know how Pragya used to be earlier... He wishes to find out what Pragya is hiding from him....

After dinner, Pragya adds a sleeping pill in Abhi's milk... Pragya badly wants Abhi to have a peaceful sleep... She took Abhi forcefully to the room, blackmailed him to have the milk, which he dislikes and made him to sleep on her lap....

Pragya gently places Abhi's head in the pillow... She admires his face with full of love and kisses his forehead... She covers him with blanket and left to her home along with her parents....


Few days later...

After having a big debate inside her, Pragya decides that it's high time and she needs to do this at any cost..  With much hesitation, Pragya knocks her parents room in the early morning itself...

Priya: What happened, Pragya??? You are here at this time...

Pragya: Mom , Dad... I couldn't sleep ... Can I come inside???

Ram: Come in, Princess.... What's bothering my little doll... Is anything wrong???

Priya: Is it anything related to Abhi beta????

Pragya nods her head as yes, runs to her dad, buries her face in his chest and cries aloud...

Ram: Princess.. Stop crying.. Tell me, what has happened???

Priya: Baby... You are a very brave girl... Eventhough I'm scared, I always feels proud that my daughter is much strong and bold than boys... I know how daring she is....

Ram: Haan Princess... Just open up... We will sort it out...

Pragya: Mom... Dad.... Promise me that you won't scold me and forgive me for my doings... You both should not do anything against my wishes... Swear on me that until and unless I open up to Abhi, none should give a single hint to Abhi....

Both Ram and Priya agreed to Pragya's demands and promised her... Pragya opens up what's in her heart... Ram and Priya are startled as they didn't expected that Pragya has done all these, which gonna complicate her life for sure...

Pragya: Mom/ Dad... I did this only for two reasons... I want to know whether Abhi is loving me truly or just got smitten by my beauty and money... But lately I realized that he loves me truly...

Then, I want him to grow higher in his career and achieve his dreams , with my three ways of love.... I'm his love of life - Fuggy, I'm his bestest friend Pragya and I'm his irritating, but secret admirer Mogambo...

Priya: Pragya... What have you done??? This is not a puppet play.... This is your life, Pragya.... You shouldn't have done like this... Oh God... What will happen if Abhi beta comes to know all these...

Ram, say something.... How many times I told you not to pamper her.... See... What she has done... It's gonna create unwanted problems...

Ram smiles and pats the back of Pragya... He wipes her tears and gestured her to smile...

Ram: Shhh.... Don't cry, Princess.... I can understand your point of view.... What you did with Abhi beta is so wrong... But I can feel your love, care, trust and support you have given to Abhi beta...

I'm very proud of you, baby... You have hidden all your pains and suppressed all your feelings and acted in front of Abhi, just to see him achieve bigger in his dreams....

Pragya: Dad... I'm so sorry... I did this only for Abhi's happiness.... I don't have any bad intentions...

Ram: I know, Princess.... Don't worry... All will be fine soon... Your dad will take care of everything...

Priya: Ram... I'm worried a lot... What will Abhi do, if he finds out that Pragya is the one who cheated him in the name of Fuggy and Mogambo... Will he break up the alliance... What will we do, if he didn't agree to marry,  Pragya...

Pragya: Mom... I will die, if Abhi leaves me...

Priya: Don't talk like a stupid Pragya... You have messed up everything and speaking like a loser... Where is the Betting Queen inside you... Is she died??? (Yells angrily)

Now, I'm challenging you... The great Betting Queen Pragya has to make Abhi to marry her.. Abhi only should be our son in law and he should accept you, wholeheartedly...

It can be Fuggy, Mogambo or Pragya or all the three too ... That's upto him to decide...
You two should get married, as decided by us... It can be either love marriage or arranged marriage...

Pragya: Mom... Are you really challenging me????

Priya: Yes... Can't you hear what I say???

Pragya: Dad... Are you hearing what mom is saying???.

Ram: Ofcourse... Even I'm in my wife Priya's side only... Princess, Are you going to win or lose in this challenge??? This is not a silly bet.... But this is your life's biggest challenge...

Pragya (with a determined tone) : Dad, you too joined mom na .. No problem...
You two have challenged a wrong person.... Your daughter Pragya is a daring and a terror Betting Queen... Never in my life, I've lost a bet....

This is my life... My Abhi will be only mine... I will surely make him as my husband... I have trust in my love.... I know he won't leave me ever and forgive me for sure....

Ram: Good luck, Princess. . But You have to do, as I say... If not, I will reveal your identity to Abhi....

Pragya: Dad... This is cheating... This is unfair ...

Priya: All is fair in love .... Do as we say or accept that you have lost in the bet...

Pragya screams: No... Never.... I will do, whatever you say... But I should be the one to reveal my identity to my Abhi...

Ram: Good decision.. This much you love, Abhi....

Pragya: Yes,  dad.... I just fall for him only on seeing his eyes... I can do anything for him and can go to any extreme to make him succeed in his career and I will be his love, life and his wife for sure....

Ram : That's good to know... What you have to do is that... *************


What is Ram's condition to Pragya???

Is it easy for Pragya to obey Ram's orders???

Will Abhi finds out the Betting Queen in Pragya???

Will Pragya wins the bet and get married to Abhi???

Will Abhi forgive Pragya easily, after knowing that she has cheated him???

To know more, stay tuned...

Do vote and comment, if you like the shot...

Meet you all soon....

Bidding adieu,

Yours cliffy buddy,

Crazy Mahiz....


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