27. It's not Fuggy or Mogambo.. It's always, Pragya...

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I won't let you to feel lonely or sad... However hard the situation may be, I will disturb and irritate you... I won't give up, until I see the happy smile in your face...

Don't care about the broken fence.. Look at the flowers behind it...

She is the greatest blessing in my life.. She is like a boosting energy to refresh my burdened soul....





Silence everywhere....

Abhi is shocked to hell to see the complete silence in that big arena and there's not a bit of favourable response too from the audience side... Abhi who believed himself a lot, is not able to digest that no one is there to appreciate his talent...

Abhi is completely heart broken, as he failed in his first attempt itself... Masking all his emotions, Abhi moves towards the back stage... Pragya hurriedly runs over there with moist eyes and hugs Abhi tightly, which gives Abhi an assurance that she will be always there for him...

Abhi gently wipes Pragya's tears and gestures her to smile, as if saying her that he is okay... Pragya shook her head negatively, as  she is so bothered that Abhi shouldn't lose his confidence at all... The whole family is watching everything with moist and worry filled eyes...

Not wishing to make the greatest talent to suffer anymore, a thunderous sound of claps, whistles and roars echoes the whole place... It took some time for Abhi and Pragya to realize that the concert was a huge success.....

It's crystal clear that Abhi is being accepted as a Rockstar wholeheartedly, by the audience... The happiness of Abhi is beyond it's peak and he is dumb struck with
the way he is being felcitated....

Abhi is short of words and he doesn't know how to thank the people for accepting him and appreciating his talent... He is overwhelmed with varied emotions and he badly wishes that his Fuggy to be by his side...

Abhi's eyes searched for his Fuggy, in the huge crowd and it's quite hectic for him to find her... Though Abhi is upset as he couldn't have his Fuggy to share the stage with him, he is super happy as he has his bestie Pragya beside him.... Abhi smiles happily, as Pragya hugs him and kisses his cheeks to congratulate him....

Pragya: Abhi... You did it, man... I'm so happy for you.... I told you na... You are the best always... This is just the beginning, Abhi... You are gonna grow bigger and better. .

Abhi: Thanks darling.... Your support only made me to do so... Ahead of anyone, you believed in me and my talents... All credits goes only to you... This is not my victory at all... This is yours , Pragya....

Pragya:  Reallllyyy.... Arrey... Don't bluff man... You and I know very well that you are trying to say a big lie... Nothing I have did to you, Abhi and I can't take any credit in your success...

It's your love of life, Fuggy and then your secret admirer Mogambo are the reason behind your success... They only called you as Rockstar and it's them, who badly want you to grow as a big Rockstar....

Tell me... Where is this Pragya's part in this haan... I'm just your friend, who is producing your shows... Only Papa is investing money and I'm just doing as instructed... I don't have any place in your success, Abhi....

Abhi:  Pragya... This is too much... If you talk like this again, I will kill you... Who said to you like that haan...

You are my inspiration and my moral support.... I accept that Fuggy wants me to become a Rockstar and that Mogambo is torchuring me to rule the music world with my songs....

But Pragya, you are way too ahead of them... You are like the oxygen to my body... You have  helped me and supported me in all means and you are the one in my side all the time...

Whatever I've achieved or going to achieve in my career is all because of you only Pragya.... Don't say like that ever again...

You are going to be my side always and you are the only one, who made me to achieve my dreams... Got it... Never dare to ill treat my Sweetie Pie... Pragya is Abhi's energy always...

Pragya: Sorry boss.... I swear... I won't talk like that again... Arrey... Smile na... That's like a good boy... (Pulls his cheeks and side hugs him, making Abhi to smile widely)

Abhi... Come, let's go down.... We have to attend a press meet and we need to meet our family too....

Both Abhi and Pragya moves down and attends the press meet along with Abhi's band.... The reporters congratulated Abhi and appreciated his talent.... They also added that Rockstar Abhi is going to be a biggest trending star and he gonna rule the music world for sure...


Abhi's performance, his songs and the music album has become the most trending topic.... He is being appreciated in social media and he become a viral sensation.... His album is a huge success and well received by the audience....

Abhi is being admired by many crazy fans... He got a huge fan follow, especially girls, who melts on hearing his name itself.... His looks, his appearance, his physique, his voice and his music has  made many girls to have a huge crush and fall in love with him....

Many top music companies approached Abhi to tie up with them and offered him a huge money as remuneration.... But Abhi politely denied the offers by saying that his albums will be released only by their company - Abhigya Music beats....

Some even asked Abhi's hand in marriage for their daughters and are willing to name him as their heir and some are even ready to give whatever dowry he asks too, as their daughters are madly in love with him...

But Abhi rejected the proposals and made an announcement boldly that he is already engaged to his business partner cum bestie Pragya and their marriage is being scheduled the upcoming year...

Abhi is being followed by many girl fans and many said that they loved him and can do anything for him... But Abhi speaks very modestly with the girls and even publicly said that a pair of beautiful eyes have already jailed him and he will never love anyone other than her.....


Days were passing so happily for everyone...
Abhi is completely busy with many promotional events, ad shoots, back to back concerts, attending interviews and so on... It's difficult for Abhi to manage his schedule too... But Pragya stood by Abhi's side and eased out all his works and schedules...

However, Abhi misses his Fuggy very badly, as she is still playing a hide and seek game with him till now, by not revealing her identity... But Abhi is happy atleast, as his Fuggy is often getting in touch with him by sending some valuable gifts to him...

On the other side, Abhi is enjoying the sweet yet seductive torchurous calls from Mogambo, who is demanding Abhi to open up in public and reveal that she is his love of life... The tug of war between Abhi and Mogambo goes on in full swing, but inwardly Abhi enjoys it a lot....

It's an unsaid truth that Abhi is smitten completely by Mogambo's voice... It's the reason why Abhi hadn't made any attempts to block her call till now and keeps on talking with her, as if he is not interested to talk to her...

Whenever the name Mogambo flashes on his screen, Abhi accepts the calls in a chirpy mood and the arguments Abhi made with Mogambo is to prolong the call durations and to hear the sweet voice, which will melt his soul uncontrollably...

Abhi couldn't have any vague idea why he is doing like this.... Eventhough he loves his Fuggy madly, Abhi couldn't resist his heart, which holds a special place for Mogambo too, willingly... But Abhi didn't think about all the mess he is creating in his personal life, as he is using most of his time to focus only on his career....


In the meantime, Pragya suggested Abhi to work on his new album and release it as soon as possible...  Since a lot of time has gone, Pragya thinks that launching the new album will make Abhi to go places...

Understanding the importance of the new project and the huge sum invested for promotional activities, Abhi started to work really very hard along with his band to make the album to get a big success....

Abhi is being assisted by his friends Vihaan , Nikhil and Arjun... As usual Purab and Disha guides him in the business prospects, while Pragya stands as a pillar of support to Abhi in all possible ways...

The elders Ram, Priya and  Dadi always prays for Abhi's successful career and they made poojas for the well being of Abhi... They also wished that Abhi and Pragya to lead a happy life in the future...

As days passed by, Abhi put his heart and soul in his second album... Abhi badly wants to prove to the music world that his success is not out of mere luck, but because of his talent, hardwork and sincere dedication towards his work....

Abhi is completely nervous, as he expects that the new album should break many records and has to get a big place in the hearts of the people... Pragya too assured Abhi that he will succeed in his attempts....


But... Life is a biggest mystery game... Sometimes, life brings a biggest twist which shake our lives terribly... When we badly wish to get succeeded, the reverse will happen , which is too horrible to digest...

No one expected such a biggest blow at all.... It's the unacceptable and saddest news, which startles everyone in the family..... Abhi is completely shattered and he is broken beyond repair...

Abhi can't digest it a bit too and he is looking like a lost child among the biggest crowd... When Pragya touches his shoulders, Abhi hugs her tightly and started to cry aloud... Pragya is so bothered and she doesn't know how to console Abhi, who is crying like a baby...

Pragya: Abhi.... Abhi... It's okay .. Don't worry... Shh... Don't cry ... Please... Listen to me once...

Pragya patted his back but Abhi is not at all in his sense and crying vigorously and hugging her very tightly....

Abhi: Why??? Why???? Why it's always me, Pragya?? Why am I so unlucky???
Am I not deserve to win anything in my life??? Why I'm the one to bear heart breaks always....

Pragya: Shut up.... Abhi.... What nonsense are you talking???? Don't you know that Failure is the stepping stone to success....

Abhi: 😭😭😭😭😭😭 But... I'm not at all good enough to ... (Hiccups) I betrayed the trust and hope you have on me... I made Ram Uncle to face a huge loss.. I'm worthless and good for nothing...

Pragya (roars in anger) : Not a word more, Abhi.... Just stop it okay....

Pragya forcefully makes Abhi to sit in the bed.... She cups Abhi's face and wipes his tears... Abhi cries aloud and falls in Pragya's lap, like a baby , who finds solace in his mother's lap....

Pragya pats Abhi's back and gently caress his head to calm him down....

Pragya: Abhi.... Listen to me once.... It's all in the game, man.... A person cannot win all the time.... We have to treat both failure and success equally....

It's okay, Abhi... The album didn't worked out as expected.... That's not a big problem at all... I know you really worked hard for it.... Let's do it again, Abhi.... This is just a beginning na...

Don't worry.... You will succeed again...
Come on... Don't behave as if it's an end to your career... Just think it as a small obstacle... Get rid of it and move ahead, Abhi...

Oh God!!! This Rockstar is a silly baby.... I don't like him a bit too.... Where is my buddy Abhi, who is very confident and bold enough to face anything.. Yeww... I want to see my sweet Abhi and not this childish Rockstar...

Abhi chuckles by hearing Pragya's words... He sits up and patted lightly in Pragya's forehead with his...

Abhi: Pragya darling... You are too bad...  All like this Rockstar a lot.... Even Fuggy and Mogambo loves this Rockstar, madly .... But youuuuu???

Pragya: Hello.... Mr. Crying Rockstar .... Just move away okay... I want to talk only to my buddy, Abhi....

I will shout and tell to the whole world that I like only my buddy Abhi and not this cry baby, Rockstar.... Yuck... Silly boy...

Abhi: Oye... Pragya... You are teasing me na naughty girl... See... What am I going to do to you????

Pragya : No... No.... Abhi.. Don't do that.... (Laughs hardly) I can't control...
😀😀😀😀😀.... Please.... 😀😀😀😀.... Leave me.... 😀😀😀😀😀..... Abhi.... Noooo....

It's a habit for Abhi to shut Pragya's non stop bak baks, by tickling her.... That's the only weakness of Pragya and only Abhi is aware of this big information....


An hour later,

Abhi: Thanks a lot, cutie pie... I don't know how I'm going to survive without you.... I'm really feeling bad that I'm the one, who is going to hurt you....

Pragya: Oh God..... Abhi.... Don't start again...

Abhi: Can I ask you something????

Pragya: Ofcourse... Your majesty.... You can ask anything from me....

Abhi: Pragya.... Why you didn't come first in my life???? Why I met Fuggy first and fall in love with her???? Didn't you wished to love me, any a time????

You very well know that I will break our engagement and won't marry you too... But how is it possible for you to think always about my happiness...

Why??? Why it's always you??? Pragya.. Tell me... Why are you taking care of me like a mother??? Why can I see the genuine smile and happiness in your face, when I get succeeded...

Why are you feeling this much when I'm sad??? Why can I sense that your heart is bleeding in pain, not able to see my tears... Answer me, Pragya...

Don't try to mask your emotions or feelings to me, Pragya... Tell me... What's in your heart... Open up, sweet heart... I don't care a damn about anyone and I won't even bother about my feelings too...

All I want is to do, whatever you wish for... Just tell me, darling... Are you loving me, Pragya??? Don't worry... If it's an yes, I will be the happiest... I swear, Pragya...

If you love me and wish to marry me, I will happily accept it... Believe me, darling... Your buddy Abhi can do anything for your happiness...

Even I'm ready to bury my love too for your sake... Ahead of anyone, you mean a lot to me... Please... Say something Pragya... Your silence is killing me... I want a genuine answer from you,  Pragya...

Pragya did not said anything to Abhi.... She simply hugged Abhi and let out a deep breath (hiding her teary eyes)....


What's gonna happen next???

What's Pragya's answer to Abhi???

Will Abhi be able to fight back and gets succeeded again????

Will Abhi prove that he is a born Rockstar???

Will Pragya reveal her identity to Abhi????

What will be Abhi's reaction after knowing about Fuggy and Mogambo????

Keep guessing and Stay tuned.....

Meet you all soon....

Yours Cliffy buddy,


Bidding adieu....




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