Chapter 17

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Maki Nishikino's POV

I went home as soon as possible after helping out in the hospital. I stopped in front of our gate and searched for my set of keys. My parents isn't around tonight because they're out of town. So I'm all alone here tonight. Well, not alone. Our maids are there of course. And one of our butlers as well.

Papa bought me a new piano to replace the one you know, the piano he destroyed. I opened the door and announced, "I'm home!"

Elaine was the first one who welcomed me back. "Welcome back, Maki. What do you want to eat for dinner?" She said. I smiled at her.

"Anything is just fine. I'll be in my room doing something." I said. Elaine nodded and left.

I went upstairs to my room and put my things on my study table. I sighed as I saw some books scattered all over the table. I picked them up and put them in their rightful places. As soon as the books are in their right places, I opened my bag to get the notebook I was writing on earlier.

I reread the writings that I wrote on that notebook. I can feel myself blushing while reading. I decided it's time for me to write lyrics. I picked up a pen and started thinking of a lyrics. I played with the pen for a while. Then, lyrics just popped into my mind. Little by little, I wrote a part of the song.

It took an hour and a half to finish all parts of the lyrics. I felt a grin and a blush on my face after reading the lyrics that I made. Nico-chan just needs to rearrange these and I'll start composing the song.

I heard a faint knock on my door. "Miss Maki, your food's ready."

That voice didn't belong to Elaine. It belongs to my personal butler, Masuraki. I didn't know that my dinner had been prepared for an hour and a half.

I stood up from my chair and closed the notebook with lyrics on it. I walked towards the door and opened it with a sly smile on my face.

Masuraki accompanied me on the way downstairs without saying a word. He's always been quiet and does his duty with dignity. I caught some of our maids trying to flirt with him but Masuraki only ignores them. At least Elaine doesn't, you know, flirt with Masuraki.

I ate my dinner quietly since my parents aren't here. After eating, I went to my room to get a change of clothes. I need to take a bath before sleeping. It's already 10 pm but I usually sleep at 9 pm. Early, isn't it? This is the first time I'll sleep at 10 pm or so.

I went to the bathroom and turned on the lights inside. I sighed as I looked at my reflection on the mirror.

As I took off my clothes, I remembered the time that Nico-chan kissed me on my neck. I saw myself blush crimson red in the mirror. My right hand unconsciously went up to my neck where Nico-chan kissed me.

Maki, just get over it already. Take a bath and go to sleep.

I decided to have a quick shower instead of my usual bath.

After my shower, I let my body fall by itself on my bed. I just hope that Nico-chan and Eli will accept the lyrics that I wrote. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

~the next morning~

I woke up when my alarm went off. I yawned and slowly stood up and went towards the bathroom. I took a quick bath and got ready for school. My parents won't be here until the end of the week and it's only tuesday today.

I asked Masuraki to prepare breakfast for me while I arrange my things that I need to bring.

Right after eating breakfast, I went to school. On the way there, I grumpily groaned when I yawned. I saw Rin and Hanayo standing by the gate of the school.

"Maki-chan, good morning nya~!" Rin greeted me. I greeted back using my usual, stoic tone. I'm not in the mood to greet in a somewhat cheerful smile.

"Maki-chan, you look tired. Is something the matter?" Hanayo asked. I sighed.

"I stayed up late last night doing something." I said. I feel like a yawn coming so I turned away from Rin and Hanayo and covered my mouth.

"Hey, are you okay nya?" Rin asked. I nodded my head. "Come on, let's go. I don't wanna be late." I said as I walked towards the school building.

Our classes was still the usual but I'm kinda tired and sleepy so I kept yawning in class. I didn't even hear our teacher calling my name.


I suddenly stood up and exclaimed, "Yes?!" When I scanned the whole classroom, I realized that they're all looking at me. Geez, how embarrassing.

"Didn't you hear me, Nishikino? I asked you a question." The teacher said.

"I..I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention and-" I was cut off when my teacher spoke up once again.

"Nishikino, if you're not feeling well, then go to the clinic to rest. Hoshizora, please accompany her to the clinic."

"Okay nya~!" Rin said. I just sighed. I guess it's better if I stay  at the clinic and sleep there for a while.

Rin just accompanied me without saying a word. That's unusual for her. It's not like I care anyways.

Rin left me in front of the clinic and went back to class. As I enter, the nursed greeted me.

I  was about to go lie down on the bed when someone entered the clinic again.





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