Chapter 25

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Normal POV

Months flew by quickly and the graduation of the third years is coming soon. But Eli, Nozomi and Nico always have a smile on their faces even though they know that they will be graduating soon. The other members, on the other hand, are having a hard time deciding whether they will continue being idols or not.

During practice, Maki couldn't stop feeling lonely because the third years will be graduating soon. And that includes Nico. She let out a sigh as she looked at the blue sky.

The raven haired senior snapped two fingers in front of Maki. The first year blinked a few times then rubbed her eyes.

She then looked up at Nico and stared for a while. Suddenly, tears started to form in the corner of her eyes. Maki stood up and ran away.

"Maki/Maki-chan!" Her friends shouted her name but the red head ignored it as she run down the stairs towards her favorite room in the school. The music room. There, she broke down in tears on top of the piano keys. Maki couldn't stop crying because Nico, Eli and Nozomi will be graduating soon. She felt a pang of sadness in her heart everytime the word, graduation comes into her mind.

Nico Yazawa's POV

I wanted to follow Maki-chan but Nozomi stopped me. I started to protest but she told me that maybe Maki-chan needs space. I leaned my back against the wall and let out a sigh. Don't tell me she's getting more lonely?

"Nozomi-chan, we should follow Maki-chan. She might need a shoulder to cry on." I heard Hanayo say. I stole a glance at their direction and it seems like they're distracted. Rin then looked at me and nodded. I managed to smile. Those two.

I quietly stepped out of the rooftop then went downstairs. My first guess was the clubroom. Maki-chan might have gone there. I made my way towards the clubroom. I knocked twice but no answer. I turned the doorknob, opening the door.

"Huh. She's not here. Maybe the music room?" I murmured to myself. Without thinking twice, I bolted down the hallway to the music room. I peeked at the door window and saw Maki-chan hunched on the piano. I slid the door open, making her look up. Tears are present on her face so I ran over to her and hugged her. She started to cry hard while saying my name over and over again.

"I'm here so please stop crying." I said, trying to comfort her. Instead that made her cry more. I closed my eyes while hugging her tightly.

"I... I just don't.. Want you to.. Graduate.." Maki-chan said in between her tears. I can feel my own eyes welling up. I fought back the tears that might fall. I kissed Maki-chan's head and told her that she can cry all she want. My practice clothes are getting wet because of her tears. But I don't care. I won't leave her.

Nozomi Toujou's POV

I saw Nicocchi quietly step out of the rooftop at the corner of my eye. Hanayo-chan and Rin-chan probably helped her slip away. Well, I guess that's just fine. Maki-chan needs Nicocchi more than anyone else, I think. At least she knows how to comfort Maki-chan.

"Nozomi?" Elicchi tapped my shoulder. I smiled at her and I noticed a blush creep to her face. I giggled a bit then kissed her cheek. I told her that I was just spacing out.

"Where did Nico-chan go? She just disappeared." Kotori-chan wondered. I sat down, pulling Elicchi with me. She gave me a questioning look but I just smiled, making her blush more.

Nicocchi, make sure you can comfort Maki-chan.

Maki Nishikino's POV

I heard someone enter the music room while I was crying. I was glad that it was only Nico-chan. I cried so much in her arms and couldn't stop. She kept on saying that she will not leave me and tells me to stop crying already. But my tears wouldn't cooperate.

I desperately wiped my tears away when I released her from my tight hug. My eyes fell on her practice clothes and it was wet from my tears. I muttered an apology and kept my head down.

Nico-chan raised my chin and kissed me. I closed my eyes, feeling her soft lips against mine. I feel like I can melt anytime now. Just when I was about to kiss her deeply, Nico-chan pulled away.

"Do you want to sleep at my house, Nico-chan?"

A short update for now. Let me know if this chapter gave you feels or not in the comment section. While I was writing this, I'm kinda like this: "NOOOO WHY AM I WRITING FEELS AGAIN 😭😭😭"

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