Chapter 26

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Nico Yazawa's POV

"Do you want to sleep at my house, Nico-chan?"

W-wait, did I hear that right? Maki-chan's asking me to sleep at her house? What could she be planning?

I unconsciously bit my lower lip because of things going on in my mind. I closed my eyes a bit then opened them again. Maki-chan raised her eyebrow at me in confusion.

"Ah yeah sure." I managed to say. I heaved a sigh, leaning on the piano. I felt a warm hug from behind me. I smile.

"Are you okay now?" I asked her. She didn't answer. I slightly turned my head and saw a sleeping crimson haired girl. I patted her head. She must be tired.

Carefully, I took my phone in my pocket and sent a text message to Eli.

To Eli:

Eli can you come to the music room? Maki-chan fell asleep here.
From Eli:

Sure. We'll end practice today. Be right down in a few minutes.

I held Maki-chan's arms and sat down on the piano bench with her leaning on my side. I stole a glance at her face. She looked innocent and very cute when she's sleeping. I gave her a kiss on the forehead.

A few minutes later, the door of the music room flung open. Eli and Nozomi stepped inside and I saw the other girls waiting outside.

"What happened to Maki?" Eli asked me. I wrapped my arm around Maki-chan's waist then looked up at Eli.

"She fell asleep because she was crying so hard. And I think she's also tired." I said. I gently wiped the tears left on Maki-chan's face.

I saw Maki-chan's phone on top of the table in front of the piano. I told Eli to support Maki-chan while I go call her parents.

I easily found the contact number of her mom and pressed the dial button. After a few rings, she picked up.


"Hello, Nishikino-san."

"Did something happen to Maki?"

"Maki-chan just fell asleep after playing the piano. Can you pick her up?"

"Oh? Well then I'll get going."

"Okay, we'll wait at the gate."

"Thank you for telling me, Yazawa-san."

"It was no problem, Nishikino-san."

I heard a click on her end and placed Maki-chan's phone in my pocket. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

"Nico, are you done calling her parents?" Eli asked. I gave her a small nod then looked at Maki-chan. She looks so innocent and cute while she's asleep. I smiled. I'm glad she's my girlfriend now.

A few minutes later, Maki-chan's parents arrived. Her father carried Maki-chan to their car. I waved goodbye to them as the car drove away.

I decided to go home and have a rest. When I got home, my siblings are playing with each other. I rested a bit then cooked dinner. Of course, after dinner, I put my siblings to sleep. I went to my room and sat on my bed.

"Good night, Maki-chan."

Yes, I know. I haven't updated this for months. Go ahead. Be mad at me. But I have my own reasons. There are a lot of people complaning so I decided to update. There you go. Now can you please wait for the next update? I'm only asking you to be patient. I have my own life outside of Wattpad. So please. Be patient.


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