Chapter 3

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Maki Nishikino's POV

The first thing I did when I woke up the next day was touch my forehead.

"Good. My fever's gone." I said to myself. I went out of bed to take a shower. While in the shower, my private moment with Nico-chan last night came to me. I blushed at the thought of that. I went out of the bathroom to prepare for school.

After dressing, I went downstairs to eat breakfast. "Is your fever gone, sweetheart?" Mom asked me while she prepare breakfast.

I nodded in response and sat in my usual seat at the table. I silently ate my food. After eating, I picked up my bag and went out of the house.

I looked at the time in my phone. 7:15am. Still early. I decided to stop by Nico-chan's apartment. I arrived there after a few minutes.

I knocked on the door two times and waited for an answer. Nico-chan opened the door. I saw that she's still in her pajamas.

"Oh, it's you, Maki-chan. Come in." Nico-chan said, opening the door a little wider. I stepped inside. I noticed that her siblings aren't around.

"Hey, Nico-chan?" I said. Nico-chan turned around and said, "Hmm?"

"Where's your siblings?" I asked. "They're still asleep." Nico-chan replied.

"I see." I said. There was this very awkward silence between us.

I just stared at Nico-chan who is sitting in front of me. "Is there something wrong?" Nico-chan asked me.

I shook my head. "Wait a minute. You want me to kiss you, am I right?" Nico-chan said, smirking.

"W-what? N-no." I said, a little suprised.

Come on, Maki. I know you want Nico-chan kiss you again. Just admit it.

Argh! I hate that inner voice. But, the truth is, my inner voice is right. I really want Nico-chan to kiss me passionately. If I say this to Nico-chan, then it will be very embarassing.

I didn't realize that Nico-chan came closer to me. She then pressed her lips onto mine. I can feel my eyes closing a bit.

I moaned a little and Nico-chan broke from the kiss. "That's the first time I heard you moan, Maki-chan. Tell me, did you like that kiss?" Nico-chan said.

I looked away. "Shouldn't you be getting dressed for school?" I said, blushing.

"That's not the answer I want, Maki-chan. Answer me honestly." Nico-chan said.

Honestly? Is Nico-chan serious? I bit my lower lip and looked at Nico-chan's red eyes. I don't want to do this but..

I pressed my lips onto hers. The kiss I've started lasted for a minute.

Nico-chan seemed very suprised. "O-of c-course I liked it. No. I l-loved it." I said, feeling that my face is so hot.

Nico-chan held my cheek in her right hand. "Maki-chan, you're blushing." Was all she said.

I blushed even harder when I felt Nico-chan's hand on my chest. Don't tell me that she's going to..

I pushed her away. I still don't want to do it. I'm just 15. And Nico-chan's already 17.

I heard Nico-chan sighed. "I better get dressed. Will you wait for me until I finish dressing?" Nico-chan asked.

"Sure." I replied. After a few minutes, Nico-chan came out of her room fully dressed in her school uniform.

"Shall we go, Maki-chan?" Nico-chan said with a smile that made me blush.

I nodded. We walked to school while holding hands. I have a feeling that people are looking at us. I just kept my head down while walking.

Nico-chan must have sensed that I'm a little embarrased and held my hand even tighter. I looked at her and saw she has smile on her face.

"You know, Maki-chan, you're pretty cute whenever you smile. Your smile can make me smile too. So, will you smile for me?" Nico-chan said.

I smiled and said cheerfully, "I would do anything for you, Nico-chan."

Nico-chan smiled back. "I finally made you say that. What if I told you to wear a panda costume? Would you do that for me?"

My eyes widen a bit. "Well, since I said I would do anything for you, I'll wear a panda costume for you." I said.

"Really?" Nico-chan exclaimed. I nodded. "Yay! Then wear a panda costume later at practice time." Nico-chan said.

"What?!" I exclaimed. Nico-chan looked at me. "You said you would do anything for me, right?"

I sighed. "Y-yeah."

I have no choice but to do it later. We reached the school in time. Thank goodness we're not late.

We spotted Hanayo and the others laughing together by the gate.

"Morning." I greeted them. Nico-chan did the same.

"Why did the two of you come to school together? Is there something going on with you two?" Nozomi asked.

"Maybe you two have developed mutual feelings for each other. That's why you two came to school to each other." Honoka suggested.

"What?! Mutual feelings?!" I exclaimed.

"I never even liked her. Geez, Honoka. You know me and Maki always fight each other, right?" Nico-chan said.

I felt a heavy feeling in my chest. Pain, I think.

"That's it. I'm going to class. I don't want to be late. See yah." I said, starting to walk towards the classroom.

"Maki-chan! Wait for us!" Hanayo shouted after me. I stopped from walking and waited for Rin and Hanayo to catch up.

Nico-chan never even liked me? How stupid of me. I shouldn't have fallen for her.

While I was deep in thought, my phone rang. I recieved a text message from Nico-chan.


From: Nico-chan

Maki-chan, I didn't mean to say that. The truth is, I really like you. I was just acting so that Nozomi and the others won't know our little secret.


I felt guilt in my chest. I decided to reply a message to Nico-chan.


To: Nico-chan

I'm sorry, Nico-chan. Want me to make it up to you? Meet me by the music room at lunch. Your lunch is my treat.


I sat in my usual seat and waited for an answer. I smiled when Nico-chan replied.


From: Nico-chan

Sure thing. :) But what will I do with the lunch I brought?


Nico-chan brought lunch? Maybe it's in her bag.


To: Nico-chan

Well, we can eat it too if you want. I would love to taste the food you've cooked.


What did I just say? I sighed. I guess it can't be helped then.

"Hey, Maki-chan? You're smiling like crazy while looking at your phone nyah." Rin tapped my shoulder.

"Huh? Oh, nevermind. Is there something wrong with smiling?" I said.

"Uhh. None nyah. It's the first time I've seen you smile like that nyah." Rin replied.

I felt my face heat up. Am I really smiling? Nico-chan didn't reply to my message anymore. I wonder what happened.

Our homeroom teacher arrived a few minutes later. I put my phone back in my bag because it might get confiscated.

As usual, I'm active in class. Rin and Hanayo are active too. This is the first time I've seen those two active in class. That made me smile a bit.

~~timeskip to lunch~~

I waited by the music room. I just stood there waiting for Nico-chan. She arrived a few minutes later. I saw that she brought her packed lunch.

"Come on, I'll buy you lunch." I started to walk but Nico-chan held my hand.

"No need, Maki-chan. I brought lunch for the two of us." Nico-chan said.

I blushed. "So, where do you want to eat lunch?" I asked, still blushing.

"Hmmm. I know! Let's eat at the rooftop. Is that fine?" Nico-chan suggested.

"Sure." I replied. We went to the rooftop and saw that no one's there.

"Good. No one's here." I heard Nico-chan said.

We sat down and Nico-chan unwrapped the bento box she brought.

Nico-chan gave one to me and I opened it. My eyes widen a little when I saw the food inside.

"You seem pretty suprised there, Maki-chan." Nico-chan said.

"W-what?" I said, confused. Nico-chan sighed.

"Let's just eat." She opened hers and I saw it has the same contents as mine.

"Thank you for the food." We both said at the same time. Nico-chan handed me a pair of chopsticks and I started eating.

We were silently eating until Nico-chan grabbed my ribbon and kissed me. The kiss was so passionate and that made me close my eyes and moan a little.

I held onto Nico-chan's sleeve to prevent myself from lying down. But, Nico-chan pushed me and now, Nico-chan's on top of me.

I broke from the kiss gasping for breath. "Nico-chan..." I whispered.

Nico-chan leaned over me and whispered, "What is it, Maki-chan?"

I touched her cheek and gave her a kiss. "I love you, Nico-chan."

Nico-chan smiled. "I already know that, Maki-chan." She kissed me again, this time on my neck.

"Ahh. Nico-chan... Ahh." I moaned as Nico-chan continued kissing my neck.

"Do you like it, Maki-chan?" Nico-chan whispered.

"More than that. I loved it." I whispered back.

It was then I realized. I fell in love with my senior. And my beloved senior loves me back.



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