Chapter 2

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Maki Nishikino's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling very feverish. I tossed and turned in my bed. I looked at my alarm clock. 6:30am. I rubbed my temples and groaned.

"Great. I can't go to school today. What bad luck." I whispered to myself. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. After a while, I covered myself with my blanket.

Someone knocked on my door. "Come in. It's open." I said, almost shouting.

"Maki, get up already. You're gonna be late for school. This isn't like you, sweetheart." Mom said.

"I can't go to school, Mom. I'm not feeling well." That's all I can say. Mom walked towards my bed and sat. She touched my forehead.

"Oh my. Maki, you have a high fever. I'll call the school to let them know, okay?" Mom said, worried.

I just nodded. Mom kissed my forehead. I smiled weakly at her. She then left my room.

I really need to rest.


Hanayo Koizumi's POV

I stood here with Rin-chan waiting for Maki-chan to arrive. "That's very unusual nyah. Maki-chan's always the first one to arrive here at school nyah. I wonder what's up nyah." Rin-chan said.

"Maybe she's not feeling well, Rin-chan. Remember what happened yesterday?" I said to Rin-chan.

"Hmmm. Maybe you're right nyah." That was all Rin-chan said.

I spotted Honoka-chan and the other second years across the street. Rin-chan and I waved at them and Honoka-chan waved back. They crossed the street and went towards us.

"Good morning, Hanayo-chan. Good morning, Rin-chan." Kotori-chan greeted us. Umi-chan and Honoka-chan did the same. We greeted back with a smile.

"Huh? Where's Maki?" Umi-chan asked. I shrugged. "We don't know either." I said.

"Why don't you call her nyah? Maybe she just slept in." Rin-chan suggested.

"Okay." Was my only response. I dialed Maki-chan. After a few rings, she picked up.


Maki-chan's voice sounded weak.

"Umm. Maki-chan?"

"What is it, Hanayo?"

"Are you alright? Will you be able to come to school today?"

"Sorry, Hanayo. I can't come to school today. I have a high fever. Mom said that I should rest this day."

"Is that so? Oh, okay. Get a lot of rest, Maki-chan."

"Okay. Thanks, Hanayo."

"And, oh, Maki-chan?"


"Can we come visit you later after school?"

There was silence on the other line.

"Sure. You can come. But only you and Rin can come, okay? I don't want the other members of μ's to come."

"Okay, Maki-chan. Bye."


I hanged up. I turned to Rin-chan and the others. "She won't be able to come to school today. Maki-chan said she has a high fever." I said.

"It's best to let her rest. Come on, let's get going. We'll be late for class." Umi-chan said. We went to our own respective classrooms afterwards.

The class is very different without Maki-chan. I kept looking at the vacant chair beside the window. In other words, I can't concentrate this whole day.

After our classes, we went to the rooftop to practice. When we told Nozomi-chan and the other third years that Maki isn't around, Eli-chan suggested one thing.

"Why don't we all skip idol practice and visit Maki? Let's go and see if she's okay by now." Eli-chan said.

Me and Rin-chan looked at each other. "Ummm. Eli-chan?" I started. "Yes?" Eli-chan asked.

"Maki-chan said that only Rin-chan and I can visit her. She said no particular reason why she only wants the two of us to visit her." I explained.

"Is that so?" Eli-chan asked. I nodded. I saw Nico-chan leaning against the wall. "This is Maki we're talking about. She's just too shy to see all our faces. That's why she only wants Rin and Hanayo to come." She said.

"Nicochi is right. Let's go visit her." Nozomi-chan said. "Okay. I'm sure Maki-chan wouldn't mind." I said.

"Come on, let's go!" Honoka-chan shouted. Nico-chan covered her ears with her hands. "You don't have to shout, Honoka. Geez." I heard her say.

We walked for 20 minutes and finally reached Maki-chan's house. I mean, mansion.

I looked at everyone else. They all looked very suprised to see how big Maki-chan's house is. I rang the doorbell and waited for someone to answer.

Maki Nishikino's POV

I was in the living room when the doorbell rang. I was about to go to my room when I heard Mom shout, "Can you go see who rang the doorbell, sweetheart? I'm doing something."

I sighed. "Okay, Mom." I shouted back. Good thing I'm feeling a little better now. I made my way to the front door and opened it. I was pretty suprised who it was.

"Maki-chan!" Honoka shouted. Great. They're all here. I guess I have no choice but to let them in.

I opened the gate and let them in. "Are you feeling better now, Maki-chan?" Nozomi asked me.

"A little." I replied.


"Well, we should get going guys. Maki still need to rest." Eli said. The other members agreed.

"Bye, Maki-chan. Hope you can go to school tomorrow." Hanayo said to me. I just nodded in response. I escorted them to the front door and watched them leave. I saw Nico-chan stopped from walking and went back to our gate.

"Nico-chan?" I called to her. She walked towards me and held my right hand with her both hands. I can feel my face heating up.

"Maki-chan." I heard her say my name. That's the first time I ever heard Nico-chan call me Maki-chan.

"I-is s-something w-wrong, N-nico-chan?" I asked a little nervous.

"Oh, it's nothing, Maki-chan." She replied. I swear I saw her smirk.

"Maki-chan. Do you have a crush on me?" Nico-chan asked me. I backed down a little.

"W-what?! N-no, I d-don't h-have a c-crush on y-you!" I said, stammering a little while shaking my head.

Nico-chan locked her red eyes on my amethyst ones. "Just admit it, Maki-chan. You don't need to hide it anymore." She said seriously.

I looked away. "I told you I don't have a crush on you." I whispered.

There was silence between us for a while. "Maki-chan, look this way." Nico-chan said breaking the silence.

"Huh? Wh-" I cut off when Nico-chan's lips met mine. But I kinda like the taste of Nico-chan's soft lips on mine.

1 minute..

2 minutes..

3 minutes..

I broke from the kiss gasping for breath. Nico-chan smiled at me.

"Admit it, Maki-chan. You liked that kiss." Nico-chan said, smirking.

I just realized something. Nico-chan's my first kiss!!

"Nico-chan, you idiot! You stole away my first kiss! How mean!" I exclaimed, blushing.

Nico-chan gave me another kiss, this time only on my cheek. I blushed even harder.

"Maki-chan, your face is as red as a tomato!" She teased.

Argh! What an idiot am I! But I gotta admit, I liked my private moment with Nico-chan. That made me smile.

Thank you, Nico-chan. You made me feel better.



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