Chapter 5

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Nico Yazawa's POV

I heard someone at my door. When I opened it, I saw it was Maki-chan. She's panting and wait. Is she crying?

"Maki-chan wh-" Maki-chan cut me off when she hugged me and let her tears flow.

I looked around and saw no one else. I comforted Maki-chan a bit. "Maki-chan, come on, let's go inside." I said.

Maki-chan nodded. We both went inside and let Maki-chan sit on the couch. I sat down beside her.

I held her right hand. "What's wrong, Maki-chan? Why are you crying?" I asked her.

Maki-chan stopped from crying to answer me.

"Papa said something to me." She answered.

I gently touched Maki-chan's cheek. "Tell me, what is it?" I asked.

Maki-chan looked at me with teary eyes. Then she hugged me.

"Nico-chan, Papa said... that.. I.. need to..marry.. a man.. that he chose..." She said.

What the hell?! Marry a man she don't know?! Is her dad kidding me?!

"What?! But why?!" I exclaimed. Maki-chan just shook her head. "I don't want that to happen. I just.. I love you more than anything in the world." Maki-chan said, wiping her tears.

I can feel tears welling up in my eyes. "I don't want that to happen either! I want to be with you forever!" I cried. Maki-chan started crying again.

We cried for an hour, I think. I felt a weight on my shoulder. "Maki-chan?" I whispered. No answer.

When I looked, I saw she was already fast asleep.

She must have fallen asleep while crying. I better let her stay the night.

I gently laid down Maki-chan on the couch. I went to my room to get Maki-chan a pillow and blanket.

Good thing my siblings aren't here. They'll be staying over Mom's house. It's just me and Maki-chan here.

Wait, what? Only me and Maki-chan?! I pinched myself.

Nico, what are you thinking about? Geez. I didn't know you want that. And besides, Maki-chan came to you, crying. So don't even think about doing it.

"My inner voice is right. I need to stop thinking about it." I said to myself.

"Thinking about what?" I was suprised when Maki-chan stood up, rubbing her eyes.

I sweatdropped. Aww, geez. I shouldn't have said that out loud.

"Oh, it's nothing, Maki-chan." I said, smiling. Maki-chan smiled a bit. At least I made her smile after all that crying.

I gave Maki-chan the pillow and the blanket. "What's this for?" She asked me.

"Well, if you want to stay the night, you can. But if you don't, then I'll not force you to stay over." I said.

"Sure. I want to." Maki-chan said. I smiled again.

"What time is it already?" I asked. Maki-chan brought out her phone from her pocket.

"6:49pm. It's still pretty early." Maki-chan said. She then put down her phone on the table.

I sat down beside her and put my hand on top of Maki-chan's hand.

"Are you okay now?" I asked her. Maki-chan looked at me and nodded. Good. At least Maki-chan's okay.

"By the way, where are your siblings?" Maki-chan asked. "They're at Mom's house. They will be staying there tonight." I replied.

There was this silence between us. "Nico-chan?" Maki said my name. "Hmm?" I murmured.

"What do you plan to do when you graduate?" She asked. I stood up.

"Of course be a professional idol! I'll continue what I started. 'Nico Nico nii' will be the most known phrase in the world. I'll make sure that will happen." I boasted.

I saw sadness in Maki-chan's eyes. I kneeled before her and looked her straight in the eyes.

"Something wrong?" I asked with concern in my voice. Maki-chan just shook her head.

"How about you, Maki-chan? What will you do when you graduate?"

"I don't have any choice but to become a doctor." Was Maki-chan's only answer. I can tell that she's kinda sad when she said that.

I sighed. I guess if that's what her parents want, I can't do anything. "Tell me, do you really want to become a doctor?" I said.

"It's my parents' decision. I can't argue with it." Maki-chan answered.

I held her cheek. "I'm asking you, Maki-chan. Not your parents. Now, tell me the truth. Do you want to become a doctor?" I said, this time with firmness in my voice.

"Actually, I don't like to become a doctor. I badly want to become a music composer but since I'm the only daughter of the Nishikino family, my parents said I need to become a doctor." Maki-chan said.

"You can't let them control your life, Maki-chan. You have your own life." I said.

"I know but-" I cut her off before she can say anything else by kissing her on the lips.

I broke from the kiss and held Maki-chan's hands. "Don't hesitate to speak what your heart says to you. Just try to talk to your parents about your future. Tell them that you want to become a music composer." I said.

Maki-chan looked away. I saw that tears are forming in Maki-chan's eyes. I hugged her tight before her tears flowed.

"Don't worry, Maki-chan. I'll still love you whatever you'll become in the future. Either a doctor or a music composer, I'll still love you. Also, don't forget, my heart belongs to you. You're the only one that made my heart beat fast." I whispered.

"Really? Is that true, Nico-chan?" Maki-chan whispered back. I grinned. "Of course. And when the time comes, I'll sweep you off of your feet. I'll express my love for you through singing. Besides, you're my inspiration." I said.

Maki-chan laughed softly. "I'm glad to hear that. Thank you for saying all of that to me, Nico-chan." She said.

"Now, don't cry. Crying doesn't suit you. Smiling does." I said, with a grin on my face.

"Geez. Okay fine." Maki-chan smiled. I stood up and went to the kitchen. "So, do you want to help me cook dinner, Maki-chan? We still haven't eaten anything this evening." I asked Maki-chan.

Maki-chan stood from where she's sitiing. "Sure thing." She replied. I smiled.


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