Happy Ending... Right? Part 1

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Me: Hey guys!! I'm back with my last chapter for this book.. I'm glad... Anyways.... Let's start the chapter.. *crying* You guys are sooo nice! Thanks for reading this....


Aphrodi's POV

Well... where do I start.... It's already 11 years since me and Ichirouta started dating and it's our anniversary.. Isn't that surprising? Right now we're at the same place we were set up on a date hand in hand. It was perfect. We didn't care if people didn't like the fact that we're dating. So far I think Ichirouta doesn't know what date it is today.. It hurts but whatever... At least I'm with him. We stopped for a while and I immediately recognized the area this was the place where me and Ichirouta officially became a couple I looked at Ichirouta and saw him staring at the sky. The sun was setting and it was in the same situation as when we became an item. Just then he kneeled in front of me holding a ring I gaped at the sight. "Terumi." he started "For being together with you for 11 years I was really happy. But right now I want something more. Afuro Terumi will you make me the happiest person ever and marry me?" As he said the  last sentence I let my tears stream down and hugged him. "Yes! Of course I will!" As I said he looked happy and kissed me I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck while his arms were around my waist.  We parted but we still had eachother in our arms. Little did I know something was gonna happen.


Ashita's POV

Well..  This is news. Terumi and Kazemaru are getting married.. Yay! So... What would happen? Anyways I'm with Terumi helping plan his wedding. Ugh... So bored...  I was slumping on the couch just being a couch potato. I sigh at myself 'What am I gonna do?! I don't have anything to do right now....... Wahhh!!!! 'I mentally facepalmed at what I just told myself... I am such an idiot sometimes.. Anyways back to the issue I cannot even know what to do..... Help me!! I kept on changing positions wondering what I have to do to cure my boredom. "Ash what are you doing?" Terumi  asks looking at me amused. "Bored. So bored.." I say with a hint of annoyance. This is seriously pissing me off. Terumi chuckles still looking at me with a smile on his lips. "What?" I say. " Oh nothing. Just wondering why you have a picture of Tavi in your phone." He says teasingly as I blushed dark red. Tavi is actually my lover. Nobody knows about it since I kept it a secret. "S-so.. What if I actually do? What will you do about it?" I say dangerously. He just chucked looking back at the laptop. "You two are really cute together.. You should try spending more time together." He says, I blushed redder (I-is that even possible?!) I ignored it and continued to look at my laptop typing and organizing things. After for what seemed years we finally finished and Terumi left. I sighed smiling to myself. 'At last.. My brother found the perfect one. But.. I think something will happen... But what?' I sighed again and went to sleep falling into oblivion.

Kazemaru's POV

'No.. This isn't true.... Why would this happen?!' I looked at my book and smiled at myself. It was so weird... They were about to get married but something happened. The book really does give me so much emotions. I actually felt as if it was happening to me. I looked at my phone and saw it was ringing with Terumi's caller ID. I'm really lucky to have him and I'm really happy that we can close the gap we didn't know we had. I answered his call and grinned from ear to ear. He really makes me happy. "Hey Teru!" I smiled wider as I heard him chuckle om the other line. " Ichirouta.. What are you doing?"  he says I smiled and say in a teasing tone. "Oh nothing~ Just talking to my spouse~." I smirked as I was sure he was blushing red. "K-keep quiet! I'm with my family members! I haven't told them that yet!" He whisper shouted I looked surprised. "Oh really~? I should  say that myself~!" I say again still in a teasing tone. "Ichirouta!!" 'Hehe.. Just what I wanted. He already shouted my name." I smirked as I heard another voice. "Terumi? Who's Ichirouta?" I think that was his father after that I heard Terumi reply " U-uh.... Ichirouta I'm ending this call.... I'll need to explain who you are now.. Thanks so much." He said as I chuckle and smile. "Bye love." I say smiling as he ended the call after that I called Ashita. She picked up and said. "Yo Ichirouta." She giggled as she whispered. "Hey. Is Terumi already explaining?" "Nope. Not yet.. You wanna listen?" "Yeah.... Please let me." She giggles. "Hai hai." Just as she said that I heard the same voice. "So Terumi. Who's this Ichirouta kid?" "Ichirouta as in Kazemaru Ichirouta?!" I heard a more feminine voice. "Y-yes.." Terumi answers. "I thought we should call others by their last names? Isn't that weird? Terumi did he tell you to call him by his first name? Cause I actually know he is now engaged..." Another voice answers.  "Well.. He's actually...' Terumi starts. "He what?" the voices said. "He's actually engaged with me..." 3...2...1.. "What?!?!" They all say except Ashita and Terumi. Ashita giggles "Aww.." Ashita says. "Ashita what's with the smirk?!" Terumi asks probably flushed. "Oh nothing~ Just wondering what Kaze-kun is thinking while listening to you explain~!"

Aphrodi's POV

As I heard those words come out my sister's name I blushed dark red. "Wh-what?! How?! " I stammered as my face continued to turn redder every moment. My sister giggled as she hold up her phone putting it on speaker mode at that time I realized Ichirouta was listening the whole time.  Then I heard the voice speak "Hey Teru-chan! " Ichirouta's voice was heard by everyone in the table and exchanged glances from Ashita's phone to my own.

Me: Thanks everyone! I hope you like the chapter the next one is going to get updated next week more or less ...
Kazemaru: *chuckling*
Aphrodi: *he was blushing red*
Mizuki: *looking at Aphrodi* That is amazing.  *she takes pictures of Aphrodi blushing red*
Me: Word count is 1045 thanks for reading! If you guys have any suggestions for stories,books,or chapters please tell me or maybe pm me, I will gladly do your requests if you want me to.

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