Happy Ending..... Right? Part 2

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Me: Last chapter guys...! I think...
Mizuki: *she hits Michi's head*
Me: Ouchie!
Mizuki: That is for keeping your followers waiting! Tch.
Me: She's so violent. *she cries anime style* gomen ne minna!! Oh by the way there might be some mentions of sex and stuff so beware..


Aphrodi's POV

I felt my face heating up as I heard the words Ichirouta said my family looked at me with wide eyes with Ashita smirking I felt as if I was in an endless deep hole. "So.... You're engaged now...?" My mother asks, I nodded still blushing. I looked up and see that Ashita was talking to Ichirouta while eyeing me. I felt like I was the prey here... I sigh.. This is going to be a long week. I smiled to myself as something came to mind. I smirked inwardly. Ichirouta would be surprised by this. I walked away from the dining table after wiping my face and washing my hands. I'll make it his best yet most torturous night of all. I giggled softly as I started to change my clothes (I dressed like a girl to you know.. confuse the others.) After I finished I quickly put on some boots and tied my hair into a high ponytail leaving my fringe out. I walked to the pharmacy as I bought some lube. It's going to be an intense night and a painful morning tomorrow for me... I sighed as I payed for the things I got which was literally just lube and walked back home. I changed as quickly as I can and went to my computer starting to order a slutty maid outfit which might just make it a turn on. Perfect. It can be delivered today. I smirked inwardly as a gleam appeared in my eyes.

==TIMESKIP ~Brought to you by: Nagumo==

Everything was now complete. To be honest with you my family just went to my house to eat with me. I moved out when me and Ichirouta already started going out for 3 years. I placed the rose petals on the bed and put the lit candles also. I then proceeded to the kitchen and started to cook for our dinner. Dessert will be served in the bed room. Just as I finished setting up for our dinner I lit the candles on the table and waited for my lover. A few minutes later he came in with a smile I welcomed him kissing him om the cheek on the process. We both started eating and talked about what happened after that I asked him to go to the bedroom after ten minutes which was just enough time to put on my slutty outfit. He came in our bedroom with a surprised look and our night began.

==TimeSkip: Morning==

Kazemaru's POV

I never really thought Terumi would go that far... Last night was amazing yet torturous. I looked at the sleeping figure beside me his arms wrapped around my waist his head on my chest. He looked heavenly, he really did look like a god.. A very majestic one. Even the goddess Aphrodite would be jealous of him. I smiled at him as he stirred from his sleep. I planted a kiss on his cheek as he looks at me. "Did you really have to do that?" I asked looking at him in the eyes. It wasn't our first time and it was great but I have a feeling he had a secret to tell me. "Well I just wanted to.... I was curious as to how you would react." He blushed as he fiddled with his fingers. I smiled at him placing a kiss at his forehead as I started touching the red marks and love bites I've given him that night. "You were wonderful. You never cease to surprise me, my love." I said sincerely as I watched his face turn bright red. I'll never let him go.

Me: This is the end of the book guys! The word count is 662. Thank you so much for your continuing support and if you actually thought the chapter was supposed to have angst well... sorry. I have no taste of sadness in stories just yet. I'll see you all. Happy new year everybody! Peace out!

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