Jay-'sorry veer'

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Next day bani was sleeping near veer

Veer open his eyes n was adorably looking at bani

Bani was holding his hand n sleeping

Veer-(to himself) sweetheart just look at u u r not leaving leaving my hand for a second then how will I believe that u don't love me.

Bani wake up bt veer pretended to be sleeping

Bani-(to herself)I slept here??

Bani was adorably looking at veer

B-(kissing his forehead) good morning sweetheart . Tume pata hai jab time sote ho toa cute lakte ho.(Caring his hair) bt jab bat karate ho toa aur bhi cute lakte ho.😘

Veer was very happy listening it 😁

B- u know wat u r the best person anyone could have . Like the way u love,care for someone it's just awesome. U know wat I really .......... Just leave it.

She was leaving while veer pull her

V- y leave ha tell ???😉
B- u were sleeping then 😳
V- no sweetheart I was not 😉😉
B- that's means u were fooling me .

Veer pull her
V- complete the sentence I really......(near her ears)🥰
B-(blushing) no veer nothing please leave me na please I have to go hostel
V- y sweetheart??
B- I think u forgot that  u r in hospital

Veer realised that he was in hospital so he leave her hand

V- kk go bt u have to tell that 3magical words k
B- kk I will

Then bani left

Outside the room

Jay n vansh were having tea

Jay-bani u wanna have tea??
B- no no
Vansh- then wat will u have ??
B- I don't wanna have anything I will like to go hostel
Va- k
B- bt before that jay, won't u meet veer ?

Jay was silent

Va- ya Jay u must meet him
J- bt??
B- see yesterday u didn't wanna meet him becoz u were ashamed bt today please meet him he will be happy
Va- ya Jay she is right

Then vansh,bani n Jay enter the room

Veer was resting. Bani went near him

B- veer
    Veer open his eyes he was shock to see Jay

B- actually I told Jay to see u
V- oooo

V- o Jay u came to see me bt still u r standing there like a status. 😅😅 Chot mujhe lagi hai bt side effect tujhe ho gayi ye 😅😅🤣🤣

Jay was overwhelmed by veer behavior that he still consider him as brother.

Jay come holding his ears

J- I m so sorry veer(with ears)
V- ya that u should be
J- I didn't trust u I trust that Priyanka n Arijit

Veer make a sign to Jay n vansh that bani don't know anything

B-(looking at veer) I Know everything they told me 😒

Veer gave a look to Jay n vansh

J- I m so bad even knowing that my best friend can never hurt me I still didn't trust u. Instead I fought with u (crying)😭
V- oi how dare u(angrily)😡

Now vansh n bani were thinking y is he angry

J- I m really sorry
V- u should be u know y becoz u call urself bad and cry. Stop it or else I will kill u 😡😅🤣.
J- please forgive me
V- I was never angry with u it's just that u don't talk with me so I too. N wase bhi dosti me toa fight hoti hi ha na??

Jay hug veer (concernly that his left hand was injury)

J- I m sorry (crying) 😭
V- now r u gonna kiss me too. Leave me now my girlfriend is already here
Jay broke the hug 🤣

Bani giving a look to veer

V- offcourse bani u r my girlfriend na u r my Friend n a girl so girl-friend😅

Saying this all the three boys laugh🤣

B-( to the boys) obviously now toa u guys will laugh since u have each other bt Don't worry my girls will also come that time we will see u guys 😒
V- kk that time u see bt u were going na then
B- o ya I forgot I will go to hostel
Va- no bani u will go home
B- huh??
Va- yes riddhu has told me to drop u at her home all the girls r there
B- k

While leaving,veer call bani
V- sweetheart
Bani turned back
B- yes
V-(with a flying kiss) bye take care
B- u too

Saying this vansh n bani left
Jay was staying with veer

V- u won't go idot 😅😅
J- veer
V- kk sorry
J- actually I will go when vansh come we can't leave u alone
V- oi m I a baby that i need to babysitter
J- no veer boss u r not a baby bt it's just that someone has to be with u
V- acha k
J- btw u r very lucky
V- y ???
J- becoz u have bani in ur life. Like the way she care for u n not only u bt the people surrounded by u  like ur sister,friends. She is just perfect for u n she really loves u too
V- ha lucky Hoon mein bt woh bohot lucky hai
J- kyu
V- kyu ki me uske life me Hoon

Saying this both laugh🤣🤣

J- tu kabhi nahi suderga na
V- kabhi nahi

V- (in mind) ab toa Jay ko bhi dikta hai ki bani mujhe pyar karati hai pata nahi who kab mujhe batayi gi

Scene change bani reach riddhu house

(The girls didn't went to hostel becoz it was late night + they were tired
So balwant told them to rest at home n no need to come to college today)

Bani- girls I m back

Riddhu saw her n went to her n hug here

R- how is Bhai now
B- he is fine now

Arrohi n vidhi came

A- who is with him in the hospital ??
B- Jai

The girls were shock that how comes Jay n veer together. Bani told them the whole story

A- finally Bhai n veer r friend
Va- ya finally our group is complete the 4stars

V- bani u must be tired na go n take rest
B- yes I will first go n freshen up
R- k we will keep breakfast for u
B- k

Then bani went

Riddhu came near vansh

R- how r u now
Va- I m fine n u
R- me too
Va- bt ur dark circles do not say that
R-(hitting him on his chest) stop it vansh . Anyway have u done ur breakfast
Va- not yet
R- k then come n do with us
Va- no no first I have to go home

(his parents too live in Delhi,k guys I forgot to inform bt they all live n study in Delhi except for bani n vidhi
Vidhi parents live in Bengaluru n bani parents live in Mumbai)

R- bt
Va- riddhu sorry bt first I need to go home n then hospital so that jay can also go to his home so I don't have time
R- k bt take rest

Then vansh went to his home

Riddhu to vidhi- I think I will go n meet Bhai u please stay with bani n arrohi
Vi- riddhu I know u wanna meet veer bt if u don't mind can I go n meet him
Vi- please riddhu there r some misunderstanding that needs to be clear
Ri- k u go we will come around lunch time
Vi- k

Then vidhi went to meet veer

A- y did u let her go alone??
Ri- becoz I know she wanna clear out things between bani n Bhai
A- meaning
Vi- from that time when we have returned from hospital I have seen that vidhi was somehow lost she was not able to concentrate on anything she do
A- then how is it connecting to veer
R- k let me tell u


After coming from hospital vidhi was lost in her though . Riddhu saw her
R- wat happen vidhi ?where r u lost?
Vi- nothing
Ri- vidhi I can see that u r tens
Vi- hmm. Actually I m very guilty (she start crying)
Ri- vidhi stop crying please
Vi-becoz of me veer is in hospital is I didn't told bani that I love veer than she won't have break up n hurt him than veer won't have been angry with her n all this won't have been happened.

Ri- (consoling) no no vidhi stop crying (hugging her) it's not becoz of u k understand (broke the hug , wiping her eyes) its just the situation that have created so u don't need to take all the blame on urself understand
Vi- hmm
R- can I ask u something
Vi- yes sure
Ri- do u still love Bhai
Vi- hmm.
Ri- please tell me no need to lie
Vi- I do love him bt not more than the love that bani has for him
R- vidhi...(hug her)
Vi- I would never come between them

Flashback end

Ri-this was wat happen

A- k

Scene change hospital

Vidhi enter veer room she saw veer n Jay were chilling . Veer saw her

V- hi vidhi

Jay turn back to see her

Vi- hi veer. Hi Jay
J- hi vidhi! U here
Vi- ya actually I came to meet veer
V- oh so sweet of u. Come n sit her (pointing towards a chair near the bed)

Vidhi came n seat
J- k veer since vidhi is here I would like to go home
V- y u r shy(teasing)😏
J-stop it . I have to go home n freshen up just look at me I look so mess up
V- woh toa tu hai 😅🤣
J- shut up . K bye guys
V- bye
J- take care veer

Telling this Jay went

V- so wats up vidhi??
Vi- nothing much just came to visit u
V- k so where r the others
Vi-they r Making lunch for u n so   they will bring the lunch n come around lunch time
V- ooo k
Vi-r u fine now?? I mean it is paining
V- I m fine bt ya this hand(showing his left hand)look na it's feels so irritating with this bandage
Vi- wat to do u have to
V- ya

They was a long pause as both were thinking wat to speak

V-(in mind) wat will I talk with her she is so busy in her book so I don't know wat she like to talk . If I started to talk about books then I will feel sleepy🤣🤣

Veer was thinking n the silence was broke my vidhi

V- yes
Vi- actually I came to tell u something
V- ya sure go on feel free
Vi- actually the thing is veer
Then she told him the truth y bani behave so rude in the date n how she hurt him for her

Veer was shock to hear this

Vi- I m so sorry veer I didn't knew that bani love u if I knew I will have never told her. Directly or indirectly I have come between u guys bt trust me I would never want to come between u too

Veer was silent

Vi- veer please say something

Veer was quiet then vidhi thought of leaving . When veer saw her leaving

V- do u still love me???

Vidhi turned back to see him

(Guys veer ask this becoz offcourse when we know that someone love us we want to know y they do, so veer is just asking so don't take him wrong)

Scene change

At riddhu house

Bani was done doing her personal stuff like bathing n all

She came to the living area bt didn't find anyone so she went to the kitchen.She saw riddhu n arrohi chopping some vegetables.

B- girls for wat r u doing chopping this Vegetables?
R- ooo u r done
B- yes
A- actually we r gonna make vegetable soup for veer he is in the hospital so
B- ooo acha. Btw where is vidhi
R- she went to meet veer
B- oooo k

A- don't u feel insecure that vidhi were to meet veer alone
B- y will I
R- becoz we all know that vidhi do feel for Bhai na
B- I know n I respect it. N no need to be jealous she herself told that she will never come between us n honestly speaking I know things r right now complicated but no need to worry

Seeing how much bani respect vidhi's feeling  n trust veer arrohi n riddhu were so happy

Directly at lunch

Vidhi n veer were in the hospital n so all of them came to meet him

Want to know wat were veer n vidhi talking??

Keep reading

Interesting moments coming

Thank u 😊😘

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