revealing the past

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Bani was seating in the chair while vansh n Jay came n seated with her

J- k we will tell u
Va-see bani veer took a promise from me by still I m gonna tell u becoz I know u will handle veer with care. N honestly speaking only u can handle his mood swings

Then vansh n Jay told her

Va- to know the truth we have to start from the beginning

         Veer n Jay know each other from childhood n were best friends . I know them from class7.

Veer,Jay ,me n arrohi were bestest of friends n were call  4stars. We had our own band. Everyone loves us so much expect for Arijit n his Co call friends . Bt Arijit hated us alot especially he hated the friendship of veer n Jay becoz he was litterally jealous of them. We were the unstoppable it was like we 4  rule the whole school seeing this Arijit wanted to destroy us he thought  if veer n Jay friendship breaks than automatically all the 4 will also break as arrohi n Jay were siblings so if Jay leave our group arrohi will definitely leave the group too

      So he made an evil plan to bring a girl between veer n Jay. Her name was Priyanka Sharma she was Arijit n Karishma friend bt we didn't knew.

                Priyanka Sharma

(Fashion diva of the school. She was rude arrogant bt acted as simple n innocent)

  It was actually in the year when we became class 10 . All of us were super excited as we were now senior n thought that we will make class 10 the best memories bt actually it became the worst. 

Jay- Priyanka was a new students in the class. I had fallen in love with her the moment I saw her. She had no friends so I told veer n others to let's be friends with her. At first they were not agreeing bt later for me they agree.

     Then we became first then we started to spend time 2gether n have alot of fun 2gether . Then we become too good friends I spend almost all of my time with her only . Slowly veer n all got to know that I love her . Veer being the love guru of our school(😅) decided to help me . He help me with how to propose her. On her birthday after alot of courage  I propose her n she accept it . Everything was good after that all of us had great time with then till on farewell

Priyank- veer please leave me I m ur best friend gf please don't kiss me (holding her hand🙏🙏)
Veer- no I don't care I want the kiss right  I don't care who the hell Jay is
P- veer please leave me please ( crying)
Flashback end

J- I saw the video n I was so angry bt I knew that veer can never hurt me n so I decided to talk to him first

When I was going to meet veer I saw Priyanka was standing there crying I went to ask her

J- wat happen Priyanka
P- Jay (crying) veer try to molest me
J- no no veer can't (still not believing)
P- (showing her the fake injuries) see this, u still think I m lying
J-(fuming in anger) u didn't did good veer I will kill u
P(in her mind) veer u rejected me na now see ur friend will reject ur friendship n chose me 

Va-Actually wat happen was Priyanka was doing this all drama when  she really fell in love bt not with Jay bt with veer. She love veer alot or should I say she was obsessed to him.

Wat actually happened was


P- veer I really love u (holding his hand,)
V- how dare u ha u r in relationship with my best friend n u love me . I will now go n tell Jay the truth.(trying to remove her hand)
P- no veer please I don't loves jay please I went on relationship with jay  only to get close with u please don't leave(crying)
Now jay was searching veer in all the school ground

He heard some foot steps he turn back n he saw some goons ( send by Arijit). The goons started to beat him very badly he was crying in pain by no one could hear his voice
After beating him

The goon no 1- now tell veer boss that Jay is badly injured he can die anytime

Jay was listening to them. He was shock

Jay (in mind)-veer y did u do this ha  If u told me that u love Priyanka I will have backstep my feelings y did u do all that drama that u bring us together

Goon2- k our work is done now just few more hours n he will die .

(It was Arijit plan everything was plan by him even the goons were send by him)

Now jay was lying unconscious

Flashback end

Vansh-Arijit was waking that way when he saw Jay lying there in pain .

He then took him to hospital n do all that drama n become in good books of Jay .

B- y didn't u guys try to find out where was jay??
Va- actually a message was send by Jay to veer saying that he is going to Bengaluru for some work n that no one should disturb him. N therefore we didn't try to find about it .

B-after that

Va- after 1week Jay came to the school .  We were practicing for songs when he came he directly went towards veer

Flashback ..

He directly went towards veer n gave veer a punch 👊👊 ..

All of them shock

J- Mr veer I m still alive( angrily)
V- Jay y did u punch me n y r u speaking with me so rudely .
J- u don't know y(again he push him n 👊 punch .

Now veer was super angry

Veer holding his collar .

V- y r u beating me without any reason.
J- really veer

Jay show him the video

V- no Jay it's not true I didn't say all this trust me
J- trust u how can I trust a man who send goons to kill me u call me ur so call bff
V- wat r u talking about ??goons? I never send any goons??
J- waww veer (clapping his hand) u even lying now also. See all this(showing all the wounds)

Now arrohi n vansh were too tens

A-bhai r u k ??
Va- ya Jay who did all this??.
J-(pointing at veer) he did it
V- no vansh I didn't + I don't even Know wat u r taking about k

Then he call the goons +Priyanka+Arijit

Va- wat is all this ha .
A- ya Bhai
J- u guys don't believe me na wait

He hold the goons by their colllars n ask them who did all this,they pointed at veer (Arijit has already given them money for that)

He ask Priyanka who molest her

Priyanka told veer

All shock

V- (turning towards arrohi n vansh) guys trust me I didn't (turning towards jay)no Jay I didn't. Infact this Priyanka told me that he love him

Hearing this Jay gave him a slap(now Vani fan don't curse Jay 😅😅🤣🤣)

Jay hold his collar n started to beat him,vansh n arrohi try to stop them bt wasn't able to Priyanka n Arijit were enjoying the scene

Now veer couldn't take all the blam n beatings so he also 👊👊 jay

They  started fighting very badly arrohi n vansh try to stop them bt they didn't

A-bhai stop it please
J- u r saving him after even after knowing wat he did to me
A- I know veer didn't did anything I trust him

Jay was heartbroken that his sister thought he was lying

Jay-(stopping the fight) n u think that I m lying

A- no Bhai bt veer is innocent .

Va- yes Jay veer is innocent

J- today u have to choose  between me or veer

Arrohi n vansh were in tears . Veer couldn't even look at them
Va- friendship is not about choosing
J-(shouting) no today u have to me or veer???
Va- veer(tears in eyes)

Jay is stunned

A-(holding veer hands ) I choose veer

Jay is stunned n sad that his own sister left him

A- Bhai I love u alot bt I know veer never did it, its all plan of someone n when u will get to know this u will be ashamed of urself (crying)

Flashback end

Jay-(tears in his eyes) that day I lost  my friends becoz of Arijit n Priyanka actually becoz of my stupidity. Instead of trusting my friends I trusted them

Jay was emotionally broken vansh hug him

Va- it's k bro now toa everything is clear

B- can I ask u where is priyanka now ???
J- she  left me 1year ago we broke up .
B- how did u knew the truth

J- after arrohi told me about veer kidnapped I was going to my room to take the car key when I heard  Arijit conversation with Karishma about Priyanka truth n how he was able to break my friendship n how they use me against veer

Jay cry

B- please don't cry please
Va- ya Jay we will handle everything

Then they slept around 1:00

Which turn will take  Jay n veer friendship??

Will bani get to know some more revealation about veer past

Keep reading thank u 😘❤️


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